MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 44

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Gu Ningran was restless sitting and lying in the main room of her house. His wife, Mrs. Cao, looked awkward, grabbed Gu Ningran by the ear and reprimanded her: "When you come back, where is your heart hanging outside? Honestly speaking, these few days Where do you spend your days? Who did you provoke?"

"My lady, my good lady, let go, it hurts." Gu Ningran begged for mercy from Cao Shi with a playful smile, and then explained: "Gu Ningxi divorced, you know? I sent someone to investigate , waiting for the return."

Mrs. Cao is in the inner court all day, how can there be any reason why she doesn't know? She told her husband the scene where Gu Ningxi begged his grandmother to come forward to witness the reconciliation, embellishing her words with disdain: "I know, he begged his grandmother to help him reconcile, but I don't know, I thought he was begging my grandmother to help him reconcile." Asking to marry the princess and the princess. The attitude of deep affection is reflected in the reconciliation, if I were Tao Xinhe, I would spit on him."

Gu Ningran hesitated and asked: "Why on earth did they make up? Didn't they used to be inseparable? You complained about me, not as dedicated as Gu Ningxi. How is the result now?"

"Huh, speaking of it, Gu Ningxi is still better than you. There is only one woman left by her side. She used to be Tao Xinhe, and she will be a concubine in the future. Hearing what his grandmother said, he has no plans to remarry. Flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix. Wait! Gu Ningran, you... Gu Ningxi's outer room..." Cao Shi suddenly remembered something, and his complexion changed drastically.

Gu Ningran nodded, raised her index finger to her mouth, made a "shh" gesture, and lowered her voice: "It seems that it's that girl, and I'll know when I get back."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the boy who accompanied him to Mo's small courtyard that night slipped to the bottom of the wall, observed the situation, returned to the old Gu's mansion, and reported to the master, Cao Shi insisted on listening, but Gu Ningran didn't stop him.

A servant who can be trusted by Gu Ningran, regardless of whether his mind is crooked or not, and his mouth is full of flowers, helping the master deal with the mistress, concubines, and prostitutes is a basic ability.

Right now, the servant is describing what the Mo family has seen and heard vividly:

The Mo family is having a funeral, and the sound of the monk singing the Sutra of the Past Life can be heard from a long distance away. According to the neighbors, it doesn't stop until Xu hour every night, and it starts again at the next day, which is very in line with the customs of the capital, but Mo Qiqi Complained, it's not the particularity of their hometown sending the dead all night long.

The one who died was Mo Qi, a poor young man who came to Beijing to rush for the exam, but unluckily made him die of illness, leaving his relatives and orphan Mo Qiqi behind.

Gu Ningran interrupted unconsciously: "Oh, so that girl's name is Mo Qiqi, and the name is easy to remember." She was glared at twice by Cao Shi.

The young servant was about to talk about the main event, and his voice was raised a little: "Eldest young master, eldest young lady, you two guess, the young one is squatting in the neighbor's courtyard, and saw who went to Mo's house?"

Gu Ningxi! Second Young Master Gu who just got divorced yesterday! Tonight, I can't wait to meet Xiaoqinger!

Gu Ningxi didn't wear the official gown of scarlet clothes, but was dressed in a green black straight gown, which almost blended into the night, and it was the young servant who noticed it with sharp eyes.

I heard neighbors gossip that before noon on the eighth day of the eighth day, they saw this senior official being carried over and quickly carried away, not knowing why. The servant quietly put his ear on the courtyard wall, listening to the movement of the Mo family.

The monks were chanting sutras loudly, but by coincidence, Gu Ningxi and Mo Qiqi stood in a quiet corner of the courtyard to talk, at the base of the wall, the servant listened to a sentence with bated breath, and then came back to learn the tongue.

What Young Master Xi Er said was: Qiniang is tired, I have something to do at home these few days, and I don't have much help, I wonder if brother Mo's spirit in heaven will blame me.

The soft female voice was elongated, and it sounded affectionate: Brother Xi, I know you miss my brother, thanks to everyone in your family, my brother's funeral is still decent. Are you well? Is today the day when all the big officials have to go to court?

Second Young Master Xi seemed to cough and then quickly covered his mouth to silence the noise. The young servant was not sure if he heard it clearly, and then he heard a hoarse voice and said slowly: I'm fine. Take care of yourself. I see that the swelling on your face has subsided a bit, and you have almost recovered your original facial features, which is a good thing. I don't know if your mood has stabilized, but I want to discuss with you about your future arrangements.

The young man stopped here, scratched his head and said, "I guess you heard right, but Second Young Master Xi can clearly see other people's facial features? Maybe it's to make the little girl happy?"

Cao sneered and said: "Listen to these words, Gu Ningxi is urgent enough, a swollen face is a treasure. Eh? Speaking of which, why is that girl's face swollen?" She looked at Gu Ningran as if she had an intuition, Sure enough, seeing him thoughtful, he suddenly realized, and touched his elbow.

"It should be that I lost my strength and got that slap. Mo Qiqi was going to fight me hard at that time." Gu Ningxi explained coyly, and motioned the servant to continue talking quickly, avoiding the topic of swelling.

The servant bowed his head and made a female voice: "Ah, Brother Xi, I know what you mean. Um... Madam agrees? I didn't see it in the past the day before yesterday. Is it safer for me to ask Madam first before entering the house?" Some? Also, you have to wait for my brother to work for a hundred days before entering the mansion, right? That's... that's the middle of May, or at least wait for my brother to pass for seventy-seven forty-nine days, brother Xi, why are you silent?"

The young man learned nondescript, which made the masters laugh. Cao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and asked urgently, "What did Gu Ningxi say later?"

After Gu Ningran laughed, she felt a little uncomfortable. That girl from the Mo family, in essence, is probably his. About to be taken into the house by Gu Ningxi?

Since the sixth day of the lunar new year, it is estimated that with the power of my angry kick, the girl of the Mo family can't sleep with someone, but one day, she will have **** with Gu Ningxi, and she has already started her budding. Does Gu Ningxi know?

Thinking about it carefully, the girl's body was flat, her face was not seen too clearly, anyway she wasn't outstanding, at most she was pretty, but the taste was... Gu Ningran rolled her throat, remembering what she was worried about, and asked: "What do they say? Didn't you mention that someone raped Mo Qiqi?" At any rate, he knew that it was rape...

The boy shook his head and said that he had been sticking to the wall and waiting for a long while before he heard Young Master Xi say, "Get Brother Mo's funeral done right now, and discuss the rest later."

Then, I heard the man's footsteps going away, and the female voice hurriedly called "Brother Xi", and then left the corner.

Cao concluded: "Look, Gu Ningran, it has nothing to do with you at all. Gu Ningxi and this little girl who came out of nowhere are sincerely in love. It's strange that the little girl doesn't know that he is getting along. However, Don't care about them, let's live our lives well, you are not allowed to bring anyone back, six concubines are enough."

Gu Ningran put her arms around Cao Shi, saying that she will always be the one who loves her the most, coaxing the woman to smile. But he thought in his heart, Gu Ningxi was clearly reconciling with Mo Qiqi, his wife, a girl from a third-rank official family, was graceful, smart and capable, if she didn't want it, she didn't want it, so why didn't she rush to ask Mo Qiqi for credit?

Hmph, it can't be judged by common sense, Gu Ningxi is really a weird person.


Ji Changbo Cheng Shicheng, from his adopted son Cheng Jia, learned the great news that the beautiful woman he had been thinking about had reconciled yesterday.

Some were surprised, some were secretly delighted, and more, they deepened their understanding of Dow. This is a strong woman!

"Tao Xinhe cannot be treated lightly." Cheng Shicheng thought so after hearing Cheng Jia's reconciliation reason from Gu Runing.

The original intention of prying someone's corner, but now that I think about it, it is just greedy for the body and not for the spirit. Cheng Shicheng paces and thinks to himself, a beautiful woman has principles and persistence, and is worthy of his serious pursuit.

Would it scare her to appear in front of her with the posture of begging her to be his wife? Is Tao Xinhe in a stable mood now?

Or slowly figure it out?

According to his observations, Tao Xinhe might secretly treat herself as a female big sister. Is he taking advantage of this convenience to get close to her and gradually become her confidant? A man with a good posture, chasing her and becoming her second husband?

The more Cheng Shicheng thought about it, the hotter he felt in his heart, wishing he could have a beautiful woman in his arms right now.

Tao Xinhe's facial features, in his mind, besides being charming and alluring, because of the harmony and separation, they are more lively and lively.


Tao Xinhe's life was peaceful and smooth, just like in Gu's mansion. Now she is taking care of family affairs in Tao's mansion, taking care of her siblings and relatives. Everyone has a tacit understanding not to mention Gu Ningxi to her.

Qingfang has been hesitating for the past few days, whether she should offend her master and tell her what she has seen and heard about the Mo family, but the girl... ah, no, the layman is determined to reconcile, and she has done it quickly and stubbornly. She thinks it is better not to mention it, so as to save the layman from worrying .

I don't have to think about it myself, I just need to serve the layman wholeheartedly, I believe she has her own ideas.

Even if the third girl asked her to ask her, Qingfang thought about it, the former uncle wanted to accept a broken girl, and it was not done by the previous uncle, no matter what the inside story was, it was always unpleasant, so she hesitated.

Tao Xinqiang saw that she couldn't find anything to ask, so she gave up, thinking that her ex-brother-in-law was just looking for sex, and was eager to try, and wanted to find out one day to get to the bottom of her sister's girl. As for whether she would pull Ning Niang, she was still undecided.

Also, the ex-brother-in-law really disappeared without a trace and has no news from Tao Mansion, so does he not miss his sister at all? Tao Xinqiang was furious about this, but looking at her sister, she didn't care at all. She ran to her father to complain about her ex-brother-in-law, but her father was still in a very bad situation, and asked Tao Xinqiang, if she divorced, wouldn't she just treat her as a dead person?


Uncle Ji Chang came to the house again on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, saying that he was looking for Tao Xinhe to inquire about the details of the marriage of the youngest son and daughter.

Tao Xinhe frowned and remembered this matter, thinking that in the next few days, she would have to find the second aunt of the Gu family to settle the matter.

She received Cheng Shicheng politely, and thanked him first for his continuous delivery of small and lovely items for four or five days in a row.

Then he said that the young people played around at will, so it was not offending or offending, and his third sister had already recovered, so there was really no need for Ji Changbo's mansion to apologize like this, enough was enough.

In the end, Tao Xinhe bit her lips, and mentioned that she was already divorced, and if she intervened in the marriage of the daughter of the Gu family, she would explain it to her as soon as possible, and asked Ji Changbo to take care of her for a few days.

Cheng Shicheng put down the teacup in his hand, smiled wider, the corners of his eyes shone brightly, and the corners of his lips curled up charmingly, and asked: "Although I have heard about it a little, I don't know how the Xian couple suddenly separated, and I vaguely remember seeing Gu Sicheng." It's a pity that we didn't say hello when we arrived at your mansion. He Niang, would you like to tell me more about it?"