MTL - School Heroine Secretly Loves Me-Chapter 57 omen

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Song Nanqiao ordered the most expensive western restaurant in the city, and also opened a private room.

When Wen Wenyao was brought in, the attention of the waiters around was attracted, and in a short second, everyone's eyes were focused on Wen Wenyao. This girl's appearance and temperament are too good, so that these well-trained waiters can't help but take a second look.

"Go ahead." Song Nanqiao took Wen Wenyao's hand and took the girl to the private room. Wen Wenyao, who was being pulled by her, obediently followed behind and held the other's hand obediently.

"Why did you choose this place?" Wen Wenyao sat opposite Song Nanqiao, but he didn't expect Song Nanqiao to order such a good restaurant directly.

It's impossible not to spend 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

"Perhaps only a restaurant of this level is worthy of you."

Song Nanqiao looked at Wen Wenyao's face and said thoughtfully.

Her eyes began to become a little hot, staring at Wen Wenyao, she felt that Wen Wenyao was really too perfect, especially that face, which really made her want to stop, in her own eyes No one can compare to Wen Wenyao.

"Why are you looking at me like this all of a sudden." The corners of Wen Wenyao's mouth rose slightly, and Song Nanqiao looked at her with such eyes, she would feel a little shy and like it.


The girl's words brought Song Nanqiao back to her senses. She knew that it seemed a bit rude, so she quickly turned her eyes elsewhere.

"It's fine."

Wen Wenyao doesn't care, but will be a little happy.

While the two were talking, the waiter brought some appetizers, one after another, not too much. The exquisite food was placed on the table, Wen Wenyao ate it After a little while, he glanced at Song Nanqiao, who hadn't moved his chopsticks much.

Just drinking the tea that came with it.

"Can you eat some of these?"

Wen Wenyao put down his knife and fork and asked worriedly.

"Should be fine, not too much." Her stomach can now handle some soft food.

"Don't force it, your body is the most important." Wen Wenyao put a bowl of soup into Song Nanqiao's bowl. Song Nanqiao has lost a lot of weight during this time, and the flesh on his face has lost a circle. Wen Wenyao saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

She wanted to nourish Song Nanqiao several times, but the doctor told her that it is best to drink porridge and slowly raise her body.

"Excuse me, the main dishes for the two of you have arrived." The waiter knocked on the door, then slowly pushed it open.

Two servings of super high-quality meat were brought up, these were only arrived today, each serving is calculated in grams, a bite is hundreds of dollars, and there is another serving Shrimp porridge.

"I'll give you an extra portion." Song Nanqiao motioned to the waiter and gave Wen Wenyao the extra portion of meat, while he only kept the bowl of porridge and a small piece of beef. .

She can't eat too much.

"Okay." The girl smiled slightly and picked up her knife and fork again.

Song Nanqiao, who was sitting opposite, felt that watching each other eating was a kind of enjoyment.

After dinner, Song Nanqiao took Wen Wenyao back to the villa.

Wen Wenyao has class tomorrow, Song Nanqiao started to urge him to sleep early.

"Have a rest early and have class tomorrow."

"Well, then you accompany me."

Without Song Nanqiao sleeping by her side, Wen Wenyao always felt a little uneasy.

"Of course I'll accompany you."

This is the last little time of the weekend, of course, to be with each other.

In the evening, the two of them slept together, Wen Wenyao seemed to be sleeping soundly, lying on the bed quietly, making some faint breathing sounds.

The next morning, Wen Wenyao woke up first, while Song Nanqiao was still asleep, it was only six o'clock, she didn't want to disturb Song Nanqiao and wanted him to sleep a little longer, so she quietly wore Put on his clothes, left a small note and put it on Song Nanqiao's computer.

She thought about a workaholic like Song Nanqiao, which is the easiest to see on the computer.

Afterwards, she kissed Song Nanqiao lightly on the forehead.

After doing this, Wen Wenyao took some bread from the refrigerator, heated it up, and went out.

"Host, Wen Wenyao is gone."

"Huh? What?" Song Nanqiao opened his eyes in a daze, and found that there was no one by the bed, but the quilt was hot.

"Well, she went to class, it's normal." Song Nanqiao turned over and slept in the place where Wen Wenyao slept, feeling the warmth and warmth left by Wen Wenyao Body scent.

it is good.

"Aren't you up for work?"


Song Nanqiao sat up from the quilt.

The stock market is extremely sensitive during this time. Although the development of things is still in her expectation, she cannot guarantee that it will always be stable like this.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Song Nanqiao simply made breakfast, and then squatted in front of the computer.

When the stock market opened at 9:30, Song Nanqiao looked at the rise of his stock and probably had a bottom line.

"It's been a few days, it's coming soon." Song Nanqiao muttered to himself, swiping his phone, and flipping other stocks attentively.

"At present, there is no trend more bizarre than mine."

Song Nanqiao took a sip of hot water and swiped the page with the mouse. She has browsed almost all stocks in the past few days. There are talents here, but they are only limited to stability, no one is better than her will play.

Some people have begun to buy Song Nanqiao's stock in large quantities.

"In the final stage, you can try to put some fake news out..." Song Nanqiao dragged her cheeks and tapped the table with her fingers.

This opportunity to make money.

In the next few days, Song Nanqiao followed the plan step by step.

Five days later this afternoon…

Song Nanqiao looked at the trend of his stock and had achieved what he wanted, showing a sharp increase and plunge. Whenever Song Nanqiao controlled the trend and fell below the bottom line, someone would Crazy buying, the stock price soared, and there are still people who will not be in a hurry to sell immediately.

Now it has also reached a very high level of popularity.

Song Nanqiao opened his mobile phone and called Zhai Xinqi.

"Mr. Zhai."


"The news can be posted tomorrow, let the well-connected news sites start posting news, the whole hot search, the news of the good rally in the previous week, I will control the trend. The next week, etc. When I pull back again, with the news that the stock will rise again, you should do this first, and I can do the rest alone."

"Okay, I'll get in touch now."

Zhai Xinqi hung up the phone. He has been observing Song Nanqiao's stock in recent days, and found that the other party's trend is even more strange than he expected.

Basically, there are no rules at all. But the amazing thing is that the investors who bought it in the early stage basically made money. It seems that Song Nanqiao is not going to stop so soon. Zhai Xinqi is very clear that Song Nanqiao wants to use a long line to catch big fish.

The good news from the previous week is true. However, the news that the stock market continued to rise is likely to be false. Zhai Xinqi guessed that Song Nanqiao might push back the news that the stock market stopped rising for a day.

No matter what, please do as the other party asks.

Zhai Xinqi believes in Song Nanqiao very much now. Song Nanqiao has already shown some edge in this story. If Song Nanqiao can really succeed in the follow-up, then Zhai Xinqi is very willing to cooperate with Song Nanqiao for a long time.

Thinking of this, Zhai Xinqi began to contact various organizations to push out the news that Song Nanqiao gave him.

The major financial information websites began to publish and introduce this stock, and the publicity reached an unprecedented level. Overwhelming news swept the two, and the hot search list also had the name of this stock.

"It looks amazing." The system saw the word "boiling" on the hot search title.

Now it has a different kind of worship for Song Nanqiao, this host is really too powerful.

"Um...I'm just tired."

Song Nanqiao leaned her head on the chair. She has been sitting for a long time. After the stock is ready, she will go to the gym to exercise more, and the waistline of her abdomen will be gone.

When she wanted to rest, the phone rang.

It was Wen Wenyao.

During this time, Song Nanqiao was even more busy, and Wen Wenyao was also busy with her homework in the school. Wen Wenyao called her several times, saying that she missed Song Nanqiao very much. This kind of busyness The mediocre state is a bit cruel to Wen Wenyao.

Wen Wenyao has been living at Wen's house these past few days, and the two have not seen each other for several days. Every time I want to send a video to Song Nanqiao, Song Nanqiao is very busy again.

Several times, the two were talking on the phone, and Song Nanqiao was very sleepy. She didn't want to disturb Song Nanqiao's rest, so she held back the thoughts that were about to overflow in her heart, coaxed Song Nanqiao and told her to hurry up sleep.

In the days when Song Nanqiao was away, Wen Wenyao could not help but think about something, she thought a lot, and was afraid that Song Nanqiao would be too busy to take care of herself, and she was also afraid that she would grow up If the time does not meet, the feelings will be diluted.

In addition to these few days, the other party has been very busy, and this sense of unease in Wen Wenyao's heart has risen several degrees.

"I miss you so much..." Wen Wenyao bit her lower lip, her voice full of reluctance, she really missed Song Nanqiao.

"Well, I miss you too, don't worry, I'll accompany you more after I've dealt with things in the past few days." Song Nanqiao used the gentlest tone to coax the other side of the phone into anxiety kitten.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

Wen Wenyao hesitated for a while, and finally made this request. She hasn't slept with Song Nanqiao recently, and her sleep quality has declined a lot.

"Okay." It shouldn't be a big deal tonight.

"Well, then I'll be with you later"

The author has something to say: Attention!

Be cautious when buying stocks, don’t buy if you don’t understand!

I will speed up the timeline later, the middle and later stages will be fast. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2000:30:28~2021-04-2200:14:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: if the breeze does not come spontaneously 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Xingluotong, Gentleness for Jingchi, Qiazhixixi, Wangyou°, Susuo, 488015931;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 115 bottles of Angelica Radix; 60 bottles of Jiluojiao; 35 bottles of Hibiscus; 4741374830 bottles; 4790499127 bottles; 20 bottles of googor; ;41803627, 5 bottles of Fanfan; 2 bottles of Endless Night; 1 bottle of Violet and Dabu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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