MTL - Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion-Chapter 28 Foundation Building Intermediate Level

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Chapter 28 28. Intermediate foundation building

Shao Tianshi Li Zhengxuan and Xu Yuanzhen looked at each other.

 After a moment, Li Zhengxuan's eyes narrowed and looked deep: "Senior sister, is your goal the Celestial Calligraphy Urn?"

Xu Yuanzhen waved his hand: "It's true that I have some interest in Tian Calligraphy Urn, but I wouldn't trade it for Xiaotang. I have enough time and patience, so I'm not in a hurry."

Shaotian Master Li Zhengxuan nodded: "Senior Sister taught me that I have lost my impatience over the years. I have been so focused on cultivation that I have become blind. I have neglected to persuade Junior Brother Li Ming and others, and I have not cared enough about other disciples. For today's situation, I have to bear the responsibility." It’s me who should be the one.”

In the room, beside Li Xuan, the middle-aged Taoist who had been silent all this time stood up and came to Xu Yuanzhen and Li Zhengxuan:

“What Zhengxuan said is embarrassing to me. I am the only one who treats those who are lax in discipline under my disciples. How can I let Zhengxuan take the blame for our father and son?”

 The middle-aged Taoist looked at Xu Yuanzhen calmly:

Li Ming has repeatedly violated the rules of the sect, and he should be punished clearly and made public, so that he can be worthy of his fellow disciples who have been wronged by him. "

 …Your focus is a bit off.


Li Ming didn’t even keep his posthumous name.

 In recent years, the spiritual energy of this world has become more and more intense. Not only have more blessed places and caves been discovered, but it is also faster and easier for practitioners to improve their cultivation than before. The world of spiritual practice is ushering in a prosperous era.

The middle-aged Taoist priest is Li Ziyang, the younger brother of the contemporary Tianshi and one of the senior elders of the Tianshi Mansion.

Xu Yuanzhen didn’t even raise his head: “There’s no need to explain it in such detail, she won’t remember it.”

 “It’s about being a father that I speak from the bottom of my heart.”

Lei Jun: "Sister?"

Having been nourished and baptized by the water of the fairy pond, Lei Jun was practicing and looking inside his body at this moment, and he could see that the Taoist foundation was flashing with mysterious brilliance.

"By the way, Lei Jun, I heard you tell a story before. If the protagonist in the story grows up in a sect, there are usually villains in the sect who suppress them and they fight back, but the protagonist rarely initiates internal fighting?"

Lei Jun also heard Yuan Mobai and Wang Guiyuan mention this.

Around the four-sided road foundation, Lei Jun's magic power was condensed into a tangible city outline and erected.

Tang Xiaotang nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, as you said, beat the younger ones, and then beat the older ones!"

 The intermediate level of foundation building is completed.

 Li Xuan bowed his head again: "Yes, I understand, kid."

 She nodded to Elder Ziyang: "Then the next thing will be done by Third Master Uncle."

 Elder Ziyang and Master Shaotian both sat down calmly.

 When Xu Yuanzhen's back disappeared, Li Xuan suddenly raised his head: "Dad! Senior brother!"

He glanced at Tang Xiaotang: "Most people in the world are still accustomed to discussing things based on people, rather than discussing things.

Li Ming's reputation has changed. People who have listened to the Li family's publicity about him will feel angry at being deceived, and it will be difficult for Li Ming to regain his reputation.

 It is not that there is a flaw in the Tao foundation, but that it is based on the method of opening the eight doors inherited by Taoists.

It took a long time before she shouted: "Anyway, you and my senior sister are both older than me! You are two years older too!"

Outsiders call her Senior Sister and Ertian Master just to divide and provoke internal conflicts within the sect. You don’t need to take it seriously, otherwise you will fall into the trap of outsiders. "

 The tall girl suddenly became even more depressed.

Li Xuan was silent for a long time before speaking: "Even so, it is our Li family who should clean up the house ourselves, not Xu Yuanzhen who has to do it for us!

He looked solemnly at his eldest son Li Xuan, who was standing behind him:

 Lei Jun: "Sister, there will be practitioners younger than you in the future."

Xu Yuanzhen still didn’t raise his head: “I am tenderer than you.”

  Lei Jun: “As a protagonist in a story, when he is away from home, he is less likely to take the initiative to stir up trouble. At least that’s what it looks like on the surface. He usually acts as the victim and then fights back, pretending to be a slap in the face.”

Tang Xiaotang: "Can you say such a sentence without using an expression and tone of admiration?"

Tang Xiaotang clenched his fists: "Well, the brocade clothes never travel at night. To show the saints and dignitaries, there must be an audience, preferably a group of relatives and friends."

“You can tell by looking at your stupidity that if the same thing happens to you next time, you will step into someone else’s trap.”

She has become more and more arrogant in recent years. The outside world has given her the nickname of Second Heavenly Master. Does she really think she is the Second Heavenly Master? ! "

Lei Jun: "If you can, be reasonable, at least in the hearts of some people. For the sake of saving worry and effort, after all, you should try to make as few enemies as possible, make as many friends as possible, and be a good person yourself." Good deeds make enemies do bad things."

Since Li Ming is dirty and Shaotianshi is implicated by him, it will be much easier for you, the young senior sister who was a stepping stone for them, to clear your reputation, at least easier than before. "

 When other people's spiritual pets pass by, she may stroke them a few times.

However, her emotions came and went quickly, and her attention quickly turned to other places:


Tang Xiaotang smiles all day long.

Youdao means knowing yourself and your enemy. I still underestimated her before, which is very inappropriate..."

Elder Ziyang: "My father thought that you have matured in the past two years, so I didn't give enough advice. As a result, my nephew Yuan Zhen peeled off a layer of my skin today, and I deserved it.

Lei Jun smiled with satisfaction. Since then, the government has successively announced relevant punishment results.

In order to make meritorious service to Dai Zui, we will start an inventory of the people related to Li Ming from now on to see if there are any others who have committed crimes. All of them will be severely punished and everyone in the government will be given an explanation! "

"Although my father is heartbroken that Ming'er died, the trouble that Master Yuan Zhen and his nephew are having today is his own fault."

Xu Yuanzhen put down the brush at this time and looked back and forth between Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang.

The portals opened one by one, and Lei Jun Daoji saw the wonderful Tao Yun even more.

Xu Yuanzhen didn't care about Li Xuan, but looked at Li Zhengxuan and Li Ziyang's uncle and nephew calmly: "Isn't this great? You both heard the promise you want from each other."

 The Taoist foundation of the foundation-building monk is square, flat but simple.

Li Ming can only bear the bad reputation this time, otherwise the entire Li family will bear it for him. Although he is my son and your brother, he does not deserve it. "

Lei Jun smiled nonchalantly.

Tang Xiaotang's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Elder Ziyang: "It doesn't matter who the Second Heavenly Master is. What's important is that the Heavenly Master has always been named Li. Don't you still understand this most basic truth to this day?"

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Li Xuan lowered his head: "Yes."

Lei Jun held his forehead and watched the other person walk away confidently, feeling that the painting style would be distorted in some way.

 On the city outline, a door is opened.

Shaotianshi on the side said lightly:

 Lei Jun: “In most cases, yes.”

Although there were changes in the small cave, for Lei Jun and other disciples who entered to practice, this trip has been of great benefit.

Lei Jun said casually: "Senior Sister is certainly capable of holding down Senior Brother and Uncle Ziyang from lifting the table, but she is obviously not satisfied with using violence to regain the situation.

Tang Xiaotang stood up: "Li Ming is dead. Senior sister has wiped out the prestige of Senior Brother Li and Third Senior Uncle. I have no intention of chatting with them anymore. In this case, let's go out for a walk."

“Not only will Li Ming be punished, but you and I will also be held responsible for our oversight.

 Many of the children of the Li family who often associated with him were punished.

 It's a simple matter of popular support, but it's enough. After all, the senior sister has locked up a lot of real evidence. Li Ming's **** is really dirty. "

She clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Nowadays, the spiritual energy of the world is far better than before. The younger people are, the better they catch up with the good times, their cultivation level is improved rapidly, and they will soon surpass the old men!"

 When all eight doors are opened, it means that Lei Jun's cultivation has reached a higher level of success.

“Our sect has experienced successive civil strife and its vitality has been severely damaged. We cannot allow internal strife to continue.

 As Lei Jun continued to practice further, new changes finally began to occur on the Taoist foundation.

Lei Junze sighed: "Senior Sister has done all kinds of evil things."

 Being insulted by Xu Yuanzhen did not affect Tang Xiaotang's current good mood: "It's not that I'm stupid, it's that you are too narrow-minded."

Tang Xiaotang coughed twice: "I can remember the most important sentence. The most important thing is that after Tianshi retreats, no one on the mountain can be your opponent, senior sister."

 The eight gates are Du, Jing, Death, Jing, Kai, Xiu, Sheng, and Shang.

“Yuanzhen’s nephew is right. The death of Li Ming’s unfilial son was his own fault, and his previous mistakes should not be written off.

Elder Ziyang looked out the door: "Today, what is worth noting is that in addition to her popularity and personal strength, nephew Yuan Zhen also has very sensitive ears and eyes in the house, and she can come up with so many things in a short period of time.

"That's it..." Tang Xiaotang turned to look at Xu Yuanzhen, who was sketching on the drawing paper.

Xu Yuanzhen: "It's a big loss that she can't bear it. It's a small loss that she can eat more. It's good. But it's you. You should have a good life in the future."

Lei Jun: "...the good days you talk about give me a bad omen."

 (End of this chapter)