MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 40 Simply fooling around

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[Hello, Dear Lu Zhou, here is the courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. First of all, thank you for your contribution in the journal "Theory and Applied Mathematics Newsletter". The conclusions you made in the article "Optimal Inversion Theory for Linear Operators and Linear Functionals" have produced key inspirations for the bottlenecks we encountered in our cooperation with the Paul Shel Institute in Switzerland...

[...that is a project on seismic wave back-spectrum analysis, which will be applied to the field of geological resource exploration and seismic research. The specific details relate to the inconvenience of confidentiality contracts, but we assure you that your research results are used for peaceful purposes. ......

[...When I learned that you were only 19 years old, Professor Rodwell and Professor Li of our institute were very surprised and quite admire your talent in mathematics. While expressing your gratitude for your research, we also sincerely invite you. If you are interested in coming to the US to study undergraduate and master's degrees, please be sure to contact us and the New York University campus is open to you. 】

Shangjing City, next to the Wudaokou Vocational College, is an old-fashioned apartment building.

Spread out on the table is the "Jinling Daily", which quoted a letter from New York University, excerpted some of the fragments, and reviewed the controversy that occurred on the bib some time ago.

As for the origin of this newspaper, he was sent by the old classmate of the principal of Jinling University.

Also sent together is a copy of the original letter of the thank-you letter.

“It’s just a mess!”

After reading the newspaper, I took off the eyes on the bridge of my nose. The old man with gray hair shook his head, and the fingers resting on the table were shaking.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked into the study. When he saw the expression on the old gentleman's face, he could not help but ask: "Dad, what made you angry like this?"

"Look at it yourself." The old Mr. index finger knocked on the newspaper.

Seeing the cover of the newspaper, the face of the middle-aged man appeared a trace of sorrow.

And retired at home, all day long, the dog is not the same as the old man who plays chess. He usually touches the Internet frequently. It is natural to hear about these hot events. Even yesterday, he talked to his colleagues about this.

Regardless of whether the paper is really problematic, an "expert" who claims to be a folk scholar has caught an undergraduate student, and the means of enthusiasm is really a point.

Too small to say, it is to move the right and wrong, Hu is quite entangled.

Going bigger, it is persecuting intellectuals, and their hearts are awkward!

"Do you know that thing?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"A layman is pointing his finger at the side. Isn't this what it is? Is it just pointing up? Is it necessary to hang a sign on the chest to go to the street? I can't stand it anymore! You know I think of it. What? I remembered more than 40 years ago..."

The turbid pupils seem to have fallen into memories of the past.

The old man opened his mouth and suddenly sighed and shook his head.

"Forget it, don't say it, it's all gone."

Then, he looked at the newspaper again, citing a blog post about the blogger named Zhu Fangcai.

"... This article is wonderful to write. It is quite a legacy of the youngsters of the year, huh." The old gentleman snorted and held the arm of the chair with both hands and stood up from the chair.

The middle-aged man asked: "Dad, are you going out? I have to eat dinner soon."

The old gentleman waved his hand and walked to the door: "Don't eat, now, I am going to sit at the old classmate's house! This breath is not out, my heart is really uncomfortable!"


The thank-you letter published in the Jinling Daily brought the theory to the other direction.

Can a talent recognized by New York University be an academic cancer with nowhere?

The people who were originally skeptical about Lu Zhou began to reflect on this.

New York University's rankings are among the top 30 in the world. It is said that Jin Da has been able to cover up his own people for the reputation of the school. But the foreigners are unreasonable and follow the run across the Pacific Ocean. And what kind of Swiss research, it sounds very high-profile...

As soon as this report came out, I wished that Fang’s nose would be discouraged.

He couldn't sit still, jumped out and published the third blog post overnight.

This time, he is no longer entangled in the academic value of the paper.

“Even if you can prove that the paper is ok, you can't prove that the paper is what you wrote!”

“A student who has not graduated from an undergraduate course, can he write such a paper?”

"Who can prove? Can Jinling University prove it? Just because you have been to the library several times? I have been to a library more than you have heard! How can I write ten papers in less than a month?"

"You said that you are a genius, I don't believe it!"

Seeing this blog post by Zhu Fang, Lu Zhou would like to say something to him: "Because you are stupid..."

Unfortunately, the other party did not give him this opportunity.

The debate has developed to the present, and there have been some meanings of shrewd women’s streets.

However, when Lu Zhou thought that this controversy would continue to be sawn, suddenly a report published in the "Huaguo Youth Daily" broke the stalemate.

The title of the article is domineering.

"Heroes don't ask for the source, they are not high!" 》

The article does not mention the controversy on the network some time ago. It only reports an ordinary college student. He has published 11 SCI papers published this year and two Wudaokou university professors' objective evaluations of these papers. There is also a thank-you letter from the other side of the ocean.

And his name is Lu Zhou.

This report was not only published on the paper, but also published in the official newspaper of the "Huaguo Youth Daily".

In addition, it was reprinted by many media outlets such as Renren Daily.

This time, Lu Zhou was once again pushed into the hot search.

But the nature is totally different...

Staring at the screen of the mobile phone, I wished that the big eyes were burning in the anger, but the cold sweat could not stop rushing down.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to play a bit big.

No one used to care about him. He was awkward at random, and he was the same small character as him, or slightly stronger than him, but he was still far away from the slap in the face.

But now...

The official media obviously intends to publicize Lu Zhou as an outstanding university student in the new era and set it as an example for contemporary college students. And he wished someone's arguments just standing on the opposite side of the propaganda.

This is a bit serious...

How to do?

Put it?

But the fans can't buy it, and the powder that rises up is hard to say.

I don’t think so...

I wish you a little bit afraid, the next one to be named is him.

In front of the above propaganda, no matter how many fans you have, it is no different from the grasshoppers. Really want to shoot him, that is, a slap in the face.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

The caller is also an education commentator named Zhong Bowen.

This guy occasionally writes some articles, but the temper is a little gentle, and the point of view is not as radical as Zhu Dazui. The insiders call him the old clock, a kind and good person.

"Pillars, just to stop it... This thing, I will see it when I see it, you will continue to go down, afraid that it will be a problem." Old Zhongyu said with a heavy heart.

"Old clock, not that I don't want to stop, it is difficult to ride a tiger." Zhu Fang only sighed.

The old clock is heartbroken: "Do you think those 985 are so irritating? Are you bullying other fans? Is this a question of the number of fans? You say you, who is not good, you have to go to a university, who has few alumni on it. what?"

"I didn't think about Jinling University, that is, the paper with the little nephew said two sentences. Whoever sees 10 papers a month will feel abnormal? Who thinks that their reaction is so big, I think There must be a problem!" Zhu Fangwei argued.

"I don't think your brain is normal," the old clock couldn't help but squirt him. "You think about it, can you be a normal person with an undergraduate student who sends 10 papers a month?"

Think about it like this...

It seems to be also.

But now it’s too late to regret it.

"... Then what do you say about me?" Zhu Fang sighed.

"This is a good solution. Others just let you apologize. You apologize and admit your mistakes. This is not the case." Lao Zhong said on the phone.

"Impossible, I would rather go to court, how much money I have to pay for a lawsuit... If I think it is, I will lose more." The expression was a little struggling, and finally I wished that I still shook my head. "At most, I will talk less. ""

It is impossible to apologize. It is impossible to apologize in this life.

At the end of the cold treatment, it is impossible to go to court!

What storm has he not seen?

He wrote that when drinking Longjing tea to cause cancer, even the local government and government officials had eaten, and in the end it was only lost 600,000. Finally, can you take him? Can the court enforce his loss of money and force him to apologize?

The old bell sighed and shook his head: "I don't persuade you anymore, so I can do it myself."

After that, he hung up.