MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 48 I was able to make a fortune by writing a thesis.

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Busy for a whole day, at 10 o'clock in the evening, Lu Zhou copied the program into the U disk and shut down the computer.

It is impossible to explode the liver continuously. I just started to brush up this Python yesterday, and I have to go to bed early this night. After all, he still wants to live for a few more years.

According to the original plan, tomorrow he is preparing to follow the system recommended book list and begin to study the advanced knowledge of C++.

But now it seems that his plan has to make some minor adjustments.

For example, if you don't delay the normal task, look at two advanced usage books on the Python language.

"I didn't expect this book to come in handy so quickly..." Looking at the draft paper that Wang Xuechang had hard to give himself, Lu Zhou said quietly in his heart, "Good people are safe in their lives."

The summer vacation has passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye it is in mid-August.

I don't know if it is a system that secretly engages in ghosts. Recently, Lu Zhou found that he was more and more addicted to learning and could not extricate himself.

Liu Rui said that he was konjac, but Lu Zhou did not feel it.

He agrees that learning is a boring thing, but the process of acquiring knowledge is happy.

This sentence sounds contradictory, but it is not.

After all, not all “learning behaviors” are able to acquire knowledge. When a person spends a few hours facing the textbook, the line does not look into it. It is also boring to change the monk who chanting every day.

But if you can look at every word, every line of knowledge, and fully understand, feel the process from scratch, even if no one urges, it will naturally indulge in.

Up to now, the system's "reward task" has been completed to "25/30", leaving only the last five mechanical engineering and ic design and other professional books.

If you let Lu Zhou look at it two months ago, it must be incomprehensible, but if it is now, with the theoretical foundations of the two courses of mathematics and physics to support, just by getting started as a standard, he thinks The problem should be small.

On the other hand, the focus of Lu Zhou's main attack is still in informatics.

How to say that the level of information science LV1 is also the price he spent so much, it is a pity to not use it.

It took nearly a month before and after, and the development of the APP was finally completed, and the final bug was checked. This process is far more difficult than he imagined, but fortunately he was eventually overcome by him.

As a result, Lu Zhou's APP development experience has also achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1.

The name of the APP is called the campus train. As the name suggests, the focus is on the promotion of the student groups of major universities. No money, please special original paintings, the APP interface is very general, the picture material is free material found on the Internet, but the style is simple and smooth.

In order to learn the development of Android programs, he also learned some heap development tools and saw a lot of programming videos of technical big cows, and these jobs are all done by the time he squeezed out.

As for the porting of the IOS platform, Lu Zhou really didn't have the energy to do it, or wait until later.

The problem now is that you need to find a server with good quality. If there is no server, it can only be used on the computer to let the friends in the 201 bedroom use one, and it can't talk about what benefits the society.

When Lu Zhou was worried about the server, Lao Tang suddenly called and called him to the office.


When he entered the office, Professor Tang smiled and gestured to him to sit casually, and then he asked with joy: "How have you been recently?"

"It's very good, what is the teacher?" Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Professor Tang smiled and continued: "I am going to September, and Director Lu wants me to come to you and find out what is going on?"

"It's okay to prepare, anyway, I think I should have no problem here, just look at how the other two teammates are prepared." Lu Zhou replied with a smile.

"That's good, this game is an opportunity. I hope you can grasp it. I will not ask more about this. Your teacher Liu knows this aspect better than me. If there is no place, even if he asks him," said here. Professor Tang paused and looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile. "Is it studying recently? Is it a new name?"


This has been discovered by you!

Lu Zhou looked at Professor Tang in surprise and asked, "How did you know?"

"I just asked this question casually! Your kid really didn't let me worry," Professor Tang leaned back on the office chair, unscrewed the mug and drank his mouth. "Let's say, what is this time?"

"This is not a research result worth mentioning..." Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly. "I just heard that my classmates complained that it is not easy to buy a train ticket during the peak season of school holidays. I tried to write a ticket. APP."

Lu Zhou’s answer was to ask Professor Tang to squat and ask, frowning.

"How did you start to research the computer?"

He originally thought that Lu Zhou had made any research results quietly during this period of time. As a result, he did not expect that Lu Zhou had no drums and mathematics during this time, and he ran to the drums and computers.

When I last met, I was still asking him questions about Mason's prime number.

This is not a stick of the East One Shantou, this is not a monkey glutinous rice!

Lu Zhou is also very puzzled, how can even Professor Tang be like this, is his mathematical talent completely obscured by the talent on the computer?

It is obvious that most of the month ago, the Huaguo Youth Daily praised him for his "all-round" talent.

"... Hey, haven't I always been researching computers?" Lu Zhou tried to correct it.

Professor Tang slightly stunned, as if he had thought about it, he smiled and coughed and asked: "Would you like to switch to computer science next semester?"

Lu Zhou shook his head and said: "There is no such plan yet. I think it is very important to learn mathematics very well. It is very helpful for other subjects, and even if it is replaced by other departments, it may not be suitable for me."

In this sentence, he said that there is no fake. When learning about the big things and the basis of organic and inorganic chemistry in the past, the knowledge of mathematics really came in handy.

"Computers are also a hot profession. If you want to switch to a major, I don't object. Although according to my personal point of view, if you can continue to delve into this aspect of mathematics, there will be more. I have taught so many years. Books, your talent is rare," Professor Tang sighed. "Of course, I also know that you are not the kind of person who can withstand the temper, can sit in the lab and do research. It is too impetuous!"

Lu Zhou is somewhat unpredictable, and Lao Tang is criticizing himself or praise himself.

Or is it a pity?

"Forget it, don't say this, you will comprehend yourself." Professor Tang sighed and shook his head. "I am looking for you today, mainly because I want to talk to you about the paper and see if you have any new ones recently. The result, I did not expect that you ran to the drum computer this month, I am asking for it."

Lu Zhou's eyebrows jumped, and my heart said that I had a lot of papers. You are afraid that I will fill the water. I didn't use this pen in January. You didn't complain that I didn't do anything right, and I was wrong with it.

Of course, if you think so, you can't say that.

Lu Zhou coughed and said with a smile: "Teacher, mathematics... I have done so well, I have tried my best."

Professor Tang waved his hand and did not refute it. He placed the mug on his desk: "That line, just like this, you can leave a bank card number and you can go back here."

Bank card number?

Lu Zhou squatted.

Looking at the surprised expression on the student's face, Professor Tang squinted and smiled. "How? You look so surprised, haven't you heard of this?"

"Hey, what's the matter?" Lu Zhou brows and jumps, there is a bad feeling.

“A few days ago, the school opened a meeting, saying that it is necessary to vigorously support individual scientific research activities, encourage students to innovate in knowledge, let us go back to statistics, how many SCIs were published by the colleges in the last school year,” said Professor Tang. For a moment, smiled and continued, "In a nutshell, it is to send money. How does this money come out? According to the influence factor of the SCI paper submission journal! I don't know how much it is, in total, no less than five thousand!"

Five thousand!

The heart sucked a cold breath, and Lu Zhou looked serious: "...teacher, I suddenly have a few good ideas. Is it still time to go back and send SCI?"

"Get out of the way," Professor Tang said with a smile, "It’s late!"

I don't know why, looking at Lu Zhou's look like this, his heart is called a cool.

Can't tell the pain!