MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 53 Loan to the door

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Lu Zhou was the first time to see such a strange thing. Someone even asked for the money to be given to himself.

Ok, so exaggerated, but it’s almost the same.

According to the Ministry of Education's supportive policy, college students can be given an interest-free loan, and the school will withdraw a portion of the funds and fill it in a 1:1 ratio.

For example, Lu Zhou has a loan of 100,000 yuan according to the policy, 50,000 from the Ministry of Education, and 50,000 from the school. The money is interest-free within a year, and a small amount of interest will be generated after one year, but in any case it is definitely much lower than commercial loans, even lower than the inflation rate!

Of course, this is not to say that Lu Zhou can only borrow 100,000.

The school will review the specific amount of the loan based on his project and the submitted project application and samples.

This money generally does not enter the personal bank card, but directly into the company's account, each expense is recorded, so it is impossible to be taken to buy a car to buy a house, can only be used for the business project itself Until the loan is paid off.

However, even this is a big help for Lu Zhou. Now he is completely burning his own money in running the APP. According to the growth rate of this user, it is a problem at the end of the year.

Registering a company is not a troublesome thing. Don’t take a loan for interest, don’t take it without it!

However, the problem has come. Several colleges and software institutes are optimistic about this project, or optimistic about his talents. In short, there is no difference.

At the same time, the financial situation is thick, the indicator is free to use, and the opening is 500,000 to go to burn. If it is not enough, then the discussion will be held in the courtyard. Anyway, there is no project in the second half of the year.

On the other side, there are a lot of projects every year, and the indicators are obviously stretched. At most, only 200,000 people are available. But people have technology, and the software institutes have a large number of talents. They just come to a professor to give him a project, and they can’t solve it. Technical problem? That is the big cow that has been a technical consultant for big companies!

This can be difficult.

Lu Zhou is of course more inclined to the latter, because he can save him a lot of points, and some things are difficult to buy. The head of the department of the number system is here. Can he always be a twenty-five in front of others? Still want to mix in the number?

As for the two hospitals to unite together...

Lu Zhou feels that in addition to being honest and handsome, his greatest strength is self-knowledge. Although he is a schoolmaster, he does not recognize the extent to which others can change the rules for themselves.

At least not yet qualified.

If the two institutes can work together, they will certainly not wait for his student to come up with proposals. The leaders have already taken the lead, just like the "regular army" of the mathematical modeling contest.

The two directors did not mention this, it must be a bad operation!

Lu Zhou rationally analyzes a wave. It is estimated that this thing is not only a face, but also a real performance. If a hospital can incubate a beautiful big project alone, when the year-end assessment or opening of the conference, the leader must have a face. Light……

"Director Zhang, I am really sorry," Lu Zhou smiled apologetically and said with sincerity, "The application for the campus train has been developed. I will deal with the follow-up update. I am missing now." The thing is exactly what Director Lu can give me."

Although he refused, he still made as much euphemism as possible.

However, perhaps he thought more, Director Zhang did not seem to care as much as he imagined, but some regrets.

"Hey, I understand you too, then that's it... yes, if you have any computer problems, you can still come to me."

Only, through the software hospital to help you arrange a special professor as a teacher, then don't count on it. Everyone is busy dying, no leader of the hospital will be idle, use his face to help the next courtyard to hatch, unless the dean of the next courtyard runs over.

Of course, if you have the skills yourself, you can find a professor or graduate student in the software school, and no one will stop you.

"Thank you!" Lu Zhou said solemnly.

"I haven't helped you yet, don't go with me! Yes, you are still staring at the mathematics modeling contest. If you can't get the country back, don't come to me, let alone I know you!" Director Zhang screamed seriously, then smiled and waved his hand and stood up. "I still have something to do, I will not sit here."

"You go slowly." Director Lu said with a smile, "I will not send you."

"Oh, I am happy with you!"

The private relationship between the two should be good, and the conversation is quite casual.

Lu Zhou observed in the dark and pondered in his heart.

After Zhang Zhongjie left, Director Lu paused for a moment and said.

"That Lu Zhou, I have a form here and you will take it back. Fill it out and remember to send it to my office tomorrow."

"I know!"

Very satisfied with Lu Zhou’s enthusiasm, Director Lu nodded and said in a sly tone.

"And, it's a good thing to do this project, but you can't forget your job."

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "Reassured, Director Lu, sophomore junior in the professional course I have finished learning, you just let me test now no problem."

"Oh, I know that your kid exam is no problem, who told you about the exam," Director Lu smiled and said with a joking voice, "I don't care about other students. If you do, I will give you a rule." I have to get a paper from a core journal at least for one year! I can't see the paper. You see that I will not approve your scholarship next year."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Although I know that I am good for myself, there is still a MMP in my heart that I want to talk about.


The 500,000 loan is a solution to the urgent need of Lu Zhou. At least now he does not have to fill his bottomless pit with his living expenses.

At first, he did not expect that there would be so many users influx. It was already very good to have tens of thousands of users who wanted to die. As a result, he did not expect his APP to have such a high reputation among college students.

Of course, this means that he gave up another group because "the campus train" is not very friendly to non-school students, no matter the name of the app or the options on the interface. Many functions are not used at all.

So far, the total number of downloads of “Campus Trains” has reached 200,000 and the number of successful bookings has reached 310,000.

And now it is the peak time of returning to school, the user's active amount is basically maintained at the peak.

After the company was registered, it took more than three days to get all the formalities together. When the money arrived, Lu Zhou said that he would immediately pay for the upgrade of the server.

If you want to keep users, you must first don't go with the users. Not to say how good the function is, at least you can't be too card? If you brush a few times, you won't be able to grab the ticket. The user is also annoyed. If you can't change it, you can use it for another app.

Open the developer backstage, Lu Zhou is satisfied with the continuous increase in downloads.

In a few days, the free recommendation of the Android market will also come down, and it will surely usher in a new wave of growth. Then until September 10, the peak of the back-to-school period began to ebb, depending on how much the end user volume can be stabilized.

"The next step is the follow-up update and maintenance. If you have money, you can hire two programmers to help you. The problem should be small."

Stretched a lame, Lu Zhou stared at the screen to continue to see, suddenly found unread information, there are many bug feedback.

This is a big problem and cannot be treated with sloppyness.

Lu Zhou set his mind, sat up straight, and opened unread information.

"Bug feedback... Is there so many people submitting bugs? I am coming."

[Can you help me see the paper? My WeChat]

[Seeking to write a thesis, WeChat...]

[The collar draw has a shady, I don't care, I didn't get it, there is a shady. 】

Lu Zhou: "..."


Do you have to catch up here, this group of people is so sinister!