MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2562 2564【Save Tufu】

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   Chapter 2562 2564 [Save Tu Fu]

   Two days later, school starts.

  Xiang Nan looked at the weather forecast, and there will be heavy rain in the mountain city in a few days.

  He guessed that Tu Jun's father had an accident in that heavy rain.

  So he started preparing early.

  At about nine o'clock that night, Xiang Nan patrolled around Daxing Village.

   At this time, it was windy and rainy, and the chill was overwhelming, but Xiang Nan was not afraid at all.

  Because he rented a car specially for today's business.

  Now he is sitting in the car, no matter how windy and rainy it is outside, it has nothing to do with him.

  Xiang Nanmo practiced [Zixia Magic Art], and his ear power was greatly strengthened.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that within a radius of 500 meters, there is no way to hide a voice from him.


  At about ten o'clock, Xiang Nan suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle.

  He opened his eyes with a thought, and hurriedly drove the car, followed the sound and chased after him. After running a distance of nearly 500 meters, he saw a motorcycle coming towards this side despite the wind and rain.

  Although it was raining heavily, Xiang Nan could clearly see three pieces of pork on the back of the motorcycle.

   When he saw it, he knew it was Tu Fu's car.

  I saw that the motorcycle was riding crookedly because of the rain and slippery road, which was very dangerous.

  At this moment, it suddenly slid sideways and crashed towards the roadside steps.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan immediately drove over.

   I saw that Tu Fu had already hit the curb. Although he was cushioned by the helmet, blood was still oozing from his head.

   "Tu Fu, hold on, I'll take you to the hospital." When Xiang Nan saw it, he quickly tapped his acupoints to stop the bleeding, then took him into the car and drove towards the hospital.

   "Wen Qin?! Why are you... here?" Tu Fu recognized Xiang Nan and asked in surprise.

   "I happened to be driving by." Xiang Nan explained, "Don't talk, we'll be right there."


   A moment later, the car arrived at the Third People's Hospital, and Tu Fu was sent to the emergency room for emergency treatment.

  Xiang Nan called Tu Fu's home after paying the first aid fee.

  The phone rang for a while before it was finally connected, "Hello, which one?"

   "Old dog, I'm Liu Wenqin, you come to the Third People's Hospital quickly, something happened to your father." Xiang Nan explained.

  Tu Jun was taken aback when he heard this, then put on his clothes and shoes, and rushed all the way to the hospital.

   Half an hour later, Tu Jun finally arrived at the hospital.

   "Brother Qin, what's the matter, what's wrong with my old man?" Seeing Xiang Nan, he immediately asked anxiously.

  Although he and his father often quarrel, but in fact the father and son depend on each other for life, and the relationship is very good.

"The road was slippery on a rainy day, and he accidentally fell down while riding his bicycle. He hit his head on the curb and was accidentally knocked out of blood. I happened to see him and sent him to the hospital." Xiang Nan explained, "Don't Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious, the doctor is already treating her.”

   "Oh." Tu Jun nodded, and then thanked, "Brother Qin, thank you."

   "You're welcome, you and I are brothers, and your old man is not the same as me." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said.

  Tu Jun was very moved when he heard this.


   "Why don't you come out, please don't have anything to do." Tu Jun said nervously, not scratching or scratching in his heart, he was terribly worried.

   "Don't worry, it's fine." Xiang Nan comforted.

   On the way, he checked Tu Fu's injuries. He did hit his head, but it shouldn't be too serious.

  The reason why he died in the play was because he was injured for several hours and was not sent to the hospital, which led to excessive bleeding to death. But this time, he was taken to the hospital as soon as he fell down, so it should be in time.

   "Old man, don't let anything happen, don't let anything happen. I promise you that if you're okay, I won't stop you from marrying Ms. Zhang." Tu Jun still prayed silently.

   It turned out that his father was going to be with Ms. Zhang, but Tu Jun expressed firm opposition, thinking that he should not find himself a stepmother.

   But now he is starting to regret it, if Dad just went like this, how lonely he would be underground.

   At this moment, the doctor came out as soon as the lights in the emergency room were turned off.

  Xiang Nan hurriedly brought Tu Jun forward, "Doctor, is the operation going well? Is the patient okay?"

   "The head injury was moderate. Fortunately, it was delivered in a timely manner and did not cause major bleeding. The operation was successful, so don't worry too much." The doctor explained, "But there is a slight concussion, and I have to stay in the hospital for observation for a while."

   "Thank you doctor, thank you doctor." Hearing what the doctor said, Tu Jun was relieved.

   At this moment, the nurse was pushing Tu Fu out.

  Tu Jun saw that he was lying on the stretcher, his eyes closed tightly, unconscious, and he fell down immediately. I have lived with my father for eighteen years, and this is the first time I have seen him so weak.

   "Okay, don't be afraid, it's okay." Xiang Nan put his arm around his shoulder and said.

   "Yes." Tu Jun nodded.


  Xiang Nan stayed with Tu Jun in the hospital all night, and he didn't go home until Tu Fu woke up and was fine.

  After Tu Fu learned of his illness, he also thanked Xiang Nan very much, "Wen Qin, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have died."

   "You're welcome, Uncle, Laogou and I are brothers, so it's nothing to be busy." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

   "The medical expenses you paid in advance, I will definitely pay you back later." Tu Fu said again.

   "Oh, the matter of money is not urgent. Uncle, it is important that you recuperate from your injuries. I will come to see you when I have time." Xiang Nan laughed, and then said goodbye to his father and son.

   "Hey, son of a bitch, look at Wen Qin, how stable and successful he has become now." After Xiang Nan left, Tu Fu said to Tu Jun, "If you can be like him, I really deserve to die."

   "Okay, take care of your wounds." Tu Jun said unhappily, but he was also very grateful to Xiang Nan in his heart.

  After that, Zhu Weijiao's family, Ding Rongliang's family, Luo Shenxi's family, Ma Tian, ​​Li Anran, etc. all learned about Tu Fu's injury and came to the hospital to visit.

   Knowing that Xiang Nan saved him, he couldn't help being very emotional.

   "This kid is really kind-hearted, no wonder God blesses him."

   "I think he was so ignorant back then, but I didn't expect to be an adult now."

   "Tu Fu, this is also your blessing. You are usually so kind-hearted, and God blesses you."

   Everyone said.


   Tu Fu spent two weeks in the hospital, and was discharged safely after recovering from his injuries.

  In April, with the support of Tu Jun, he held a wedding with Ms. Zhang.

  Actually, Tu Fu originally wanted to wait until his son finished the college entrance examination before getting married, so as not to affect his son's studies.

  But Tu Jun did not agree, but told him to hurry up and marry Ms. Zhang as soon as possible.

"Old man, after your accident, I realized that life is fragile. I don't know when, if you say something happened, something will happen." Tu Jun persuaded his father, "After your accident, I blamed myself countless times and hated myself. Too capricious, too selfish, preventing you from pursuing your own happiness.

  Actually, Mom has been away for a long time, you should have found a companion long ago. So don't put it off any longer, and don't think there is more time. "

  Tu Fu was very moved when he heard what his son said.

   "Turtle son, you've finally grown up." He couldn't help his nose panting.

  (end of this chapter)