MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 32 The correct way to operate Black Technology is actually to explode the liver?

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After listening to the old Tang’s words, Lu Zhou’s heart was moved.

Sure enough, the most concerned about him is Professor Tang!

However, there is no way, who wants to systematically throw the drawing to him? It is not too wasteful to keep!

After dinner, Lu Zhoushun went to the library again, according to the book given by the system, in the eyes of the librarian, the analytic geometry, ordinary differential equations, complex transformation functions, pan Related textbooks such as letter analysis, topology, and differential geometry were all borrowed back.

In the entire book list, the book about mathematics is about one-third.

If he can finish all these books, he can count the courses that he needs to learn in the professional undergraduate stage.


“Is 40 capsules really enough?” Looking at the capsules in the bottle, Lu Zhou was quite suspicious.

Shaking his head, he decided not to think about it first. The thing to do now is to make every effort to complete the task of the system.

What should I do if the capsule is consumed?

This question will wait until time to consider it.

Unscrew the mineral water bottle prepared in advance, and Lu Zhou threw a capsule in his mouth.

Because of an experience, this time he quickly entered the state...


In the morning, a ray of sunshine crossed the window.

The breeze smashed through the curtains, and there was a burst of humming sounds from the window. The eyelashes on the table swayed and slowly opened the eyelids.


Sore muscles, especially the neck.

Last night, Xiu Xian had been repaired to the robbery. When he fell asleep, he couldn’t remember clearly. He only remembered that he was really sleepy. He just wanted to take out his mobile phone and watch the time. His head fell asleep on the book.

These classrooms, which were drawn out by the graduates of the postgraduate school, were constantly powered, and with the looseness of the summer vacation, no one came to wake him up, so he slept until the next day.

What time is it?

Lu Zhou touched the phone that was almost out of power, opened the screen and glanced at it, screaming badly.

"It’s already 11 o'clock... Speak up, I have to go to tutor in the afternoon."

Sitting on the seat for a while, he groaned his groggy head and got up and went to the bathroom.

A cold water pounced on his face, Lu Zhou felt that he was sober, and returned to the classroom to sit and rest for a while, gradually recalling the situation yesterday.

The last time I took the drug, even after five hours, the residual efficacy will still work for a while.

In order to test the maximum duration of the capsule, Lu Zhou chose to try it in an environment without interference.

The final result was unexpected.

He found that after completely eliminating external disturbances, even after five hours passed, the brain remained under the influence of residual drug effects, and the inertia remained highly focused, and no external interruption could stop.

However, this highly focused state also caused a lot of load on the brain. Initially it was a slight headache. Later, it directly triggered the biological self-protection mechanism, and the whole person fainted.

"It seems that the duration of the five-hour effect is not absolute. If you hold it strong, even extending the effect by 50% is not a problem. Especially in the state of being extremely trapped, after breaking through the critical point, the consciousness will instead Very awake... As for side effects, it seems to be no different from the side effects of normal day and night."

Said to himself, Lu Zhou could not help but yawn.

"... It seems that the cockroach medicine has to cooperate with the blasting of the liver to achieve the best effect."

Lu Zhou took a sore neck, closed his eyes into the system space, and started the taskbar.

[Task Progress 2/30]

It seems that the two textbooks "Linear Algebra" and "Analytical Geometry" have been passed by the system, followed by ordinary differential equations.

According to this momentum, we will solve this “reward task” with 40 capsules. The problem should be small!


After picking up the things on the table, Lu Zhou first went back to the bedroom, took a shower, changed the clean clothes, then went to the school gate and called a drip, and took the bus to the address on the business card.

The summer in Jinling is very hot and it is the heat of anti-humanity.

Anyway, the fare is reimbursed, and he is too lazy to squeeze a sweat on the bus, and directly took a taxi.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a community called "Bauhinia Garden". After getting off the bus, Lu Zhou stood at the door and looked up and couldn't help feeling.

This community is indeed worthy of the name of the garden.

Moreover, this area is also considered a prime location near the urban business district. In such a place to repair such a high-green community, and is also a duplex apartment with a house type similar to the villa, I am afraid that the price is unimaginable. Only those so-called elites can live here.

Not to mention the calculation of the 100 million-year-old Mason prime number, which proves that Bill guessed that he would get a one million dollar reward. Is it difficult to buy a suite here?

Lu Zhou looked at the eye guard, and the guard was watching him. It was obvious that he was not the person who lived here, and he did not intend to let him pass.

Lu Zhou looked helpless and called Ms. Yang, waiting for her call to hit the guard room, which was released by the guard.

Taking the elevator up the stairs, he walked over and pressed the doorbell, then suddenly heard the sound of the thing behind the security door and the screaming noise.

" don't care about me at all, don't make a fake look for me!"


Through the security door, Lu Zhou can feel the muffled sound of the door.


This job looks a little bad.

Lu Zhou hesitated in his heart, thinking about going back today?

But at this moment, footsteps came from behind the door, and then the security door opened.

What appears at the door is Ms. Yang.

In the moment of seeing Ms. Yang, Lu Zhou’s expression was a subtle accident. Because the expressionless calm from the woman's face made him completely unimaginable, the former had a big fight with her daughter.

Ms. Yang said in a calm voice: "Mr. Lu is right, there are slippers at the door, please come to the advanced."

Lu Zhou’s expression was a bit subtle, but he still smiled happily: “The teacher can’t talk, let’s call me Lu Zhou.”

"Where, the tutor is also a teacher, please come here."

Through the entrance, Lu Zhou noticed that the living room was broken with a pile of glass slag, which looked like a craft.

A door next to it is closed, and I think it should be Chen Yushan’s cousin’s room.

Ms. Yang did not leave him in the living room, but took him to the study next to him, indicating that he sat down casually, and smiled lightly.

"Let you laugh."


Lu Zhou smiled and did not answer.

He just came to work part-time and didn't want to get involved in other people's family chores.

Ms. Yang did not say anything and took out a box of ladies cigarettes.

"Do you smoke?"

"No pumping." Lu Zhou said.

Ms. Yang nodded, did not say anything, put the cigarette case back, and then the line of sight floated to the wall clock on the wall, with a slightly tired voice secluded opening.

"From now on, I will get off work from 1 pm to 6 pm. During this time, Han Mengqi will ask you. Her books, papers and the tutoring materials I bought for her are in this study. You mainly teach her. Math is fine."

"She is in such a situation, is it okay?" Lu Zhou hesitated.

If she keeps closing the door, the course can't be carried out at all.

"No problem," Ms. Yang took a keyless expression and gently placed it on the table. "This is the door key to her room."

Lying in the trough?

This, is this really a mother?

The problem is more serious!

"I think……"

"What do you think?"

"Nothing..." Lu Zhou shook his head.

What he originally wanted to say is that this will intensify the contradiction between your mother and daughter. I can think of myself as an outsider. I have no position to make irresponsible remarks about other people's family affairs, because this may touch a sensitive topic.

And he believes that Ms. Yang cannot see this.


I don't know if she is helpless, or really don't care.

"That's it for you." Ms. Yang stood up. "She will have a monthly exam before the holiday at the end of July. If her math score can exceed 100 points, I will consider giving you a raise next month. If 80 I can't get it, I will consider changing a tutor."

After that, she did not wait for Lu Zhou to answer, and went to the door of the study.

"Right, there is still something I have to say. In order to prevent my forefoot from going, she will sneak out on the back foot. I will lock the security door at home from the outside. You have no opinion?"

" opinion." Lu Zhou shook his head.

Anyway, she waited for six o'clock, and she did not plan to go out during this period.


Although I was introduced by your niece, can you lock a stranger and his daughter in a room, is it really ok?

However, her next sentence broke all his doubts.

"In addition, I have installed about a dozen cameras in this home. Basically, there is no dead corner. If you feel that you have violated your privacy, you can ask me in advance."

When she said this, although her expression did not change, Lu Zhou read a kind of meaningful warning from the gas field full of oppression.


Still a mother?

"I have no opinion."

Anyway, Lu Zhou has never had the thoughts and interests of doing things, he just came to work.

As for the monitoring problem, the library and the classroom are all monitored, and the camera is used to it.

However, when he heard from Ms. Yang’s mouth that she had understated that she had installed more than a dozen cameras at home, he had a little understanding of why the relationship between her daughter and her daughter was so tense... ...