MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 142 Where does the arsenic come from?

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The words that Laotaijun asked were what the people present wanted to know.

Gu Yu was locked in the firewood house, Gu Xiren was fined, this is something that someone looked at. They simply couldn’t act on their own and wanted to smear the cream in Fang’s food, unless there was a thief in the Luoxia courtyard. A very incredible thing.

This point is obviously thought of, and whimpered back: "My girl went back yesterday, only drank a bowl of medicine, half a bowl of lotus root, but I have never eaten anything else... just say medicine and lotus Hey, it’s all the scent of the test, I fed it to the girl... I asked the testimony, she didn’t leave when she was boiling, and no one had ever entered the small tea room... I don’t know the arsenic Where did you come from..."

Gu Xi and his mind turned quickly. When he heard this, he blurted out: "The arsenic will never run to the big belly from a long foot. As you say, the person who poisons is not you are the test."

"Four Lords" 叩 叩 叩 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 我 我 我 我 我 我 我

The status of dowry is usually higher than that of ordinary cockroaches. The cost of eating and wearing is less than that of the main one. It is the confidant of Fang’s confession. Only Fang’s good life, she can live well, as usual. She really can't hurt Fang's heart.

Gu Xihe scratched his head with a little embarrassment: "That is to try to catch a fight and see if she can recognize it."

"Don't be awkward," Laotaijun immediately stopped drinking: "The test is to follow the big brother with you, and she won't have such a mind."

"That..." Gu Xihe did not swear, and had to shut up.

Shu Huan asked aside: "Can you be sure that there is no poison in the medicine and the lotus root?"

"I don't know if there is any medicine." He shook his head and said: "But there are a lot of lotus roots left, and it is wasteful. We have eaten a few of them, and we have not seen anyone who is poisonous."

"What about dregs?"

"The doctor has been reviewed, no problem."

Shu Huan’s idea turned very fast at this time: “Is the food of the big* milk special for her?”

璎珞一愣: "Is milk is to say..."

"I don't know." Shu Huan was just a guess. He shook his head and said: "It's useless to check it now? It must have been cleaned up."

“No” suddenly said: “The big milk is a whole set of utensils...”

That is to say, if someone wants to poison the food, it is certainly not sure which set of bowls will be used. To ensure that everything is safe, you must poison all the utensils...

Lao Taijun’s gaze reveals a stern color: “Check”

"哎" 璎珞 抹 抹 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞 璎珞

"Wait--" Gu Xiran, who has been silent, suddenly opened his mouth: "The arsenic will not be placed on the utensils. It is also a white check."

Shu Huan was awkward, and Laotai Jun looked at him in confusion.

Gu Xiran did not answer and asked: "The only thing that can poison the food and drink is the shackles of the Luoxia Academy, but how likely is Taijun to feel poisoned?"

The old Taijun will have recovered a little from the murder of the great-grandson, and can calmly think about it. For a long while, she shook her head and said slowly: "The boss is a modest person, rarely offends people, even people It’s all good, who will harm his mind? What's more, he has died, hates him, and he doesn't even let his posthumously let go. This is probably the third thing.”

Gu Xiran knows that the mastermind must be Gu Yu. At this time, he will not reveal it. He said: "That is to say, the third day has never gone to the Luoxia Hospital for half a step. Even if it is a small donkey, it has not gone to the small tea house. The reason for running, so the grandson thinks that they don’t have the chance to poison the utensils, and the utensils can’t be poisonous.”


Shu Huan sighs, her non-professionals are still more than lawyers who have never been exposed to such things from time to time. But this problem has come again. Since Fang’s food is not poisonous, how does this arsenic run? Where did she go in the stomach?

Lao Taijun is obviously considering this matter too. He silently asked for a long while: "If you think about it, she will not eat anything else?"

He shook his head and cried: "Return to Taijun, nothing has been eaten."

Shu Huan’s brain flashed, and suddenly a sentence came out: “tea”

Waiting for the old Taijun's 丫鬟 丫鬟 听 to hear this, thinking that she wants tea, hurriedly brought tea.

"I don't mean this." Shu Huan took the tea and put it on the side of the little one, just thinking about yesterday's Fang's spit, and before lying back, using the tea to swear, he asked: "Before poison, she Did you drink tea?"

This time, I nodded. "Drink, drink the jade tea that is often brewed, tea..."

Laotaijun interrupted her: "Get it"

The tea left in the Luoxia courtyard was immediately taken, and Ji Danqing had checked it, but the news was still disappointing.

No problem with tea

Gu Xihe was a little anxious: "Call the third brother to ask if you don't have it."

Gu Yu’s screaming voice said: “When the accident occurred in the Luoxia courtyard, he was still squatting on the side of the ancestral hall. If he did not check it, he would ask him. He only had one sentence without any skill. Can you still have something to say? ”

"This..." Gu Xihe was questioned without words, but he was unwilling to say: "The thing that hurts his big brother is that he personally recognizes it. If he is seated, there is no room for change. If this is what he did, he is proud of it. It’s too late, what else can’t you recognize?”

Lao Taijun felt reasonable after listening, and he was busy calling Gu Xiren.

After waiting for a long time, when the stumbling white figure was getting started, the people present were taking a breath.

Is this the usual clean and indifferent, and there is a dusty Gu Xiren?

The long body is not as proud as it used to be, but even people need to help even walk. The white clothes on the body are also stained with mottled blood stains and dirty.

His hair was loose, his lips were cracked, his face was pale and almost transparent. Only the eyes were burning, and the unyielding and stubborn light was burning. He entered the hall and looked at everyone in the presence of hatred.

This is not Gu Xiren, this is a trapped beast that has been surrounded by desperation.

Shu Huan knows a little more than other people. It is clear that Gu Xiren is not as vicious as everyone imagines, and he can appreciate his psychological pain and grievances. Therefore, he cannot bear to see how he looks after his family law. Going head, I happened to see the old lady’s gaze revealing a bit of mourning But this look is fleeting, the next moment, the old lady is calm and expressionless The clear and abnormal voice is asking: "The third child, is it that you poisoned you?"

Gu Xiren’s instinctive glance, his eyes reveal two doubts: “Dayu?”

"Yes" Lao Taijun leaned on Gu Xihe, tried his best to straighten the old body, let himself sit more straight, stared at him, and said one word: "You have arsenic in her food, hurt her. Poisonous production, indirectly killing your brother's posthumously"

Hearing this, he couldn’t hold back the hatred of Gu Xiren in his heart, completely disregarding the rules of honor and humiliation. He rushed over with his whimper and slammed his clothes and asked him: "Why why my girl has no complaints with you, you Even if she killed her uncle, why didn’t she even let her weak girl go, and she would poison her child, and she would drive her crazy..."

Suddenly, the sudden embarrassment caused Gu Xiren to step back two steps backwards, but he was weak, and one who was not standing still had to fall to the ground and looked like a wolf.

When others saw this situation, they hurriedly stopped drinking, and then they rushed forward and forcibly dragged them out.
