MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 372 Nothing, just miss you

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Yanyu County, Shang Qingzong. m

Dressed in a red wedding gown, Shangguan Ling appeared in Shangqing Square. She looked at the stone gate of Shangqing Zong, but her cold eyes flashed the glory of miss, and her expression was full of complex pain.

Stop, don't move, don't speak, just look.

Soon, Ruan Bingxin, Xun Miaozi, Tuoba Yun, Long Xi, Yun, Yun Mo, Yi Waner and other people also followed.

Princess Nian looked at Long Xi and Yunmo, and then glanced at Shangguan Ling again, and then looked up at Qingzong. She opened her mouth and looked quite strangely to herself, "Do n’t it be That guy? "

Below, Shangguan Ling lifted his feet and wanted to enter the Shang Qingzong, Xun Miaozi and Ruan Bingxin immediately stopped them.

"Linger, you know what you're doing, come back with me!" Xunzi Zi knew that Shangguan Ling and Tang Qing had formed a fate, but the fate between them had been dissipated by too much forgetfulness, now what? Yes ... Xiao Miaozi doesn't know, now she doesn't have time to think about this, she just wants to bring Shangguan Ling back to complete her fate with Tuoba Tian.

"Master, let me go." Shangguan Ling said faintly, at this moment, a anger came.

"Shangguanling, I don't know what the **** are you doing, and you don't bother to know, but you already have a relationship with my elder brother, if I go back now, then I would have done nothing, otherwise ...

This saying comes from Tuobayun, this person is a leader in the evil way, killing people like hemp, fiercely popular, known as blood cloud thunder, is very powerful.

Shangguan Ling didn't bother him, and didn't even glance at him, but said to Ruan Bingxin and Xun Miaozi, "Master, uncle, please let me go. I just want to see Tang Qing."

It really is that guy!

Hearing the name Tang Qing, Princess Wu and Yi Waner almost collapsed.

"Tang Qing? Who is Tang Qing?" Ruan Bingxin had never heard of the name Tang Qing, but Miao Xing Xun knew what was going on, and was immediately furious, and he would go back with Shangguan Ling. Are you crazy! Come back to me! "

"I'm not crazy. My only heaven is Tang Qing. It used to be, it's now, and it's going to be." Shangguan Ling continued, "I practice too much and forget love. At that time, the seal of heaven between me and Tang Qing was reactivated, and I was too embarrassed.

What is too sorrowful?

Too much forgotten love is forgotten, and once back bitten, then the forgotten love will skyrocket ten times or even ten times, that is to say. Shangguan Ling had feelings for Tang Qing. After the explosion, this feeling has made her into magic. The magic is so high that she can't help herself, she just wants to see Tang Qing and satisfy herself.

Ruan Bing didn't know Tang Qing and asked what happened to Xun Zi. The secret transmission of Xun Miaozi forced her to take Guan Ling back, and Ruan Bingxin nodded. She knew that Shangguan Ling had to be taken back, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the Tuoba family.

The battle flared.

"Well, you Shangguan Ling, a water-borne Yanghua, set up a fate with my elder brother, even thinking of other men, today I Tuoba Yun forgive you!" Tuoba Yun could not bear it, pulled his sword away.

The three battled Shangguan Ling.

Seeing this, Yunmo almost didn't think about it. He joined the war group and fought side by side with Shangguan Ling. Then, the people of the Taixong Sect and Tuoba's family have already come. group.

"It's shameless, so many people bully my sister!" Long Xi, the night princess in the evil way, didn't care what was too Xuzong and the ancient Tuoba family, and immediately joined the battle.

A battle of chaos broke out.

Ruan Bingxin, Tuobayun, and others are very strong, but which one of Shangguan Ling, Yunmo, and Long Xi is the weak? But with the increasing number of people from Taixuzong and Tuoba's family, the three daughters were unable to fight and could not fight.

Soon, several masters of Shang Qingzong headed by Bi Dongyuan came out of Shang Qingzong. Seeing this chaotic battle, Bi Dongyuan was full of doubts.

What happened here?

How could the Taixuzong people and the Tuoba family fight in front of their own sect?

"It's just too bullying!" Yi Wan'er didn't know which rib was wrong, and when he got angry, he even joined the battle group, which scared Yukong a bit. When he stopped, it was too late. Yi Waner locked Tuoba Yun and attacked the past.

The masters of Taixuzong and Tuoba are like a cloud, and there are many people. The fight against Shangguan Ling and others has been losing ground. Their only purpose is to forcibly bring Shangguan Ling back, but it is extremely difficult to implement it because Suddenly progressed, too much love and realized many rare methods, it is not easy to catch her alive.

Princess Wu did not move. She didn't know who to help in this fight.

Suddenly, a huge palm appeared in the void, with a palm-like dragon elephant, imposing and imposing.

This is the Great Nether Catcher!

It's just that the big void catcher who exhibited it is so horrible. No matter its breath or momentum, it is irresistible. It is like a huge mountain overwhelming.

"Shangguan Ling, you are my heaven!"

A faint voice came from the void. It was Tuobatian, but he didn't see him. So, was this big void capture he exhibited from a distance?

boom! Click! Click!

The big void grabber instantly picked up Shangguan Ling and dragged it up directly. Yunmo, Long Xi, and others wanted to stop it. However, they were so entangled by Tuobayun and Ruan Bingxin that they could not escape.

Shangguan Ling throbbed with both hands, and the clouds moved in all directions, as if thousands of thunder electrodes were attached to it, and he grabbed his hand to the large void.

However, there is no way to get Tuobatian's great void capture.

Shangguan Ling immediately sacrificed his own achievements, Baofeng Baojing, Jiaoyue Tianyan, Ten-pole Yuanshen ... At this moment, a large void catcher appeared in the void, two, three, four, in a blink of an eye There are countless large void traps overlapping.

"Although you practice too much forgotten love, after the heavens, it is a thousand miles a day, but my great void is based on the sky, and the sky is full of ants!"

Tuoba Tian's indifferent voice was mixed with irresistible majesty, and after numerous superimposed void traps were superimposed, all the achievements of Shangguan Ling were shattered.

Shangguan Ling vomited blood and was forcibly retrieved by the Great Nether Catcher. She was unwilling, she was angry, she shouted.

"Don——Qing! ——" "Don—Qing! ——" "Don—Qing! ——"

She shouted Tang Qing's name, almost calling Tang Qing's name with her life.

The voice of Tang Qing shouting moved the world, his heart shaking.

During that time, a dark shadow of Xun rushed out from Taixuzong and cut through the sky with the force of a meteor. Before the crowd had reacted, they saw a person appear beside Shangguan Ling.

The man was thin, dressed in a black suit, his cold cheeks looked confused and heartache, and his black hair was fluttering in the wind. When he appeared, he hugged Shangguan Ling, his body turned, and he crackled for a while. Nether capture broke free.

"Tang Qing, I finally saw you!" Shangguan Ling's pale face showed a complicated smile, as if she had no strength at all, her hands were around Tang Qing's neck, her head was lying slightly on Tang Qing's shoulder.

"What's going on?" Tang Qingying hugged her, his frown deepened. Since learning about all the plans for the ancient funeral, he began to retreat. Just a cry from Shangguan Ling, he almost let him go into trouble.

"Nothing, just miss you ..." Shangguan Ling Yi was in his arms, like a little woman.

Tang Qing really didn't understand what happened. Looking down, there are many acquaintances. However, at this moment, the Great Void Capturing Strike again, Tang Qing raised his palm and directly captured the Void Capturing. Supporting your hands is like supporting a mountain.


The sky was loud and the earth was shaking.

He stood in the void, holding Shangguan Ling in one hand, and holding a large void-like grabber in one hand.

In this scene, Yun Mo was envious, Long Xi was envious, Yi Waner was envious, and even Yan was a little envious. At this moment, they want to be embraced by themselves.

"Oh? Who are you?"

The voice of Tuobatian came from the void.

"Who are you?" Tang Qing asked back.

"Tuo! Post! God!"

"do not know!"

"You will know!" Tuobatian's voice dropped, and the tens of thousands of void traps appeared and overlapped again.

For a moment, the sky was thundery, the earth was shaking, the wind was raging, Tang Qing stood still in the void, and his dark eyes suddenly opened!


A torn muffled roar sounded as if it came from the earth ~ ~ and patted it with a slam, and the big void catcher was completely crushed.

Tuobatian is very strong. No one knows how strong it is. Everyone who saw him with a large void catcher can make Shangguan Ling Su helpless, only to know that he is outrageous.

Tang Qing is very weird. No one knows how weird. No one knows. When everyone saw him raising his hands, he shattered Tuobatian's Great Nether Catapult and realized that he was weird to the point where humans and gods were angry. At least Yunmo and Long Xi, Yi Waner, and Xun think so.

"Tang Qing, you are so brave, let go of Linger!" Xia Miaozi was so angry that Tang Qing ignored her. She wanted to do it, but did not dare, and immediately said to Bi Dongyuan, "Master Bi, I The truth is holding a celebratory ceremony with Tuobatian, the eldest son of the Tuoba family in the ancient times. Tang Qing, your disciple of the Qing Dynasty, seduced Linger, and you also asked Master Bi to take charge of your disciples of the Qing Dynasty. "

As the chief prince of Shang Qingzong, since he didn't leave, he naturally knew the burial plan. Do n’t say that he did n’t understand it. Even if he knew it, he would n’t manage it. Not only would he not manage it. If conditions allowed, he I also want to make a mess at the Tianyuan Zong and Tuoba's Tianyuan ceremony.

Tang Qing looked at Shangguan Ling and said, "Is the injury serious? What is going on?" (To be continued) 8