MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 8 8 [Sharpening a knife without cutting firewood by mistake]

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  Chapter 8 8 [Sharpening a knife without cutting firewood by mistake]

  Five people came to a steak restaurant recommended by Penny.

   "Today is Saturday, so we should eat Chinese food." Shelton frowned after seeing Penny invite them to eat steak, and got off the car.

  Penny couldn't help being a little embarrassed seeing him say that.

  She kindly invited everyone to dinner, but she didn't expect that some people would not appreciate it.

   "Sheldon, be friendly." Leonard quickly reminded.

   "But I'm not wrong, we eat Chinese food on Saturday." Sheldon insisted, he is not someone who gives in easily.

   Seeing him being so picky, Penny was even more embarrassed.

   Unexpectedly, I could treat guests, but I was able to invite them.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help shaking his head.

   "Sheldon, listen to Penny, we will eat whatever she asks us to eat!" Howard said doggy.

   "Today is Saturday, so you should eat Chinese food." Shelton continued to insist, he is not a person who is easy to give in.

   Seeing that he was so stubborn, Penny was about to give in and take everyone to eat Chinese food.

   At this moment, Xiang Nan said, "Sheldon, allow me to quote Spock's words before he died, 'The needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few.'"

  Xiang Nanyi quoted Spock's classic lines in "Star Trek", and Sheldon, who is a loyal Spock fan, immediately succumbed.

   "Alright then." He nodded.

  Seeing that he finally gave in, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Penny glanced at Xiang Nan gratefully.


   Enter the restaurant, after ordering, everyone chats while eating.

   Leonard and Howard both want to get close to Penny and know more about her, so they frequently ask her questions.

  Where was born, where did he grow up, where did he go to school, where did he graduate, where did he work, how many members of his family were there, and their names... He asked a lot of questions.

   In contrast, Xiang Nan and Sheldon sat quietly aside.

   Sheldon doesn't like these topics and doesn't want to participate in this boring conversation.

  Xiang Nan knew that girls would most mind if a boy checks his household registration at the first meeting.

  He has been on blind dates so many times, so he has some experience.

  Penny was indeed interrogated by Leonard and Howard.

  She invited everyone to dinner tonight to express her gratitude, not from Jie Lao Di.

   "Raj, what is your job?" She coughed lightly and changed the subject.

   "I do research in astrophysics. Have you seen the stars in the sky? I will study them." Xiang Nan pointed to the sky outside the window.

   "Wow, you are amazing." Penny said in admiration when she heard it.

  Just now Leonard and Howard introduced their jobs, but she didn't understand a single word.

   And Xiang Nan's job is clear at a glance, it is actually the study of stars, which is quite tall in her opinion.

   "If you are interested, you can come to my astronomy room, and I will show you the stars in the sky." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Really? Okay!" Penny nodded in agreement.

   "Looking at the stars is nothing special. If you're interested, I can let you drive on Mars." Seeing that Xiang Nan managed to ask Penny, Howard said enviously.

   "No need." Penny glanced at him and flatly refused.

   Howard was rejected, and he was a little discouraged.


   "It's only eight o'clock, it's still early, do you want to have a drink?" After eating, Howard offered to invite.

   "Today is Saturday, and Saturday is laundry night." Shelton immediately said when he heard it, and then he was puzzled, "I really don't know what happened to you today."

   "Sheldon~" Leonard begged.

  He wanted to be with Penny, he didn't want to take Sheldon home.

   "Leonard, you know me, today is laundry night, we have to go back." Shelton insisted.

   "Sheldon, Spock said before he died..." Leonard was about to learn from Xiang Nan, citing Spock's famous quotes to persuade him.

   At this moment, Howard sent a divine assist, "Bye Leonard."

   "Hmm..." Sheldon suddenly looked at Leonard proudly.

   Leonard had a bitter face, so he reluctantly bid farewell to Penny and drove Sheldon away.

   "Okay, where are we going?" Howard said eagerly.

   "Actually, I want to go back to the astronomy room and confirm my discovery again." Xiang Nan said.

   "You're not mistaken! There are beauties here today, but you actually have to go to work, you are such an idiot!" Seeing what Xiang Nan said, Howard couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

   It's just that no matter how softly he spoke, it didn't escape Penny's ears.

   Seeing Howard say this, Penny was the first to despise him.

   As for Xiang Nan's approach, he expressed his appreciation.

   "Can I go to the astronomy room with you, I want to see those stars." She proposed to Xiang Nan.

  When Howard saw this, he was immediately envious and jealous.

   "If that's the case, then I'll go too." He also quickly expressed his opinion.

  Xiang Nan has nothing to do.

  To be honest, picking up girls is really not the first priority for him.

  The so-called sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodcutter! As long as you make yourself better, you shouldn't have to worry about having no women.

   Moreover, Penny was not his best choice.

  Although she is young, beautiful, blond, blue-eyed, a typical American sweetheart, lovable, but her love history is too rich.

   Leonard can accept it, but Xiang Nan cannot.

   And after watching the entire episode, Leonard and Penny, the official CPs, also left a deep impression on him.

  Xiang Nan subconsciously thinks that Penny belongs to Leonard, and now he and Leonard are good friends, so he doesn't want to destroy this relationship.


  The three then drove to Caltech and entered the astronomy room.

   "Wow, this is where you work?" Penny said in surprise when entering the astronomy room, "But I didn't see the telescope, where is it?"

   There are many computers and instruments in the astronomy room, but there is no telescope.

   "In Hawaii, the observation angle and weather conditions are the best. The telescope is set there to obtain the best observation effect." Howard rushed to explain, "Then the signal can be transmitted to the screen in real time through the optical fiber."

   "Hmm." Penny blinked, not very interested in these.

"Tell you an interesting thing. I observed some optical flashes a few days ago, which may be reflected by natural objects. But natural objects usually have weak reflection, so they are probably alien man-made objects." Xiang Nan laughed again said.

   "Wow, cool!" Penny's eyes widened when she heard that.

   "Sit down first, I'll finish my work first." Xiang Nan laughed again.

   "OK, you go first." Penny nodded.

  Xiang Nan immediately came to the workbench and started working.

  He wants to use the Keck astronomical telescope in Hawaii to take pictures of the planet TOI700d.

  Because to register a new star, in addition to the coordinates, you also need to have its photo. Then apply to the International Astronomical Union. After it conducts further scientific verification and confirms that it is really a new star, the applicant can be certified.

  Xiang Nan now only has the coordinates, but no photos of the planet, so he has to make up this lesson now.

  (end of this chapter)