MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 18 face blind

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Chapter 18 Face Blindness

After a night of dissemination, many people listened to the whisper program hosted by Xie Tiandaiban, and the topic of this program on the Internet became more and more enthusiastic.

Not only netizens are discussing, but even those professional media people in the industry are also discussing whether this program is a weather vane, which means that the audience's orientation towards the content of the program has changed, and future programs, whether broadcast or TV media, should be directed to this. The direction changes, of course, nothing can be seen in the first phase, and we are still watching.

Whispering has become popular, and there are posts about this show on the major forum posts.

"The cry of the justice host for the honest."

"A show dedicated to the audience."

"A show that only tells the truth, a hostile host."

"The master of picking up girls will teach you how to catch the goddess!"

Wait, posts with such a title are everywhere, not only is the show popular, Bai Xue is also popular, Bai Xue is not because she is the real host of the show, but Xie Tian took the example she gave and made countless netizens curious What does this woman look like that her colleagues describe her as such on the show.

Unlike Xie Tian, ​​who does not have any photos on the Internet, Bai Xue has uploaded her own life photos and artistic photos on Weibo and other social media, so when countless netizens found her photos, they were shocked.

So you are such a white snow! !

One post went to the top of the trending list with lightning speed, with the title "Is she ugly?"

There is nothing under the title of this question, just a photo of Snow White.

In the photo, Bai Xue is wearing a white shirt and a small black suit, her chest is full and full, her long wavy hair is draped around her waist, showing the charm of a mature woman, and a black one-step skirt wraps her round buttocks , The plump long legs are covered with black stockings, and the feet are also black high heels. The delicate face is slightly fanned, with a black framed eye and a bookish atmosphere. The dignified and **** are perfectly blended together.

In this era when beauty is justice, Bai Xue is justice, so she is popular. Bai Xue's Weibo attention has also rapidly increased from more than 30,000 to nearly 500,000. Now Bai Xue is also a big V.

Early in the morning, Snow White.

Bai Xue's eyes were flushed and her face was tired as she looked at the computer, apparently she hadn't slept all night.

After visiting the forum for one night, I found that her show was popular, but Bai Xue was not happy at all. The show was popular, but he didn't host this show by herself, how could she be happy.

It's not a happy thing that his fans have doubled so many times. Aijia is obviously a woman who combines beauty and talent, but these people obviously only see their beauty and my talent! !

And those posts about complimenting the content of the program worried her, it was like everyone's performance at work was similar, and suddenly someone doubled their performance several times and asked others to do it. Why bother to embarrass your own people when you eat your own food, you can't be more caring and less routine in this world.

In particular, the posts of some **** asking Xie Tian to continue hosting the show made her even more worried. How many sports stars have made substitutes because of temporary physical discomfort, and finally found that their tm has become a substitute.

Maybe just like I thought yesterday, I can't keep this show, it's not the show that gets cut off, it's tm's own host that gets cut off!

Thank goodness this is killing my mother's job!

Thinking of the weird look in Wang Jianguo's eyes yesterday, Bai Xue sighed, is it really going to be like that?

There is only one sentence in a thousand words, Bai Xue hates thank God.


Xie Tianjia

After exercising, Xie Tian, ​​who was going to put on a coat and go to the radio station for breakfast, couldn't find a coat. He went to the living room and said to his mother, who was sitting on the sofa, "Mom, where is the coat."

"I've already washed it, but I haven't dried it yet," said Mother Xie.

"Then what am I wearing today!"

"Isn't your outfit yesterday pretty good! Besides, what are you wearing in that ragged coat, a very energetic guy dressed up like a little old man," said Mother Xie casually.

"Oh" replied, thank God, and went back to the house to wear the clothes from yesterday.

Mother Xie glanced at him with a hidden smile. Yesterday, she suddenly discovered that her own son can be so handsome, but it's not because of her bad genes that she didn't dress up before.

So Xie's mother put away all Xie's father's coat, and planned to let Xie Tian dress up all the time. Before going out, Xie's mother said that Xie Tian looks like his father, and in the future, he can also say that this child looks like himself.

"Good morning"

When I arrived at the radio station, I thanked the two little girls at the front desk.

The two girls' eyes have been straight since they saw Xie Tian, ​​they are so handsome! , When I saw this handsome guy greet me kindly, my heart beat faster, and a red glow appeared on my face.

They all said shyly in a mosquito-like voice: "Good morning."

When Xie Tian saw these two girls do this to him, he raised his eyebrows and said with some doubts: "What's the matter, both of you are sick."

He is so kind! When they were concerned about me, the two girls felt like they were in a hurry, and then they thought about it.

wrong! Hearing what this means, he knows us.

The two girls looked at each other, which means when did you know such a handsome guy, but seeing the same meaning in each other's eyes, they were a little confused.

The little aunt named Liu Jia at the front desk asked uncertainly, "You... know us?"

"I'm Teacher Xie," Xie Tian said, "I can't recognize you if you change your clothes."


What kind of ugly teacher Xie, who looks ugly, wears ugly, is very narcissistic and has a particularly vicious tongue, the two girls are afraid of being confident.

"What kind of eyes, blind face, I don't recognize people if I change clothes." Xie Tian walked to the cafeteria.

The two girls looked at each other in dismay and still can't believe it, you are changing clothes, plastic surgery doesn't have the same effect as you!

"I don't have a good appetite recently," Liu Jia said and ran to the cafeteria.

"You have a bad appetite and still go to the cafeteria? The other girl was confused, and she understood in a blink of an eye. She has a bad appetite and should take Teacher Xie for dinner!

"My appetite has not been good recently." Said and ran to the cafeteria.

When Xie Tian came to the office area after dinner, he even looked straight at the men and women.

All the women thought to themselves: "Where did this handsome man like a model come from, I have never seen this in this small place in Spring City!"

And the men are thinking: "What is this guy like a male publicist doing, to start a business or to develop a source of customers?"

Not to mention that the same **** repels the opposite **** and attracts each other, heaven and earth make perfect sense.

These people didn't recognize Xie Tian, ​​and no one dared to talk to him, Xie Tian didn't think it was wrong, and usually few dared to talk to him, so they went straight in.

Concubine Zhang looked at the handsome guy while eating a lollipop, and then she would not mention how beautiful she was, and then she saw the handsome guy walking in front of her and asked.

"What are you eating?"

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then said dumbly, "Lollipop."

"Is there any more."


I rummaged through my body and couldn't find one. After speaking, I somehow passed the lollipop in my mouth and said, "Then this is for you."

Looking at the lollipop wrapped in a layer of crystal saliva, thank God's face turned black, who do you think of me!

As soon as the words came out, Concubine Zhang came back to her senses, her little face turned red, what did she do, she was ashamed to death.

But why does this conversation feel familiar to me? I stared at Xie Tian carefully, and suddenly she seemed to have been struck by lightning, with a shocked expression on her face, and shiveringly pointed at Xie Tian's almost gaffe. .

" are thank you...thank teacher!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, you are stupid, how could this handsome guy be Teacher Xie, but if you look closely, the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth seem to be quite similar.

"You are all face-blind, you don't know people when you change clothes!" Xie Tian wondered why this face-blindness is a rigid indicator for radio applications.

"Your clothes are much more effective than the beauty camera!" Everyone complained in their hearts.

You always said you were a handsome guy before and we didn't believe it, but now we believe it!

Don't mention how depressed those female employees are. Who would have thought that you are really gold wrapped in feces. If you were close to him before, you might have an opportunity to improve the genes of the next generation.

But now, if I get close to me, with that **** temperament, I'm sure I'll be able to say, why are you so arrogant and respectful? It can only be said that the destiny is so, the handsome guy does not belong to ordinary women like us.

Those gentlemen are much happier. I think in the future, who would dare to say that radio stations are not good-looking, and those who are long enough have been on TV. Seeing that I don't need Teacher Xie's photo to smear his bear face.

For a while, they all gathered around, talking nonsense about anything.

Xie Tian is stunned, why are you so enthusiastic today, but what questions are you asking? Why did I buy this magic dress there? God only has magic clothes, how can I wear it without wearing it.

Also, if you can focus on yourself, don't touch it, buddy, I don't sell myself as an artist, and you don't give me any money.

After all, it is in the unit, at work! After a while, they all dispersed. At this time, the host of the midnight emotional story show accompanied you, the little fat man Gao Ming came over.

"Mr. Xie, last night's show host was domineering!" He said with a thumbs up.

Xie Tian's proud Yile, UU Reading He is very simple, you don't have to respect me a foot, I'll be happy if you respect me a foot.

"In general, the main host is too bad."

Gao Ming was speechless for a while, you really never forget to step on the white snow!

"This show made Teacher Xie popular."


"What I admire most is that Teacher Xie, you are not only talented, but also handsome. It's really unreasonable."


Gao Ming's face is dark, you can only laugh, right? You will take these words abruptly. The virtue of our Chinese people is not modest, where is it! !

Chatting with Xie Tian is really not a pleasant thing. He has the kind of two sentences that make him incompetent, so he has to chat with him hard, and continue to chat.

No one would be attentive for nothing, Gao Ming chatted hard for a while and said, "I don't know if Teacher Xie will have the time to guide me in the program, and it will also make me angry!"

I don't want to say what Teacher Xie's human nature is, but this ability is really powerful. Gao Ming also wanted to experience what it's like to be the host of a popular show.

"Okay, no problem, you can arrange the time!" Xie Tianyi said nothing except for two hours of hosting.

Gao Ming clenched his fists: "Thank you, Teacher Xie."

When he arrived at the director's office, Xie Tian greeted Wang Jianguo: "Morning, Pharaoh"

Wang Jianguo was still wondering who this person was, but when he heard this, his face turned black immediately, only the **** Xie Tian called himself that, and he didn't want to see how this guy became handsome, so he said coldly, "You can call me Old Wang again. , I'll move next door to your house"

Xie Tianyihan, move to the next door to my house, what is this going to do, I am terrified to think about it. Pharaoh can't be bothered!

"Hello, Uncle Wang."