MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 12 Shutan's days spent in pretend death

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At night, the stars are bright and the breeze is blowing.

Sapphire gate, in the garden.

擎 Tang Qing leaned against the wall, sitting on a stool, tilted Erlang's legs, eyes half open and half closed, holding a little peanut in his hand and eating leisurely. If you leave aside trouble, this leisurely life would be comfortable, and it would be better to have a small pot of wine, humming Xiaoquer, drinking small wine, has always been Tang Qing's dream life.

"Damn godstick!"

Shangguan Ling and Yunmo came back from her aunt and saw Tang Qing's leisurely appearance, and the inexplicable anger swelled upwards, especially Shang Guanling. She couldn't see Tang Qing's lazy attitude and was under such great pressure herself , Approaching collapse, and this guy seems to care nothing, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

The same is true for Yunmo. Although she is not as angry as Shang Guanling, she is very confused. She ca n’t understand and can't figure it out. How can this guy be so casual, so free and easy, and everything is random? It doesn't matter, everything is free and easy.

"Sister Mo and I are leaving tomorrow. Your death stick will stay honestly at Qingyumen from now on. You can't go anywhere. You hear me!"

"I see." Tang Qing still ate the nuts so leisurely, responding lazily.

"You!" Shangguan Ling took a deep breath, suppressing the anger inside, "And! Give me a good training from tomorrow, if I dare to be lazy, I can't spare you."

"Cultivation is not necessary, do you not have a way to unlock the heavens? I am waiting here."

Tang Qing has gone through Jiuzhong Sanxian Tianjie, and I don't know how many years he has cultivated. He has long been disgusted.

"Do you think Tianyuan is so easy to untie? In case it can't be unlocked? If you don't practice, you and my sister Mo will be affected. Do you **** know or not?"


"You! You **** is really annoying me, do you want to be beaten again?" Shangguan Ling stared at Tang Qing angrily and gritted his teeth. At this moment, Yun Mo came and said softly, "Linger, you and Go back to rest first. As for Tang Qing's cultivation, my aunt will definitely have a solution. What kind of person is your aunt? Do you still have any idea? "

I heard Yun Mo said that Shangguan Ling ’s anger seemed to dissipate a lot, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Looking at Tang Qing, he was a little bit gloated, and laughed, “Tell you, I have given my daughter-in-law bracelet Aunt, if you dare to be lazy, she won't spare you! My aunt is more fierce than me, huh! Just wait to be beaten. "

After Yun Shangguan left, Yunmo didn't move, just stood there, a pair of quiet eyes looked at Tang Qing.

After a long time, I said, "I'm sorry to involve you in this matter. Tomorrow I will look for Sister Long. She should have a way to help us resolve the fate, if it can't be resolved ..."

Yunmo did n’t continue to talk because she did n’t know what to do if she could n’t solve it. She slightly shook her head and walked slowly, saying, “You will stay here to practice from tomorrow. , But she will teach you wholeheartedly, I hope you cherish this opportunity, not for Linger, nor for me, but for yourself, to cultivate yourself, there is no harm in the end. "

Tang Qing also looked at Yun Mo, but did not speak.

"I lend you a piece of hair." Although Yun Mo said it was borrowed, she simply dragged a piece of hair from Tang Qing's head, regardless of whether Tang Qing agreed or not. , Wrap two hair strands around the index finger, **** one pinch, the index finger overflows with blood, and infects the two hair strands into blood color, and immediately, she dances between her fingers, as if she is moving some tricks, and then one point in Tang Qing's chest.

擎 Tang Qing raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a bitter smile, "Isn't it necessary?"

Jin Yunmo Waner smiled, "Don't get me wrong, this is the mark of the blood spirit. If you are in any danger, it will save your life."

Tang Qing naturally knew that this was the mark of the blood spirit. This thing could indeed inspire some power when it was dangerous, but he also knew that this thing had another function, which was tracking. Even if he ran to the ends of the earth, Yunmo found himself easily.

Jin Yunmo, the girl, looked very quiet, but her mind was not simple.

"You, treasure!"

Uh ...

Since Shangguan Ling and Yunmo left, Tang Qing woke up every day to sleep naturally, occasionally basking in the sun, blowing the night breeze, eating some nuts in his spare time, and occasionally having fruit appetizers, and every time there was a girl named Bi Yi The disciples delivered the meals on time. Such a day is really a bit comfortable. If Tang Qing thinks about throwing away this trouble in the future, he must choose a treasure of Feng Shui, build a manor, and invite some servants and waitresses to serve.

I just imagined that kind of day, Tang Qing was very comfortable in his heart, this feeling is really beautiful, robbery? Just cross your ancestors, and your grandson will go to the heavens of Sanshen. Tang Qing has been a grandson for many years. This time he wants to be a real grandfather.

However, such a comfortable life did not pass for two days, a woman suddenly broke into the other garden, directly disrupting Tang Qing's beautiful life.

This woman looks like she is about thirty years old, wearing a creamy white peony round-neck brocade, a mop-red wine-red mop, a plum blossom horse skirt, and a green jade-like silk. There is red gold and ruby ​​phoenix uranium inserted into the cloud, and a red gold filigree bracelet is worn on the skin-like hands. The waist is of Zhuyi Ruyi Palace. The whole person is graceful and luxurious. Laziness.

She is the head of the Sapphire Gate. Shangguan Qixue is also followed by a young girl. The young girl is well-behaved. Tang Qing knows her, and it is Biyi who delivers meals to herself these days.

"Boy, I heard that you are having a good time these days."

Xi Shangguan Qixue walked slowly, sitting on the stone table, looking at Tang Qing with a smile.

Leaning against the wall, Tang Qing was sitting on a stool and was basking in the sun. He opened his eyes and stared at Shangguan Qixue. He secretly said that the girl was not a mess, and at first glance she was the kind of viper woman hiding a knife in her smile.

"Alright ... okay." Tang Qing rubbed his face and responded sincerely.

"Oh, it's okay?" Shangguan Qixue nodded with a smile. "Then I'll make you more comfortable, right?" She said, raising her hand, her cuffs slid down, revealing smooth skin, wearing on her wrist That red gold filigree bracelet sparkled a dazzling light in the sun. This was the punishment female bracelet, which was left by Shangguan Ling.

擎 Tang Qing wore a penal pendant bracelet, and a tingling soreness came from his wrist. He didn't talk, his eyes closed, his head crooked, and he was unconscious.

"Huh?" There was a stun in Shangguan Qixue's eyes, he immediately grasped Tang Qing's wrist, and after looking at it, he knew that the boy had passed out.

I shouldn't!

罚 This punishment pendant bracelet is just numb, with less pain, it is impossible to comatose, even if this guy is weak, it is impossible to pass out so soon. What is going on? Shangguan Qixue examined Tang Qing's body carefully again, and she was unconscious.


Shangguan Qixue scolded herself, this time I wanted to give this guy a disposition, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this, but she also had a strange temper. Since UU reads, it ’s faint, then wait for him to wake up Come on, so she let Bi Yi stay here. About two or three hours later, Tang Qing woke up. Shangguan Qixue hurried to her. Before he could say a few words, Tang Qing was lazy. There was a great deal of fire in her attitude. This time, she did not use the palm to punish the female bracelet, but just hit Tang Qing's head. As a result, the guy passed out. Shangguan Qixue knew that this guy was weak, so he didn't dare to force it. did not expect……

Looking at Tang Qing, who was leaning against the wall and unconscious, Shangguan Qixue was really crazy.

Tang Qing's body is weak, but after all, it is the body of Jiuzan Sanxian. After a few days of rest, it is still stress-free. He knows that the girl in Shangguan Qixue is not easy to provoke, so she doesn't want to provoke , Simply feign death in a coma.

"This **** is not only an elm hoe, but also a glass bottle! It can't even move!"

Shangguan Qixue thought about it, and finally took out a white jade bottle, handed it to Bi Yi, and said, "Bi Yi, this is a rotten Dan. Wait until he wakes up and let him eat, then tell him something The basics of spiritual practice. "

"Disciple obey."

Bi Yi was surprised when she took the white jade bottle. She only knew that the young man with the surname Tang came with Shangguan Ling and Yunmo. As for the others, she did n’t know that she was a friend of Shangguan Ling, but the doorkeeper told him It seems that the attitude is not like a prisoner. If it is a prisoner, how can the doorkeeper give him the evil spirit?

It is one of the three major building blocks that transforms decaying dandelion into a magical effect.

丹 This elixir is extremely precious. As a personal disciple, Biyi has not taken it. The public view of Qingyumen, only the chief disciple Guan Ming has taken it, and she also knows that there are only three deceased Dans left in Qingyumen.