MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 33 Xiaoqiang

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After explaining the matter, Ms. Yang left home.

Standing at the door of Han Mengqi, Lu Zhou looked at the door key on his hand and thought about it. He finally put the key into his pocket and reached out and knocked on the door.


A soft muffled sound.

The door was like a pillow and something smashed.

"Go away! I warn you, if you dare to come in, I will call the police!"

It’s really a bad girl...

The sound is quite good.

Lu Zhou shrugged and didn't feel angry. He said across the door. "I don't care. Whether you can't get out of my salary, it's all done. But is this really good? You can get a thousand dollars in five hours." ""

But anyone who hears a thousand dollars will feel bad about it?

Lu Zhou tried to change his position and the result was to underestimate the willfulness of the rich.

"Oh," a cold voice came from behind the door. Han Mengqi raised the volume and said in a tone of indifference. "It will be fine with you. Anyway, the woman has money. She loves how flowers are her business. You simply let She is raising you."

That woman...

Listening to this tone, the gap between the mother and the daughter is really not deep.

Standing at the door waiting for a moment, seeing this little girl completely did not open the door plan, Lu Zhou did not want to waste time, then turned back to the study, all the materials placed in the study room to the living room.

He hasn't touched the knowledge of high school for a long time, but it doesn't matter if he looks at his eyes. After all, he said that he is also a 985 college student. He once killed a warrior from the single-armed bridge. He didn’t have the ability to do it.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Zhou turned over the two textbooks, and suddenly noticed the glass **** on the floor, and could not help but frown.

The old problem of obsessive-compulsive disorder has been committed again.

Sighing, he stood up and went to the bathroom to find the broom, first cleaned up the garbage.

However, when he was about to put down the broom, there was a scream in the room where the door was closed.


Lu Zhou was shocked and thought that something had happened. He left the broom and rushed toward the room.

Pulling out the key to open the door, the door just pushed open, a black unidentified crawling object, and he came over to his feet.


Lu Zhou subconsciously trampled it to death and continued to walk into the room, and asked quickly.

"What happened?"

The light in the room was dark because the curtains were pulled.

It's hard to imagine this is a girl's boudoir, and it's hard to imagine a room like this in a high-end apartment.

Because in a sense, the chaos here is simply comparable to their bedroom.

The books are piled up in the corner, piled up with things like puppets, and the bags of puffed food are so thrown on the ground, and even the **** of a few chips on the floor can be seen... No wonder Xiaoqiang will run in. Food, this stuff is the most sensitive to the oil.

The long hair of the scatter was slightly messy, and a petite figure shrank in the corner of the bed, his hands licking his pillow and shivering with his knees. She wore loose pajamas and pajamas on her body, her white face was tight, her lips were biting and she began to look blue, and her face looked horrified as if she had hit a ghost.

"Death, die..."


"Don't you die?" The mouth screamed, and Han Mengqi slammed the bottom of her eye and tried to come down and dare not come down.

Lu Zhou squatted slightly, and then looked strangely at the side of his eyes.

"What are you talking about... eh?"

Han Mengqi nodded nervously.

"It's already dead, here." Lu Zhou sighed and pointed his finger down.

I thought it was something, I didn't expect it to be a bug.

It’s not enough to step on death.

As for?

When I heard that my natural enemies were dead, Han Mengqi was relieved and the taut body relaxed.

However, soon, she stared at Lu Zhou as an enemy, and took out the Apple mobile phone. She said with vigilance: "Who, who let you come in without permission, go out, or... Do you really call the police?" ——! Why are you suddenly turning on the lights, you, you... rude!”

The suddenly lit light stabbed Han Mengqi’s eyes, causing her to raise her arms and protect her eyes.

Lu Zhou ignored her and turned to the bathroom to bring the broom back.

In addition to the bag on the floor, and under the bed and the corners of the room, he cleaned it up.

As a result, I didn’t know how to clean it. I was really scared when I swept.

Looking at the sweep of a lot of rubbish, Lu Zhou wiped the ash in front of the forehead, could not help but vomit a sentence: "There are so many snacks in the house, you are planning to raise a donkey!"

Being said this, the girl sitting on the bed was red and angry: "You want to manage... nosy."

Lu Zhou glanced at her and looked at the snacks in the box and asked, "Do you eat these at noon?"


The girl snorted and did not speak.

Lu Zhou did not say anything, **** the garbage bag, turned and walked outside the door, and took the door with ease.

Looking at the closed door, Han Mengqi was slightly surprised, and the hand holding the pillow was slightly loosened. Unexpectedly, the unrequited mother, the tutor who came here, "committed" so quickly. Originally, she had made a long-term confrontation plan, but now it is a kind of powerful and nowhere feeling...

Back in the living room, Lu Zhou opened the mathematics compulsory textbook for high school, and a book was spread out on the coffee table.

It's not just the school's textbooks, but also the supplementary materials. The papers for the next month's exams are also in the pile of materials left by Ms. Yang. As Ms. Yang has explained, her math scores are really not good.

Half of the 150-point volume can't be tested, and the highest one is barely 80 points.

This kind of grade is not a test, can be a problem in the undergraduate.

However, her language performance was quite good. Lu Zhou looked at her composition and found that the accident was quite literary. There is also English, not to mention how high, but basically also above 120 points. As for biochemical physics, it is difficult to evaluate.

"What science is still based on this foundation... Direct examination of the liberal arts can still be rescued."

Lu Zhou shook his head, picked up the pen from the table, and began to write and draw on the A4 white paper.

High school mathematics is not difficult. Of course, the complex transformation of the question type is not discussed here, but it is judged purely from the perspective of knowledge.

A must-have point of knowledge, but a collection and an elementary function will take about 40 lessons, and the knowledge points of a high-level course at a university may not stop there.

This is also why many high school grades are among the best in the grade, but they go to college but they are not suitable. Because the teacher on the podium is not driving a train, but is driving a rocket.

Han Mengqi's foundation is very poor, but in Lu Zhou's view, there is no room for salvation.

After all, the exam is not a competition, the basis of the investigation.

I have worked **** the basics. Even if I can't test 140 or more, I will take the "basic points" of 120, which is a considerable score.

The four compulsory textbooks look up scary, but the knowledge points involved are actually the same thing... at least for Lu Zhou, who finished the whole book of Analytic Geometry last night.

First of all, he wants to outline an outline and summarize all the knowledge points of the 1452 four books. Then, according to the past test scores of Han students, she pointed out the knowledge that she could not master... Although these things should have been summed up by herself.

In short, no matter how bad the "customer" attitude, Lu Zhou feels that since he took the job, he has an obligation to do it best.

Don't ask for anything else, at least worth the 200 hourly hour of this hour. Even if he has no knowledge of the tutor market, he knows that this salary is definitely higher than the market average.

In this way, time passes by.

Probably at half past five, Lu Zhou stretched out and stood up and moved to the slightly sour shoulder.

Looking at the A4 paper on the coffee table, his mouth couldn't help but smack a smile.

Although it was a bit of a hassle at the beginning, it was quite rewarding to go back and look at it after one thing was done.

It’s about six o'clock soon.

With this result, today's work can also be considered a cross.

At this time, not far from the door, there was a slight noise, followed by a petite figure from the inside.

Lu Zhou looked up and saw that her pajamas and pajamas had been replaced with casual T-shirts and jeans, but the long hair was still messy.

And I don't know if it is his illusion. She always feels that she is standing up, and she is more petite than sitting on the bed.

Especially the small body that is like a plane geometry, can not see any ups and downs, and her cousin is completely opposite the two extremes.

"Look, see what I am doing... I am alarming."

Lu Zhou sighed: "Don't always threaten me with an alarm. I haven't done anything. You have to have a reason to call the police. If you disturb the law and order, you have to be detained. You can think clearly."


Some of them were not tempered by the calmness of Lu Zhou. Han Mengqi bit his lip and did not speak, and turned and rushed into the bathroom.

Looking at the closed door, Lu Zhou was in a state of sorrow. It turned out to be anxious.

I said how to give up the door.

In a short while, the sound of flushing came from the bathroom, and Han Mengqi, who had washed her face, walked out with a tight face.

While passing by the living room, she suddenly noticed the things on the coffee table, and could not help but squint, frowning: "What is this?"

"You can't remember your own textbooks? How long have you not touched books?"

"...I want you to manage." Looking at the thick A4 paper, Han Mengqi whispered, don't go over and turn to the kitchen. "I am hungry, you can do whatever you want."

"You. Mom is coming back soon, don't wait for her to eat together?" leaning on the sofa and raising his legs, Lu Zhou looked at Han Mengqi's back and said seriously, "I think since I am a family, I still have to eat together. Better."

Looking back, Han Mengqi smiled coldly.

That smile, it is not like a 16-year-old child, the expression on the face.

"Wait for her? Didn't she send you a message?"