MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 80

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The holographic special effects at the New Year's Eve concert last night undoubtedly received unanimous praise from the Internet. It improved the shortcomings of the traditional concert stage special effects that can only be enjoyed by the VIP area around the stage, and brought an immersive experience to the audience. experience.

Rongjia Group took advantage of the victory and launched a 4D holographic movie directly on the first day of the new year. All cinemas in Huazhen Shopping Center can enjoy 4D holographic special effects.

This holographic movie reform is not like the 4D movie in the small sci-fi movie experience warehouse, but can directly convert the released 3D movie into a 4D effect, so that all audiences seem to follow along in various movies. The protagonist experiences life.

To everyone's surprise, the ticket price of the movie has not been increased, which is exactly the same as the price charged for the 3D of the movie.

Just to promote 4D holographic movies, the movie theaters under Huazhen Shopping only have traditional 2D movies and the latest 4D holographic movies. If you want to watch 3D movies, you need to go to other movie theaters to watch them.

But this has not affected the flow of movie theaters in the slightest.

With the same ticket price, who would watch 3D instead of 4D? Just in the morning, a 4D holographic movie was played in major Huazhen movie theaters, and it became popular on the Internet at noon.

People who have seen it spread it to ten or ten to a hundred. There is no need for Rongjia to promote the word of mouth and quality, and countless people spontaneously promote it.

Yi Wulan finished processing the documents sent by Gu Yan in the study, returned to the bedroom and found that Mu Yanxi was already awake, operated the remote control to open the curtains, skillfully placed the crystal shrimp dumplings made by auntie on the bedside, "go wash, Come here and eat something to fill your stomach."

For Bai Yu'an, although Yi Wulan is not very old, but because she took over the company early, it is equivalent to being in the same generation as her father.

Every time Bai Yu'an sees Yi Wulan, it's because he has already led Mu Yanxi badly, or is on the way to lead badly. There are too many times, even if he really didn't do anything today, Bai Yu'an still wants to run away conditioned reflex. It seems that if you slow down, Yi Wulan will tell her father that she has nothing to do.

Bai Yu'an was afraid, but Mu Yanxi was not. Although he was weak, he was very confident after being tossed and tossed for so many hours last night. He propped his head and smirked at Yi Wulan:

"Hey, I'm so sorry to trouble President Yida. You haven't gone to work yet. Did you come here specially to deliver food to me? When you came back from the garage last night, you thoughtfully gave me a bowl of small wontons with soup.

Why, now that you're tired of playing, you're starting to play tricks on me? Just ask auntie to steam something and send it over? Mr. Yi, you made a special trip, how could I be ashamed. "

His throat was still half-dumb, but his small mouth didn't forget to babble to make people feel angry.

Although Crystal Shrimp Dumplings is my ancestor's favorite breakfast on weekdays.

Although Yi Wulan knew that Mu Yanxi had been tossed all night, she must have a bad temper and make trouble after waking up. She was mentally prepared before coming in, but she still found that she underestimated the language ability of her little ancestor, and she was directly turned into a heartless person.

She frowned and asked, "Want to eat small wontons?"

Mu Yanxi's throat became even more uncomfortable after outputting, but she still forced a polite smile and continued to speak:

"I don't want to, how can I let President Yi Da personally cook for me? Anyway, I served Mr. Yi all night, and almost fainted after tossing and turning a few times, but it doesn't matter, this is what I should do."

Yi Wulan sat by the bed, "You...don't talk like that."

Mu Yanxi nodded, and said innocently: "Then what should I say? Anyway, I am strong enough to withstand all the troubles of President Yida. I will not forget to kneel down and be grateful to Mr. Yi."

Yi Wulan:...

Only then did Yi Wulan realize how angry her little ancestor was. She frowned and stood up, "I'll get you a bowl of wonton."

"No need." Mu Yanxi's mood became much smoother after crackling her mouth, and Yi Wulan was a little more pleasing to the eye, and she didn't want to bother anyone anymore, so she pulled the corner of Yi Wulan's clothes and ordered angrily: " Go get me a glass of water, my throat hurts."

Yi Wulan responded, went to the water dispenser next to him and poured a glass of water for Mu Yanxi, then sat back on the side of the bed, carefully helped Mu Yanxi up, "May I feed you?"

"I didn't brush my teeth, I don't want to." The little ancestor is sometimes very particular, kissing is okay, but eating is absolutely not. Besides, she couldn't go to the bathroom before the ability started to repair her, so she had to compromise, "Bring me the mouthwash for me."

Yi Wulan did as he did, and waited for the little ancestor to spit out water countless times before finally handing over the glass filled with water.

Mu Yanxi leaned sleepily in Yi Wulan's arms, drinking water in small sips, moistening her almost useless throat.

After drinking a cup, I finally felt a lot smoother, but I still leaned on Yi Wulan sickly and refused to go down, "Yi Wulan, my legs are sore."

Yi Wulan reached out and pulled away Mu Yanxi's quilt, put her warm hand into the quilt, and rubbed Mu Yanxi's legs, "Don't you want to eat something?"

"Wait a while." Even when the movement of Yi Wulan's hand slowed down, he grabbed Yi Wulan's hand and groaned, "Use a little force, I feel so uncomfortable."

Without saying a word, Yi Wulan continued to rub her stretched legs, and the cloudy sky outside the window slowly let out the sun, shining into the room.

Mu Yanxi's upper body was photographed, and she lay lazily on Yi Wulan's body, sniffing the familiar fragrance of Yi Wulan's body, and finally the restlessness in her heart was completely soothed.

Mu Yanxi curled the long hair on Yi Wulan's chest with her fingertips, and asked casually, "Is the holographic movie online today?"

Yi Wulan caressed Mu Yanxi's hair once and for all, heard Yan rubbed Mu Yanxi's head twice, and said in a low voice: "The feedback is good, better than we expected."

Mu Yanxi rubbed Yi Wulan's clothes, and said vaguely: "When will the home theater function of the holographic housekeeper be upgraded and launched?"

"We are still doing the debugging before the upgrade. The specific effect depends on the viewing equipment in each family." Yi Wulan asked, "Do you want to experience it at home first?"

"Will you watch it with me?" Mu Yanxi blinked and said meaningfully, "You can watch any movie?"

Yi Wulan was a little confused, so, "What do you want to see?"

"I heard that when my sister shared your dorm room with you in college, she stuffed you with some movies." Mu Yanxi licked her lips, "Did you watch it then?"

Yi Wulan frowned and remained silent for a long time, apparently not remembering this matter, she shook her head.

Mu Yanxi didn't need to guess. It's probably not the first time that her sister shared such outrageous things with Yi Wulan, but with Yi Wulan's old-fashioned personality, she probably wouldn't respond, and turned around to look at something. The obscure professional books are gone.

Mu Yanxi rubbed Yi Wulan's lapel, and said vaguely, "Can your equipment be used for ordinary 2D movies?"

Yi Wulan nodded: "Yes, it is presented three-dimensionally by capturing images of portraits and other things."

Mu Yanxi suddenly gave a strange muffled laugh, but quickly held it back.

Seeing this, Yi Wulan lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

How dare Mu Yanxi tell Yi Wulan this, she shook her head immediately, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

Seeing her expression, Yi Wulan knew what was on her mind. Suddenly, he pinched the back of her neck with his hand, and skillfully rubbed it twice on the sensitive area, which immediately made Mu Yanxi's shoulders shrug and go limp.

"Woo - I was wrong, I said, I said it's okay?" How could Mu Yanxi bear this, being provoked by Yi Wulan, she simply gave up her face, which made Yi Wulan let go of her hand a little .

Mu Yanxi organized the language: "The construction of the Children's Palace was sped up last time. It would be better to sell it in front of the government, so as to save the upgraded holographic movie equipment from being used to watch some 18x movies... Don't tell me, why don't you watch it?" It was quite exciting."

As he talked, he comforted Yi Wulan again: "But Rong Jia shouldn't be blamed for this. Shouldn't those DVD devices in the early years be responsible for the film? Rong Jia just provided the player."

Yi Wulan endured and endured, but still couldn't hold back, and said coldly: "What have you been thinking about all day long?"

"What am I thinking about?" Mu Yanxi plausibly said, "Everyone is an adult, if you want to watch a movie, go to the cinema, isn't it normal to stay at home and watch something special? If you think this is unsightly , don’t sleep with me at night.”

Yi Wulan:...

Mu Yanxi's fallacies have always been set wholesale, which always makes the well-behaved CEO Yi Da helpless.

Seeing that Mu Yanxi wanted to talk endlessly, Yi Wulan supported Mu Yanxi's chin, and directly lowered her head to block this irritating mouth.

Mu Yanxi struggled for a long time with a 'huh huh', and the strength she finally accumulated was exhausted by Yi Wulan's kiss, and now she finally didn't have the strength to talk nonsense anymore.

After messing around, Mu Yanxi ate lunch on the bed. The power core was finally full, and she had extra powers to repair her poor body.

After taking a bath, Mu Yanxi finally recovered completely, put on a delicate light makeup on herself, and followed Yi Wulan to Rongjia.

On the way, Mu Yanxi checked Weibo in the car as usual. The good news is that Mr. Mu broke through 15 million fans on the first day of the new year, double the number from half a year ago.

You must know that among Mr. Mu's 8 million fans half a year ago, only a few tens of thousands were passer-by fans, 200,000 were accumulated black fans, and the remaining 7.7 million were all zombie fans purchased by the agent. , It was so clear that all the data was contributed by those black fans.

But it seems to be no different now. The group of black fans who are active under Teacher Mu’s Weibo are still the same group of black fans, and the hot comments in the front row are still familiar. All were taken astray.

Teacher Mu was quite dissatisfied, and felt that she would never be able to have other people's cute and cute fans in this life.

In the afternoon, Mu Yanxi helped Yi Wulan process the documents in the president's office as usual, but she has now consciously moved the documents to the lounge for processing.

One is that people from the president's office will come in from time to time to report on work. Mu Yanxi doesn't want to be looked at like a giant panda, and the other is that she really can't concentrate on processing documents when she is sitting next to Yi Wulan. She only asks when it is difficult to make a decision. Yi Wulan.

When it was time to get off work, Mu Yanxi handed Yi Wulan the documents that had just been processed in the last hour, and finally couldn't help asking: "Rong Jia is so busy now, are you unable to perform surgery?"

Yi Wulan paused while flipping through the document, "No."

"Really?" Mu Yanxi looked at Yi Wulan suspiciously, although the longer Yi Wulan received her abilities, the greater the possibility of recovery, but after all, there were hidden dangers of Mu Yanche and that system, Yi Wulan Wulan's illness can't be delayed for too long.

It's better to treat it as soon as possible and feel at ease as soon as possible.

Yi Wulan explained: "There will be an international financial summit to be held in Yuncheng in March, and this year happens to be the theme of financial technology. At that time, we will introduce holographic products at the summit, and launch the enterprise version of a full range of smart application devices. That's going to be operated on."

Mu Yanxi nodded, and suddenly the matter of her manager inviting her partner to walk the red carpet in the entertainment industry with her flashed through her mind. At that time, she felt that Yi Wulan didn't fit well with the entertainment industry, but if she put the red carpet on the financial summit, she immediately felt that it would be much more pleasing to the eye.

Mu Yanxi sighed: "The holographic technology is about to be played by you, why don't you just replace all the machines and equipment with holographic equipment?"

"It can be considered, but it also depends on the actual operation." Yi Wulan really thought about it, "Some government-related projects are under negotiation, and they can't be fully finalized yet."

Mu Yanxi was taken aback: "Really?"

"Your money for the Children's Palace was wasted? Besides, Rong Jia plans to cooperate with the government in other Children's Palace projects in the future, and solve their problems for them. Naturally, he will not treat us badly." Yi Wulan rubbed Mu Yanxi's head, " I will let you know the details when we discuss it.”

"You capitalists really don't miss any chance to show favor."

"That's also a coincidence, just a chance."

Mu Yanxi nodded, and quickly changed the subject and said quietly, "But having said that, there are so many secrets about Rong Jia that I don't know about."

Yi Wulan explained: "If you can read all those documents, I will tell you about the unfinished projects."

Mu Yanxi: ...I don't want to know right now.

It was already the off-duty time, but there was still a knock on the door of the president's office. Mu Yanxi jumped off the armrest of Yi Wulan's chair in a second, walked to the sofa in the cubicle in two or three steps, and then poked her head out quietly.

Yi Wulan was no stranger to this, and said to the door: "Come in."

It was Gu Yan who opened the door and came in, but this time he searched in the office abnormally as soon as he entered the door, but he couldn't find anyone after searching around.

Yi Wulan frowned: "Is there something wrong?"

Gu Yan held up the document in his hand: "The document just sent by the secretary of Xinyu Group Mr. Mu, I want to hand it over to Ms. Mu."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yanxi, who was secretly observing, came out from the sofa compartment: "My sister gave it to me? Let me see what it is."

After Gu Yan delivered the things, he went out to get off work.

What Mu Yanqing sent was the transfer procedures of the Black Swan 707 and other qualification procedures for going to sea, and he also specially took some photos of the interior of the Black Swan 707.

The interior decoration is extremely "plain and unpretentious", there is no extra burden, and only money is left at a glance.

Just at this time, Mu Yanqing's phone call came over, Mu Yanxi was in a good mood, and answered it almost instantly:

"Xiaoxi! Have you received the New Year's gift from your sister? I took a picture and realized that the interior is even more beautiful than the exterior. Don't you always complain that Yi Wulan, who doesn't understand style, doesn't give you gifts? Did you find that even if you get married, only your sister is the best? Want to have dinner with your sister? I'll pick you up?"

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi wanted to hang up the phone halfway through hearing it, but Yi Wulan, who was already close, snatched her phone away and turned on the speakerphone.

The second half of the voice resounded throughout the office, and Yi Wulan listened to Mu Yanqing's words with a sullen face. After listening to it, he replied coldly: "She's not free."

Mu Yanxi's face was so miserable that she couldn't even hold the document in her hand. She stuffed her whole body into Yi Wulan's arms, threw the document on the table with Yi Wulan behind her back and stopped talking.

Yi Wulan casually put Mu Yanxi's cell phone into her pocket, ran her fingertips through her hair, and grabbed the back of Mu Yanxi's neck to force her face out.

Seeing that she was doomed, Mu Yanxi had no choice but to follow Yi Wulan's wishes and raise her head, smiling obediently at Yi Wulan.

Yi Wulan frowned, and simply grabbed Mu Yanxi's wrist, pulled him to the desk, and handed her a pen and paper, "Write down which festivals you want to give as gifts."

Giving gifts is something that makes people happy. If it really becomes mandatory, it will lose its meaning. Mu Yanxi hurriedly said, "No need."

Yi Wulan said coldly, "Don't lie in front of me."

Mu Yanxi choked for a moment, took a deep breath, stared at Yi Dacai, and simply told the truth:

"Yi Wulan, let me tell you that you can deal with the company's affairs with your brain. Sometimes in life, you are really a bit straight. What I want is a sudden surprise, not to cope with the task. My sister is in her teens. What do you care about with her because of the habit you developed in the past year?"

Yi Wulan said coldly: "So you are blaming me for not sending you off a few years ago?"

"No, no, no, how could I, good sister." Mu Yanxi immediately leaned up to kiss Yi Wulan's lips, coaxing patiently, "If you really want to, you can make it up for me for decades to come, okay? "

Yi Wulan sized her up for a long time, then suddenly said: "But Mu Yanqing can send you off for another few decades."

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi blinked, is this the point? Why would it involve her sister again?

After Yi Wulan finished speaking, she regretted it, took her coat with a sullen face, and was about to leave work.

Mu Yanxi hurriedly reached out to pull people, "Hey, why are you going, wait for me."

Yi Wulan didn't stop at all, and said indifferently: "I'll buy you a New Year's gift."

The first day of the new year has not yet passed, and there is still time to choose a gift.

It was only then that Mu Yanxi realized that...Yi Wulan seemed, probably, maybe, maybe she was jealous again?

She tried her best to hold back her smile, and hugged Yi Wulan's waist from behind without letting go, "Hey, no need, no need, haven't you already given me a gift?"

Yi Wulan paused, "No."

"Yes, yes!" Mu Yanxi rubbed Yi Wulan's back, buried her head in Yi Wulan's soft long hair, and said without hesitation: "Mr. Yi gave me a desire last night. On the New Year's Eve of immortality, desire, and death, no one else can give it away no matter how rich they are."

Yi Wulan tightened his hand when he wanted to pull her away, and was obviously shocked by Mu Yanxi's words, so he whispered: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm really not lying." Mu Yanxi took advantage of her to stop, and approached Yi Wulan with a smile, "Don't you know how I was feeling last night? If you really feel sorry, you can kiss me right now." Kiss me, okay?"

The original grievances in Yi Wulan's heart disappeared without a trace after Mu Yanxi's few words and gags. Mu Yanxi always seemed to have such an ability, which could easily affect her usually calm mood.

She reached out and pinched Mu Yanxi's ear, then leaned over to satisfy Mu Yanxi's request. Between lips and teeth, the slight sound of water permeated the silent office...

The next day, Mu Yanxi and Bai Yu'an went to Philadelphia. Apart from the two black-clothed bodyguards in their car, there was another car with them. Of course, this all came from Yi Wulan and Bai's parents who were worried about the cub going out.

Especially Bai Yu'an's parents, they told Bai Yu'an thousands of times: It doesn't matter if the contract can't be negotiated, as long as they come back safely.

It seemed that the two of them were going to some grand banquet.

Mu Yanxi had a lot of experience in cooperation and negotiation in her previous life, and as soon as she got in the car, she began to catch up on sleep with peace of mind. But Bai Yu'an was restless, until the two of them arrived in Philadelphia, they finally couldn't help leaning over to wake them up, leaning on Mu Yanxi's shoulder with drooping head: "... Wei!"

Mu Yanxi opened her eyes, touched Bai Yu'an's head, "If you dare to spit on me, I will throw you down immediately."

Bai Yu'an:...

How could such a beautiful face say such vicious words?

Bai Yu'an explained: "I'll just call you, I'm not motion sick."

"Stay away from me, straight girls, I'm not interested in you." Mu Yanxi pushed the person away in disgust, glanced at the weak Bai Yu'an, took out his mobile phone with great kindness, and casually checked a fortune-telling software on Baidu, and a smile appeared on his lips. smile.

Bai Yu'an glanced at Mu Yanxi's expression from the corner of his eye, and suddenly had a bad feeling, "You...what do you want to do? I'm not clinging to you this time."

Mu Yanxi smiled at her: "Come here."

Bai Yu'an always felt that Mu Yanxi's change of attitude was malicious, but she was bored in the car for more than two hours, so she didn't care about it and moved over.

Mu Yanxi said: "I just made a fortune for you, it's a big culprit."

Bai Yu'an's sleepy mind was stimulated to wake up immediately: "What? Then why are we going to Philadelphia?"

Mu Yanxi added another sentence: "But the bad omen is not impossible to decipher. This ominous hexagram shows that you will have noble people to help you, and turn bad luck into good luck."

Bai Yu'an, the little princess of the nightclub, had only slept for three hours, and was immediately led by the nose by Mu Yanxi: "Really?"

"Of course, the following evaluations are all accurate, but you need some money to know how to decipher the hexagram." Mu Yanxi gave Bai Yu'an an inscrutable look.

"How much?"

"150,000." Mu Yanxi opened his mouth loudly, "But for the sake of our good relationship, I will give you a 20% discount. Transfer me 120,000."

Bai Xiao's dazed mind hadn't come to his senses yet, and while taking out his mobile phone to transfer money, he asked, "When did you learn this kind of metaphysics?"

Mu Yanxi closed her eyes and said nonsense: "I learned it when I was filming... Hey, I received it, thank you."

Bai Yu'an threw the phone on the seat, "Why don't you hurry up and continue editing?"

Mu Yanxi: ... "You just want me to tell you a story?"

Bai Yu'an took it for granted: "Yes, so you can continue."

Mu Yanxi held back for a while, and quibbled: "My hexagrams are actually quite accurate!"

The money-scattering boy Bai Yu'an relied on spending the money himself, and said angrily: "Then explain to me what happened to me?"

Mu Yanxi looked at her ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes, and said quietly: "I'll kick you when I get out of the car later, it's considered a disaster."

I've never seen someone so eager to get a bad omen.

Bai Yu'an snorted lightly, and picked up the phone again: "It's already off the highway, I'll call Mr. Kang, he said he will send someone to pick us up."

Mu Yanxi responded casually, and just when Bai Yu'an was about to make a call, there was a loud noise at the intersection in the distance, and there was a car accident ahead.

But that's not the case on the ground.

In the Rolls-Royce that was hit, it was Mr. Kang Qikang who Mu Yanxi and Bai Yuan were going to meet. A minute ago, the driver reminded him in a cold sweat: "Mr. Kang, there is a car following us."

The government wants to make Philadelphia the largest new energy vehicle production base in the country. This project is very eye-catching, and there are countless people who want to grab the project and cooperate with him.

Kang Qi is over fifty years old, so he is not an ignorant kid, especially the car behind him still does not have a license plate, so he immediately ordered in a deep voice, "Get rid of him."

After speaking, he immediately called the police and reported the vehicle's driving route to the police.

The driver had never seen such a battle before, his hands on the steering wheel were shaking, and fine sweat had already appeared on his forehead. But no matter whether they turned around or turned, the cars behind were still chasing after them, and their purpose couldn't be clearer.

Until the Rolls-Royce rushed through the last traffic light to the gas station, an off-road vehicle rushed over at the intersection next to it.

A "bang" sounded on the wide road, and the co-pilot side of the Rolls-Royce was directly deformed and sank deeply into the car.

And the car behind them, which had been chasing them, passed them and left on the highway at some point, as if it was really just dropping by.

Kang Qi was sitting in the back row without a seat belt, and the impact directly hit his head on the glass window, bleeding profusely, and his vision became more and more blurred.

At this moment, a young man appeared in the almost blurred vision stained by blood, rushed forward and opened the door on the side that was intact, and dragged him out of the car: "Are you okay? ? The car that hit someone just ran away after seeing my bodyguard. It has already called 120, so you insist on it."

"Thank you, thank you." Kang Qi looked at the person in front of him, and finally passed out amidst the approaching sirens.

When Mu Yanxi and Bai Yu'an's car approached, Kang Qi had already been dragged out. Bai Yu'an had video chatted with Kang Qi a few times to cooperate, and he recognized it at a glance: "That's Kang Qi! Xiao Xixi, that's a new energy Boss Kang of the car!"

Mu Yanxi covered Bai Yu'an's mouth, and told Chen Xu who was driving: "Go around, don't stop."

Bai Yu'an went "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" for a long time, finally let go of his mouth, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing, that was Mr. Kang just now, wouldn't we make him owe us a favor if we went to save someone?"

"He has been rescued, and the person who saved him just now was Mu Yanche." Mu Yanxi's eyes were heavy, and the foxy eyes that were usually raised on weekdays also glanced down slightly because of the movement of her downcast eyes, "The police car has already arrived." Come, let's go to the hospital first."

Bai Yu'an was not familiar with Mu Yanche's back, so he was so surprised that he couldn't speak: "He, he... is Mu Yanche? Why is he here?"

Mu Yanxi turned to look at the police car, "If you really want to inquire about Mr. Kang's itinerary, you can always find out."

"He can pick up leaks even after running all the way, how is he so lucky." Seeing Mu Yanxi's sinking expression, Bai Yu'an pursed his lips and comforted him: "Forget it, if he really came prepared, We don’t have any proof, so we’ll just have to find a better project.”

Mu Yanxi finally got out of her own thoughts, and after realizing that Bai Yu'an, who had been doing nothing in the past but was only serious about this project because of helping her, pretended to comfort her, it seemed that a warm current was injected into her heart.

Regardless of whether the car accident happened for real or was planned for a long time, Mu Yanche's purpose of saving people was definitely to seek cooperation in the new energy vehicle project.

But Mu Yanche had already returned Xinyu's loan contract, even if Kang Qi regarded him as a lifesaver, it was impossible for him to play with such a big project as a rich second generation.

Even if Kang Qi wanted to, the huge amount of money required for the project would not allow him to think about it. Mu Yanche should have come with funds prepared...

Seeing Mu Yanxi's expression on the side, Bai Yu'an panicked even more: "Xiao Xixi, don't be sad, I'll go to my dad and ask if there is any better project, I must have overwhelmed Mu Yanche!"

"No need, let's take a look at Mr. Kang's injury before making other decisions." Mu Yanxi shook his head, and suddenly jokingly said in order to ease the atmosphere, "Is your 120,000 yuan worth the money? I told you It will be fierce."

Bai Yu'an's words hung in his throat, he didn't know whether to curse or not. After trying hard to suppress his emotions, he said with a smirk: "What about the nobleman who turns evil into good luck? I think it is good luck to turn evil when I meet you?"

Seeing her like this, Mu Yanxi sneered and said, "The matter is not yet settled, who said there are no nobles?"

The whole face is full of a haughty look of 'I am a nobleman, why don't you kneel down and beg me'.

Bai Yu'an: ...Dogs don't even believe it.

Mu Yanxi and Bai Yu'an simply found a star-rated hotel next to the hospital to stay in, and made up for it. After waking up, as soon as they posted on Weibo, Mu Yanche's trending #言CHE见义婷为# was high. Hanging high on the hot search list, it seems familiar.

Isn't it the same as Mu Yanxi's entries when he dived into the water to save someone?

Mu Yanche didn't repost as many government official blogs as she did when she jumped into the river to save people, but the number of major marketing accounts linked to post this incident was also quite a lot. Obviously, the troll army he bought was creating momentum.

After all, the crash of Mu Yanche's New Year's Eve concert a day ago was too sensational. No matter whether he disrespected his predecessors or the stage, it was enough for him to not be able to get up in the entertainment industry. Not so many marketing accounts would be willing to support Mu Yan at this time. Che builds momentum.

After clicking on the hot search entry, the marketing account on the top was a not so authoritative marketing account in Philadelphia. It took a clear picture of the beginning of the Rolls-Royce being hit, and then saw Mu Yanche and several bodyguards He rushed forward and rescued the two people in the Rolls-Royce in time.

Afterwards, sparks sparked from the hit Rolls-Royce. It has to be said that if Mu Yanche hadn't rescued him in time, the two people in the Rolls-Royce might have died on the spot.

The comment section below is also full of praise for Mu Yanche:

【Che Che is really good! If it is later, the people in the car will be in danger, right? 】

[A good person lives a safe life, Cheche is so positive]

[Yan Che is indeed one of the few male stars in the entertainment industry that I have seen who does not stand up to others. If it hadn't been posted, I am afraid that Che Che would not have told us, it is too positive.]

【Thank you everyone for your compliments to our brother, but this is what he should do. Here, I would like to thank you for his album...】

Bai Yu'an, who was on the side, was also browsing Weibo, obviously seeing Mu Yanche's trending search, and complained to Mu Yanxi: "Mu Yanche's design is not established? It is obvious that everyone's design has overturned and cannot be established immediately." Okay? The speed of his hot search, is he eager to buy a navy and buy it and let the whole world know about it?"

Mu Yanxi smiled, even Bai Yu'an could see it, and the group of netizens who surfed all day on Weibo could also see it, and someone immediately came to talk about it:

[Yan Che's fans really think we are blind, can we occupy the top three hot searches with such a small amount of reading? Your brother's trending search is filled with water from the entire Pacific Ocean, right? 】

[Fuck off, I don’t want to see this person, do I really think that saving people can get rid of the New Year’s Eve concert? 】

【I'm dying of laughter, isn't Yan Che in poor health? When saving people, I saw that he was in good health and walked with wind, Yan Che's fans came out to explain? 】

Yan Che's remaining fans and troopers all left the stage to retort:

【Believe in Yan Che, please shut up all selfish and narrow-minded people】

[When will you be scolded for being a good person and doing good deeds? Keyboard warriors, can you really rush to save people when you see such a scene? 】

【Hehe, they are all ugly monsters who are jealous of Yan Che】

The two groups of people were at odds with each other, but after all, this is a good thing. No matter how dissatisfied the netizens were with Yan Che, they just cursed and left, and they didn't want to do anything under this trending search. Gradually controlled by Yan Che's fans.

That night, Bai Yu'an learned from Kang Qi's assistant that Kang Qi had woken up and his condition was not serious, but the trauma was more troublesome.

It was inconvenient to disturb the patients at night, so Bai Yu'an and Mu Yanxi had to stay in Philadelphia for one night, and waited to visit the hospital the next day before making an appointment for cooperation.

Bai Yu'an grew up in Philadelphia, and it was rare for him to come back. He wanted to take Mu Yanxi out to fulfill his friendship as a landlord, but Mu Yanxi said that he was tired and sleepy right after dinner.

Bai Yu'an thought that Mu Yanxi was tired from the car ride, so he stopped thinking about going out to play, so he simply stayed with Mu Yanxi in the hotel, took off his make-up and lay down on the bed early.

But when she was with her, she wished she could slap herself who had just shown kindness.

She had been chatting with Mu Yanxi at first, but Mu Yanxi really didn't seem interested and didn't reply to her very much. Seeing this, Bai Yu'an was about to put Mu Yanxi to sleep, but Mu Yanxi suddenly started groping on the bed.

Bai Yu'an asked across an aisle, "What are you looking for?"


"What are you looking for earphones for..." Before he finished speaking, Mu Yanxi, who looked sleepy, changed his mind in a second, put on the earphones and shouted with a smile on his face: Sister, are you done with your work?

Bai Yu'an:...

Of course, Bai Yu'an would not be so naive, thinking that the person Mu Yanxi was so close to was calling Mu Yanqing.

Immediately she turned her head angrily, and the variety show that usually made her laugh suddenly didn't feel funny anymore.

She watched Mu Yanxi chattering there almost the whole time, and she didn't know whether Yi Wulan had interjected or not.

I don't know how long it took before Mu Yanxi's voice finally quieted down. Bai Yu'an looked sideways and saw Mu Yanxi still staring at the screen and acting coquettishly: "It's still early, I won't wait a while Sleeping with headphones on."

The opposite party didn't know what to say, but Mu Yanxi nodded and compromised.

Bai Yu'an breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that her ears no longer need to be tortured by the young couple.

In the next second, she saw Mu Yanxi take off the earphones, and said in a soft tone she had never heard before: "Don't go."

"Don't go." A soft voice came, completely different from Yi Wulan's usual voice, making Bai Yu'an almost think that Mu Yanxi was having an affair with someone else.

Mu Yanxi closed her eyes in peace, and fell into a deep sleep.

Bai Yu'an was so angry that she lost sleep most of the night, even chatting with a dozen fish in her contact list still couldn't extinguish the fire in her heart.

In the end, he still scolded Mu Yanxi for being a dog, and managed to fall asleep.