MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2629 2631【Fake play is real】

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  Chapter 2629 2631【Fake show is real】

   "How about this, Haonan, next time we have a chance, let's cooperate again. Our Jianan Group is not only developing one real estate, are we afraid that there will be no chance of cooperation?" Chen Jianan heard Xiang Nan's depression, and quickly laughed again.

   "Okay then, Dato, you must cooperate with me next time." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Don't worry, don't worry." Chen Jianan smiled, and then hung up the phone.

   "Well, I'm right." Seeing that Xiang Nan hung up the phone, Situ Haonan smiled proudly and said, "Seeing your expression now, I really feel good."

   "You have the guts, not only to step into my territory, but also to take away my business." Xiang Nan looked at Situ Haonan angrily.

"It's not like the dragon crosses the river." Situ Haonan laughed, "Chen Haonan, I've already told you that there can only be one Yau Ma Tei, and that's me, Situ Haonan. I'm not only going to take your territory , take away your business, and will take away your woman in the future..."

   At this moment, Deng Meiling suddenly stood up, and a glass of beer was poured on his face.

   "Bastard~" Situ Haonan's younger brothers immediately stepped forward to beat her when they saw her.

"Stop it all. Don't do it with girls, that would be too immature." Situ Haonan stopped immediately, then took out a tissue and wiped his face, "Chen Haonan, the New Year is coming soon, I promise that next year I will completely wipe you Drive out of Yau Ma Tei. So you have to cherish the little time left, and I won't bother you."

   After finishing speaking, he led the team away gracefully.

  Xiang Nan downed a pitcher of beer in one go, looking devastated.

   "Don't be like this, it's just a temporary failure." Seeing this, Deng Meiling quickly comforted her.

"It's not that I missed it for a while, but that I might die. In this financial crisis, I almost lost all my net worth. I pointed at this real estate to turn over, but I didn't expect to be cut off halfway." Xiang Nan looked depressed. He said, "And, look, I'm here, and they dare to provoke me.

  Next year I may really be kicked out of Yau Ma Tei. By that time, I will be just a joke. "

   "No, you will definitely get better." Seeing this, Deng Meiling comforted her distressedly, "Actually, it is a blessing in disguise. A temporary loss does not mean it is not good."

   "What do you mean?" Xiang Nan looked up at her.

  A trace of panic flashed across Deng Meiling's face, she waved her hands again and again and said, "'s not interesting. I mean you have to take a long-term view, and the future will definitely be fine."

   "You lied to me, how can the future be better? I don't know how many people in Xiangjiang have jumped off buildings, and I may be one of them in the future." Xiang Nan said with a smirk.

   "You trust me, really." Deng Meiling said sincerely.

   "Whether it is or not, thank you anyway." Xiang Nan nodded and took another full drink.

  Seeing this, Deng Meiling couldn't help feeling very heartbroken.

  Seeing her expression, Xiang Nan's impression of her immediately improved a lot.

  He knew for a long time that Deng Meiling was a commercial spy, a dog under Chen Jianan's orders, and his purpose of approaching him was just to find out.

  So her teasing, hinting, and showing weakness before were all acting to him. No matter how realistic she acted, Xiang Nan felt disgusted.

   But seeing that she still has some sincerity towards him now, it made him feel a little better. But before Deng Meiling turned her back on Chen Jianan and completely trusted him, Xiang Nan only regarded her as a poisonous snake and would not devote any affection to her.


  After dinner, Deng Meiling helped Xiang Nan back to the hotel, and then took the initiative to help him take off his clothes.

  Xiang Nan also hugged her in a daze, and took off her clothes while kissing.

  The two immediately rolled together.

  After several hearty battles, Xiang Nan pretended to wake up from drunkenness.

  Actually, before that, he was always acting.

  Situ Haonan took "Love" with a sword and took over Huihua Jiayuan, thinking that he would make a lot of money. In fact, it is simply a huge hole.

  Xiang Nan has sent private detectives to find out that the house in Huihua Jiayuan has already been mortgaged by Chen Jianan. As a result, all buyers will lose everything.

   At that time, Situ Haonan, who is in charge of representing this real estate, will not only face a lawsuit, but also bear a huge debt of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, and promise to let this grandson have a good drink.

  The reason why he pretended to be angry, depressed, and downcast just now was just to confuse Situ Haonan, make him complacent, and neglect his precautions, so that he will fall even worse in the future.

  Even clapping with Deng Meiling was done on purpose.

  The so-called flowers can be broken straight to be broken, don't wait for no flowers to break branches. The beauty naturally offered to deliver it to her door, and he had no reason to refuse.

   "Why am I here...Did we just..." Xiang Nan rubbed his head, pretending he just woke up from a hangover.

   "This is a hotel, I brought you back." Deng Meiling explained, "Don't worry, I did it voluntarily."

   "But, you and Uncle Qi..." Xiang Nan looked shocked.

   "Don't get me wrong, he is just my godfather, I have nothing to do with him." Deng Meiling waved her hand.

   "..." Xiang Nan was skeptical when he heard it.

   "Really, believe it or not." Deng Meiling said again.

   "Okay, thank you." Xiang Nan nodded, then got up and got dressed.

   "Are you leaving now?" Seeing this, Deng Meiling asked hastily.

   "Well, but don't worry, I won't deny it." Xiang Nan said, and then left, "wait for my call tomorrow."


   Turning around, it was Winter Festival, and Xiang Nan invited Deng Meiling to go shopping.

   "Choose whatever you like, and I'll buy it for you." He said to Deng Meiling.

   "Do you still have money?" Deng Meiling asked in doubt when she heard this.

   "Even if I have no money, I can still afford a few clothes and jewelry." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Forget it, I'm satisfied if you have this intention." Deng Meiling waved her hand and said, "Besides, I voluntarily did it yesterday. I'm not a chicken, and I didn't accompany you for a gift."

   "I know, don't get me wrong, I just want to treat you better." Xiang Nan explained.

   "Why, why are you being nice to me?" Deng Meiling asked immediately.

"Because you are kind to me. As the saying goes, if you throw a peach, you will return it." Xiang Nan smiled, "And for some reason, from the day I met you, I felt that you would not harm me. So I would like to be nice to you."

  Hearing what he said, Deng Meiling couldn't help being taken aback, a touch of emotion and guilt flashed across her face.

   "Okay, let's look at the clothes again. You wanted to buy jewelry at Chow Tai Fook yesterday. Which one do you want to buy? I'll buy it for you." Xiang Nan laughed again.

   "No need, no need." Deng Meiling waved her hands again and again, "Actually, I have nothing to buy."

   "Really?! Don't lie to me." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Really." Deng Meiling nodded.

   "Okay, if you change your mind, tell me, as long as I can buy it, I will help you." Xiang Nan nodded.

  (end of this chapter)