MTL - Self-cultivation of Male Supporting Role-Chapter 297 Big brother recruits sister

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When Shi Yan woke up again, he found himself half-lying on a sofa against the wall, full of light and feasting, the eardrums of those whose music was shaking, surrounded by men and women who were beating wildly.

My temples were suddenly painful, my mouth was dry, and my ears were ringing. I wanted to say something. When I opened my mouth, I found that my throat was dry and hoarse. It was obvious that I drank too much.

As a result, before he got up, he felt his hands rubbing against him. In a conditioned reflex, Shi Yan squeezed the opponent's wrist and exerted a little force, and a sharp scream instantly drowned out all the sounds in the room.

At the moment when the sound sounded, everything around seemed to stop. After about two seconds, after everyone realized that something had happened, some people rushed to turn on the lights, and some people were calling out the names of their companions.

Of course, it's more like "Young Master Lu, are you alright?"

"Young Master Lu, are you okay?"

"Fuck you, don't scare me!" the voice.

Accompanied by the sound, these people were like a bunch of small zombies besieging the city, hula la swarmed in the direction of Shi Yan, looking like they were dying for Shi Yan.

Just as everyone rushed towards Shi Yan through the dim light, the lights in the room suddenly turned on. After everyone saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.

In the end, it was a man who grew up with Shi Yan, and asked Shi Yan in an uncertain tone: "Old Lu, what are you doing? Do you want brothers to avoid it?

Also, we are all people with status, if you really don't want to, don't force it, so as not to drop the price. "

Of course, what this person wants to say more is to let your brother know that I brought you to this place, and I also brought you to do strong buying and selling. In the future, my pocket money will probably be completely cut off.

Do you have the heart to call your brother the poorest rich second generation in the circle? Where do you put your brother's face?

Although he felt that he was wronged, he really had a good heart. Seeing that his good brother was very busy recently, he called out to relax together. He didn't want to do anything. He didn't even let the other party drink alcohol, and only ordered a juice drink for Shi Yan. .

But, looking at my brother like this, I only left for two minutes, this is another piece of drinking! This man is suffering!

After thinking so much in my heart, I didn't delay his work at all.

Very understandingly, he drove a room of people out. In less than ten seconds, the lively empty space that was able to overturn the roof instantly returned to silence, and the scream of a woman echoed in Shi Yan's ear. and thunderous music.

It's no wonder that others misunderstood. The woman who tried to touch him just now and was caught by him was lying on top of him in a reluctant posture and couldn't move. Together.

Ignoring the unbearable pain and fear in the eyes of the other party, this is really a beautiful scene, and that person finally understands what is going on. The feeling is that he has misunderstood, and his brother is not someone who can do things by force. man.

Seeing that there was no one else in the room, Shi Yan pushed the person away from him in disgust, and then said coldly to the person who spoke before, "She touched me first."

The woman hurriedly got up from the sofa and hurriedly explained: "No, Lu Shao, I'm just looking for the car keys! Didn't you ask me to drive you home? Did you forget?"

Shi Yan is of course...


The man next to him who completely understood the truth said: "Okay, I know you didn't mean it, get out of here! Don't get in the way of my brother here!"

After they left the room, the man who just spoke sat beside Shi Yan, and then patted Shi Yan on the shoulder with a sympathetic face to comfort him: "Okay, it's a false alarm!

Don't think about what's going on. You have this problem since you were a child. You can break a piece with a little glass of wine. When you wake up, you can't remember what happened at that time. I wondered that the woman didn't have the guts to lie. It should all be true.

But brother, when your brother asks about it, don't sell me. If he knows that I'm taking you to drink, he will sue my brother. "

Shi Yan's head was still buzzing, and he didn't want to hear someone muttering in his ear, so he simply waved his hand and told him to get out of the way.

When he heard a click of the door closing, Shi Yan spread himself out on the sofa into a pie and began to think about the current situation.

Lu Shiyan, 20 years old this year, has an older brother, Tang Shicheng, 27 this year, the two share the same father and mother, but the eldest brother takes his father's surname and Shi Yan takes his mother's surname.

The Tang family's relationship is very strong. The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts. After they grew up, they tied the knot. After the marriage, the Tang family's business was booming. It flew, and this flight, in the hands of the next two generations, never fell.

Now that the husband and wife are old, the company's affairs are all left to the eldest son, Tang Shicheng.

Tang Shicheng's name is sincerity, but he is not honest at all in business.

This man is very good at a young age. Needless to say, he is smart. What is even more commendable is that he is down-to-earth, seasoned, and insightful. When the company is in the hands of Tang Shicheng, the business scope has expanded a lot, and many projects have been done well.

Make people who were not optimistic at first also convinced by Tang Shicheng's methods.

In this case, Shi Yan, as the youngest in the family, had busy parents since he was a child, and because his eldest brother was nearly seven years older than him, he grew up with his eldest brother.

Sometimes the eldest brother Tang Shicheng, in Shi Yan's heart, is like a father. It is true that he is both a father and a mother. When Shi Yan was a child, he respected and feared this eldest brother.

But in fact, the whole family loves Shi Yan, and dotes on him as a wealthy second generation who is willful and idle. When he is idle, Shi Yan goes to the entertainment circle to act and play.

Although the Tang family is not happy about Shi Yan's involvement in the entertainment industry, since the child likes it and doesn't say anything on the face, what should be done is to do as much as possible, so that he can have a good time without any worries.

Especially the eldest brother Tang Shicheng, who privately set up an entertainment company under his younger brother's name. Knowing that his younger brother is too troublesome and does not like to manage the company, he specially hired a classmate from his studies to help with the company's business to ensure his younger brother. There is enough freedom in the circle.

It can be said that in Xiyuan Entertainment, the entire company revolves around Shi Yan, serving him exclusively. Listen to the name, the eldest brother personally gave it, and it is full of blessings for the future of the younger brother.

But Shi Yan is a fun person with an uncertain personality. The person in the circle is assumed to be the stupid son of the coal boss's family, and few people in the circle know his true identity.

There is only one impression of him: good resources, whether it is a TV series, movie or variety show, as long as he wants, Nian Xiyu, the head of Xiyuan Entertainment, will try his best to fight for him.

The business ability is leveraged.

But at the same time, he is almost famous for a series of black materials such as willful, impolite, and disrespectful to senior artists when he is on variety shows.

But almost all the roles he has played are almost the same. It can be said that there are those kinds of characters whose settings are extremely matched with his own personality. several roles.

It is no exaggeration to say that the performances of those characters can be directly written into textbooks, and Shi Yan can pat anyone on the chest and say that he is a representative of the people.

But what is more famous than the role he played live is the role played dead by him. The character of the character is completely different from his own, so it's awkward to look at it.

Therefore, about whether Shi Yan has acting skills, it has been torn up in the hot search for almost three days and two ends, and even this thing has become a golden excuse to help others to divert their attention.

This idol is in love and needs to divert the attention of fans. Is there a hot search for Shi Yan's acting skills?

The Shidi of that family has derailed and needs to divert the public's attention. Is there a hot search for Shi Yan's acting skills?

The traffic of this family is hidden from marriage and has children. It needs to divert the fire of the public. Is there a hot search for Shi Yan's acting skills?

The head of the family, a prostitute, has been on social news, and needs to divert the attention of the masses. Is there a hot search for Shi Yan's acting skills?

Anyway, for Xiyuan Entertainment, his first brother Shi Yan has never been short of popularity. After a year, he can save a lot of money on hot searches, and he can buy a villa to live in the third ring road of the capital.

But Shi Yan never cared about these things. Who made him a man destined to have everything from birth?

Outsiders don't know that he is the boss behind Xiyuan Entertainment, and they have been speculating about the reason why Xiyuan Entertainment is so supportive of him.

It's such a trivial matter that it has almost become a weekly post, and it has to be discussed by people every week. I don't know how many marketing accounts have been supported.

Now, it has been a whole year since Shi Yan wanted to enter the entertainment industry. His reputation is black, red, black and red, and his traffic is not inferior to the top trend in the circle. Fans are twice as many as his serious fans.

For a time, Nian Xiyu felt that Shi Yan had some magical charm that made people automatically hate it.

But Shi Yan is very good at his own way and doesn't care about that at all.

The family felt that this circle was very disturbing. If Shi Yan could quit the circle and go home, his family would support him no matter what he was doing or going to work.

Originally, Shi Yan had already played enough, and felt that this circle was not as interesting as he thought, and he was ready to retire and go home to live a happy retirement life. At this time, the heroine Yun Yi'an appeared in front of him.

Others felt that Shi Yan fell in love with Yun Yi'an at first sight, protected her everywhere, took care of her, provided her with convenience, and almost regarded Yun Yi'an as the first sister of Xiyuan Entertainment. For Yi'an's dedication, anyone who knows a little bit will feel ashamed, and most men can't really compare.

Many people think they are true love.

But in fact, Shi Yan just asked Nian Xiyu to take care of Yun Yi'an a little, how he took care of him as his true love, he didn't know it at all.

As for the reason for Nian Xiyu to take care of Yun Yi'an, it is very inconceivable, because he once suspected that Yun Yi'an was the younger sister born to him by her mother outside with other men.

Not to mention anything else, just Yun Yi'an's eyes and mouth are almost the same as those carved in the same mold as his own mother. Since seeing Yun Yi'an, Shi Yan's heart has never been stable.

Of course he didn't want Yun Yi'an to be his mother's daughter born with another man outside, but what if?

As far as his mother's attitude of wanting to have a daughter is almost crazy, what if he is irrational at any moment, and then makes a mistake that all women will make?

Therefore, Shi Yan's feelings for Yun Yi'an are extremely complicated. While letting people secretly investigate Yun Yi'an's life experience, while letting the company's people take care of each other a little, he quietly hides in the corner and observes Yun Yi'an's every move. , I hope to get the answer from it myself.

The heroine's team did not miss this promotion opportunity. They sent a press release to guide fans to associate Yun Yi'an's face with the wealthy wife Lu Youwen.

It didn't take long for the outside world to rumor that Yun Yi'an might be the daughter of Lu Youwen, the mother of the Tang family, and that Yun Yi'an was the fugitive daughter of the legendary rich family.

When the reporter was interviewing, whenever he mentioned this matter, Yun Yi'an, who was close and friendly like a sister next door the next second, threw out four words with a cold face: "No comment."

This attitude is too interesting, neither admitting nor denying it, she is justified no matter what, but it makes many people really believe that she is the daughter of the Tang family.

Yun Yi'an also received a lot of good books and advertisements and earned enough attention.

Shi Yan scoffed at these rumors, and didn't bother to answer them at all, and continued to let people secretly investigate Yun Yi'an's past.

Just when he was observing secretly, the hero and heroine met, and they made a TV drama called "Long Li Changfeng" together. Won the title of Emperor, and the heroine played by the heroine, the little junior sister, was devoted to the hero, and finally died for the hero, and gained a large number of CP fans. The heroine Yun Yi'an also relied on this role. Received the Rookie of the Year Award.

The two fell in love because of the play.

With Yun Yi'an, who has a sweetheart, she can't continue to let the media write about her and Shi Yan's non-existent love story. In Yun Yi'an's place, Shi Yan is really an idiot. Stopping stuffing her with resources is just a means of pursuit.

The self-righteous rich second generation has this kind of virtue, and she doesn't like it, but for the sake of development, she did not prevent the team from using the non-existent romance hype between him and Shi Yan to maintain exposure. It's a mess, but the traffic on the other side is really eye-catching, and everyone wants to take a bite and taste the sweetness.

But now, she and Nian Tingpei have a relationship, and both of them have the intention of continuing to develop, so they can't continue like this, which is disrespect to each other.

So, when the media once again took pictures of her and Shi Yan going in and out of a high-end restaurant together, saying that their wedding was approaching, Yun Yi'an personally slapped her face and severely accused the media of being irresponsible.

To be honest, this kind of thing has already become a weekly post, just to earn traffic. Fans have long been surprised, and they are waiting for the official announcement that the two of them will be together.

At this time, Yun Yi'an stood up and said that she and Shi Yan had an ordinary relationship with colleagues, and asked the media not to spread rumors.

This is so interesting.

Shi Yan really didn't take this matter to heart, so he said hello to Nian Xiyu and let him figure it out. According to Nian Xiyu's ability, he could solve it properly in less than half a day.

But this time Nian Xiyu was destined to disappoint Shi Yan, because he pressured the company's public relations department not to deal with this matter, and abruptly let this matter ferment online for a whole day.

A day later, under the manipulation of the man with a heart, rumors about Shi Yan being a fake second-generation rich, being taken care of, and the little prince in a nightclub have spread all over the Internet, and the best crisis public relations time has passed. Even if it is clarified, very few people are willing to believe it.

Shi Yan was bitten by Nian Xiyu and Nian Tingpei, and by the way helped the heroine Yun Yi'an to earn enough traffic.

When he found out the reason, Shi Yan was so angry, what should you do? Nian Xiyu, the manager of his own company, and Nian Tingpei, the male protagonist, fell in love with the female protagonist Yun Yi'an at the same time.

This pair of uncles and nephews are of the same age, and they are in a competitive relationship in the family. They have never dealt with each other, and they have a bad relationship. Because they saw the same woman, they got along with sparks and lightning, crackling and cracking.

Before Shi Yan didn't know, the two had been secretly fighting each other for a long time, but they also had a tacit understanding with each other. They wanted the best for the heroine Yun Yi'an.

Then Nian Xiyu gave Yun Yi'an the best way to feed each other with the resources of Xiyuan Entertainment.

The same is true for public relations. After Yun Yi'an personally refuted the rumor, she called Nian Xiyu and asked him to help make peace in the middle, so that Shi Yan would stop pestering her.

Nian Xiyu knew that he had nothing to convince Shi Yan, so he just came out. His original intention was to let Shi Yan understand the essence of the entertainment industry, quit the circle and go back to the feasting life of a young master.

After Shi Yan retired from the circle, he was confident enough to convince Tang Shicheng to let him take care of Xiyuan Entertainment. At that time, he would be qualified to compete with his nephew, Nian Tingpei, who grew up favorably. Compete.

But he didn't expect that someone would step in behind him, completely ruining Shi Yan's reputation and ruining his plan.

After Shi Yan personally beat Nian Xiyu's mother who didn't know him, he was going to go home and complain to his eldest brother, and let the eldest brother take a good look. The managers he brought to the company are all crazy stuff.

It's a pity that he only walked to the gate of the company. If he didn't check, he was splashed with acid by the crazy CP fans of the male and female protagonists.

Due to the serious injury, for many years, Shi Yan stayed abroad for recuperation, didn't care about domestic affairs at all, and left it all to his most trusted elder brother.

And the eldest brother whom he trusted did not disappoint him at all. He slowly arranged the layout, including the male and female protagonists. When the male protagonist finally became famous and won the title of Best Actor, the female protagonist became a temporary box office guarantee. The night they confessed affectionately to each other on the stage of the awards ceremony hand in hand, the two of them lost their reputations and took on huge debts overnight.

One second of heaven, one second of hell, probably nothing more than that!

After receiving the general plot, Shi Yan rubbed his aching head, and then heard a clear door opening, and saw a man dressed in a suit, with a pair of leather shoes on his feet shining brightly, his whole figure looked like an elite who came out of the conference room The man is standing in front of him.

Shi Yan slowly raised his head and said with a headache, "Big brother."

The person who came was Shi Yan's elder brother Tang Shicheng, who was both a father and a mother.

Tang Shicheng didn't say a word, turned around and supported Shi Yan and walked out. Shi Yan struggled twice, and the other party turned his head and gave Shi Yan a look of "go back and clean you up".

Well, this big brother is really not easy to mess with.

Walking to the door, the man who had hooked his shoulders with Shi Yan before said to Tang Shicheng with a look of flattery: "Brother, go well, go slowly!"

It's just "welcome next time".

Shi Yan used his toes to know that it must be a letter from this kid to Tang Shicheng.

Zhou Zhu, Shi Yan's friend from childhood to adulthood, is similar to the Tang family. The Zhou family has a capable and top-notch eldest brother, who is used to giving Zhou Zuo a brainless and timid one.

At least Shi Yan was only afraid of his eldest brother. Zhou Zhu was not only afraid of his brothers at the top of his family, but when he met his eldest brother, it was also a battle between two groups. He could hide as far as he could.

In Zhou Zhu's words, he was suffering from a disease called eldest brother's phobia, which has never been cured in his life. No matter who the eldest brother is, just hearing these two words makes his legs start to soften.

Tang Shicheng took Shi Yan out of the door of the bar. The manager carefully helped to open the door next to him. The smile on his face was more attentive than seeing his mother-in-law. The service was in place. The inkstone bumped.

Shi Yan believed very much that as long as he needed it, this person could squat down and take off his shoes on the spot.

Such attentive service was finally exchanged for Tang Shicheng's indifferent sentence "It's not an example" before getting into the car.

The bar manager smiled like a bridegroom when he got married, and assured Tang Shicheng that there would be no next time.

Shi Yan was firmly tied to the co-pilot's seat by Tang Shicheng's seat belt, and helplessly covered his face with his hands: "Brother, if you say this, will this store dare to accept me in the future? Why don't you let all bars be blocked? what about me?"

Tang Shicheng started the car slowly, without looking at Shi Yan: "Go home or follow me to the company?"

In fact, this question is very redundant. Shi Yan would rather go home and play games by himself than go to the company to listen to those head-scratching work reports.

But before he made a choice, Tang Shicheng reminded lightly, "Aunt Pang's family is here today as a guest."

Auntie Pang is enthusiastic and takes great care of the younger generation. She usually likes Shi Yan's red lips and white teeth, and loves to make fun of him. Until one day, Shi Yan's mother, Ms. Lu Youwen, shared with Auntie Pang a copy of Shi Yan's childhood. In the album, the two strange aunts seemed to have found an ally, and every time they tried to make Shi Yan dress up as a child, reappear in front of them, and remind them of the green years.

When Shi Yan thought about that scene, Nao Ren'er couldn't help but start to hurt.

So I decided to go to the company with my eldest brother. It is best to sleep in the bedroom next to his office. I don't know what's going on with my body. , it hurts badly.

Shi Yan could feel the cold sweat all over him.

Tang Shicheng felt that his brother was unexpectedly quiet today, and finally carefully observed Shi Yan's face at the traffic light, and found that fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. .

At this time, Shi Yan had already fainted from the pain.

He didn't know that his brother Tang Shicheng was so frightened that his lips turned white. For fear that something serious happened to his brother, he didn't dare to tell his family. He held back the panic in his heart and waited for the results of the examination.

And Shi Yan, who was worried by him, was facing Xiao Jia in the consciousness space at this time, staring with big eyes.

Xiaojia made a small nasal voice aggrieved: "Team leader, don't you want to be in charge at all?"

Shi Yan said the truth: "I don't want to, what the **** did Qiudong do? Are you now mine, or his? If you are his, go back and find him. I know that the affairs of the bureau are handled by him. I am very happy.

If you are my heir, I don't understand at all, how could you become like this? You must know that your previous personality was not like this. In the past, you were smart, wise, calm, very like a wise man in the human world, and the best partner of Kuai Chuan. "

Tong'er was even more sad, whimpered, and pointed her finger at the grievance Baba: "Hey, team leader, you are a bad guy, they are your Tong! I have already remembered everything that we have experienced before, and I still have a relationship with you. Director Qiudong's Tonger was completely separated.

It's all like this, if I'm not your master, who else can I be?

Could it be that you have other traditions outside behind my back? Can't you think of me as a second personality? Am I not cute like this? "

Not at all!

Shi Yan's head hurt even more. He kicked Xiao Jia into the small black room with one foot. He slowly opened his eyes and took a closer look. Good guy, he went straight to the hospital.

Before I had time to turn my eyes, I heard someone say in surprise, "Mengmeng, you're finally awake!"

Shi Yan said, "Yes, Zhao Mei, I'm awake."

That's why Shi Yan didn't want to go home directly, because the Tang family wanted a daughter very much, so they gave their eldest son a nickname, Zhaomei.

In the end, they had been looking forward to a man with a handle. In addition to the disappointment of the family, when Shi Yan was not aware of it, he put on a small skirt for him for five years, and raised him as a girl, which once made the outside world think Tang Jiasheng was originally a girl.