MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2644 2646【Golden basin to wash hands】

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   Chapter 2644 2646 [Golden Basin Washing hands]

  When the gun fired, Ding Yan was taken aback.

   At this moment, she was suddenly pulled by the person behind her.

  The bullet flew past her body, crashed to the ground, and made a small hole in the floor.

  Ding Yan escaped unharmed, safe and sound.

   "Brother Nan, thank you." She quickly said gratefully.

  It turned out that the person who stretched out his hand just now was Xiang Nan.

  He was worried that Ding Yan would be in danger, so he specially pretended to be a younger brother and stood beside her to protect her, which really worked.

   But Jin Ye didn't have Xiang Nan's protection, he was shot in the chest by Lei Fuhong, blood gushed out immediately, and before he was sent to the hospital, he had already burped his fart.

  The so-called hound must be mourned on the mountain. He wholeheartedly supported Lei Fuhong, and even advised him to deal with Ding Yan, Long Da, and Uncle Zhongyong, but now he died under Lei Fuhong's gun, and he deserved this reward.

   Lei Fuhong did not escape for long, and was soon arrested and brought to justice.

  Because he shot and killed Jin Ye in public, which is obvious to all. That alone was enough to send him to prison.

   And he killed Uncle Zhongyong and intends to dominate the Jianghu. He seems to have become the enemy of all gangs. It is no wonder that he has a good life in the prison.

   Sure enough, within half a year, Lei Fuhong couldn't bear the pressure and chose to commit suicide in prison. After his death, Ding Yan buried his ashes with Lei Gong, so that the father and son were reunited.

Of course, this is something.


  After Lei Fuhong's accident, Ding Yan took over as the leader of the gang again.

  At this time, Uncle Zhongyong and Lord Jin are dead, and the power of the elders is also greatly weakened, and they have no ability to control her anymore, which makes Ding Yi's position as the leader of the gang more stable.

   After Lei Fuhong's incident, his marriage contract with Nanako Kusao was officially annulled.

   Subsequently, Kusakari Kazuo betrothed his daughter to Pheasant.

  Because Pheasant is young and promising, he is Hong Xing's most promising person to take over as the leader, and his future is limitless.

   Pheasant is naturally very happy to have such a beautiful lady.

  The wedding of the two was officially held at the end of the two thousand years.


  In the middle of two thousand years, Xiang Nan and Lin Xilei broke up amicably, and then got together with MaggieQ.

  MaggieQ was born as a model. After developing in Hong Kong in 1998, she began to act in movies. Two thousand years of "Supermodel" made her famous, which also attracted Xiang Nan's attention.

  Compared to Lin Xilei, MaggieQ, who grew up in Honolulu and was a model, has a more ghostly personality, more bold and unrestrained, and is more suitable for Xiang Nan.

   Entering the year 2001, Xiang Nan is about to step down as the leader of Hong Xing.

   On the one hand, Hong Xing’s business has already entered into a regular state, and many regular businesses are doing well. Even without him, they can live well;

  On the one hand, although he has been committed to whitewashing since 1996. But the foundation is dirty, and it is not so easy to clean it. After all, in Xiangjiang society, everyone knows his details, and no one can really talk to him. So the best way is to go to a strange place and start your life anew.

  So in March 2001, when Hong Xing held another election, Xiang Nan formally nominated Han Bin as the leader.

   Firstly, Han Bin acts more prudently and fairly; secondly, Pheasant has been selected by Kazuo Kusakari as the successor of the Yamada-gumi. If he takes over as the leader of Hong Xing again, the power will be out of balance.

   "Anan, you have done such a good job as a leader, and we all admire you. Besides, you are still so young, why do you want to quit?" Han Bin was surprised when he heard it.

   "Yes, Anan, you said transformation, and we have also transferred, what are you dissatisfied with?" Thirteenth sister also said, "You should stay, without you, we really can't do it."

   "Yeah, Anan, I haven't retired at all, you are only thirty-one years old, why are you going to retire so soon?" Aji also asked in doubt.

"Now that the company's business is on track and everyone's performance is very good, I'm relieved." Xiang Nan explained, "And to be honest, everyone has a period of burnout. Seven years, I'm really tired, I hope everyone will allow me to leave."

   Seeing what he said, everyone had no choice but to nod, and then voted together, and Han Bin succeeded the leader.


  After stepping down from the leading position, Xiang Nan successively disposed of his properties in Xiangjiang and prepared to immigrate to Greece.

  Before he left, he agreed with Deng Meiling and Li Jiaxin that if they wanted, they could go to Greece with him to live.

   There, he will still give them the best life possible.

  But after thinking about it, Deng Meiling and Li Jiaxin both chose to refuse.

  Deng Meiling hopes to return to Malaysia, find a good family, get married and have children. Li Jiaxin is also planning to end the underground relationship and find a man to marry in a serious relationship.

   Xiang Nan respected both of their choices.

   Subsequently, he left 10 million Hong Kong dollars for each of them, and they broke up amicably.

  At the end of 2001, Xiang Nan officially immigrated to Greece with Xiao Jieba, and held a simple wedding there.

  During the Spring Festival, the two returned to Xiangjiang to visit grandma.

  Grandma was overjoyed when she learned that the two were married. As a result, he was so excited that he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. As a result, because the rescue was ineffective, it eventually led to death, and Xiang Nan blamed himself very much.


  At the end of 2001, Kazuo Kusakari also officially resigned as the leader of the Yamada group, and handed over the management of the Yamada group to his son-in-law Pheasant.

  Before Pheasant went to Dongying to take over, Xiang Nan found him, "Remember, beware of Cao Caolang."

   "Kusakari?! Kusakari Kazuo's adopted son, Nanako's god-brother?" Pheasant was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Because he originally thought that the Yamada group would be taken over by him. Now it's you, will he be convinced?" Xiang Nan explained, "The first time I saw him, when Kazuo Kusakari said that he would marry Nanako Give it to me, I noticed that the eyes he looked at me were extremely cold, and he couldn't hide his murderous intent at all, so you have to be careful."

   Pheasant nodded upon hearing this.

  He knew that Xiang Nan would not target indiscriminately.


  Subsequently, Xiang Nan and others participated in the inauguration ceremony of Pheasant.

  During the grand ceremony, Xiang Nan secretly twirled his fingers, which ruined Cao Molang's waist, making him want to be rude to Cao Mocai, but he had no chance.

  But Xiang Nan didn't want his life, but left it to the pheasant to deal with. For the pheasant, this is also a training.

  After the inauguration ceremony was over, Xiang Nan completely cleared the Bone Bone Palm in Ding Yi's body, "From now on, I won't control you anymore, you are free."

But Ding Yan shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "You are really cruel. For so many years, I have always obeyed you and obeyed everything. You retired from the world, but you only took Xiao Jieba away, not me. Could it be Am I just a tool in your heart?"

   "If you are just a tool, why should I do so many things for you?" Xiang Nan said with a smile, "It's just that you have such a strong desire for power, how can I be willing to let you give up everything and retire with me."

  Ding Yan nodded after hearing what he said.

  (end of this chapter)