MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 692 I applied for a million!

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Okay, although the result was whatever, the food finally arrived, so everyone began to eat.

Fortunately, this safe house can be said to have everything, such as ovens, microwave ovens, etc. So after processing everything, everyone can finally have a warm dinner ... No, supper.

While eating supper, Aya and Mike walked forward and looked at Wang Aiguo.

"Fat, should you tell us about the mission this time?"

At the same time as Aya said, Wang Aiguo was struggling to cut his steak. His steak was originally cooked to perfection. As a result, his steak was hard to use as a brick because it was grilled again.

After cutting the crickets a few times, Wang Aiguo was angry, and he directly discharged the cow into his mouth, biting angrily.

Looking at this terrible photo of Wang Aiguo, everyone took a breath.

After finally tearing off a piece of beef and putting it in his mouth, Wang Aiguo said vaguely to Aya: "It's all right, don't worry about the task. This task can't be completed in a short time. We will stay here for 20 days. So let ’s make sure the things, clues, and tasks are clear. ”

After Wang Aiguo said, everyone nodded, and Mike looked at Wang Aiguo: "So what do we do in step 1?"

"The first step is to sleep well after eating this meal. As for tomorrow, let's go to the mall first."

"What ????" After Wang Aiguo said, everyone made a cry of surprise.


In the early morning of the second day, Wang Aiguo went to KFC next door and took a lot of breakfast back.

At 9 o'clock, KK and Red with low blood sugar slowly woke up from the coma.

As for Aya and cigarettes, according to the truth, these two people should wake up earlier, after all, they are also soldiers. However, they did not wake up today, plus they may have slept too late last night, so they and KK and red Get up almost at the same time.

And monks and others got up early, especially Mike. He almost didn't feel good sleep last night. He woke up in the morning with two dark circles, and then looked at Wang Aiguo like this.

Looking at the dark circles on Mike's face, Wang Aiguo smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Captain Mike, you don't have to worry so much. I'll tell you that I will arrange this. You can assist me this time."

Seeing Wang Aiguo saying so, a strange and complicated smile appeared on the corner of Mike's mouth.

From the bottom of his heart, he really wants to believe in Wang Aiguo, and very much wants to relax himself.

But first of all, he is not the first time to come out to perform the task. Second, he is now in the rice country and belongs to the enemy's heart position. In this case, he really can't relax.

The four ladies started to wash after waking up. After washing, they came to the first floor, and after seeing the fries, hamburger and fried chicken on the table, the four women took a breath.

"You eat this thing in the morning, aren't you really afraid of fattening?" Red looked at the food on the table and looked at Wang Aiguo in shock.

Wang Aiguo glanced at red, what should I say about this topic? This rice country also has only such things, otherwise I'll give you an egg cake?

"Okay, don't be too particular about it. It's not bad to get breakfast here. I'll tell you that the breakfast in the rice country is all similar.

Of course, I didn't think about you at all. You see, I bought you corn, mashed potatoes, and vegetable salad. I will eat it. "

Wang Aiguo pushed a copy of the item that was not opened for the ladies, and pushed it to red.

Red and KK glanced at each other, Aya and Cigarette looked at each other. Finally, the four women accepted Wang Aiguo's proposal, sat at the table, and started to eat breakfast.

After the four daughters started eating breakfast, the monk sat quietly to the side of Wang Aiguo.

"Are we really going to go to the mall after dinner? Didn't you say that this mission has a time limit? Do we still have time to go to the mall?"

Taking a look at the monk, Wang Aiguo showed a natural expression.

"Well, it's time to explain.

First of all, I applied for a lot of funds from above. The funds are for business trips. This does not require an invoice, so we can use up all of the money here. "

After Wang Aiguo said this, he found that the atmosphere in the room had changed, and everyone's eyes started to look weird and hot.

At this moment, Wang Aiguo saw the infinite desire from everyone's eyes.

Wang Aiguo grinned, no doubt this was the effect he wanted.

"Second, because the mission lasted only 20 days, and after 20 days, the warships at the military port would leave. At that time, no matter whether the mission was completed or not, we had to go back with the warship.

Because of this tight time relationship, it is impossible for us to have time to go shopping at the end of the mission, so we can only go shopping today and buy everything that everyone wants to buy. Anyway, you know the money. "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, the four women said nothing, solemnly nodded to Wang Aiguo.

Later, Aya and cigarettes squeezed Wang Aiguo's left and right shoulders.

"Fat man, let's be honest, I really fell in love with you at this moment, so what, eat quickly, let's go shopping after eating!" Cigarette said fieryly.

"Hmm!" The three women nodded frantically, completely agreeing with the view of cigarettes.

The men also looked at each other, revealing complexity in their eyes.

It makes sense that although they have done many tasks, this situation is really the first time they have encountered it.

Because of the very excited relationship between Aya and others, everyone also accelerated their meals. It took only ten minutes to eat breakfast. After eating, the four Aya girls rushed out of the house.

Sure enough, shopping is a woman's nature, no matter what kind of girl it is. Of course, exclude some teddy.

The large shopping malls on the Mi country are almost the same as China. They open at 10:00, so it is useless to worry.

They got up quite early. At this point, they went to the mall and walked barely to catch up with the mall to open the door.

9:55 Everyone was waiting at the mall door.

10:00 The mall opened on time ~ ~ As soon as the door opened, the four Aya rushed to the mall without saying anything, but Aya and others just stepped out and suddenly stopped again.

Wang Aiguo was stunned by the strange behavior of Aya and others, and then saw Aya, cigarette, red and KK looking back at him at the same time.

"Fat, by the way, I would like to ask again. You said that the application has a relatively large amount of money. How much did you apply for?"

After Aya finished speaking, she showed embarrassment, and then continued.

"I don't want to inquire about the funding, but I still want to ask, there won't be much money, and we can't buy much, right?"

Looking at Aya like this, Wang Aiguo grinned, and then stretched out a finger.

Looking at this finger, everyone looked weird, and then Aya whispered, "10,000 dollars?"

"I applied for $ 1 million!"