MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2643 2645 [Conspiracy shattered]

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   Chapter 2643 2645 [Conspiracy shattered]

   "It's not surprising, men are power animals, and no one wants to have power." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Lei Fuhong shouldn't be the leader of the Sanlian Gang, he is at best a wealthy young man in the United States.

   But when he returned to Treasure Island, he was the leader of tens of thousands of people, capable of calling the wind and the rain and shaking the universe. No man can resist this temptation. "

   "But what surprises me is that Uncle Zhongyong treats him so well and supports him wholeheartedly, why does he still want to kill him?" Ding Yan asked in bewilderment.

  If you say who is the most loyal to Lei Fuhong in the Sanlian Gang, and Zhongyong Boruo is the second, then no one dares to say the first. In fact, if the two elders Zhongyong Bo and Jin Ye hadn't supported him and waved the flag for him, she would not have chosen to abdicate.

  But Lei Fuhong killed Uncle Zhongyong, causing him to lose a general. She couldn't understand such a way of killing each other.

   "It's very simple, because the ideas are different. Lei Fuhong is ready to accept recruitment, and is going to use the power of politicians to unify the gangs in Baodao and become a true underground emperor.

  But Uncle Zhongyong knew that Zhao’an was unreliable, and he always opposed Zhao’an, so he had a conflict of ideas with him. If Lei Fuhong wants to realize his ambition, he must get rid of the obstacle Zhongyongbo.

   First, you can blame Long Da on him, making him more notorious; second, after removing this obstacle, you can also make yourself reform smoothly. "Xiang Nan explained.

   When Ding Yan heard this, he suddenly realized.

   "Then what should we do next?" She then asked.

   "We don't have to do anything, he is destined to be unlucky." Xiang Nan smiled.

   "Why?" Ding Yan was a little puzzled.

"Because his ambition is too great. He has to accept recruitment and become an underground emperor at the same time. Can you imagine that Song Jiang would continue to expand Liangshan's power after he defected to Song Ting? Who would agree with him doing this?" Xiang Nan curled his lips.

  Since accepting the recruitment, it means losing the power of autonomy, and the fate will be controlled by others from then on. But Lei Fuhong still wanted to make his own decisions, and even tried to annex other gangs in vain.

   To be honest, as long as the brain is not in the water, no one will agree to his conditions.

   Ding Yan nodded.


   Sure enough, in the next two days, Ding Yan received news from his cronies that Lei Fuhong did intend to accept recruitment, and even planned to replace the name of the Sanlian Gang.

   And Jin Ye also issued a secret order to unify the major gangs on Baodao. If there are those who do not want to submit, they will be killed without mercy.

"Young people nowadays are really amazing. Their ambitions are even greater than Lei Gong. Lei Gong just wanted to step into Macau and get a piece of the action. He actually wanted to unify the Baodao gang, and he was really not afraid of being supported to death." Ding All said with emotion.

  She has been the leader of the gang for five years, but she doesn't have that much ambition.

"If God wants to destroy people, they must first make them crazy." Xiang Nan laughed, "Actually, I understand Lei Fuhong's thoughts. He abandoned the superior and comfortable life in the United States and returned to Treasure Island. He definitely didn't want to be a leader of the Sanlian Gang .

  He thinks he has drunk foreign ink and is smarter than his father and most of the gang members, so he naturally expects better of himself. How can a mere triad leader satisfy his appetite. "

   Ding Yan nodded, thinking it made sense.


   In addition, her cronies also found Uncle Zhongyong's head horse A Liu.

  It turned out that he knew the truth about Uncle Zhongyong's murder. He bought another confidant of Uncle Zhongyong, A Guang, and promised him a large sum of money if he killed Uncle Zhongyong.

  As a result, after Ah Guang killed Uncle Zhongyong as promised, Lei Fuhong was worried that the news would leak out, so he sent someone to kill him.

   Fortunately, Ah Guang also knows the truth that the cunning rabbit is dead and the lackey is cooking, so he asks his family to bring a letter to Ah Liu. In the letter, he told about his betrayal of Uncle Zhongyong, and also said that if he was killed, Lei Fuhong would definitely be the one who killed him.

   After Ah Liu received the letter, he didn't know what to do. But in order to avenge his brother, he still disclosed the contents of the letter. For a while, the Sanlian gang and even the entire Baodao gang were shocked by it.

  No one thought that Uncle Zhongyong, who had always been loyal and courageous, would die at the hands of those who supported him.

   It’s just that no one knows the content of the letter, whether it’s true or not, so they murmur in private and dare not say it publicly.

  But Lei Fuhong knew that what Ah Liu said was true. So he hastily sent people to hunt Ah Liu across the island, and he must be killed to silence him, lest he tell the truth again.

  Seeing this, Ding Yan immediately dispatched his cronies to find Ah Liu first and protect him.

   "Next, it's time for you to turn the tide." Xiang Nan smiled at her, "When Lei Fuhong succeeds as the leader of the Sanlian Gang, that's when he will go to jail."

   Ding Yan nodded.


  Five days later, on May 20th, Lei Fuhong officially took over as the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

   And just as he stood on the stage and took the oath to take over as the leader of the gang, Ding Yan brought a group of cronies to the auditorium.

   "Sorry, everyone, I'm late." She smiled slightly.

   "It doesn't matter, it's fine if you can come, please sit down." Seeing Ding Yan suddenly appear, Lei Fuhong couldn't help but look cold when he saw that the visitor was obviously not friendly.

   "No rush. The reason why I came today is not to watch the ceremony, but to clean up the door for the Sanlian Gang." Ding Yan said, and then pushed Ah Liu to the front of the stage.

   "I can prove that Uncle Zhongyong was killed by Lei Fuhong." Ah Liu said loudly immediately.

   "What did you say? What benefit did you take from her?" Lei Fuhong immediately pointed to Ah Liu and asked.

  Everyone present was a bit confused, not knowing who was real and who was fake.

"If you dare to do it, you must dare to admit it. You are still a man. If you do it and dare not admit it, you are just a coward." Ding Yan curled his lips, "How could Lei Gong have a son like you, it is really embarrassing for his old man. Jinye, do you think so?"

"Yes, I can also prove that Uncle Zhongyong was indeed killed by Lei Fuhong. Because he opposed the recruitment, but Lei Fuhong not only wanted to accept the recruitment, but also planned to unify the gangs on the island..." Jin Ye coughed lightly and stood up Said.

  It turned out that after Ding Yi returned to Baodao, he immediately sent someone to arrest Jin Ye's wife and children, forcing him to speak out at the inauguration ceremony. So he had to.

   "Ha, you have also accepted her benefits." Lei Fuhong immediately pointed to Master Jin and said, "How dare you betray me and the Sanlian Gang?!"

  At this moment, another person stood up and said, "I prove that Mr. Jin is right, I am the official responsible for contacting Mr. Lei.

  Mr. Lei did accept our offer, and he wants to use our power to unify the gangs on the island and dominate the rivers and lakes. It's just that Mr. Lei, your ambition is too great, we really can't accept your request. "

   Seeing so many testimonies, the Sanlian Gang members who were present had no choice but to believe it.

   And Lei Fu saw that his plan had been shattered, and all the gang members were staring at him, knowing that if he didn't escape, he would be torn to pieces.

  Immediately took out the gun from his waist, shot Ding Yan and Jin Ye twice, then turned and ran.

  (end of this chapter)