MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 43 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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People choked by the strong smell of blood can't breathe, the sound of gnawing on bones is right in their ears, and the grass is full of broken meat and tearing.

Her body and spirit collapsed to the extreme, she turned her head to look at the pack of wolves and shredded the two wolves that had attacked her in a blink of an eye. She didn't know what was going on. After coming to nibble and bite her, Cong Liang released his hands in the dirt and let go of Yun Chou's neck.

"Get up," Congliang pressed against Yun Chou's ear, almost in an angry voice, "walk a few steps to the right, there is a tree you climb up, and climb to a higher place."

Cong Liang gritted her teeth and tried to turn herself off Yun Chou quietly, but the injuries on the back of her neck and legs made her unable to even lift her head at this moment.

Congliang: "Say I can't move. The tree is about three or five steps to your right. You turn me down."

But Yun Chou didn't move after hearing this, but frowned, "Why are you still bleeding?" The last time he was stabbed, the bleeding stopped after a while.

From the conscience, the wolves are still killing each other. Although it is not common sense, it is true that they have not come to attack the two of them. She can't even lift her neck, and she will definitely not be able to run away, but Yun Chou only needs to crawl. To that tree, there might be a way to survive.

"Hurry up," Congliang said anxiously.

Yun Chou moved slowly, instead of flipping her down, he supported her with his hand, and rubbed out from under her body little by little. There was no part of Cong Liang's body that didn't hurt, especially the neck, which was a little bit mild. It hurts so much that she can't wait to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

But the wolves were by her side, and her painful teeth were trembling, but the person who had just roared out of the eighteen bends of the mountain road was stunned and didn't make a sound at this moment.

Yun Chou sat up from under Congliang, Congliang kept lying on the ground, his neck didn't even dare to side, and his clothes were wet with blood and sweat.

"You..." Yun Chou's nose still smelled of fresh blood. Although it was not as strong as before, it was still gurgling. There was blood that was about to congeal all over his face. Gently groping for the wound on Cong Liang's body.

Yun Chou started from the calf and touched the back of Congliang's neck. For the first time in his life, he realized what it means to be scared.

After being injured like this, he still wanted to let him run, and even let him turn her in the direction of the wolves... Yun Chou's **** eyelashes trembled a few times, his hands were frozen on Cong Liang's back, and his knuckles were cold.

So now there is no automatic recovery, is the "monster" dying?

Every trace of consciousness is clenching his teeth and supporting himself. It is said that the special forces have been trained in heart and will for many years, and in a state of extreme mental toughness, sometimes even if the physical limit is limited, they can still hold their consciousness for a while. Cong Liang is the first time. I found that I also have the potential to be a special forces soldier.

She was dizzy and wanted to vomit, but she still concentrated all her energy to pay attention to Yun Chou around her. She was **** surprised to find that Yun Chou stood up unexpectedly. Not running yet.

"Are you injured?" Cong Liang's hand spread out on the ground and scratched at the ground, and a small medicine bottle appeared on the soil. Cong Liang mobilized the strength of his whole body and pushed the medicine bottle towards Yun Chou.

The sound of unsteady breathing was also hoarse and broken, but he was in no mood to suppress the volume. "I have medicine under my hand. You take it and rub it on the wound, and the pain will soon be gone."

Yun Scandal groped his stiff knuckles under Congliang's fingers, squeezed the medicine bottle, and slammed the rotating lid off, and the familiar aroma rushed into his nostrils. He poured the medicine bottle directly towards Congliang's worst wound on his neck almost without pausing.

The icy cold touch instantly covered the pain. Cong Liang was stunned for a moment. He wanted to make a sound to chase Yun Chou and leave, but he moved his lips several times, and the words were choked in his throat and could not make a sound.

A bottle of medicine covered the wound on Congliang's neck anyway. Congliang's eye rims were wet, and the golden beans flowed into the soil, producing heart-throbbing flowers in situ.

"Anything else?" Yun Chou knew what it was. The first time he stabbed the "monster", he smelled it, and then the "monster" wound healed.

But this small bottle was really a drop in the bucket for the bites and tears on Congliang's back. Congliang cried and choked out, thinking that there was half a bottle left in the system space, he reached out and grabbed a large amount of small bottles. bottle.

Cong Liang was stunned for a moment, but the system still didn't respond. After a while, the gel-covered area on her neck was more than half healed. She turned her head to the palm of her hand and saw not only several bottles of repair gel but also several bottles of nutrient solution.

He almost cried out in excitement, forcibly held back, took a breath and slowly turned his head to look at the wolves, and then turned to look around, where there were still shadows of the wolves.

In the nest, two of the same kind were torn apart and they were full. The wolves in this place are so good, they leave when they are full, and the two big living people with their delicate skin and tender meat don’t take the opportunity to kill them for reserve food?

Ah yes! The system said that Yun Chou once rescued a wolf, and said that it would bring her to the wolf's lair to confirm, then this group of wolves was the ones that Yun Chou saved, no wonder she could eat it herself, so now... did she fail the confirmation? .

The breath that was hanging from Liang's throat was slowly exhaled, but at the same time, it was lifted up from his heart silently.

The system said that Yun Chou had no affection for her, and nearly stabbed her to death several times. Then she failed to confirm. Will Yun Chou return to the way she was before? Thinking of the recent intimacy between the two, if it returned to the original state, then it wouldn't matter. Once again, when he returned to before liberation, Congliang was a little sad, but also a little square.

The nutrient solution was separated, and the rest of the gel was touched by Yun Chou. Starting from the back, bottle after bottle of gel was poured onto the body, and the fabric that was in the way of the back and legs was torn by Yun Chou. The ice-cold fingertips dipped in the ice-cold ointment and swam on her body. When she reached the root of her thigh, Congliang almost choked her trachea with a mouthful of nutrient solution.

It's just that this time is not really a time of lust. She lost too much blood, two bottles of nutrient solution went down, and the warmth on her body has not yet come up. This time, the injury can be said to have stepped into the door of life and death.

Paying such a high price, Yun Chou failed to confirm her wolf demon. Cong Liang was lying on the ground sadly and poured bottle after bottle of nutrient solution, planning to wait for the system to connect successfully, kiss Xiao Fang Fang first, and reward it even if it was lost. The state of the couplet, did not forget to exchange for her life-saving things, and then ask it carefully, is this world really a seven-star? I'm afraid it's not a ten star.

Yun Chou's heart is a seamless stone egg, even if she hummed and folded her mouthparts, she couldn't nail a small eye.

Nothing can be done, nothing can be done...

Congliang stretched out his hand to fish three times from the system space, drank more than twenty bottles of nutrient solution, covered his mouth with a "hiccup" and hiccupped, feeling that he could get up and sprint for 5,000 meters in his current state. , was finally able to pour a breath of life.

The bite wound has long since disappeared without a trace under the action of the gel. Only a few spots on the back are left with torn flesh, and the pits and pits are still being repaired. However, after applying the gel, I already feel completely no pain.

Unscrew another nutrient solution from Liang's mouth, just about to hand it to Yun Chou, his eyes slipped Yun Chou from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Except for the dirty clothes, he couldn't find a single wound, and he drank it silently.

Just now, when the wolf bites the wolf, the wolf tears the wolf, the wolf eats the wolf and runs away after eating the wolf. Zongliang still doesn't fully understand what it means. He said to test if she is a wolf demon, and the two wolves bite her to see if she will transform. , but you don't need your own wolf to eat your own wolf...

Thinking of the wolf tearing scene just now, Cong Liang subconsciously shook, shook his head, couldn't understand why he didn't want to, Yun Chou's face was covered in blood, and Cong Liang couldn't see his expression at all, confirming that she and him once It doesn't matter if you save the wolf, what will happen to Yun Chou?

Waiting for the wound on the back to recover gradually, the two of them lay down and sat down silently for a long time without communicating. Cong Liang smoothed things over from beginning to end, but he did not understand it, but there is one important point that cannot be ignored. The small piece cracked, reminding Liang Yun Chou that he didn't leave her after knowing that she was not a wolf demon, and even helped her to apply gel.

Cong Liang used to despise this kind of behavior of pulling beans in the **** pit, but when it was his turn, he would inevitably have all kinds of unrealistic fantasies, whether there would be a stone monkey in the stone egg and a nail outside. No leak, it's going to be broken from the inside.

Cong Liang sat up, his clothes were all tattered, tattered, bloody, muddy, but the skin under the broken cloth was as fair and tender as a newborn.

Hearing the voice of Congliang getting up, Yun Chou turned his head to Congliang, "Are you all right?" It should be fine without the smell of blood.

Cong Liang was about to hold Yun Chou's hand for a while, and "weak" fell into Yun Chou's arms.

The voice was vague, "No strength at all..."

Just as Yun Chou was about to stand up and carry the person on his back, Congliang said, "You need to kiss to stand up."

Yun Chou: "…"

"What kind of monster are you?" Yun Chou asked.

"Ah?" Cong Liangmeng sat up straight, she missed the fact that she was not a wolf demon, but I didn't expect Yun Chou to ask directly, "Yes..." What the hell.

She disappeared and appeared out of thin air again, and was torn apart by wolves again. She almost drained her blood and recovered. She said that she was human, but she herself did not believe that Yun Chou was blind or stupid.

But to say that she is a monster... The first word she can think of is ugly, monsters are very ugly in her mind, so she doesn't want Yun Chou to treat her as a monster. is a monster!

"I'm a goblin!" Goblins are very beautiful.

"What demon?" Yun Chou asked again.

"I..." Congliang got stuck again, what demon? Said the animal what if Yun Chou turned her into her?

Knocking on the system, this time it was not silent, but sizzling, no one gave her any advice, Yun Chou was still "looking" at her, waiting for her answer, Cong Liang chirped for a while, eyes closed and heart turned.

"...shemale." At least it couldn't make her transform.

Yun Chou was stunned for a moment, his **** eyes blinked twice, his eyelashes and lower eyelid were sticking together, and he didn't reach out to rub it, obviously he was stunned by this angry answer.

After Congliang finished speaking, he wanted to laugh too, but seeing Yun Chou being fooled by her, he was suddenly very itchy.

With blue trees and blue sky, messy hair, dirty clothes, and blood red lining, Cong Liang suddenly announced that she was going to be a hooligan.

"I'm going to kiss you," Cong Liang said, "kiss."

Yun Chou was still stunned and didn't move. When Cong Liang's breath came up, he seemed to want to step back, but he only flicked back a little and didn't move. He just pressed his five fingers on the grass and gradually sank into the soil.

Congliang is quite particular, first rubbing his lips with a clean coat cuff before sticking them on, Yun Chou's drooping eyelashes were completely covered with blood and his lower eyelid, and his eyeballs were scrambling under his eyelids.

"Zizzizi...ziziziding!...From...hey, **** it!" The system Xiaofang immediately cut off the link he had managed to repair.

In the system space, the small hand covered the display screen and shook his head violently, "Blind and blind."