MTL - Say Yes To Making Bad Games, What the Hell is Titanfall?-Chapter 16 I can't survive a bit!

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  Chapter 16 I can't survive a little!

  The barrage burst into laughter instantly!

  ‘Hahahahahahaha what a smart game’

  'As expected of you, Golden Wind'

  ‘Winter melon’s nickname is Xiaoliang’

  ‘It’s okay to fly out directly, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…’”

  ‘Brother Egg probably didn’t expect this kid’s bones to be so strange’

  ‘It’s fun, with the beauty of a geek in disguise’

  'You know Jim Carrey'

  ‘How can anyone scold their own baby sb, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha”

  ‘This game is really too abstract…’

  The barrage burst out laughing, but Liu Peijia looked anxious!

   Can’t just let the winter melon die like this!

   Otherwise, he should be his son!

   "Winter melon! Are you dead, woc?"

   Liu Peijia went downstairs in a hurry, wanting to go around to the back garden to check on the winter melon.

   However, the door was only opened!

   I saw an unknown object flying towards me!

   Like a pulled out gummy, it slapped on his face.

   Immediately afterwards, I heard a strange cry from Winter Melon: "Ada!"

  Winter melon wearing a diaper flew up and gave Liu Peijia a kick!

   "Inside the department! Daddy!!"

   You know, this game did not do a collision volume test under Gu Sheng's instruction.

  This also leads to its stress performance, which will collapse in a certain limit state.


  Following the electric cannon flying kick of the diaper version of winter melon, Liu Peijia actually flew up!

  Like a deflated balloon, it flew around the living room, and finally fell to the ground like a weak doll, spinning in circles.

  One time!

  The live broadcast room was full of exclamations from the two of them!

   "Fuck! Fuck! I'm flying! Help, save!!"

   "Fuck, Daddy is so handsome! Wuhu! My dad is ascending to heaven!!"

  The barrage burst out laughing—

  '"Filial Piety Out of Power"'

  ‘Hahahahahaha father is kind and son is filial’

  ‘Is this a game made by people? '

  ‘There is a kind of aesthetic feeling made by learning animation for three years’

  ‘It’s too creepy hahahahaha’

  ‘My dad’s ascension really made me laugh out loud, this game is really too sandy’

  'bring a filial son'

  ‘Double Hyperthyroidism’

  'Query the mental state of the game designer—'

  ‘I can only say that the effect of the program is full...’



  Winter Melon has never seen such an outrageous game, and the joy of mischief makes him extremely excited!

   Before Liu Peijia could stand up, he jumped up and ran straight to the refrigerator in the same running posture as Qi Xingzhong!

   "Daddy! Daddy is hungry! I need to eat by the hour!"

   While talking, Winter Melon stretched out his hand.

   It stands to reason that with his size, he couldn't pull the handle of the refrigerator.


  There is no common sense in this game.

  The next second, I saw the two arms of the winter melon stretched out like nougat in an instant. With an extremely outrageous posture, I pulled the doorknob and opened the refrigerator.

   "Wuhu! Let me see! Is there any rat poison in our refrigerator!"

  Behind him, Liu Peijia finally stood up.

  Hearing this, he scrambled and crawled on the spot, complaining and chasing winter melon:

   "Why did you open the door! Hey! Hey! You can't just eat what's in the refrigerator!"

   "Don't worry about it! I have to order small burgers today! Hey hey hey!"

  Winter melon doesn't care about Liu Peijia, after all, if he succeeds in killing him, he will be the father next time!

   Seeing the hope of death, I saw the winter melon standing directly in the refrigerator, hurriedly grabbed the burger, and stuffed it into his mouth with the box attached!

   "Eat! Fuck me, I'm just a fierce show! I want to be a father after rebirth!"

   Take a bite of the refrigerated burger!

   I saw that the satiety of the winter melon instantly increased by one-fifth, but it was displayed as a green poisoned state!

   Liu Peijia's expression changed drastically!

   "Don't! Don't eat, don't eat! Damn it! Put down the turtle and eat it! You're going to die!"

   "Impossible! I'll just eat it! Just show off!"

  Winter Melon let out an evil laugh, already in a state of hyperthyroidism!

   "I can't even save me! I can't **** survive today!!"

  Liu Peijia was going crazy, watching the poisoned state of the wax gourd was about to be superimposed.

   In a hurry, he subconsciously wanted to pick up the wax gourd, so as to interrupt all the baby's acts of death.

  But unexpectedly, I made a mistake in my busy schedule.

  Accidentally, my hand touched the refrigerator door!

   "Hey, hey, I don't care—!!"


  In an instant, Liu Peijia shouted desperately in the live broadcast room—

   "Oh shit! I pressed the wrong button! Why the **** did I close the refrigerator door!"

  The barrage is almost laughing like crazy—

  ‘Hahahahahaha he even closed the refrigerator door! '

  'Brother Egg: You die so slowly, let me help you'

  ‘The focus is on family harmony’

   ‘Daddy is most dangerous when he is not in danger’

  ‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha how many steps should I take to put my son in the refrigerator? '

  ‘It’s really hopeless now’

  ‘This game is really too hyperthyroid’

  ‘Laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes hahahahaha’

  'This game is too **** crazy'

  ‘Although it’s perfunctory, it’s fun to be enthralled’

  'Egg brother pure pure stupid ratio'

  ‘Maybe brother eggplant closed the refrigerator door on purpose? (dog head)'

  ‘Just to be a son (funny)’

  'Don't tell me, this game is really more fun to be a son...'

   Following the audience's discussion!

   Just five seconds later!

【you lose】

  Following three large characters appeared on Liu Peijia's screen!

   In the voice channel, Winter Melon's victory cheers also sounded:

   "Awesome! I'm Zhuo! I'm just a good guy!"

   "Young people are in good health, just lie down!"

   "Brother Eggplant! Guess what! I want to be your father!!"

   And Liu Peijia turned into a Cybertronian on the spot.

  Small mouth, birds singing and flowers fragrant.

  The live broadcast room is hot!


at the same time!

  Shen Miaomiao looked at the time.

  It's already ten o'clock.

   In the shark game area, in A Yin's live broadcast room, the voice of the boss came out:

   "Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast, tomorrow is still the same time, we will see you soon, goodbye!"

   After speaking, the live broadcast room went black.

  Shen Miaomiao also let out a long sigh of relief.


   Finally, there were no accidents.

  She squatted in A Yin's live broadcast room early today, in order to give herself a vaccination in advance.

   Don’t be like the cat Leo before, who somehow became popular in the game area.

   Fortunately, this time, Gu Sheng's good luck did not seem to continue.

   A Yin didn't get their "Who is Dad" in today's bad game session.

   Just tested a few games with mediocre ideas and boring ideas, and A Yin decided to download it.


  Shen Miaomiao was very happy:

   "There will be no accidents now."

   Without the driving force of the anchor, according to the price of a game of 5 yuan, even if thousands of copies were sold in a week, she would still lose 80,000 to 90,000 yuan, which is equivalent to 80,000 to 900,000 yuan!

   Not only can you make up for the money you didn't lose last time, but you can also make a lot of money!

  If it has been going so smoothly, then she will be able to realize the freedom of wealth as soon as possible, and achieve the life of a salted fish.

   At that time, if Dad still finds himself dead at home, he will charter a yacht to travel around the world.


  Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao couldn't help laughing smugly.

   It has to be a system!

   Ideal life is within easy reach!

  However, what Shen Miaomiao didn't know was.

   Just when she turned off the live broadcast room and climbed into bed to start her dream.

   Far away in Jinmen City, A Yin, who had just finished the live broadcast, turned on his phone.

  In the mobile phone, a short video full of "laughter" and "birds and flowers" jumped on the screen—

   "I don't care! I'll just eat! I won't **** survive today!"

   "Damn it! Damn it! How the **** did I close the refrigerator door!"

   "Wuhu! Good death!"

   "Pinch the horse, I really killed your sixth son..."

  A Yin was amused until he burst out laughing—

   "Meeting the game is interesting..."

  (end of this chapter)