MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 39 Lawyer's letter, find out (third more)

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I wish you a very good mood today.

He used to fire the air in the sky, but he didn't expect to accidentally find a hot search first.

Although both Jinling University and the editorial department of Modern Communication and Geographic Information Technology responded, there was no problem in the paper, but the self-certification of the object being questioned could not allow the people to buy it.

This is not, Jinling University is no more, the lawyer's letter has been sent!

In the lawyer's letter, Jin Dazheng said that there is no problem in the paper, not only asking him to withdraw his speech immediately, but also asking him to apologize for what he said before, otherwise King General will retain the power to sue.

In addition, Guan Ling, a professor of Jinling University who has already locked the comments, published a bib and presented a reply from several academic editors responsible for reviewing the journal Modern Communication and Geographic Information Technology, proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This is to let some netizens who are not too busy to talk about some reason, and began to reflect on whether they have been brought to the rhythm...

However, does he wish to be afraid of a big mouth?

What marketing number can you play in a school official?

The lawyer's letter is good!

Isn't it just a lawsuit? Anyway, it is not the first time to eat.

He is clamoring that he can't keep up the heat!

In just two days, he has risen nearly 400,000 attention, and now he has already broken through the 3 million mark! The advertising fee has turned over a little bit. At that time, I will speculate on this lawyer's letter, and I am afraid that I will break through four million!

Therefore, Zhu Fang did not pay attention to this lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, but he immediately opened the computer, landed on the web version of the collar, and began editing the second blog post.

Or, the words of battle!

"The hypocrite of anger and anger - from a lawyer's letter"

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, I wished that I would continue to type the keyboard and start filling the text according to the prepared template.

“Jinling University gave a reply, the paper is no problem, very official, and very bureaucratic.”

"...Returning 10,000 steps, we think about it with our brains, even if there is no problem with the paper. How can an undergraduate student who is only a freshman publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are What did he write? I think it is plagiarism! Or someone else is a ghostwriter!"

"...A university discovered the academic fraud, but the first time was not to investigate the students involved, but to try to seal the mouth of the prosecutor through a lawyer's letter. This approach makes every citizen who cares about education feel chilling! The background of this student is not very general!"

"If I have offended a big man, I am sorry to say sorry to you. But I will not apologize! Why should I apologize for a very correct thing? I am also a researcher myself, I think it will be completed in a month. The paper is impossible. At the same time, I am still an education commentator. I feel that I have the power to stand up for the public and to maintain doubts!"

"I want to apologize, unless I let Lu and I face the quality, answer all my questions, but he dares?"

When playing the word "Lu Mou", Zhu Fang stopped, his eyes suddenly turned, his mouth sullenly sinister smile, press the backspace key to eliminate, replaced with the name of a boat Classmates].

Laozi not only points out the surname of this person.

I also name the name of this person!

Click to send!

I just pressed the send button and sat on the computer chair, tilted my legs and picked up my feet.

It was such a lame moment that the comments and praises came out.

[Shocked, actually a freshman! 】

[Last name Lu Mingzhou, the original undergraduate student of "Niu Niu" is called Lu Zhou! This is a real hammer. 】

[Sorrow for our education...]

[Support Zhu teacher! Fight against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)

[If it is in country X, once it is found to be academically fraudulent, it will be taken away by the police...]

[Those who say that the paper is ok, what Jinan University is sure to help their students speak, after all, for their academic reputation. But I see this student, it’s a big deal, it’s finished (smile)



Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish you all happy and crazy.

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

Clearing the dice, he picked up the phone and pressed the button.


"Hello, Mr. Zhu, here is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

"Oh, quite, ah, I got it on the phone? First, let me say, I am not your student. If you have something to talk about, you can just put it in your fart." I took a cigarette from the cigarette case and wished the party to be there. On the mouth, you can ignite.

Zhu Fang’s arrogant attitude made the teacher at the other end of the phone slightly squat, but she continued to restrain herself: “...I’ll just say it straight away, your unreasonable accusation has caused problems for our students, we I hope that you take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and deeds."

I just laughed and laughed and played the ash. I said, "I am troubled? I don't think there is any trouble. You can of course come to question what I said wrong, but you can't limit my power to speak. What do you say? This is my freedom!"

"You!" was angered by the attitude of Fang Fangcai. The teacher just said a word, but quickly stopped.

You can never underestimate the shamelessness of a rogue if he records the phone and edits it. Tomorrow's headlines are only becoming a threatening reporter for a university.

Seeing that the irritated teacher did not continue to speak, I wished that the party had just slammed, and the dark road was a pity. I changed my hand and held the phone and continued. "Oh, let us not waste time. I want to apologize unless you Can prove to me two points, one is that the paper is really useful, not in the water! Note, it is a more authoritative proof, you prove yourself what you are. Second, the paper is indeed written by him! If you can not prove These two points, then I will continue to adhere to my point of view! For the sake of the academic world, fight to the end!"

After that, Zhu Fang did not say anything, hung up the phone.


These days, Lu Zhou felt that he had become a giant panda. He did not know who had leaked his WeChat. Suddenly, he had a bunch of people and added his own WeChat.

[大佬, ask for a essay! 】

[Want to consult about sci matters, can you pass it seriously? 】

[Seeking to write sci papers, the price is good. 】

It seems that the actual person still has it.

Although the way they express their support is somewhat inexplicable.

Of course, there are quite a few more inexplicable embarrassments. It is estimated that it is the fan of Mr. Zhu, and it is still the kind of fanaticism to a certain realm.

In fact, I used to it, Lu Zhou also looked at it, because these sprays turned over and over again, so two words, no creativity.

As for his family, they don’t play the bib, and they can’t see these negative news. To say how much influence he has on his life, it is actually very small. Even before yesterday, he had nothing to do with Han Mengqi’s gimmicks.

No one on the street recognized him as the Luzhou. As for the university, there were not many people because of the summer vacation.

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent a message to himself.

[Chen Yushan: I haven't seen you in the library recently... Are you okay? 】

[Chen Yushan: That person is simply too odious! You are so hard to write...]

[Chen Yushan: Do you want to come out at night, I invite you to dinner? 】

Seeing that there are people who care about themselves so much, Lu Zhou can't help but warm up, finger poke on the screen, reply: [Change the day, I have to match the interview with the Alloy Linger Daily for a while, I don't know when the time can be finished. 】

[Chen Yushan: You want to go to the newspaper? ? ? 】

[Lu Zhou: Although not because of something good...]

Lu Zhou waited for a while, Chen Yushan sent two replies.

【I believe you! 】

[Come on! 】


Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on the phone.

It’s almost time to get there!

In the lecture hall, when Lu Zhou arrived, in addition to Director Lu, the other leaders of the entire college were in it.

Because of the Lu Zhou papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou and they greeted each other, several leaders also smiled and nodded friendly.

Students in their own school have no problem, of course, they are consistent.

The reporter of Jinling Daily is preparing to interview the equipment. Taking advantage of this space, Director Lu went to the side of the Luzhou and pulled him to the side. He said: "Is it ready? I will ask you a question later. You only answer the answer. The problem is ok."

"I know." Lu Zhou nodded.

Director Lu did not say anything and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go."

The interview begins.

Sitting on the bench in the classroom, facing the camera and the microphone, Lu Zhou accidentally found himself more calm than he thought.

The female reporter with a ponytail smiled slightly at him. After getting a signal that she could start, she asked in the general voice of the announcer: "Hello, I am a reporter of Jinling Daily. You can interview you. May I ask you? How to complete 9 SCIs in one month?"

The expected problem.

Lu Zhou thought for a moment and replied: "Actually, I personally feel that there is nothing difficult. Nine SCIs are about the application of artificial intelligence in UAV logistics. This is a relatively frontier field. I think It’s not a hard thing to produce results. What's more, I have studied it for a while, but only recently started writing papers...”

The reporter Miss Sister nodded and gave him an encouraging look, and then continued to start the second question: "What do you want to say to Mr. Zhu about the questioning of your paper?"

"I think that irrigation is a false proposition. I can't say that my paper is irrigating because he knows nothing about computer technology. Has he read my paper seriously? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I have never read it, or I can't even read it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

"These words I wish I would not like to listen to, I always call myself a scientific researcher." The reporter smiled and continued to ask, "But a freshman...or an undergraduate who is about to enter the sophomore on SCI. Published papers, and still published 9 articles in a month, it is somewhat ridiculous, and this is the focus of public questioning. So Mr. Zhu also proposed that the paper may be copied, or not from the hands of himself..."

"Those are unfounded," Lu Zhou shrugged and tried to restrain himself. "From the first math paper I published, every paper I finished in the library, if there is If necessary, I will apply to the school to present the monitoring data."

"It's not necessary to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published a mathematics paper before... Is this the case?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news points in Lu Zhou's words and immediately excavated them.

This thing can't be found at all, and it's better to let others dig out as a material to attack yourself.

Thinking about it, Lu Zhou nodded and generously admitted: "Yes, not just computer papers, I have published two papers in the foreign core journal "Theory and Applied Mathematics Newsletter", and one of them The paper was published before the nine computer papers. So the nine papers in a month are actually not accurate. It should be ten papers a month."

When I heard this sentence, the reporter's eyes lit up, and Director Lu's face was almost dark, and he desperately turned his eyes to Lu Zhou, indicating that he should not bring the topic to the place that is not good for him.

However, Lu Zhou did not intentionally look at him.

Since others have chosen a high-profile offense, this time low-key is useless, only the same high-profile attack, it is possible to pull back a city.

After all, playing this kind of battle. The debate is not a debate game, let alone the dirty water poured over from the opposite side, which is itself difficult to prove. I said that there are special academic editors who can prove the professionalism of my thesis. You can also jump out to doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and doubt that schools and journals will cover up for their reputation.

As for the hope of eating melons, the masses learn to think independently...

It is better to expect watermelon to learn to think easier.

Regardless of the truth, the theory of overwhelming superiority will be arbitrarily determined for everything.

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

Ordinary people can't do it, but genius is not an ordinary person.

Since you have to smear me into an academic cancer that will only fill the water in the paper, then I will pack myself into a genius!

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the classroom.

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu slightly frowned. He was about to ask what was going on. The teacher who came in with a happy voice could not wait to speak.

"Director Lu! The reception room of our hospital received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is...Lu Zhou!"