MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 15

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Ten thousand and one night sweet dreams, the corners of his mouth were turned up when he woke up, Zhang Luo didn't see Kiyo during breakfast, he was even more refreshed, he actively delivered bowls of porridge, and asked Huo Zihong with concern: "Little proprietress, is she... all right?" Bar."

Huo Zihong hummed: "It's going to be a few days."

How many days has it been? 10,000 has a bad heart, so why didn't he fall into a slump?

Uncle Zhang snorted at the side: "The knife made a cut, and it started to bleed, won't it scab over in a few days? She's fine."

Thirteenth struggled: "Then you have to recover slowly, little by little, right?"

Huo Zihong dispelled all his hopes with one sentence: "Muyo is not like this."

She pressed one finger to the edge of the table, and raised it up in a second: "She is like this, like a spring, she gets up immediately, just wait and see."

After breakfast, Cao Yanhua, who lives nearby, came to report immediately. He pretended to learn the daily operation of the bar, but his eyes went upstairs: "Where is my sister Kishiro?"

As soon as the words were finished, Kishiro came down from the stairs in a sluggish manner. Tenwan pretended to lower his head to wipe his glass, and said to himself: "Take a fall, fall and fall."

Seeing her walk to the bottom in Ping An, I had to pray instead: "Don't bounce back, don't bounce back."

God should still take care of him. In short, Kiyo showed no sign of rebounding today. She went straight to the table and sat down, lifted the gaiwan, and ate breakfast without saying a word.

Huo Zihong came over with a smile, twisted a thin dough pancake, helped her roll fried eggs and spicy fried potato shreds, and handed it back to her: "If you can't beat someone, if you can't catch someone, it's a small matter. Too many, there is only one champion, and those who are not in the second place can only jump off the building?"

Kiyo looked at the burrito, but didn't answer it immediately: "Aunt Hong, are you Professor Li's daughter?"

"Yesterday, why did Luo Ren fight with you? It's his fault that he did it. Why didn't you call the police?"

Huo Zihong pursed his lips slightly, and smiled again: "Our Kiyo, it's almost a hundred thousand reasons."

She put the burrito on a flat plate next to Kiyo's bowl: "It's over, don't ask me again. It happened a long time ago, and I don't want to mention it again."

Muyo didn't look at her, and lowered his head to stir the porridge in the bowl: "There are some things that you don't want to mention, but if someone doesn't do it, Luo Ren can't give up."

Huo Zihong didn't move for a while, after a while, she reached out and patted the back of Kiyo's hand: "You forget about it, don't worry about it."

Kiyo's eyes fell on Huo Zihong's hand.

Aunt Hong's hands, I dare not say that the skin is as creamy and the fingers are like peeling onion roots, at least they are slender and well-maintained. In the words of the older generation, they have never done rough work and are not tired, the hands of a lady.

Dropped out of school in the second grade of elementary school and went to work with your parents? It's not that Kiyo has never seen the hands of the vegetable vendor, flicking back and forth among the vegetables mixed with fresh mud. The mud color is embedded in the crevices of the skin, and it can't be wiped off no matter how much soap is used.

After dinner, while Huo Zihong was reconciling accounts with Uncle Zhang downstairs, Muyo went into Aunt Hong's room. She usually went in and out of this room without paying attention to it. This time she came in with 120,000 yuan. Be very careful, there seems to be something pressing on your chest, it's very stuffy.

Aunt Hong's bedside is the book she read before night, "Explaining the New Words of the World", and a reference book of clothing patterns of various ethnic groups is spread out on the table. She mentioned before that she wants to open another store. Fabric clothing is a consideration, tie-dye batik You have to think about the tricks yourself, they can't all be bad street styles.

On the multi-treasure shelf next to the wall are trinkets collected by Aunt Hong. There is a clay sculpture named Huangpang because of the soil, a smaller bodiless lantern made by a professional craftsman, and a hot-flowered gourd. .

When she was a child watching "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", she stole the gourd, took off the lid and filled it with soda, climbed to the table to imitate the Tieguai Li on TV, and filled her mouth with soda with her hips on her hips while hahaha. The gourd was taken away by Aunt Hong. She thought she was about to be beaten, so she followed Aunt Hong into the house dejectedly, but Aunt Hong said, "Kido, this is a grasshopper gourd."

Her eyes were as wide as copper bells: "Grasshopper gourd, pretending to be a grasshopper?"

Aunt Hong said, "Yes."

He also told her that the ancients kept songworms, and gourds are the best insect gear. The gourds are selected carefully, called "purple, moist, firm, and thick". In order to protect the gourd, some people even sew a gourd cover with flannelette. Woolen cloth.

She didn't hear it at all, and thought in her mind: It's over, the grasshopper is in it, maybe I drank all the **** and pee...

Thinking about it now, Aunt Hong is really knowledgeable, as if she grew up in a scholarly family.

Suddenly, Miyoshi's heart skipped a beat.

Aunt Hong looks exactly like that Li Yaqing. Li Tan admits that Professor Li has a pair of twin daughters. Luo Ren pointed out that Aunt Hong is not at all like Huo Zihong who lives at No. 12 Chenqian Lane, Luomahu...

Could it be that the real Huo Zihong was the one who died in Luoma Lake and was turned into a puppet by the fishing line, but now this one has been bearing Huo Zihong's name... Li Yaqing?

Seeing Huo Zihong again, Kiyo was no longer in the same mood as before, and he couldn't connect her with that naive and irritating Aunt Hong anyway.

She sat down at the table by the window, took a pen and paper and nervously listed what she was thinking.

If Aunt Hong is really Li Yaqing, then she has concealed this fact for many years, and she is not as scheming as she appears on the surface. That is to say, Aunt Hong's words may not be true.

—Did you see me touch Huo Zihong with your own eyes?

He didn't see it with his own eyes, but he heard a horrified voice first, and then saw Luo Ren strangling Aunt Hong's neck and pushing her away heavily.

What if Aunt Hong moved first, Luo Ren? She designed it in advance, she knew Luo Ren would defend herself when attacking Luo Ren, and when Luo Ren moved her, she screamed on purpose...

Kiyo was frightened by her own thoughts, she tore up the paper in front of her in a panic and threw it away, and fell down on the table with her hair in her hands.

No, no, it's wrong to think this way, Luo Ren is really a devil, he can induce her to doubt Aunt Hong with just a few words.

Cao Yanhua came rushing over, and when he saw Kiyo take out the paper in a hurry, he thought it was the right time.

"Sister Kishiro, don't be angry about this kind of thing, it's not worth it."

"To tell you the truth, if you are a few blocks away from the troublemakers and hooligans, you will suffer because of your lack of experience. If it wasn't for the other party's scheming, how could they have plotted against you?"

He is purely speculative, but what he said is plausible, just like what he saw last night, but the flattery is just right, which makes people feel ironic.

Kiyo finally looked up at him.

Cao Yanhua said more and more earnestly: "This kind of thing can actually be completely avoided. Do you know what the key is?"

avoid? Although he knew that Cao Yanhua was not reliable, Kiyo was still curious: "What's the key?"

"The key is that you lack an apprentice with rich experience, strong martial arts, and caring!"

"Hey, hey, sister Kishiro, don't go..."

Cao Yanhua pointed at Mudai's back, and continued to yell unwillingly: "Sister Mudai, think about it, if something like this happens again, if something happens, the disciple will do his best, and if I rush out, even if I get caught, beaten, and cry, That's me too, it doesn't matter to you, hey sister Kishiro, think about it..."

At night, Kiyo had a dream.

Dreamed that Huo Zihong came to her bedside and gently pushed her: "Kiyo, Kiyo, wake up."

She was clearly awake, but she couldn't move or make a sound. Aunt Hong sat down beside her bed and started threading needles.

The body of the needle is as thick as a pen, and the eye of the needle is as big as a soybean. The thread is also very strange, as if several strands are twisted together. Opened a big fishing net.

The floor also disappeared, and turned into a lake surface with sparkling water. Half of the fishing net was submerged in the lake surface, and fish struggling under the net could be faintly seen.

All of a sudden, only this bed floated on the misty lake.

Kiyo became frightened and wanted to ask her, Aunt Hong, what are you doing?

Her throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton, she couldn't make a sound no matter what, Aunt Hong showed a secretive smile, she slowly stretched out her hand, and pressed her head firmly, while holding the needle in the other hand straight to her cheeks...

Covered in cold sweat, he kicked his calf like a twitch, and found that it was a quilt, and his heart instantly fell to the ground, feeling relieved.

It's just that I can't sleep anymore.

Kiyo hugged the pillow and blanket and went downstairs, went to the seat by the window where he sat most often, put the pillow upright on the window, and leaned on the bench and half-lyed down.

The five major punishments in ancient times.

cut foot.

Luo Ren frowned, and tapped the touch screen with his fingertips to switch between webpages at any time.

The content of the several webpages I pointed out is also similar: penalty, ancient Chinese penalty, evolution and development of penalty, progress of human society and gradual change of penalty.

It is mentioned in the content that modern punishment is nothing more than death penalty or life imprisonment, and there are not many types of death penalty. Some countries or regions even advocate respect for human rights and abolish the death penalty. And improved.

And going back in time, from ancient times to the slave era, the punishments were brutal and cruel, and the most typical ones were the five major punishments.

The earliest historical records are in Xia Qishi, ink (tattoo face), 劓 (cut nose), 刖 (cut feet), Gong (deprivation of reproductive ability), and Dapi (death penalty).

It can be regarded as the five major punishments that Xia Qi summed up the experience of his predecessors.

Luo Ren vaguely felt that this approach was correct. Liu Shuhai himself admitted to the murder, and it was unknown why a piece of skin was missing from his back after death, but his feet were cut off, which was very similar to punishment.

Moreover, he was not the only one who had his feet cut off.

Luo Ren suddenly felt tightness in his chest, he got up and walked to the window, opened the window to let in air, and pulled open the neckline violently.

The night is quiet, the air is humid, the lights are stretching in the night, and the bluestone slabs are glowing with a bright color that can only be seen at night. Looking from this side, the far diagonally opposite is the Gathering and Fate Bar.

Luo Ren looked at it for a while, and suddenly his heart moved. He took out the German-style night vision portable eagle eye in the luggage bag, and looked there.

The imaging effect of the night vision Hawkeye was less effective than that of the telescope during the day, but he could still recognize who that person was.

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Ren's lips, and he murmured, "Still on guard?"