MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 11 Wine is not afraid of the alley?

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"Get the second word!"

What kind of storm has Catalan's work caused on the Internet? Li Yalin didn't pay special attention to it. After entering the original into a computer and uploading it, he immediately jumped into the intense second drawing.

After all, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Without making a few more words as soon as possible, it is difficult for him to make enough money in a short time.

Aside from the debt of one hundred million yuan, the living expenses alone would be enough for him to worry.

Yes, because he did n’t leave too much deposit in the system, and purchased comic tools recently, his deposit was mostly emptied. Based on the current situation, if you want to stay to the end of the month, you have to save money Used it.

Although it is not impossible to borrow from Ji Nai, the question is, how thick a face can you open your mouth if you borrow money from a loli who bears 100 million debts?

For now, Li Yalin can only hope in comics. Even if he just uploaded the first words and has not yet started marketing, it is very important that the serial comics on the Internet are not just making money by subscribing.

读者 If readers like this comic work, they can give the author support through rewards or reminders, which is very similar to online literature.

The most important thing is that according to the rules of the website, the manga author can choose to receive the manuscript payment independently after the amount of manuscript fees accumulates to a certain standard. The money was enough for him to survive this difficult period.

This is why Li Yalin is so desperate.

"Ya Linsang is really fast, but even if he is drawing comics, he has to pay attention to his body. Don't be too tired." The second words of the three sisters of cat eyes are completed, and Li Yalin's first reader was with him Chino lives under one roof.

乃 Since watching the first words of the three sisters of Cat's Eye, Zhi Nai has become a fan of this comic completely, and she is very happy to be able to see the production of the second word so quickly.

Fortunately, she was also a little worried about Li Yalin's physical condition. After all, he had been boring painting during this time. It really hurt his body. Generally, a cartoonist can maintain a serial of 20 pages of comics in a weekly magazine, which is already a high yield But Li Yalin is really good. He actually drew forty pages of comics in two days.

I went on like this, Zhi Nai was afraid he would not be able to carry it.

Even if you are young, you can't take care of your body so much.

"Well, I will slow down after finishing the third sentence."

Li Yalin knew that Zhi Nai was caring about himself, and of course he would not say anything to refute. While nodding his head, he organized the second manuscripts in his hand. Then he would take these manuscripts to a nearby convenience store, where there is a professional Scanning and copying machine, his first words were scanned in a convenience store.

Although the first scan was a bit rusty, but the second scan was uploaded, he was very familiar with the car, everything came very smoothly, and he also checked the results of the three sisters on the website by the way.

I had been rushing to write the second sentence before, and he didn't have time to go online. The result was exactly the same, but he was startled.

This grade ... is it true?

In just two days, Cat's-Eye has occupied the top position on the weekly Youth Fiery website ranking. If it had not been prepared for a long time, Li Yalin could not even believe his eyes.

He knew that the three sisters of Cat's Eye would definitely be on fire, but he didn't expect to come so fast. This is really the old saying--isn't the wine fragrance afraid of the alleys deep?

Well, no matter how deep the alley is, this wine is sold out anyway. You can see from the hot comment area that readers are paying for this work.

Because of this, the word reminder frequently appears in the comment area, and then take a closer look at the background data. In two days, the three works of cat eyes have increased the click rate of nearly 300,000.

的 The clicks on the Internet are always imaginary. Li Yalin didn't know how the website was counted, so he didn't care.

He is very clear that the real key to measuring the excellentness of this work is actually the number of collections and the number of subscriptions after being put on the shelf.

Although I didn't get a website promotion, I was sitting on the top of the list. This is the biggest publicity, so don't look at it for a short time, but it has also added nearly 10,000 collections to Li Yalin.

You know, this is only the effect of the first words, it is just the beginning.

With the further update of this work, no one can conclude at this moment what kind of achievements this work will have in the future, even Li Yalin cannot predict.

In fact, Li Yalin didn't want to predict any future results, because he was focusing on a more important thing.

That's a reward for cat eyes!

This is ... more than 200,000 island coins? real or fake?

After seeing the bonus data in the background, Li Yalin really wiped his eyes this time, not because there were too few, but because there were too many.

You know, this is a free comic, and it's only the first word. Unless it is really like it, how can there be so many people to reward?

More than 200,000 island coins, UU reading even if it is exchanged for Huaxia Coin, there are more than 10,000 yuan, maybe this number is not much for those old comics, but for a newcomer, It's an amazing result.

The most important thing is that the website stipulates that as long as the manuscript's remuneration reaches RMB 100,000, you can apply for settlement. In other words, as long as Li Yalin wants to, he will receive the settlement manuscript fee tomorrow.

After going to the site's share and manuscript tax, Li Yalin was able to get almost 150,000 ICOs. Although not much, it can ease the immediate need.

This is great news!

Without any hesitation, Li Yalin directly chose the settlement fee. Anyway, his contact information and bank card were submitted when he registered, and the settlement fee was very convenient.

After everything was done, he didn't go to read the comments in the comment area, and quickly rushed back to Rabbit-House. He would tell Zhi Nai the good news and share it with her!

"Jin Nai! I will get the draft fee tomorrow!"

"Welcome, eh?"


亚 Li Yalin returned to Rabbit-House at the fastest speed, but he could open the store, but what he saw was not the familiar figure of Zhi Nai.

Standing in front of him at this time was a girl wearing a light purple coffee shop uniform with a dark purple double ponytail and dark purple twin pupils. She didn't look very old, about 16 or 7 years old.

An outsider appeared in the coffee shop, which was not expected by Li Yalin, but soon, his eyes flashed a stunned look.

I turned out to be her!

My friend's new book "Crossing the Anime as a God of Food", friends who like it can go and see ~