MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 18

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Guan Zhou froze in place from the moment he saw Chi An. The middle-aged woman on the side was teasing him at first, but when he saw that he didn't respond suddenly, she also followed Guan Zhou's gaze to see Chi An.

The middle-aged woman looked like she had experienced many battles, and she didn't have the slightest panic on her face under such circumstances. She took a meaningful look at Chi An, then patted Guan Zhou's chest ambiguously, and then walked aside.

Da has an attitude of having nothing to do with himself and hanging high.

Guan Zhou had just temporarily received a call from a middle-aged woman who came out behind Chi An's back. Before coming out, he made up a reason saying that he was going to look for Mu Yanxi.

In his plan, Mu Yanxi is also an artist who is going to walk the red carpet, so he should go to the front early to make preparations. Chi An won't find this place, so he will be safe.

But unexpectedly, Mu Yanxi and Chi An appeared here together, and just happened to bump into him.

Mu Yanxi and Ling Yi consciously stood aside, leaving the stage to the three people in the center of the vortex, trying their best to reduce their sense of existence.

The three of them really didn't have any extra thoughts to pay attention to them, and the atmosphere was tense and ready to explode.

Guan Zhou opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when Chi An stepped forward with high heels, and with a sound of "啪──", he slapped Guan Zhou hard.

The middle-aged woman finally showed a little embarrassment on her face, and took a few steps back to the side.

After all, this is the scene of a dinner party, with so many cameras staring outside, how can you not see it with such a slap?

But Chi An just didn't have any scruples.

For the middle-aged woman, Guanzhou is also the object of her entertainment, and she has no intention of intervening when her little girlfriend comes to her.

Guan Zhou was immediately stunned by Chi An's slap. Immediately afterwards, Chi An changed his hand and slapped it as if he hurt his hand again.

The one on the left and the one on the right, Guan Zhou's face immediately swelled up after applying several layers of powder, and there were faint traces of blood drawn by his nails.

After two slaps, Chi An calmed down a little, looked at the middle-aged woman beside him, and couldn't help but burst into flames, "It's fine if you cheated on me, but it's because of this old woman?"

Guan Zhou had no confidence at first, and let Chi An beat and scold him to calm down. But when Chi An shifted the battlefield to the benefactor beside him, he couldn't sit idly by.

Guan Zhou suddenly stood in front of the middle-aged woman, and pushed Chi An: "Have you made enough trouble?"

Chi An was wearing high heels, and was pushed so hard that he lost his footing and almost fell to the ground. It was still Mu Yanxi who couldn't stand it anymore, and went to pull it to avoid falling.

The makeup on Chi An's face was all over, but after seeing Mu Yanxi, he began to attack indiscriminately:

"Guan Zhou, you **** and scum, are you so **** shameless? Is it disgusting to be with this kind of woman who can be your mother? I'd rather your cheating partner is Mu Yanxi, you **** Are you not blind?"

In an instant, Mu Yanxi, who was pointed at by Chi An, became the focus instead.

Mu Yanxi took two steps back in Ling Yi's direction, and said with a dry smile, "Don't worry, I'm not even half interested in this kind of old, ugly and greasy man, and I won't compete with you."

After finishing speaking, he was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, and added slowly: "Who knows if his private life is so chaotic, will he be sick?"

After the voice fell, the air gradually froze, and needles could be heard in the entire corridor.

Guan Zhou's face was very beautiful, the face that was slapped was already red and white, and at the moment he was so angry that it became more colorful, and his face was full of shock.

And the middle-aged woman who heard this was even more stunned there, even letting go of her dissatisfaction just now, and hurriedly glared at Guan Zhou and left.

It's like going to the hospital for an examination right away.

This made Guan Zhou's complexion even more exciting, from black to white.

Chi An was still crying and screaming, crying so much that his make-up was all over his face, he couldn't breathe, he hit and kicked Guan Zhou.

"Scumbag, bitch, I'm going to announce everything about you!" After punching and kicking like this for a while, perhaps it was Guan Zhou's attitude of not fighting back when he was beaten or scolded, which moved Chi An's heart.

Chi An actually calmed down.

But in the next second, Chi An seemed to realize that there were still spectators, and suddenly aimed at Mu Yanxi, gnashing his teeth: "Mu Yanxi, are you satisfied now? Let me tell you, don't be too complacent, I heard Do you have a partner too?"

Ling Yi frowned at the side, and when he looked at Mu Yanxi, the little ancestor's face had already darkened.

Chi An thought he had touched Mu Yanxi's sore spot: "You have so much black material, and when you were framed as a mistress, you didn't see your partner come out to help you with a word. Why, you have to hide it because you can't show it. with?"

Mu Yanxi was probably trampled to the point of thunder, and she paused for two seconds before recovering.

She seemed to be unable to bear others saying that Yi Wulan was not good.

Even if Yi Wulan has something bad, only she can say it.

What is Chi An?

"I'm not like you." Mu Yanxi glanced at Chi An's grasped hand, and sneered bitterly, "After all, I'm not like you, determined to be a garbage recycling station."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Chi An and Guan Zhou, and pulled Ling Yi away in a very chic manner.

The red carpet of the Nansha dinner had already begun, and Mu Yanxi and her manager hurried to the waiting area as soon as they left.

As soon as he entered the arena, the main camera of the live broadcast swept over. Mu Yanxi changed her business face in seconds, and smiled slightly at the camera.

The camera flashed by, and the manager led her into the waiting area.

The seats in the waiting area are arranged in the same way as the infield after the dinner, arranged according to the seats of the artists. The bigger the artist, the more they will sit in the front row.

The 18th line like Mu Yanxi, who was qualified for admission, was naturally placed in an inconspicuous corner, and even the cameras on the field could hardly catch her.

Mu Yanxi was also very happy, and took out her phone to browse Weibo, but she didn't expect that when she opened it, it was her melon.

Chi An and Guan Zhou were caught by the camera when they first arrived, and sharp-eyed netizens had already discussed Chi An's clothes for a long time.

Now that Mu Yanxi appeared on the red carpet wearing the same dress, didn't she just bump into it?

If it's the usual shirt bumping, then whoever is ugly must be embarrassed.

But the two of them collided with the new high-end dresses just released by Chanel. The number of loans of such dresses is often limited, and one of them must be a fake.

The entanglement between Mu Yanxi and Chi An has long been known on Weibo, and today there is such a thing as a shirt collision, the marketing account directly posted the picture above: [Look at me when eating melons: Chi An and Mu Yanxi bump into shirts, in the end Who is real? (curious)】

Later, I brought a picture of the two people captured in the live broadcast, and the comment area directly quarreled:

[Lai Lai Lai made a bet, so which one of them is wearing a pirated version? 】

[This dress is a high-end dress worth millions of dollars. Even if you wear a fake, can you not touch such outrageous things? I'm afraid others won't know? 】

[One thing to say, if you only look at the degree of fit, how can Chi An look like a child who steals an adult's clothes, he can't even hold it up, will Chanel really lend her millions of couture? 】

[No, why are you all talking about Chi An, why is no one talking about Mu Yanxi? 】

[Did Mu Yanxi wear the real thing? Does this need to be specifically mentioned? 】

So, Mu Yanxi watched helplessly as the comment section on the first floor was completely distorted: [As for the little vase's show-off nature, if she wears real goods, the nine-square grid is not enough for her to show off]

【No, no, no, she might have posed for some more clothes when the camera caught her just now】

[But to be fair, if I were Chi An, I would die of embarrassment. Mu Yanxi's beauty and aura in fakes would blow her away by countless streets]

After Mu Yanxi saw this, she wanted to give a thumbs up, but was forced to withdraw her hand by the death ray from the manager beside her.

She immediately lost interest and switched back to the hot search list.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, #池安红红穿假货# has already been on the hot search list, and there is a slight leap towards the top ten.

Many fashion bloggers took the photos of Chi An taken in the live broadcast just now and the refined photos sent by Chi An's team to study, and compared them with the models at the Chanel press conference, and more and more people questioned it.

Those passers-by who followed suit directly picked up Chi An's fans:

[Chi An is wearing a fake product, right? Mu Yanxi who is wearing fake clothes is not as good-looking as the one next to her, if I were Chi An, I would definitely be ashamed to walk on the red carpet]

[Upstairs, our family, An An, borrowed a high-end set based on his own grades, why are you so weird? 】

[An An's agent said that it was the clothes Guan Zhou bought for An An, what are you all suspicious of? 】

[Just say it, pass it on: Chi An overturned while wearing a fake]

[The one who said don't doubt Guan Zhou, I advise you to go to the trending search, I'm a good person, don't thank me]

Mu Yanxi ate melons with relish, and when she saw the new target appear, she immediately ran to join in the fun.

Tonight's top ten most searched are all major traffickers walking the red carpet, but the middle row seems to be contracted by Chi An and Guan Zhou. At a glance, there are all related entries, and the popularity is rising all the way.

Mu Yanxi just ate the live version of the big melon that Chi An smashed through Guanzhou's affair, and she didn't expect to see the entry of #关州失迪# on the hot search so soon.

It seems that she and Ling Yi were not the only ones watching the show in that corridor just now.

After clicking on the entry of #关州失rail#, a small video was directly posted on the front marketing account. Mu Yanxi clicked to open it up and watch it. It turned out to be a kiss video between Guan Zhou and that middle-aged woman. It was divided into eighteen bans.

Is this still Guan Zhou who was dubbed the high-cold male **** of school drama?

Without any written explanation, netizens who are used to watching goofy dramas automatically made up a big drama in their brains. Guan Zhou dared to act as a good man who loves to be open, and it collapsed overnight.

The number of views of this hot search is still rising continuously, and it directly overwhelms the drafts of several first-line traffic stars, and sits on the fifth place of the hot search.

All the popular marketing accounts came one after another, as if they were clearing their inventory, and released all the photos of Guanzhou traveling with other people that they had taken before.

During this period of time, Guan Zhou **** marketing with Mu Yanxi and Chi An, and the fans of Chi An and Mu Yanxi fought against each other, but he sat back and enjoyed the benefits of both parties, and naturally there were opponents who didn't like him.

As soon as this incident broke out, all kinds of monsters and ghosts began to step on it.

The entries with Guan Zhou's name seem to be arranged and combined, and many female stars are hooked up, and the whole column is eloquent.

Among them, there are many photos that are both true and false, and fish in troubled waters. Netizens picked up a magnifying glass one by one to identify those high-fuzzy pictures, and they were really picked out as insiders who had an affair with Guanzhou.

Some conscientious marketing accounts are very conscientious, and even mark the time and place where the photos were taken. I don't know if I don't sign, but I was taken aback. There are many photos of Guan Zhou after he publicly fell in love with Chi An, and Chi An's green hat can be said to be worn tightly.

Netizens are most fond of talking about the fact that Guan Zhou in the photo is dating multiple lovers on the same day. He spends time with Chi An in the morning, flirts with the younger sister of the crew in the afternoon, and plays with the older rich woman in the evening. He will return to Chi An in the middle of the night. Ann's residence.

Truly a master of time management.

Some netizens ridiculed that Guan Zhou was asked to publish a book.

So many real hammers can be said to be a huge scandal. Before Guanzhou's economic team could react, those endorsement parties in Guanzhou were the first to react:

[Smartphone: It is decided that from now on, our company will terminate the endorsement contract with Mr. Guan Zhou and terminate all cooperation]

[rl Sports: rl Sports has always been aiming at innovation and integrity. After an emergency meeting, Mr. Guan Zhou does not conform to our company's image and will terminate all cooperation with Mr. Guan Zhou]

[Mingshang Cosmetics: Terminate all cooperation with Mr. Guan Zhou from now on, and will pursue legal responsibility for Mr. Guan Zhou's negative impact on our company]


The number of endorsements dropped one after another, which is really spectacular.

Being dismissed from the endorsement under such circumstances, Mu Yanxi casually asked the manager next to her. After hearing the sky-high liquidated damages that Guan Zhou was going to pay, her smiling eyes narrowed into a line, and she almost wrote schadenfreude directly on her face up.

At this time, a staff member came over to remind the red carpet that Mu Yanxi reluctantly handed over her phone to her manager, and asked her manager to find a power bank for her nearly exhausted battery.

The manager took over the phone and gave Mu Yanxi a haircut: "Go."

Mu Yanxi earned enough exposure on the red carpet, and the bullet screen flew up, all asking Mu Yanxi's economic team to release intensive photos as soon as possible.

When Mu Yanxi came to the backstage again, another entry about her popped up in the hot search list dominated by Guanzhou: #木言朝红红穿假货#, replacing the original #池Annhongcarpetwears fake goods#'s trending search.

Obviously, Chi An's team was behind the scenes trying to divert attention and pull her into the water.

It's not the first time Mu Yanxi has seen hot searches about her wearing fake clothes. To be honest, she doesn't feel any sadness in her heart, she just feels a little dark.

After all, Chi An's little Bailian bought her the hot search this time, so she must have spent a lot of money, right?

After thinking about it, Guan Zhou's 'ex-cp' is not the only one in the hot search for scandals. It seems that she has the slightest relationship with her?

Mu Yanxi clicked on the Weibo post that she was wearing a fake. Unexpectedly, the netizens on the square had a uniform style of painting:

[One minute, I want all the information about this young lady! 】

[What is Mu Yanxi's economic team doing? Why haven't you released a beautifully edited photo? I'm still waiting to be the avatar.]

[The little vase deserves to be my certified face, it can look so good in fakes, Chi An will be mad at you hahaha]

The manager at the side comforted Mu Yanxi: "It's okay, it's not the first time anyway, at least not so many people scold you this time, right?"

Mu Yanxi responded casually.

The manager thought that he had hurt the fragile glass heart of his own artist, so he immediately turned into a boasting machine, boasting Mu Yanxi's beauty to the sky and into the earth alone, and even forgot his previous warning that boasting that Mu Yanxi was an internal entertainment First person.

Mu Yanxi blinked: "Sister Ling, aren't you afraid of being besieged by those traffic fans?"

The agent looked dedicated: "It's okay, I can work overtime."

Mu Yanxi finally couldn't help laughing, and said indifferently: "Okay, I'm not sad, I just feel a little embarrassed that Chi An spent so much money for me this time."


It was she who was worrying too much.

Mu Yanxi switched back to her Weibo, intending to blackmail a few high-flying black fans as a routine.

But she didn't expect that just after blocking a few, the agent next to her suddenly yelled "Ah", which shocked her greatly.

At the same time, the artists around looked over, and Mu Yanxi smiled at them in embarrassment.

Then she turned her head to remind: "Sister Ling, please keep your voice down, there are so many people around."

The manager looked at Mu Yanxi's clothes in disbelief: "You, you, your outfit are real?"

Mu Yanxi raised her chin: "I never wear fakes."

But after he finished speaking, he felt strange again: "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

The manager suddenly put the phone in front of Mu Yanxi, "Look quickly."

Mu Yanxi looked at the Weibo above and was slightly taken aback.

It turned out that Chanel's official website reposted her red carpet picture and claimed this haute couture:

[Chanel el: Mu Yanxi appeared at the Nansha Charity Dinner Awards Ceremony, wearing el2022cocobeauty advanced handmade tailoring series ready-to-wear, elegant and moving dress]

Mu Yanxi stared at this Weibo for a long time, opened Chanel's official account repeatedly, and even reopened Weibo before clicking in.

After a lot of tossing, I finally confirmed that it was really Chanel's official Weibo.

It wasn't just her, the hot search also exploded, and the netizens were stunned.

At the same time, the entry of #香奈儿沉言江# directly rushed to the third place in the hot search entertainment list. The last time Chanel ranked high in the hot search, it was officially announced as the spokesperson for makeup in the Asia-Pacific region.

Although Mu Yanxi has been in the entertainment industry for two years, many netizens know her face, but they can't match her name.

So when the name came out and was associated with Chanel, the buzz was all-time high:

[No, no, Chanel's account has been hacked? 】

[Is there a second artist named Mu Yanxi in Huaguo? Could this Mu Yanxi be the one I knew? 】

【Are you blind upstairs? Didn't you see which Mu Yanxi the picture forwarded by Chanel was? 】

[You may not know, I even restarted my phone before I was willing to believe that it wasn’t the Internet crash, it was real]

[Come out and take two steps, have you bought a lottery ticket? Have you paid your taxes? @木言朝]

【(Grandpa on the subway looks at his phone.jpg)】

[Is this still the little vase I know who loves to steal pictures and wear fakes? 】

[Little vase, you don't want to engage in pyramid schemes to make money just to save face, do you? @云城政府, come and report someone with my real name for illegal fundraising! 】

[It's over, I don't think I can afford a small vase even if I pick up bottles]


Mu Yanxi wandered around the square of the article for a long time, and the initial shock has gradually calmed down.

Although she spends tens of millions on luxury brands every year, especially the Chanel brand, she has already bought three dresses in the middle of this year alone. Every time Chanel holds a show, someone will send invitations to her here.

But private transactions are one thing, and it is the first time to publicly interact with brands on Weibo.

Chanel is not a small brand. This kind of high-end luxury brand even has to choose thousands of spokespersons, and rarely interact with people on weekdays.

It's not good for Chanel that Aite loves her all of a sudden.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chanel is promoting her position. What is Chanel trying to do?

Is she a blurry picture or is she a lot of black fans?

The more Mu Yanxi thought about it, the more she felt incredible. Although she didn't care much about the comments on the Internet, she had to say that when she saw Chanel come out to claim her clothes, and the way those black fans changed their faces in seconds...

It's so cool.

Chanel will not give her a coffee position for no reason, someone must have manipulated it.

Her sister Mu Yanqing didn't take care of the entertainment industry for the past two years, so it didn't make sense that she would suddenly jump out now, and a name suddenly flashed in Mu Yanxi's mind.

But once this idea appeared, the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible.

Could it be that Yi Wulan really did it?

Ever since the drunk incident that night, Mu Yanxi had deliberately avoided Yi Wulan. Even if the other party called, she would find an excuse to hang up without saying a word.

So...Is Yi Wulan trying to show his affection to her?

Mu Yanxi quietly clicked on Chanel's official blog again, and took a deep breath while covering her beating heart.

The other party is so sincere, so it's okay for her to condescend a little and take the initiative to find Yi Wulan?

With such careful thoughts in mind, Mu Yanxi finally finished the Nansha charity dinner in a daze, and sent a video call to Yi Wulan as soon as she returned to the hotel.

I planned to ask the question directly, but felt that with Yi Wulan's personality, he might deny it.

So I wiped off my lipstick before the video, and I need to do full makeup on the red carpet. My lips without lipstick look a little pale, and I feel pitiful.

Yi Wulan picked it up quickly, looking like he just took a shower, with moisture on his skin.

Mu Yanxi admired Yi Wulan's beauty for a while, and looked at her complexion a few more times before she felt relieved.

Then, he suddenly sighed with feigned grievance: "I'm going to walk the red carpet of the Nansha Charity Dinner today."

Yi Wulan nodded: "Yeah."

"I...I, uh."

Seeing Mu Yanxi lowering her head, Yi Wulan's eyes slowly moved down and fell on Mu Yanxi's pale lips.

Yi Wulan frowned slightly, and lowered her voice: "What's wrong?"

Mu Yanxi lowered her head, like a child returning home to sue: "They all said that I was wearing fake products, and I was scolded for a long time on the hot search."

Yi Wulan's eyes were slightly dazed, and he blurted out: "Didn't I let Gu Yan handle it?"

In the next second Mu Yanxi suddenly raised his head, the sadness and sadness on his face was swept away, and instead it was full of deceptive smiles.

Mu Yanxi already guessed what Yi Wulan was doing, but she had to wait until Yi Wulan said it herself.

Those fox eyes were full of pride and showing off, very hateful.

"Yi Wulan, so you did it." Mu Yanxi slowly rolled up a lock of hair, and blinked ambiguously, "How do you think I should repay you?"