MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 939 How to explain?

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In front of Li Yalin, Spyja said that it was very transparent, and even completely peeled off the nobility of the nobleman, leaving no room for it.

As for Sbia's statement, Li Yalin must also admit that she was absolutely right.

After all, the aristocracy or something ... even the aristocracy standing on their side may not be all good goods ...

"If His Highness Yalin does not hate it, he can leave it to me to deal with it. I know a lot of civilian girls who are not very high, but they are suitable to introduce them to Mr. Lubbock.

"Just don't know what His Royal Highness is like?"

"What else is there to say, then, please, Tosbya!"

Hearing Sbia ’s statement, Li Yalin had already given up the idea of ​​helping Lubbock to introduce the noble girls, but after giving up this idea, how to deal with Lubbock again became a matter of headache.

Fortunately, the next word of Sbia's remarks was the turn of the mountain, letting him see the dawn of hope.

This Spyja girl is really reliable. With her there, this matter is not a problem. By then, they will have an explanation to Lubbock.

It couldn't be better!

"Your Highness Yalin, I heard that Your Highness has been very close to the little girl recently. I wonder if this is the case?"

"Um? Minister Jolly, you are really informed by this news. Do you know such trivial matters?"

In order to help Lubbock introduce them, Li Yalin has been very close to Spyja in recent times. After all, he has a common goal, and he has more contacts.

This seems to be the case, and this incident even shocked the old fox, Minister Jolly.

Seeing that the old fox came forward with a smile on his face, Li Yalin was subconscious and gave a little stun.

Seeing Minister Jolly laugh so much, he knew that there must be nothing good.

What does he want to do?

What moth is he going to do?

"A trifle? Don't you think so? I don't know if His Highness Yalin is paying attention to recent rumors of the Imperial City?"


"Yes, it's a rumor about the marriage agreement between the little girl and His Royal Highness."


Now that he knew that Minister Jolly was doing something, Li Yalin naturally took precautions, but what he didn't expect was that the old fox did not follow the rules.

Look, this opening is something like a marriage contract.

What the **** is this?

How could he never know what marriage he had with Spyja?

"It's no wonder, after all, His Royal Highness Yalin has walked so close to the little girl recently, and similar rumors will come out, which is normal."

"But even if it is just rumors, but the impact on the little girl ... wouldn't His Highness Yalin plan to solve it?"


Faced with this old fox, what can Li Yalin do now besides being speechless?

Good guy.

Waiting for me here?


I think the source of this rumor is you!

According to Minister Jolly, there has been a lot of rumors about the marriage contract between Li Yalin and Sbia in the Imperial City recently. After all, one is the regent of the empire, and the other is the daughter of the minister, saying that they are The pair of golden boy jade and pearl couples is not too exaggerated.

In this way, the rumors that are widely circulated in the imperial capital really have an unstoppable posture, and there is even a faint tendency to spread throughout the empire.

Although the rumors are just rumors, theoretically, you don't need to take your mind too much. However, as the Minister of the Empire, the old fox of Joey feels that it is related to the reputation of his daughter, so Li Yalin, the party, should give a Explain it.


How to explain?

The explanation is that in fact, the purpose of the old fox, Joey, wasn't Li Yalin's intention to marry his daughter home?

Reasonably, Li Yalin dared to make a 100% guarantee. The so-called rumors of the emperor must be the right to be transmitted by Minister Jolly!

As for all he did, it was naturally to tie his daughter to Li Yalin's chariot.

So after understanding the purpose of Minister Jolly, how should Li Yalin choose?

Is righteousness sternly against Minister Jolly?

Or according to the meaning of this old fox, really come up with an explanation?

Well, although I know that this is all a ghost of an old fox, how can I say that Li Yalin really can't refuse it.

The difficulty in rejecting Minister Jolly is only one aspect. More importantly, he is not a fool. Of course, it is clear that Sbiah's affection for him.

So even if it was not in the face of Minister Jolly, just talking about the girl's mind made Li Yalin completely unable to refuse.

After all, he didn't want to hurt a girl who liked him.

Then ...

No way, there is one more person on the fiancee's list, anyway, there are already so many people, and one more one or two, it doesn't matter anymore.

Well, that's it anyway!

Although Li Yalin's empire and his party suddenly had so many fiancees, in the current situation, he was just engaged to everyone, and at best only gave everyone a name.

As for the real wedding ...

Although the wedding is definitely going to be held, it is a pity that it is not now.

At least for Li Yalin, he feels that his wedding should be held in the main world first, and the girls in the main world who love him will marry home, and then it is not too late to consider the wedding in the pupil world.

So in other words, do you really have to return to the main world first and start thinking about marriage?

Reasonable, compared to the simple difficulty of the pupil world, the main world is the real trouble. After all, it is not difficult to solve the bigamy problem, so that the girls can willingly marry themselves. It is not a simple matter. Isn't it?

If you want to get married ...

Sure enough, it takes more work?

Of course, if you want to get married in the main world, in addition to the sisters who need to get rid of it, the marriage of psionic forces from all parties also needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Although Li Yalin fled the main world, the biggest reason was to avoid marriage, but if you think about it carefully, this is still inevitable.

If you can't escape ...

Then you can only bite your head and go up?

Hmm ... it's really troublesome enough ~ ~ Okay, I understand what you mean by the yin and yang hall, I will first associate with Mali for a while, and if we think each other is right, we will discuss the matter of marriage late. "

Since there was no way to escape, Li Yalin simply faced the difficulties. This is not the case. He returned to the main world and came to the Yinyang Hall. His face came calmly when he faced Cangqiao Yuanji.

But he is calm enough, but look at the expression of Kurashibashi Genji ...

What's going on with your awkward look?

"That ... Lord Yalin, let's set aside things in Mali for the time being. My family has a young daughter who is just sixteen years old this year. I don't know Lord Yalin ..."



Is there still this kind of operation?