MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 47 Develop an APP training

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The room was quite deserted and I couldn't see a person.

After all, this is the summer vacation, the generals of the postgraduate examinations generally do not use computers.

Going over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou casually found a machine to sit down, enter his own student number and password, and skillfully log in to the computer.

The reason why I chose the school's computer room is mainly because the programs written in the Python language are mainly run under the Linux system. Learning the Python language directly under the Linux environment can be said to be two-fold.

Lu Zhou’s own second-hand notebook is too junk. The paper has to be suspended for a while in a pdf format. It’s awkward, and everyone else is starting to line up. He only stands on the spring, and the dual system or virtual machine is not used. want.

"Although the books are very clear, I didn't expect this thing to be so troublesome to use... Sure enough, the things on paper are completely different from the actual operation. I still have to practice by trying to learn things."

The first time I used the Linux system, I only felt that my eyes were scratching. After watching the instructions borrowed from the library for a while, I was able to figure out the doorway.

I have to say that it is reasonable for other people's windows system to occupy such a large market share. The full-pattern operating system can be easily used even if it has not touched the computer's white.

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command-line mode of operation, and everything can be done through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school is equipped with a distribution with a desktop environment, or if you have a boat, you really don’t know what the mouse is.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. The superior customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than windows systems. And once you are familiar with the command line operation, the efficiency will be several times higher than the windows system. Therefore, many companies will ask when they are recruiting programmers at the front and back of the server, whether they will use Linux.

Familiar with the basic operation of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

"Speaking of one of the uses of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test the results of your learning, it is best to start from this... But what is a crawler?"

Lu Zhou could not help but fall into meditation.

Climb the blog on the collar?

Crawl the post of the post?

It seems quite boring.

The key is that the data that climbed down was useless in your hand, and there was no place to put it.

Suddenly, his heart moved, somehow recalled the painful experience of going home every time. Not because of his computer card, but because the ui design of the official website of the Ministry of Railways is really anti-human.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the stations, trains, and ticket information of the 12306 website... This seems to be possible."

At the thought of this, Lu Zhou was no longer tempered, and immediately began to work.

After all, as a typical application example of the Python language, the template of the crawler program is mentioned in the book, and the algorithm has been improved to different degrees for different situations.

Of course, 12306 is not a general BBS forum after all. It is not difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

However, it is not only small, but for Lu Xueba who has already thoroughly read the whole book, the problem is not big. The reptile itself is not too technically difficult, and the entire program is fixed in less than 30 lines of code, perfect for running without bugs.

Then it's followed by grabbing.

Copy the url of the website behind the code, select the ship to run, and generate the data into the pre-built folder.

Immediately after the fan of the chassis began to hum, the computer became stuck, and the line-by-line code flashed from the black dialog box and was quickly sorted into the form.

Looking at the folder that is constantly being filled, I feel in the heart of Lu Zhou, leaning against the chair.

"The Python language is really convenient, so it's no wonder that so many big cows recommend this stuff."

Looking at the information that the line of data flashed, Lu Zhou really had the illusion of adding hackers.

But of course, it's just an illusion, and I can't even talk about it. After all, this stuff and the hacking technique are completely out of reach. It is not illegal to crawl public information from the server. At most, there is a suspicion of crowding out other server resources, which will be hated by the major webmasters.

Therefore, many "small" websites will be equipped with anti-reptile programs. The technical high point will either make you climb anything or climb down the garbled characters. The low technical content can also be monitored by the number of visits. Your ip.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not so stingy. Think about a monopoly giant that doesn't even care about the user experience. Will you care about the server resources? As long as you don't toss the server of Laozi to the streets, who will take care of you!

Looking at the data of the trains that are constantly piled up in the folder, Lu Zhou’s eyes turned and wondered if he would use it to do something?

“Be a booking ticket website? It seems that some of them have taken off their pants and fart...”

Suddenly, Lu Zhou’s heart moved.


Be an online booking app?

When this tentative idea came out, it took root in his heart uncontrollably.

Although there are many third-party booking apps on the web, the official booking app is really not. If he can make a difference, sell it to interested operators, maybe even earn some living expenses.

As soon as the issue of money was involved, Lu Zhou suddenly got to the heart, and his mind began to figure out.

Technically, it is very difficult to independently complete the development of an app from front-end to back-end. It is far from being able to write a simple crawler program, but it is not impossible. What's more, the algorithm that can't be solved can still ask the system. The consumption of the integral query data itself is also a learning process.

When he completed the reward task and unlocked the branch of the artificial intelligence LV0 technology, these valuable experiences will definitely come in handy.

It’s just that you have to spend a lot of money to buy and maintain a server. It’s a big expense to run the server’s electricity bill and various maintenance costs...

And his card has less than 10,000 pieces, I am afraid it is difficult to burn a small flame.

After biting his teeth, Lu Zhou decided to overcome these problems.

Even the annual salary of 500,000 has been abandoned. What else can't be done?

Even if you rush to the street, it’s fine to be a master.

So, Lu Zhou closed the program, and did not rush to start changing the code, but opened the word document, just like the outline of the paper, began to design the application development process outline.

“The train ticket query must crawl real-time data, the performance requirements of the server are very high, and the code must be as simple as possible!”

“The interface can be simple, but the information must be accurate and comprehensive. You can refer to the mainstream third-party booking app, but it must not be completely similar. There must be innovation...”

Written here, Lu Zhou's index finger gently rubbed the keyboard, thinking for a long time, and then began to hit the keyboard.

"The first is to automatically grab the ticket. This should not be innovative. A long time ago, Cheetah, 360 browsers already have this feature."

"But hang up and automatically brush the ticket... It seems that I haven't seen it yet." When I thought about the winter vacation last year, the booking was booked late, and several animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed f5 for half an hour before they brushed out. A few tickets to go back, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it is not easy for the masses of hard-working people to go home for the New Year.

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there are certain metaphysical probabilities that will brush out some votes, some of which are refunds from other users, and some Luzhou are not sure how to come out, but this function can be considered.

For example, setting a time period and several train times, the server will automatically help the user to automatically refresh the data, and submit the order at the moment when the remaining ticket appears. As for the several snatching softwares he has seen so far, it seems that this feature is not yet available.

And in terms of algorithms, it doesn't seem to be very difficult to implement.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

It is 1pm now!

Saved the word document, Lu Zhou slammed his sleeves and put his hands on the keyboard.

"Get started!"