MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 653 Me, I ’m really not like this ... well, ...

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"When it comes to canned food, hey, this is my favorite food in the past. What's it called? Oh, canned beef, this canned food can be said to be a masterpiece of the army. The best yellow beef. "

Wang Weihua said, everyone found that Wang Aiguo's mouth began to reveal some crystal liquid.

Well, at this time Wang Aiguo is really hungry.

But with only a hint of reason in his heart, he refused to grit his teeth. How ugly to take the risk of eating in such a time.

"If you can assemble the gun in 5 minutes, all 4 cases will be yours!" Wang Weihua looked at Wang Aiguo and laughed.

"I, I am not this kind of person!" Wang Aiguo lowered his head and looked away, no longer looking at Wang Weihua.

No, to be precise, he did not look at Wang Weihua, but did not look at the 4 boxes of cardboard boxes around Wang Weihua.

The captain and others are speechless. Why is this style of painting so strange?

Seeing Wang Aiguo's rejection, Wang Weihua shook his head with a smile and then shouted to the duck mother: "Well, since he doesn't, it will be cheap for you, and I will assemble the gun, as long as you are within 20 minutes, each of these 4 boxes is one box per person , I will not give it to others! "

After Wang Weihua finished speaking, the duck maiden and others all had their eyes brightened. Well, the leader can give a can and say that it can also be brave.

After hearing this, Wang Aiguo finally couldn't stand it, and rushed straight to the front in a loud voice.

"Wait, wait, wait, Commander, wait, then, let me think about it again, uh, 5 minutes, 4 boxes? 5 minutes ... 5 minutes, well, I'll come, I'll come, I'll come Come and hand it to me, give it to me, and I will solve it within 5 minutes! "

After thinking about it for a long time, finally, the physiological impulse surpassed reason, and Wang Aiguo finally decided to take the lead.

Seeing Wang Aiguo's initiative jump out, Wang Weihua's face showed a knowing smile.

"Now I dismantle the gun in front of you. Look carefully!"


Soon Wang Weihua disassembled all the firearms, and then Wang Aiguo entered the observation state.

Seeing Wang Aiguo tinkering with the new concept gun there, the captain and others were aggressive.

Just now everyone heard the conversation between Wang Weihua and Wang Aiguo. As far as Wang Weihua can take out food to seduce Wang Aiguo's urine, everyone should find that Wang Aiguo and Wang Weihua seem very familiar.

Just when the captain was confused, the captain of the detachment walked quietly to the captain and patted him on the shoulder.

"Be kind to this fat guy later, he is the grandson of the head office!"

After the detachment captain spoke, the captain's eyes almost popped out.

Wang Aiguo has been here for more than a year, and he knew for the first time that he was the grandson of Wang Weihua.

However, when the captain couldn't speak in amazement, everyone heard a ‘嗷’ from behind the captain.

As soon as everyone turned their heads, they found that the elder brother was making a sound. At this time, the elder brother was no longer strong. Everyone saw him trembling all over, foaming his mouth, turning his eyes white, and then he looked like a wood. It fell straight down.

"Fa! Afa! What's the matter with you? Hey, I'm going, why I'm inexplicably dizzy, my mouth is spitting foam, my gosh, what, what's wrong, right now, right? It ’s useless, what should we do? Is kicking a little active? Kick your sister, hurry to the health team and go!

Oops, I was standing well, and my brother was inexplicably taken to the health team by a stretcher.

However, after the elder brother was carried away, everyone felt that it was understandable. After all, the torture of the patriotic tossing Wang is the elder brother. This year, he was desperate to toss the patriotic of the king there.

Now that I know the true identity of Wang Aiguo, the coma is considered good, and myocardial infarction is normal.


Soon Wang Aiguo observed it.

It took about three minutes for Wang Weihua to dismantle the gun in front of Wang Aiguo.

It took about 8 minutes for Wang Aiguo to observe the gun. After that, Wang Aiguo closed his eyes and began to recall the situation of the firearm in his head.

Everyone saw Wang Aiguo closed his eyes, and they were all curious.

In this case, everyone is tampering with the gun during observation time.

After 8 minutes of persecution like Wang Aiguo, instead of percussion, we closed our eyes and began to think about the situation. Everyone met for the first time.

However, Wang Aiguo's identity is special, and Wang Weihua did not speak, so everyone was embarrassed to speak.

Soon Wang Aiguo opened his eyes and looked at Wang Weihua.

"I'm ready…"

"You have 30 seconds to prepare. Are you sure you want to start now?"

Wang Aiguo finally glanced at the gun on the table, then nodded and said, "Let's go!"

"Good!" Wang Weihua nodded, and the staff behind him dismantled all the guns in front of Wang Aiguo.

Soon, the gun became 66 components.

Then Wang Weihua personally took out a stopwatch, facing Wang Aiguo Road.

"I'll confirm with you again, are you ready!"


"Okay, start!" Wang Weihua pressed the stopwatch.

When Wang Weihua said it started, Wang Aiguo didn't rush, but glanced at the parts on the table quietly.

Everyone is stunned. Generally speaking, when encountering this kind of competition, everyone started to assemble their parts and started to assemble, but Wang Aiguo did not assemble so hurry, but observed quietly there .com ~ After about 20 seconds, Wang Aiguo hurriedly picked up the first component and began to assemble the firearm.

Time passed minute by minute, and Wang Aiguo's speed remained unhurried.

Wang Aiguo is not fast, but very stable.

However, what shocked everyone was that although Wang Aiguo was not fast, he was still very fast in assembling firearms.

It sounds very contradictory. When one is not fast, why the assembly of firearms is very fast, the only reason is that Wang Aiguo did not make any mistakes.

"Okay, assembly is complete!"

After Wang Aiguo spoke, Wang Weihua pressed the stopwatch.

A glance at the time, 4 minutes 32 seconds.

Everyone on the field took a breath.

However, Wang Weihua did not praise Wang patriotism, but glanced at the staff behind him.

Soon came to check the firearms assembled by Wang Aiguo.

After a full 5 minutes of inspection, the staff nodded and said to Wang Weihua: "Report the head, there is no problem!"

After the staff spoke, the crowd took another breath. Before the duck mother said for 20 minutes, that was overestimating herself. Generally, they tinkered with the new gun for at least half an hour.

Wang Aiguo was terrible. It only took 4 minutes and 32 seconds for a new gun to be assembled under the first contact.

Looking at Wang Aiguo, Wang Weihua smiled slightly: "Unexpectedly fast. Then, can I ask you any assembly tips?"

Wang Aiguo pondered for a moment, then said with a dilemma, "Does such a simple thing need any trick?"

Wang Weihua: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Sorry to bother you.