MTL - Self-cultivation of Male Supporting Role-Chapter 296 Finish

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To be honest, even though Shi Yan is the eldest princess, she has never attended royal banquets a few times, and she has not even had a single face-to-face contact with the eighth princess. Seriously, the two are still familiar strangers.

Simply put, there is no friendship at all. She didn't think that the eighth princess came here simply at this time.

But this girl was also interesting. She was carrying a box of snacks that she said was made by herself. She was accompanied by a personal maid who was swaggering. Of course, she came here.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she almost made Manniang, who was playing in the yard, jump up and hit someone.

The eighth princess sat opposite Shiyan, with a slender figure, and habitually raised her chin when looking at people. She took a sip of Shiyan's tea, frowned as if she was dissatisfied, and in the end they all endured and went back. Grief in general.

Knowing Yan was too lazy to get used to these stinky problems, lying on the couch didn't even get up.

Who knows that this person doesn't know what politeness is at all, and he said: "Eldest sister, I want to make peace with Chen Shimei, you have to help me."

Listening to this righteous tone, and looking at this arrogant look, I want to let the uninformed see it, and I think they are familiar with each other, so familiar that even a simple politeness is not necessary.

Shi Yan turned his back to her directly, continued to read the book in his hand, with a faint smile on his lips, you said it was a coincidence, this book happened to be about a princess who didn't even want her face for the sake of being a scholar, and wanted to talk to others The story of the elopement, the ending of the story is still the same old way. The love of the princess, Lao Zhuhuang, was not there, and the scholar hugged and sat on the left to enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is also eternal. The scholar uses the princess' money and the princess's connections, but he gradually has a new love and doesn't want to see the princess.

The ending is as expected, there has been no new story book in Beijing in the past two years. After reading the beginning, I can almost guess the ending, but she still finds it interesting and enjoys watching it, so the people who are close to the eldest princess, We all know that her only hobby is probably reading books.

Seeing Yan's appearance, the eighth princess was so angry that she wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking about her own purpose first, she gritted her teeth and said to the back of Shi Yan's head: "Eldest sister, I came to beg you because I was really desperate. , You don't know, Chen Shimei is not a person, he didn't really want to marry me back then.

He grabbed my handle and forced me to find a way to save him, but I'm just a princess, what can I do?

If I didn't say that, the affair between me and him would have spread from Chen Shimei's mouth.

At least I'm one step ahead, and I still have room to turn around. At least my reputation outside is not because my brain is not good, I'm a little stupid, and even a lot of people sympathize with me, because I have a crush on such a man.

Instead of the embarrassing words of shameless and unmatched, we are both women, eldest sister, can you understand me?

I can't, I really can't, I just can't live with him. "

To be honest, the script of the Eighth Princess is too old-fashioned, and she thought of the end after listening to the beginning, but she continued to listen patiently, after all, she must respect everyone who tells the story attentively.

Princess Baoba was still there babbling: "Chen Shimei, he is not a human being, he wants to torture me to death by asking the servants in the family not to give me food or drink!

Eldest sister, I can only come to beg you now, please save me! I want to reconcile with Chen Shimei! "

Shi Yan slowly turned around and glanced at the face of the eighth princess again, um, although the complexion is not the best, but to be honest, she is already healthier than many young ladies from big families, and the tortured The words don't match.

It was also the first time that Shi Yan found out. I don't know if she had too high hopes for the IQ of the Eighth Princess, or if the Eighth Princess really took her as a country bumpkin to fool her.

There are many loopholes in this passage, and I don't even bother to bother with it. I only asked the eighth princess a very important question: "When you and Chen Shimei had a relationship before marriage, is this what you and I want?"

The eighth princess was stunned for a moment, then nodded reluctantly, and then quickly explained: "But I'm a princess, I just took a fancy to a little man, and I want him to accompany me more, that's to praise him, Is this also wrong?"

There's nothing wrong with this, if you can handle the consequences, you can do whatever you want.

Knowing Yan, I felt that this person was very interesting, and when he finished speaking, he looked like "you've heard it, hurry up and help me think about it". The performance of the whole person is very wrong. He has never seen any kind of mental retardation, but this feeling is hard to describe.

So she stared at it a few more times, but the other party immediately looked insulted and very angry, and got up and shouted to leave.

"You look down on me! I kindly came to visit the eldest sister. Why do you look at me like a beggar? I was blind, and I mistakenly thought that you were really good as outsiders said, and would sincerely help me !"

After saying that, she took a look at Shi Yan, and greeted the little maid she brought to go, and did not forget to ask the maid to bring back the box of snacks she brought back.

Mumbling in his mouth seems to be deliberately telling Shi Yan: "My family's things, even if I feed the dog, I won't leave it to you!"

Some singing, reading, doing and playing are smooth and natural, as if I have thought about it countless times in my heart, just waiting for the scene to play out.

Manniang's fists were already hard, and if it wasn't for a few older maids to hold her back, she would have rushed forward and beat her up.

However, although the maids held Manniang, they were so angry that they were all looking at Shiyan with their eyes, waiting for Shiyan to speak, Shiyan stared at the back of the other party fluttering away, and then she looked like As if he understood something, he sneered and waved his hand: "My eldest princess' mansion is not a place where people want to enter and leave when they want, hand over people to Zongren Ling, and learn the rules well, so as not to avoid the future. Walking outside, I lost the face of the imperial family."

The eldest maid took the lead, Manniang's eyes were bright, and she stood outside the window, leaning against the window with her hands on her cheeks, looking at Shi Yan on the couch inside, with an excited expression: "Miss, the reputation of the eighth princess is very important. It's not good, because the things that happened in the past two years have made the women of the imperial family hold grudges.

Now that people fall into the hands of Zongrenling, I am afraid that some people will suffer, hee hee, she is so pitiful! "

Immediately, Manniang asked Shiyan in confusion: "Miss, why do you think she came here today? You can't really want to show us the desserts she cooks by herself, right? But this is too careless. Isn't it?"

Shiyan nodded, she was indeed very shy. In Shiyan's view, the eighth princess had two intentions in this encounter. One was to use her as a tool, and to take the opportunity to intimidate anyone, who would not say this. And Yu, it must be Chen Shimei.

By the way, let's talk about Chen Shimei's reputation. As for the benefit to her, what I can think of is that Chen Shimei's reputation is as bad as hers, and no one can dislike anyone.

As for whether she really wants to divorce Chen Shimei, Shi Yan feels that it needs to be discussed. After all, the purpose of analyzing a person is not to listen to what she says, but to see what she does. Every word the eighth princess says is in the Sue Chen Shimei, but you don't need to investigate it carefully, you can find that it's all bullshit, and it won't hurt Chen Shimei at all.

So, she is inexplicably becoming a cannon fodder between the male and female protagonists. There is nothing else. What is most interesting to Shi Yan is how she became this tool person?

As for the second, it's even simpler. Seeing that the eighth princess's behavior is so simple and rude that she doesn't want to hide the maliciousness in her eyes, her purpose is to be disgusting and aware.

No, someone will soon send it to the door to let Shi Yan verify whether her guess is correct.

Chen Shimei asks to see you.

The maid in the house moved a screen to block it on the ground, and Shi Yan herself didn't even move to move her.

I heard Chen Shimei from outside saying very cautiously: "The eldest princess, the eighth princess came here, and it must have caused you a lot of trouble. Chen Shimei is here to apologize to you, and I hope you have Haihan."

Shi Yan didn't make a sound.

Chen Shimei gritted her teeth, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, and then continued: "Princess, please do Chen a favor for the sake of our fellow villagers."

Shi Yan raised her eyebrows, wanting to see what the couple was singing today.

So I heard Chen Shimei say: "Princess, please help, I want to reconcile with the eighth princess."

This person is also a bachelor. Since he has said it, he is not obstructing it. The next words seem to have been thought about countless times, and he said very lightly: "Princess, when Chen was ignorant, he got involved with that person, and later In order to get rid of the crime, he once asked the Eighth Princess to help.

I never imagined that the eighth princess would save Chen by sacrificing her own name. Chen had to marry the eighth princess afterward, but you know that Chen's behavior wants to come to the princess, and he may be impetuous in other aspects, but in the case of a woman Color has always been very cautious.

No matter how bad Chen is, he is also a serious scholar, and he knows how much the crime of **** the princess is. Besides, Chen knows that the other party is the princess. Yan may just have a bad reputation, but with the name of the Royal Princess, it will not be too bad.

But for Chen Mou, it was a big crime of looting his family and destroying his ancestors at every turn. Chen Mou wanted to climb the high branch of the princess, but not in that way. After marriage, Chen Mou also wanted to raise eyebrows with the Eighth Princess, but who knows... Who knows..."

Chen Shimei closed her eyes, and finally said through gritted teeth: "Who knows that the spirit of the eighth princess seems to have some problems. At first, I just imagined that we would have a child before marriage, and later, I shouted all day long that I would beat her or scold her. Don't give her food and drink, spread rumors and destroy my reputation."

Saying that, Chen Shimei kowtowed down, with an expression on her face that seemed both painful and forbearance, she said to the looming figure behind the screen: "I ask the princess to help Chen."

Shi Yan is really speechless, is this the thinking that a hero and heroine should have? Normal people really can't understand it.

She has only seen the Eighth Princess. People are very healthy, at most, they are a little angry. As for mental illness, if Chen Shimei hadn't lied, it could only be that the Eighth Princess was pretending to be sick.

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of the eighth princess. She is just unwilling to go from being the most favored little princess by the late emperor to be the poor little princess that everyone in the clan can bully because of Chen Shimei. But she couldn't give up Chen Shimei, the fat she had been optimistic about in the morning, and she was mentally distorted.

For Chen Shimei, who is in her heart, it is a pity to abandon it if it is tasteless.

As for Chen Shimei, this is even more interesting. So after Chen Shimei entered the room, she said the first sentence: "Then you are talking about the matter between your husband and wife, why does the eighth sister regard me as an enemy?

To put it badly, Bamei and I have never gotten along for even a tea time, but we are familiar with you. Tell me, eh? "

Just listening to the tone of these words, you can imagine how lazy the speaker is at this time, but the cold sweat on Chen Shimei's forehead couldn't help but break out.

What can he say? He said that after he found out that the eighth princess was pretending to be sick and ruining her reputation, he deliberately used words to provoke her. He kept saying how the eldest princess was in our village back then, how it is now, and how it is between us, deliberately twisting the eighth princess' thinking The direction was cited, making the eighth princess think that he had really had something with Shi Yan.

Stepping on one and holding one, the Eighth Princess almost went crazy, so the Eighth Princess didn't care about it today. When she heard the news of Shiyan's return to Beijing, did she rush over immediately?

In the end, he was turned over to Zongren Ling, and the Eighth Princess had no manners at the door just now. He saw the scene of being escorted and sighed in his heart that Du Shiyan had gained power in his hands, and he was more reckless than when he acted in the village back then. He is not a person who is easy to be soft-hearted, and he does not know whether he is going in the right way today.

Chen Shimei was at a loss, but he couldn't tell the truth. What he wanted to explain, Shi Yan directly waved his hand to see off the guest: "One of your husband and wife is interested in each other's power and status, and the other is in the other's face and body. Now, one is lost. The powerful still wanted to keep the other's face and body, and the other desperately wanted to break free from the other.

This is your business, and I have nothing to do with anyone else, but if it involves Ben Gong again, it will not be as simple as it is today. "

Chen Shimei's heart froze instantly.

In the past, I had only heard that the two in the palace favored Du Shiyan, but the other party did not show any talent. In his heart, with the stupid eight princesses as a comparison, he didn't think of these royal princesses too smart at all. Du Shiyan, who would only go his own way in the village by virtue of his loyalty, was very persuasive in Chen Shimei's opinion. of.

He had waited long enough for Du Shiyan to return to Beijing, but he didn't expect that people would not answer him at all, which directly broke his careful thinking.

At this moment, Chen Shimei was in a panic.

Shi Yan gave Chen Shimei a warning of not being an example, and asked her to send Chen Shimei to Zongrenling to accompany the eighth princess to learn the rules and etiquette.

"So, people still have to see the present clearly, live in the past forever, don't they make themselves a joke?" Manniang sighed faintly.

Shi Yan thought it was funny, she pinched the other party's round face, don't say, Man Niang's summary is quite in place.

Knowing Yan leisurely turned a page of the book, thinking to let Chen Shimei and the eighth princess hurt each other, this is also good, benevolence, if the two are really capable, it is not impossible for the road to go to the sky in the future.

But if he wanted to intervene, she really thought too much. Turning a blind eye to the two was her greatest kindness.

The days passed in a flash. Two years later, Du Shiyou and the fifth princess got married. In another year, they gave birth to a big fat boy. The parents of the Du family happily followed their son to take office in other places.

Two years later, the emperor got married and got a little girl the next year, but at that time there was already a prince and three pregnant concubines in the emperor's harem, who was a complete old driver.

Shi Yan still travels abroad every year, and her whereabouts are uncertain. She only returns to Beijing on the Queen Mother's birthday, and once in the fall to see the parents of the Du family.

Every time the emperor was very dissatisfied with the behavior of Conscious Yan running around, he moved half of his private treasury to build the splendid eldest princess mansion, but it was uninhabited. The days the owner lived in it every year could be counted on ten fingers. The people in the capital who are envious and jealous are numb.

It's just that they still have a question in their hearts. What is the charm of the eldest princess' knowledge, so that the two giants can treat her so deeply, better than their own daughters?

That's right, in the eyes of the whole world, the emperor is raising Zhiyan as a daughter.

The daughter who was born to him by the queen was not treated as well as half of the daughter he knew. Once, on the Queen Mother's birthday, the emperor saw that the eldest princess liked his daughter, and instantly fell in love with Wu Jiwu. His attitude turned 180 degrees, and he regarded the daughter as a pain in his eyes. , In front of the ministers of the dynasty, the emperor told the girl who was less than one year old: "This is your aunt. In the future, you will take your younger brothers and sisters to be filial to your aunt, you know?"

This is only about the children born by the queen, and even the future is predetermined. Everyone immediately understood that in the emperor's heart, only the children born by the queen can be related to the eldest princess.

The ignorant child made a vague voice, and the emperor took it as she agreed. In an instant, not only the emperor was happy, but even the queen mother was very happy.

Although everyone's heart has long been numb, they are still stimulated.

Just eccentric! Sideways armpit gone!

It is rumored by everyone that there are piles of gold and silver mountains in the eldest princess mansion.

Even so, the eldest princess was not in the capital, and the emperor and the queen mother still gave her good things to her house every month. In fact, the top two were really worried that Shi Yan would not have enough money to spend when he went out, and they were wronged.

Others don't know, can they still not be clear about their relatives?

The Kindergarten is open from the capital to the whole world. As long as there is a small embroidered village, there is a kindergarten. It is all handed over to the princesses of the royal family to take care of them. After the livelihood plan, where does the money come from?

It's all Shiyan's own pockets and subsidizing the benefits of Xiaoxiu Zhuang. Don't listen to what outsiders say, all the golden mountains and silver mountains in the eldest princess' mansion were all moved out of the capital by Shiyan and spent in the place where they should be spent.

Don't ask how the emperor and empress dowager knew, they sent someone to help carry it.

Not only the Mercy Kindergarten, but also the likes of the dragon turning over in the land of the severe drought and disaster, but also the lack of knowledge to fill it in. After all these years, the money filled in can fill a small island, I really didn't plan to keep it for myself A little stance.

With such knowledge, how can we not make the emperor and the empress dowager feel distressed, and how can we not ask them to take more care of them?

The emperor even made plans for a long time. He wants to have several more children with the queen, and he will adopt one to Shi Yan in the future, and Cheng Huan will be at his knees, so that they will not all go away in the future. After the birth of my sister, there is no one to worship, what a pity. Ah, the emperor felt sad just thinking about that scene.

Then the sad emperor was beaten in the Hall of Supreme Harmony by Shi Yan who knew he had this idea.

Zhi Yan Xin said, are you doing this for my own good or are you trying to cause me to have no peace after my death? The emperor's son, who was adopted to the princess, was originally a prominent figure in the clan, no matter how bad it was, but in the end, he became a sidekick within three generations. Who can stand this?

This is the meaning of letting people dig her grave to vent their anger after her death!

Shi Yan felt that she had gone too far in giving the emperor's freedom, making the emperor feel that he could do whatever he wanted, and that she could do things according to her personal preferences.

皇帝果然感受到了来自长姐的爱的教育,虽然被揍的很惨,走路一撅一拐,浑身僵硬,但脸上看着毫无伤痕。 He bared his teeth in pain, and felt a little happy in his heart.

How should I say, growing up so big, not to mention the father and emperor who has a bubble in his head, even his mother, who has always been very affectionate, has not touched a finger of him for various reasons.

For the first time, I was like a child from a common folk family, and I was beaten by my elder sister for doing a bear thing. It felt strange and fresh.

Fortunately, Shi Yan didn't know the emperor's bizarre logic, otherwise she would have let the emperor continue to feel the small fists of her love pounding your whole body.

Although everyone was locked out of the hall, on that day, the emperor, who had already spoken out in the courtroom, was beaten badly by others.

The eunuchs, palace maids and guards who were only left behind outside the hall all heard the unnoticeable screams of the emperor, as if they couldn't help but come out of their mouths.

It hurts to hear it.

Afterwards, they looked at the stiff back of the emperor when he walked, and the unnatural steps, all of which showed how hard the emperor was beaten. At the same time, Shi Yan's figure set off a storm in their hearts, what a fierce woman she must be. !

Therefore, in the hearts of these people, the image of Shi Yan has become completely elevated. After all, there is only one person in the world who dares to beat the emperor himself, and can be sent out of the palace by the emperor himself after the beating.

It was only then that Shi Yan beat the emperor and made him realize his narrow-mindedness. In a blink of an eye, Du Shiyou was thinking about adopting a child for her, so that when they all left in the future, a relative would take care of her and accompany her. , To this end, Du Shiyou also wrote a letter to ask Shiyan, of the five cubs in their family, sister, you can choose which one you like!

It's like giving cabbage.

So Shi Yan was not polite, let Du Shi have grown so big, and for the first time experienced a little whip from his own sister's love.

Du Shiyou, who was pumping, was spinning around in the yard, begging Amei to be merciful. When he was so miserable, the five cubs in his family lined up, squatting under the porch to eat melons and watch a play, so unhappy.

Hey, let's be honest, why can't the adults watch it as their children? Their children know that a free and easy person like Auntie doesn't need anything to restrain her. She has a steel scale in her heart and knows what to do.

But my father was afraid that my aunt would feel that there was nothing to cherish at home, and suddenly one day she would go out and she would never come back.

This time I was beaten, should it be able to stop for a few days? The five cubs thought in their hearts, their father is really pitiful, hee hee, I sympathize with my father! Hee hee hee.

What the elders were worried about did not happen to Shiyan at all. When she died, the person on the throne had already become the emperor's son, and after the emperor abdicated to let the virtuous, he followed Shiyan around the world.

At this moment, the elderly emperor held Shi Yan's cold and stiff hand, crying like a hundred-year-old child.

Ugly dead, Shi Yan thought.

One last glance at the world, Shi Yan's consciousness fell into a coma.

Before he fell into a coma, he heard a voice that made his scalp numb: "Team Leader, Team Leader, I, the most beautiful Tong'er in the entire Kuai Chuan Bureau, is back!"