MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 2 Witch Shangguan Ling

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The space inside this carriage was very spacious. After entering, Tang Qing looked around and found that there were some mysterious runes and mysterious patterns in the carriage. This is a matrix method, a matrix method to reduce bumps. And at first glance it is a masterpiece of the master.

"Hello, what's your name?"

Inside the car, Shang Guanling stared at Tang Qing with curiosity. After hearing Tang Qing's name, she said, "Your name is Tang Qing, how do you understand psychic mystics?" In her impression, she was psychic. Secret skills belong to the left, and very few people know it. Even some of the major gates are rarely known. She really does not understand how a **** stick who runs a river can understand.

Tang Qing was lying on his back, his head twitched at will, and he was so weak that he could not even speak.

"You teach me, right?" Shangguan Ling seemed very interested in psychic mystics, and said, "Of course, I won't learn for nothing. What do you want? I'll give you a lot of spiritual stones for you to live in later. Good days, no more half waves? How? "

擎 Tang Qing closed his eyes as if he had not heard.

"I'll give you a magic weapon, how about it? You should have heard of magic weapons when you walked the rivers and lakes? Very precious magpies, even if you are a practitioner, you won't always have a magic weapon."

In order for Tang Qing to teach himself psychic mystics, Shang Shangling almost tried his best, but the guy on the opposite side remained indifferent, lying there on his back all the time, ignoring himself at all.

Suddenly, Tang Qing found that the emotion on Shangguan Ling's face was a bit wrong, and quickly said, "Girl, I only know a little bit about psychic mystery, how to teach you, and I won't teach anyone."

"Really?" Shangguan Ling took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his inner anger, and still held a smile on his delicate face, and said, "You should be tired of walking the rivers and lakes? And you often encounter all kinds of dangers. Since you know It ’s better to be my groom later, psychic mystery? Take care of my horse? How? ”

After Tang Qing didn't answer, she continued, "If you want, I will give you a rich spirit stone every month. If you perform well, I can give you some magic bullets. If you are willing to suffer, I can also help Are you on your path to spiritual practice? I know a lot of masters, many of whom are masters of the gate, Snow Mountain Gate? Sapphire Gate? Donghua Gate? Zhongtian Gate? Which school do you want to go to? Is that right? "

In Shangguan Ling's view, if he opened such an attractive condition, he would not hesitate to agree with any ordinary person, because whether it is Xueshanmen, Sapphire Gate, or even Donghuamen or Zhongtianmen, they are considered first-class in the local area. Ordinary people have broken their heads and want to become disciples in the practice, but they are extremely strict in their apprenticeships, making them unreachable. They ca n’t enter without an excellent family history and good qualifications, but they do n’t know what Shangguan Ling ’s identity is. Actually boasted that Haikou let Tang Qing enter casually.

Ying Shangguan Ling looked forward to seeing a surprise expression from Tang Qing's face, but soon she found that the face of this **** stick had no extra emotion except fatigue.

"Sorry, I'm really not interested!" Tang Qing shook his head and refused. Now he just wanted to find a comfortable place, and then fell asleep peacefully. As for the rest, he didn't bother to care. After a long while, it seemed that Shangguan Ling was no longer heard. Tang Qing felt that something was wrong, opened his eyes and looked at it, and found that the smile on Shangguan Ling's face was disappearing a little bit.

I'm broken, this **** seems to be coming hard!

Tang Qing went through the Ninth Heaven and Earthquake. Although he did not say that he could see everything in the world, he was very penetrating. He quickly got up and said, "Girl, let me get out of the car." At this moment, Shangguan Ling Yan stood up and yelled, "Your **** stick, I beg you, you have repeatedly refused my aunt and grandma. I see you help me to heal the horse, and kindly help You give it a hand and give you a chance to practice, and you say that you are not interested? "

"I see you toasting, not eating and drinking, wanting to get out of the car? There are no doors." Shangguan Ling was furious, and she took Tang Qing's shoulder by the arm and held it on the seat. Tang Qing, who was too weak to be lost, was not Shang Guanling's opponent at all. He smiled bitterly, "Girl, there is no need to do this."

"Huh! Death stick! Don't you just understand psychic mysteries! Really consider yourself a master? Tell you! None of the people your aunt and grandma can escape, today you promised to promise, and if you didn't promise, promise!"

When the palm of Shangguan Ling was flipped, a black jade bracelet suddenly appeared in his hand, but Tang Qing did not react. I saw that he dragged Tang Qing's wrist so swaying. The next moment, the black jade bracelet appeared on Tang Qing's wrist.

Tang Qing did not resist. At the moment, he was not able to resist. He stared at the black bracelet on his wrist. He said nothing, but sighed. He saw that the bracelet was a magic weapon, and it was still used to control people. The magic weapon of Sangguan Ling came really proudly.

"This is a pendant bracelet. The one you wear is only a son, and the one I have is a mother. I can torture you anytime, anywhere I want! So you must listen to me, otherwise ..." Shangguan Ling raised his jade arm, showing the black palm punishment female bracelet on his wrist, and the corner of his mouth was smirking evilly, and said, "I tell you, if I shake this female bracelet, your wrist will immediately You will feel sore, and then quickly spread throughout your body. Do you know that feeling? It's itchy and sour like countless ants are eating your bones. It teaches people to split their heads with one stroke. Do you want to try? ? "

Tang Qing saw that the girl was not kidding. He frowned deeply, and said helplessly, "Well, you are terrific, I teach you psychic mystery is, what are you going to take off this bracelet? . "

"Want to teach me?" Shangguan Ling was also lying on his back, but with Erlang's legs crossed, holding his arms, a solemn and arrogant attitude, drinking, "But Grandma doesn't want to learn now, from now on, You are my royal groom at Shangguan Ling! "

Tang Qing was unlucky, closed his eyes and beating his drowsy forehead. He had thought that he would enjoy the good life anyway when he came out. However, he did not expect to die before he died, and met such a strange temper. Domineering pussy.

"Girl, we don't know each other, and I cured your black flame horse, how can you forget me like this?"

"Do n’t you know that the more beautiful a woman is, the more ruthless her heart is?" Shangguan Ling grinned, her fingers slicked across the silky cheeks, and said with interest, "My sister is so beautiful, it looks like that at first sight The legendary beauty of the femme fatale is that you are too stupid. What is ingratitude? Aunt grandma is ingratitude? What can you do? "

I was stunned, Tang Qing was completely convinced. Regarding this, I couldn't help sighing. I didn't know if I was getting old or the times were changing too fast. How can the **** now be so crazy? He didn't care much about the punishment pendant bracelet on his wrist. Although there is no way to release it now, after a period of time to repair it, it is quite easy to get it.

"Death stick, let go of you today and wait for you to settle accounts!"

I do n’t know if Shangguan Ling suddenly lost interest in the stick in front of him, or was aware that Tang Qing ’s body was weak, so his conscience found that he was no longer tortured. After leaving a word unhappy, he opened the curtain, stood outside the car, and began to sing There are melodious little songs, and Tang Qing in it may be really tired, lying on his back and gradually falling asleep.

After chanting a song, Shangguan Ling got interested again and called twice, and found that no one responded. After opening the curtain, I found that this **** **** stick was asleep!

"Wow! You are a god-god, you are very laid-back. Your aunt and grandma are working hard outside, and you sleep inside like a dead pig."

Tang Qing has a good temper, but one of the things he hates most is being woken up while he is sleeping, not to mention that at this moment he is really exhausted and immediately angered and yelled, "You mother What the **** do they want? "

"You ... what are you talking about! Do you dare scold my **** girl? Give it back to his damn? You ..." Shangguan Lingqi gritted his teeth, UU reading a book www. pointed at Tang Qing angrily, a pair of beautiful eyes widened, and those angry eyes could not wait to kill Tang Qing directly.

"Hmm! I won't let you taste the aunt's power, you really don't know what your last name is!"

Shangguan Ling raised his arm, the cuff slipped down, the palm of her wrist was exposed, and saw her humming, shaking her three times, and Tang Qing in the car only felt the pain of tearing coming from the wrist, The whole body spread instantly. After passing through the Nine Heavens Calamity, his physical body was severely damaged, and he was completely lost. At this moment, he was even more fragile. Where can he withstand such embarrassment, his head crooked, and he did not even hum. Passed out.


I realized that it wasn't right, Shangguan Ling stopped shaking the bracelet and walked over to check it, only to find that Tang Qing was unconscious.

"Why are you so weak that you can't even bear this pain." It seems that Shangguan Ling really felt a little guilty, muttering, "Who asked you to scold me first, hum! I'll let you go this time, wait Go back and find you again! "

Shangguan Ling Liangxin found that he was ready to put Tang Qing in a comfortable position. He just pulled out his hands and did not make much effort. Doraemon, the guy's shirt was torn!

"What torn clothes!" Shangguan Ling couldn't help complaining, and was a little embarrassed, but what surprised her was that this guy seemed to have a lot of scars on his chest. These scars were red and black. Nine chains are entangled in imprisonment. Shangguan Ling comes from a well-known door, is knowledgeable, and a disciple of disciples, but she can't see what these scars are caused by. What surprised her is that these traces are natural As if born.

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