MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 12 12【Huainan is tangerine and Huaibei is trifoliate】

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  Chapter 12 12 [Huainan is orange and Huaibei is trifoliate]

  In the morning, while Penny was still fast asleep, Xiang Nan got up to make breakfast.

  Afterwards, he put the carefully cooked breakfast on the small dining table and moved it to Penny.

   "Oh, Hani, you are so kind, I feel like I can't live without you." Seeing this, Penny was very moved and couldn't help saying.

  Xiang Nan smiled.

  Actually, he just did what Chinese boys would do.

   May I ask which middle-earth boy doesn't know a little about cooking, and doesn't spoil his girlfriend like a little princess.

   Even so, he is always scolded as a straight man of steel, not gentle, not considerate, and does not understand girls' hearts.

   But I didn't expect that when these tricks were brought to the United States, the effect was so good.

  Xiang Nan was just a little more considerate and gentle. He just gave a thousand yuan gift, and Penny was already moved like this.

  The last time he had a blind date, he gave his partner nearly ten thousand yuan in gifts, and he didn't even touch it with his hands.

   He really couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.


  In the next few days, apart from work, Xiang Nan spent most of his time with Penny.

  Penny, passionate and experienced, was really a good teacher for him, and he learned a lot from her.

  And his act of ignorance of justice was unanimously condemned by Howard, Leonard, and Sheldon.

  Because without him, the three of them couldn't do many things.

   Like Klingon Spelling, Dungeons & Dragons Run, Halo Nights on Wednesdays, Kaya God of War games, etc.

   "Dude, you can't always be around girls, we need you too!" Howard complained to Xiang Nan.

   "Yeah, because I didn't play "Halo" on Wednesday, you know how much I was nagged by Sheldon!" Leonard also said in pain.

   "If you don't participate in the weekend paintball, I think you will be court-martialed." Shelton also threatened.

  Before Raj was a fringe character among the four. According to Shelton, "Kusapari is a lovely foreigner who tried hard to integrate into our lives, but ended in failure."

   This is why when eating together, the other three have seats, and Raj can only sit on the ground.

   But now that Raj is lost, the three of them realize how important he is.

   "I'm sorry, everyone." Xiang Nan spread his hands, "Actually, I'm not doing it for myself, I'm also doing it for the good of you all."

   "What do you mean?" Leonard and Howard asked suspiciously.

   "I have to get closer to Penny, so I can ask her to introduce you guys." Xiang Nan explained.

   "Is there any progress?" Howard asked eagerly when he heard it.

"It's coming soon." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I'm going to hold a birthday party on my birthday. At that time, she will bring her friends, and I'll invite you too. Isn't that all right? .”

  Raj's birthday is October 6th, and there is still a week to go.

   "Good idea." Hearing what he said, Howard and Leonard were very excited, and they no longer pursued Raj's ignorance of justice.


  After returning home at night, Xiang Nan told Penny about holding a birthday party.

   "Is October 6th your birthday? Yes, I will help you celebrate it." Penny agreed straight away. She herself likes to be lively.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan nodded, "Also, I hope you can date some female friends."

   "Huh?!" Hearing what he said, Penny looked over suspiciously.

   "Don't get me wrong." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled, "I hope to introduce them to Leonard and Howard."

"Leonard is nice. I can introduce my sister to him." Penny nodded upon hearing this, "But Howard is too wretched, and he lives with his mother. If I introduce my friend to He, my friend, will definitely break up with me."

   "Actually, you have misunderstood Howard. Although he appears to be very obscene, deep down, he is a very gentle, filial, and infatuated person." Xiang Nan explained.

   "With his income, he can rent a house outside. But because he is afraid of his mother being sad and lonely, he has not moved all these years. The reason why he dresses so naively is because his mother likes him to dress that way."

   "Besides, the reason why he acted so anxiously that it made people feel a little wretched was mainly because he was so eager to express that he went too far."

   "I will try to persuade him and let him restrain himself. Please help him, just take it for my sake."

  Hearing what he said, Penny nodded, "Okay, but you must persuade Howard to really restrain himself. I don't want him to scare my friend."

   "OK, thank you, I owe you." Seeing that she agreed, Xiang Nan immediately smiled happily.


   It was the weekend, and Xiang Nan didn't need to go to work, so he called Howard and went to see the house with him.

  He found several houses through an intermediary, and the prices were relatively cheap, and they were also very close to the school, but he had to see it himself to know whether it was suitable.

   "Raj, okay, why are you moving?" Howard asked puzzled.

"My rent is too expensive. I checked carefully two days ago, and it turns out that my rent is actually 4,500 US dollars per month. Can you imagine, my salary will be swallowed up by it." Xiang Nan explained.

   "What does that matter, I believe your father will help you pay for it." Howard curled his lips and smiled, but he knew that Raj's father ran a hospital and was very rich.

   "Please, I can't always rely on my parents." Xiang Nan waved his hands.

   "So what, I live with my mother too." Howard said indifferently.

   "Howie, I know you love your mother very much, but you should really move out." Xiang Nan persuaded, "No girl would like a person who lives with her mother."

  Howard's expression suddenly became unnatural when he heard what he said.

   "Also, let me tell you some good news. Penny has already introduced her good sister to you at my birthday party." Xiang Nan continued.

   "Really?!" Howard became excited again.

   "Of course." Xiang Nan nodded, "However, she told me to advise you to restrain yourself, stop acting so impatient and over the top, so as not to scare her friends."

   "Dude, look at me, if I don't take the initiative, how can I meet girls." Hearing what he said, Howard couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Hey, Howie, although you can speak Chinese, you haven't grasped the essence of it." Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "There is an old saying in China that goes, 'Haste makes waste'. The more you rush to achieve Goal, the more likely to backfire. You have failed so many times, can't you sum up your experience?"

   Hearing what he said, Howard fell silent.

  (end of this chapter)