MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 703 This recipe is too scary

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Latest website: Why should the two women do the rest? On the one hand, these two people also received money. On the other hand, Wang Aiguo must prepare a brand new chilli fart essence. After all ... this time, the concentration must be very high.

However, when Wang Aiguo was going to formulate the new pepper fart essence formula again, Wang Aiguo found another problem, that is, he must have an experimental subject to know that this thing is not enough.

So that night Wang Aiguo convened everyone in the restaurant and opened this voluntary applicant body experiment seminar.

However, after Wang Aiguo expressed his thoughts, the monk reacted immediately. Wang Aiguo's fart was well understood. This man's fart ... haha.

However, just when the monk wanted to turn back and ran away, his eyes turned dark as soon as he turned his head, and then the monk lay on the ground unconsciously.

Wang Aiguo looked at Aya and Mike who played the black hands in the back, and suddenly felt that it made sense for these two to be captains. This start was fierce and black enough, even so **** themselves!

"Don't you both have conscience if you do this?" Wang Aiguo stared at the two with a grimace.

The two looked at the monk on the ground, and then looked at Wang Aiguo, and at last they looked complicated.

"If your conscience doesn't hurt, your body will hurt!"

That night, the monk woke up and found himself tied to a stool.

In front of him is Wang Aiguo wearing a gas mask.

Such a scene, the monk reflected the first time, he is not stupid now, he obviously knew that he was absolutely sold.

"We are brothers who have slept together, so you ..."

Before the monk's words were spoken, Wang Aiguo directly sprayed the monk with the sprayer in his hand.

Then the monk felt his eyes dark again, as if his nose was blocked by two kicks, and his brain was roaring.

Then there is no more, anyway, the monk is unconscious.

After the monk passed out, Wang Aiguo picked up the book and wrote on it.

"In the first experiment, the formula was diluted 10 times. It took the subject 5 seconds to enter fainting. After the state of fainting, the hands and feet twitched slightly. In conclusion, we must increase the formula concentration and type!


It was a sunny morning, and Richard walked out of the house after eating breakfast and kissing his wife and daughter as usual.

Richard is employed by the National Security Agency, but his identity needs to be kept secret, especially where he works. He works in an ordinary villa, and his task is to do it for the staff inside. rice.

As usual, he left the house and walked through a small path. After crossing the path as usual, he walked for another 20 minutes to reach the work place.

However, when Richard walked into the alley today, he realized that today's alley is different from usual. There are already two men in the alley today, staring at him in the middle of the alley.

Well, it's not important to stare at him, the important thing is that each of the two of them is wearing a gas mask.

Seeing this scene, Richard froze. In this case, the fool knows that this is definitely not a normal person.

Thinking of this, Richard wanted to leave without turning aside.

However, when he was about to turn around, one of them suddenly took something out of a trouser pocket similar to a wolf sprayer and sprayed it on him.

The next second, Richard felt a twist in the sky, and finally his eyes darkened on the ground.

After seeing Richard fall to the ground, Shen Long took off the gas mask on his face, and then looked embarrassingly at Wang Aiguo beside him.

"Can I ask what's in there?"

Wang Aiguo waved his hand in front of him to ensure that the gas had diffused away before Wang Aiguo took off his gas mask and looked at Shen Longdao.

"It's not something special, it's a regular item, but I just purified it!"

"What are those things? I'll take a look back. It's a recipe!"

Wang Aiguo nodded. Anyway, if you want to record it, record it. He doesn't matter, so Wang Aiguo nodded.

"Record for yourself. First go to the duty-free shop to buy 100 kilos of white wine. Red Star Erguotou will do."

When Shen Long heard this, he immediately hesitated, then looked at Wang Aiguo with a strange face: "100 kg Erguotou, are you going to drink the dead?"

Wang Aiguo shook his head and said lightly, "How can 100 kg be used for drinking? Isn't it necessary to purify it? I did it for a day and it was about 500 grams."

Shen Long: "..."

One hundred kilograms of white wine turned into a 500-gram alcohol-purified substance, and it was lying in a trough, let alone a glass. It was estimated that this person would have to die.

Then Wang Aiguo said, "Because I ca n’t buy a wolf sprayer here, I specifically ordered some Mexican death peppers. Rest assured, I have also commissioned these pepper sauces. About 100 kg of pepper sauce has been purified. Around 300 grams. "

After listening to Shen Long, he was speechless. Are you doing drugs? Are you doing poison? Everything could be deadly.

"And then, I ate a lot of canned herring, stinky tofu, etc. Anyway, the famous stinky things in the world, I basically ate it once, after you eat it ... you know, and then I put these gases It is transformed into a liquid by special means, and then left for three days to wait for it to ferment ... "

Before Wang Aiguo said this, Shen Long quickly waved to him.

"Come on, don't say that it's started. I definitely can't make your recipe. Even normal people can't figure out this thing for you!

Reasonable fat man ~ ~ I will serve you if I don't accept anyone in my life! This is the first time I've seen someone who can sublime farts to the level of biochemical weapons.

When I get back, I will report and ask you to upgrade your fart into a strategic weapon. Fortunately, your thing is diluted. If you do n’t dilute, this person is probably not a problem of fainting, but died directly? "

Speaking of which, Shen Long's face suddenly changed dramatically, and then he looked at Wang Aiguo with a horrified expression: "Wait, you have been using monks for experiments these days, so is he okay now?"

Wang Aiguo did not answer this question, but looked distantly away.

Looking at Wang Aiguo's appearance, Shen Long's unexplained body shuddered. It is no wonder that Aya and Mike both refused to participate in the monk's action today. I am afraid that this guy should have left a serious sequelae.

"Oh my gosh, are you doing math or chemistry?"

"Don't stop talking nonsense. Hurry up. We still have a mission!"