MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 54 Oh, weak

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"Elbow, Liu Rui, Shi Shang, 201 sleep, your emperor is back!"

He dragged the suitcase, and as soon as he entered the door, Guangming's cargo snorted.

Liu Rui: "Get off!"

Ji Shishang rubbed his hands: "Itchy skin? Come here, I'll help you scratch."

Lu Zhou turned around: "Fei, take the socks in your drawer and use them for him."

As soon as I heard Feige's socks, Huang Guangming's face changed instantly, and he begged for mercy: "Don't, this won't work!"

瑞 Liu Rui also panicked: "You are so vicious, elbow!"

That stuff is a biochemical weapon, killing a thousand enemies, and hurting 800!

Lu Zhou also reacted at this time, but had no chance to regret it.

Sure enough, Shi Shang was unhappy.

How about calling him Fei Ge, why use his socks to say something?

I still don't think of him as the bedroom director?

When he slaps the table, Shi Shang said, "What do you mean? I think my socks smell bad? Did I wash the day before yesterday?"

The day before yesterday? !!

Three people's faces changed instantly.

However, Shi Shang still did not see it, as if to prove something, he opened the drawer without saying a word.

Liu Rui: "..."

Lu Luzhou: "..."

Huang Guangming: "..."

The embarrassment spread in the bedroom ...

And a stench.

Staring at each other with three pairs of eyes, Shi Shang's face gradually lost confidence.

He said nothing, he coughed awkwardly, and silently rolled to the bathroom to wash his socks.

Uh ...

With the last friend of 201 sleeping returned to the team, sophomore's life can be regarded as a prelude. The lonely bedroom was back to the hustle and bustle of the past.

"The alliance is about to make a new hero. Did you watch the trailer? I'll tell you that the thief is wrong."

"Meifu came out early, just a crispy, spicy chicken."

切 "Cut, solo, when you lose, call your dad!"

"Okay, Dema, you are free."



If it was a few months ago, Lu Zhou might also join this fierce discussion, but now, the happiness that learning brings to him has made him completely betray the alliance.

As of now, the mission of the system has reached its final stage, and only one BOOS has not been conquered.

Immediately, the most difficult "Introduction to IC Design".

I have to say that this course in integrated circuit design is simply anti-human. That line of lines and the layers from metal1 to metalN, as well as countless triggers and various inter-layer channels, just look scalp.

According to rumors, the Institute of Microelectronics of Jinling University is the highest research institute in the whole university. If you want to know which professor is the strongest, look at the hair on his head. Now Lu Zhou finally understood how this stem came from.

In a word, the knowledge involved in chip design is too extensive, and it is not something that undergraduates can fully understand. Even with this introductory textbook, Lu Zhou felt a lot of pressure.

Of course, after learning this technology well, the future is also unlimited.

Ic design is originally a domestic technology shortcoming, the talent gap is quite large. In addition, the field of high technology is Hengqiang, and many people who have the ability to go abroad have exacerbated the situation. Really learn ic design, the annual salary can be far more than 500,000.

For this huge project, each step of the front-end and back-end has an extremely tedious process, and any one of them can be taken as a scientific research topic. A chip production line is a rice bowl.

I can't stop talking about it, and just such a "good" word, very few people can reach this standard. Really participate in the IC design in the laboratory, not to mention undergraduate students, even graduate students are suffocated, the threshold alone has to go up to the PhD.

As Lu Zhou continued to study the last book in his hand, Huang Guangming, who was snoring, suddenly took the time to turn his head back: "Lu Zhou, come here? Liu Rui is too pitted, without your gank, We can't bring it. "

瑞 Liu Rui didn't say a word, hummed the song, and concealed her embarrassment.

Lu Zhou thought for a while: "... wait two days, I've been too busy these days."

嚷嚷 Shi Shang 嚷嚷, who was playing the single, said: "Fuck, last time I said we were with us 撸, we didn't wait for you to get your number until the beginning of school."

Huang Guangming looked serious: "Elbow, you will have no friends like this!"

"No friends? Impossible," Lu Zhou shook his head. "This semester we will take 3 points, line generation, ordinary differential equations, complex variable functions ..."

"Lu brother, don't say anything," Shi Shang suddenly let go of his mouse, turned his hands to hold his fists, solemnly said, "Since the moment I met you, I have been a brother of my life ... Take notes or something, please Be sure to lend me! "

Lu Lu smiled.

Hehe, weak learning.

瑞 Liu Rui, who was sent back to the spring by a set of skills, leaned back on the chair, and suddenly she was shaken. "Did it not start from the moment he saw the picture of his sister?"

Lu Lu: "Get off!"

I have no common language with these animals.

And listening to the sound of that skill, Lu Zhou was also impatient, and couldn't calm down at all.

In the end, he gave up the test of his own determination, packed his things, and carried his bag to the outside of the bedroom.

It's September 1st, and then two days to the 3rd. A large number of freshmen will be pouring into the campus. Various community activities and freshman self-study will start, plus the entrance examination army will enter the last few months. In the sprint period, I want to find an empty classroom without people, I am afraid that I am not living in a dream.

There is not much time left to study quietly.

However, it is just right. There is only one last capsule on Lu Zhou's body. Can I pass this "Introduction to IC Design" in one go?

After dinner, sitting in the empty classroom, Lu Zhou lost a capsule in his mouth, immersed himself in the book in his hands, and entered a state of high concentration.

Each circuit was densely formed in his brain, and the layers were spread out in order, just like a chessboard suspended in the sea by the same side.

This is the ability he discovered while studying topology. When he is highly focused ~ ~, he can raise the imagination of space to the limit, thus "seeing" the graphics in the brain. It is difficult to describe this feeling in words. In short, he simulates the "resolution" of graphics in his brain, which can be accurate to every circuit and every trigger.

Of course, the side effect of entering this state is also very large, that is, it will accelerate the fatigue of the brain. Although he would not reduce the effectiveness of the Focusing Capsule to less than five hours, he would immediately feel noticeable sleepiness after five hours.

So, while studying ic design, he wasted two focus capsules on it, and now he is the third one.

And this is just an introductory tutorial. For the front-end RTL code, synthesis, and time domain analysis are just a superficial explanation, the circuit wiring in the second half is not core knowledge.

The time passed minute by minute. The moment the needle stopped at the 12th position, staring at Lu Zhou on the last page of the textbook, a sudden exhalation took place, and then the whole person fell to the table as if collapsed. .

With the last strength left, he whispered in silence.

"System space ... enter."

In a hurry, the sky turned round, and the pure white space wrapped him, and his consciousness was immediately separated from the real world and transferred to the system space.

I was very surprised. His brain was obviously painful when he was outside. After entering this pure white world, all the fatigue and pain were flying away.

Suddenly, it was too late to reflect on this feeling, and Lu Zhou hurried forward immediately, his hands resting on the translucent holographic screen, his eyes staring at it.

"System, show task progress!"

【Task 30/30】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first reward task, and the reward experience has doubled. I wish you continued efforts! 】