MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 98

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In the evening of this day, when Gu Ningran came back to the mansion on duty, she heard some big news from her wife, Mrs. Cao.

Gu Ningxi has returned to Beijing! As soon as he came back, he went to see his grandmother. He was so frightened that Cao broke into a cold sweat when he heard it in the inner courtyard. Fortunately, he was driven away by his father-in-law.

Later, he went to the patriarch's house again, intending to settle accounts. After he left, the patriarch came to ask his father-in-law for advice as if being chased by a dog, and pestered him for a long time.

Gu Ningxi is probably in his own house now, thanking guests behind closed doors, not knowing what to do.

Sure enough, it was the second wife of the Gu family who made trouble, somehow she had great powers, and got Gu Ningxi back from some corner, because the second uncle went in and out with him.

The servants of the old Gu's mansion and the servants of the second uncle even knew that all the concubines surnamed Mo that Gu Ningxi wanted to accept were deposited in the second bedroom's mansion.

Gu Ningran trembled, stretched out her hand to cover the wound on her forehead, turned around the room like a donkey pulling a mill, and kept muttering: "This kid is lucky to come back so soon? What should I do? What should I do? After the family is expelled, he won't settle accounts with me, right? He can't turn things around, can he?"

After being poked and patted on the back by Cao Shi angrily, Gu Ningran hurriedly approached with a grimace: "Please teach me, lady."

With her feet crossed and her arms crossed, the rice beads on the golden lotus trembled, so relaxed, as if the owner of the shoe didn't care about it: "What are you panicking about? Anyway, you are tearing your face apart, and there will be a duel sooner or later. He, Gu Ningxi, just came back a little earlier than you and I imagined. Just do whatever you want."

"The lady said, what should I do?"

"I'm going to look for my second aunt, you go to my second uncle, first find out how Gu Ningxi is doing these few days, what's your plan after returning to Beijing, and then we'll adapt accordingly. Now, you, Gu Ningran, are the most legitimate future head of the Gu family. , Prime Minister Gu’s eldest grandson, the governor of Hannan Province wrote a letter to say that you are a hundred times better than him.”

Gu Ningran thought of Mo Qiqi who was mentioned by the Cao family just now and was hidden in the Erfang's mansion, and her heart moved, and she said: "My lady is very right. I will go to the Second Uncle's mansion to find out, so I don't have to worry about the lady's running around." .You are really my good wife!"

"That's fine. Feel free to ask the housekeeper to prepare some things that you don't need in the warehouse, and bring them as souvenirs, otherwise it will seem that we are not generous enough when we go to relatives' houses. Knowing my kindness, you don't want to get angry with me in the future, just Keep me alone, and the couple live in love, do you hear me?"

Gu Ningran's heart flew away long ago.

When Mo Qiqi was caught by him, he felt that she was just a young/stupid and boring yellow-haired girl who stabbed herself, so she didn't deserve to be treated well.

However, as the days went by, he actually became concerned about this woman because he failed to find someone several times. The feeling of that night was constantly magnified and beautified in his heart, which drove Gu Ningran to look for opportunities to realize his old dream again. Mo Qiqi was obedient, and he also considered taking this person back to his backyard.

At any rate, before going out, he remembered to tell Cao Shi: "Grandmother is very ill, I'm afraid that Gu Ningxi will make a fuss based on it, you must control the mouth of the servant." After Cao Shi scolded her a lot, Gu Ningran didn't trust her. Her stewardship skills.


At this time, Mo Qiqi didn't know that she was entrapped in this life in the past? Gu Ningran, who came back, imagined that she was salivating.

She was practicing her words with Gu Runing.

Gu Runing was very dissatisfied with her mother taking her back to the mansion for a temporary stay, so she aggressively poked Mo Qiqi in front of her eyes, and accused, "Didn't you always bully Xitang brother? It made my sister-in-law Xitang reconcile, why? Come to our house again?"

Mo Qiqi responded sharply: "That's because brother Xi is kind and willing to help me, an orphan. Why don't you think I'm bullying General Cheng? Besides, I know I was wrong, so why don't I come to your house to avoid suspicion?" In a few days, can you make room for Mrs. Xi so that she can go back to the mansion to take care of Brother Xi?"

Gu Runing's face turned pale, her eyes widened and she wanted to spit fire: "You still miss Cheng Jia? You... you... flirtatious! Avoid suspicion, what did you do so early? What happened when you sent shoes to Brother Xi's house as a New Year's gift? I don't want to avoid suspicion, but I didn't have this string in my mind when I moved in with a shy face a few days ago? By the way, you came here because you want to see Cheng Jia more in favor of me?"

Disgusted by what he imagined, Gu Runing was going to drive the woman in front of him out of the house overnight.

Mo Qiqi waved his hands, sat down calmly, straightened his legs, raised his arms, stretched his waist, yawned, and said, "It's been bumpy in the carriage for the past few days. Running around in the countryside is tiring. Miss Ru Ning, don't get mad, sit down and let's talk for a while."

Looking at Gu Runing's dark face, Mo Qiqi thought to herself, in the past, I never knew what was wrong with being a concubine. In my previous life, I just lamented that I didn't meet a kind mistress and a sensible husband. Lord, I feel that I was tortured to death by their husband and wife.

Faintly driven by the inertia of being a concubine in this life, she fell in love with brother Xi, a married man, and she didn't feel anything wrong at all. Even though he later found out that his wife was the kind person Tao Shi in his previous life, he didn't change his mind at all. He was still glad that if he could live by this person's side in this life, he would be safe and happy.

Today, after getting in touch with Tao Xinhe several times, and seeing Gu Runing's excited face defending his fiancé-in-law, Mo Qiqi suddenly felt something.

If you really love someone, you must not tolerate other things he likes. Forced by the three obediences and four virtues stipulated by the world, women have to endure men taking concubines for pleasure on the surface, but how much grievance and dissatisfaction are hidden in their hearts?

Tao Shi is straightforward in this life, choosing to reconcile and let go. The Cao family in the previous life expressed dissatisfaction by picking on and embarrassing concubines. After all, it was the man's fault.

Mo Qiqi's thinking became clearer, and she felt more and more that Gu Ningran in the previous and present lives was an asshole, and although Brother Xi was not as good as he wanted, he still kept his heart for Mrs. Xi Shao. The lady did such a humble follow.

Therefore, brother Xi is really commendable.

Mo Qiqi sighed, there is no fate, and indeed he cannot be forced, he should belong to Mrs. Xishao, but it is a pity that he has interfered in this life and affected everyone. what can she do How can she make it up?

Seeing Mo Qiqi's complexion changing, Gu Runing sighed, thinking about this girl seemed to be quite difficult, so she couldn't help changing her voice: "If you don't miss someone else's husband, you can just stay at my house for a while, it doesn't matter."

Mo Qiqi saw through the sympathy and kindness behind Gu Runing's bluff in an instant, and was flattered, and said whatever he thought of, and flew away immediately with his mouth shut.

She smiled and teased: "Thank you, Miss Ru Ning. To tell you the truth, I met Uncle Ji Chang in a village in the suburbs of Beijing a few days ago. He asked me for something, and he knew that I wanted shelter and stability for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, he said he I want to wait to marry my first wife, and I can't promise me anything, so I offered to ask General Cheng Jia to accept me as a concubine."

Gu Runing's voice suddenly raised: "What?" She pointed at Mo Qiqi, angry and angry, her fingertips were shaking non-stop.

Mo Qiqi lightly gripped the finger on the tip of her nose: "Of course I didn't agree. That's why I was teasing you just now. Miss Runing, don't worry. I finally fell in love with Brother Xi in this life, but it was unrequited love. No one else. I just want to remind you that your future father-in-law is not a good person, he can force Mrs. Xiao Cheng to take a concubine lightly, and make things difficult for you, you have to know it."

Hearing the words, Gu Runing became agitated instead, sobbing with sore nose, "People like my cousin are rare in the world. I'm not talking about his face blindness, but the promise he made to Sister-in-law Xi in public. Even if Cheng Jia told me No matter how good it is, I never promised to be a couple forever. Even if I dare not mention this, he will not let it go!"

Mo Qiqi patted the bride-to-be on the shoulder: "But Mrs. Xi seems to wish Brother Xi hadn't made such a promise, right? In this case, Brother Xi said that he wanted to take me as a concubine at the time, and she wouldn't be so sad that she proposed to marry me." What about you? Miss Ru Ning, do you hope your husband never made such a promise, or did the queen destroy it by herself? "

Gu Runing looked at Mo Qiqi with admiration, and repeatedly murmured: "Which one do I want more?"

She suddenly felt that Mo Qiqi had the wisdom of intuition, not the bad woman she thought to seduce brother Xi, he could try everywhere.

Therefore, when the eldest cousin Ran came to the door and said that he wanted to meet his old acquaintance Mo Qiqi, Gu Runing relied on his multiple identities as the son-in-law of the third-rank earl, the wife of a military general of the same rank as Gu Ningran, and the direct cousin of Gu Ningran, to meet him. After a few soft nails, Gu Ningran didn't hear anything, and walked away with a disheveled face and cursing.


The next day, Tao Xinhe stretched out amidst the cheerful chirping of birds, and woke up.

The scent of spring makes people want to be drunk, and it drives the warmth in the house, which is different from the heat of burning charcoal fire in winter, which is more comfortable and appropriate.

After staying outside for a few days, the embroidery bed at home is still comfortable when I return home. Tao Xinhe raised her hand to cover her yawn, her sanity gradually recovered, the task of going to Zhang Shangshu's residence for Gu Ningxi to say hello today instantly came to her mind.

Yesterday afternoon, it was rare for Cheng Shicheng to be invited away by the housekeeper of the uncle's residence, saying that there was an old meritorious general in the uncle's residence, and his servant was about to die of illness, so he asked the uncle to see him for the last time.

The awkward pair of Gu Ningxi and Tao Xinhe were left alone.

Tao Xinhe forced herself to remain indifferent, and asked Gu Ningxi how she had dealt with Zhang Shangshu after her reconciliation and separation, so that she could continue.

Hearing that he accepted a painting of Zhang Shangshu's wife and concubine, Tao Xinhe just wanted to pat his forehead. Tao Xinhe sighed deeply after hearing the themes of the respective paintings clearly.

Gu Ningxi, a fool, was unknowingly put on by Zhang Shangshu's concubine.

Painting peonies for other people's concubines? The peony representing the main wife? What are your intentions? Once it is spread, Gu Ningxi's noble reputation will be completely tarnished, and his reputation is already in jeopardy because he was expelled from the clan.

It was Tao Xinhe who made the final decision, and completed the picture of misty waves for Mrs. Zhang Shangshu as it was, and for Zhang Shangshu's concubine, a picture of brilliant mountain flowers. It fits the theme of flowers she proposed, but it will not disappoint people's tongues.

Gu Ningxi nodded at that time and said: "He Niang, the meaning of a good wife has only been understood more deeply since you left me. I have no eyes, and I made my own decisions on Qiniang's matter. I hurt you, and there is no atonement for the crime. I am very ashamed of you. , because I didn't know how to put myself and others at that time, I was working hard to change, I don't know, can you wait for me? Can you give Gu Ningxi, who has grown a little, another chance?"

Tao Xinhe turned her face away, shocked in her heart that Gu Ningxi sincerely admitted her mistake for the first time, but ignored him.

After a long while, she left an order to ask Gu Ningxi to draw it tomorrow morning, then she put on her skirt and left the house quickly.