MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 906 Chess opponent

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Chapter 906: Chess Meets Opponent

It happened that Galo Luo's path was also melee. Bloodline supernatural power was concentrated on a pair of wings. In terms of speed, it could be called the first person under the main god. Although it is only now that the soul is attached to the son-in-law, Xiuwei and the flesh are also at the top of the divine house. It's just enough to deal with the ancient **** of Liu Qing.

Although Liu Qing's physical body reached the strength of the ancient gods, her speed was not as good as that of Galileo. At the top speed, as long as Jia Qingluo caused Liu Qing's body a little injury, he was considered a winner.

Gala Luo sat idly on his seat, a pair of golden eyes staring at the ancient **** Liu Qing on the fighting platform, as if staring at a prey. The Wugu God promised Liu Qing that the most important reason for coming to fight is not because she has a fondness for her and wants to own it.

It is to bring back the ancient **** of Liu Qing and dedicate it to the Yin Tianzi from the forces outside the sky. As long as Yin Tianzi likes it, the main deity is in sight. The reason why everyone felt that the Five Ancient Gods had such an unreasonable request to Liu Qing Ancient God at first sight. Only this is reasonable, and will not be discovered by the gods. The five ancient gods have surrendered to the forces outside the sky.

For the ancient gods of the main world, infighting was nothing. If the ancient gods from other domains learn that the Land of Lanlou cooperates with the forces outside the sky, I am afraid that all ancient gods will come to slay the Five Ancient Gods.

Galo Luo slowly got up, and his body changed into the bucket.

"If the ancient **** of Liu Qing admits defeat, perhaps his face will look better." Galo Luo stared at Brenhild with a calm tone. Unlike Di Shitian's tone just now, his tone tends to say something trivial.

Bronhild felt the glowing gaze and snorted, saying, "The same thing happened when Emperor Shi Tian came to power, but he fell into the lotus pond later. Sometimes don't say too much.

The words fell, and the children of the Yue family on the lotus pond stand were amused, with a smile on their faces. Emperor Shitian looked coldly at Bidoutai and hummed coldly.

"Then let's get started, quickly and quickly." Galo Luo said expressionlessly.

Immediately after that, a powerful divine power broke out on him, and a pair of wings opened instantly behind him, with sharp and shining feathers. The next moment, Gallo's figure turned into a residual image, heading towards Bronhild.

Brenhild's face was dull, he stretched his limbs indifferently, and directly punched a pair of show punches towards the afterimage.

Xiuquan and the afterimage touched, making a loud noise.

Brenhild took two steps back, with a slight contempt in his eyes. Just now the two did not use divine magic, they both fisted directly. The competition is the strength of the physical body. Obviously, the pair of moves just now, Brenhild uses the physical strength of the ancient gods to slightly win. This is enough proof that Galileo is powerful.

Today, it is not Galo Luobenzun who is fighting, but a divine mansion. The cultivation and physical strength are in the realm of divine mansion. Only this blood-chain supernatural power can show the strength of Gallo. Relying on the speed and the body of Shendi, the ancient body was tied with the ancient god, but it was slightly underdog.

It is indeed the most powerful of the five ancient gods.

Brenhild thought that, according to Galolu's current strength, he might be as strong as Ashura. If the Lord of the Lou Lou comes, she may not be able to beat it.

But today, Galoluo used the divine pavilion, only occupying a few advantages in bloodline supernatural powers. If Brenhild had lost the battle with his deity, it would be really shameless to return to the snow and ice holy land.

"Come again!" Brenhild sang, and the flesh hidden under the tulle skirt burst into a force, causing the surrounding space to distort.

She turned into an afterimage and headed towards the Gallo House.

Galauro warned in the air, his eyes full of warfare, and he rushed towards the afterimage. The two afterimages collided in mid-air, and every moment of the collision with divine power, the surrounding space was distorted, and even cracks appeared.

"His, how powerful are these two bodies!" Yasha took a breath and said incredulously. Among the Seven Ancient Gods, he inherited the power and blood of the Lord God, and possessed a divine power. But he could not use his divine power to break the whole space by merely colliding with the strength of the flesh. He couldn't do it.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help wondering, who in the end really inherited the power and blood of the Lord God? ? ?

"Sure enough, you guessed it right. If you went up just now, I'm afraid it's not much better than Emperor Shitian." Vishnu said with a smile, he didn't pay too much attention to the two fighting on the platform. This match will definitely win. If he has lost three matches just now, if he still loses, then he really has to doubt his life.

Afterimages appeared in the sky, dissipated in an instant, and then afterimages appeared again and again, infinite loop.

Among the Twelve-Day Girls, Liu Bailing hurriedly sat in the last seat, looking at the residual image on the beating platform, blinking with a little confusion, and said to the Hu-day Daughter next to him in wonder: How's it going??"

Looking at the vigorous Tian Hu, she turned her head and looked at Liu Bailing wonderingly, "Where did you go just now? Now you are here. Now that Xiao Bu Gu Shen has won the Four Ancient Gods, he sent a Jia. Lou Luo. "

After speaking, Hu Tiantian blinked her eyes and felt dizzy for a while. She took a breath and there was a hint of fear in her heart. When fighting, it is said that the divine repair is easy to use, but now the power erupted by the two people has been separated from the divine residence, to the strength of the ancient god.

After watching this for a short while, she was dizzy as a divine mansion. It's just watching a fight, and it shakes the soul, so horrible.

"That's not only if you win this one, Xiao Bu Gu Shen will win!" Liu Bailing said, looking towards the pedestal, and wanted to see how the battle between the two ancient gods was wonderful.

The Heavenly Lady Hu directly blocked Liu Bailing's eyes with her hand, reminding him: "Now you are just a warrior in the middle of the sacred string martial arts. I am afraid that you will be out of sight when you see this game. Do not think of peeping or you will be dead. "

After speaking, Liu Bailing closed his eyes obediently. The other celestial girls waved their hands and cast out the Taoist gods to hit the lotus pond stand, blocking the eyes of the children of the Le clan. From now on, those who have not reached the realm of Shendi are not qualified to watch the last match.

On the beating platform, Galolu stopped and floated in the air watching the remnants of the whole air vigilantly, and his vigilance became more and more alert. After some fighting, he really knew how powerful Liu Qing's ancient **** was. It was completely different from the new ancient **** they thought, and more like an old-fashioned ancient god.

Regardless of the melee skills or moves, Gallou was not cheap.

(End of this chapter)