MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 38 absolute worship

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【Hahahahahahahahaha, what kind of scene is this?】

[I laughed so hard, where can I hire this assistant who looks like a big star, give me a dozen]

[Speaking of what's going on with this live broadcast, is there no rest time? 】

Xie Xinghui was about to be **** off by his manager's contemptuous and contemptuous attitude. He had never received such a blank stare since his debut.

Even if it's not a big star, but just an ordinary colleague, it won't be that expression.

What's more, the entertainment industry is Xie Xinghui's proud career, and now he is still being suppressed like this, it's like stomping his face on the ground.

The agent dared to talk back when he saw him, feeling that his prestige had been challenged, and said sarcastically, "What? Is it possible that I still want to call you the big boss? Or Teacher Xie?"

Xie Xing recalled that this was the mission world after all, so he could only admit it, and gritted his teeth thinking: He wants to see which talented star is worthy of him to serve!

"Okay, today's itinerary is more important, so I won't say more, pack up quickly, so as not to..."

He took two steps forward, only to see Cui Miaomiao who had been standing in a corner before.

The agent who was still arrogant just now immediately changed his attitude, and said with a flattering smile: "Mr. Cui, why are you here? Did you catch these assistants for being lazy? Hey, I said at the beginning that they should not be hired. These few, when they grow up like that, you can tell that they are not honest people who can work hard..."

Several people were stunned by this sudden development, and no one answered for a long time.

The agent became more and more enthusiastic: "You just came to our company, and you are our company's future and hope. You should choose a few experienced people, but now the company is really short of manpower. It's all because of that Tang Yi..."

"Who is Tang Yi?" Jiang Jingzhe interrupted her.

The manager's face darkened, and he wanted to make trouble at first, but he was concerned about Cui Miaomiao's presence, so he could only reluctantly say, "You don't even know about this? The stars who debuted a while ago have a lot of fans."

He spoke curtly, giving hardly any valid information.

Cui Miaomiao received Jiang Jingzhe's signal, and asked following her words: "Are there many fans? Are there more fans than me?"

While talking, she glanced at Xie Xinghui intentionally or unintentionally—and waited until he noticed her gaze before moving away.

Xie Xinghui: ...

【Hahahahahahahaha I can actually understand Miaomiao's micro-expressions】

[Oh, Xinghui, where are your fans? Oh, you’re just an assistant without fans, that’s fine]

[Laughing, can't millions of star fans come out to comfort and comfort you? 】

[What are you talking about, I am Miaofan (dog head) Xie Xinghui, how can there be any fans]

【Where can Xie Xinghui have fans +1】

The manager didn't notice their small interaction, and when he heard this, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he said politely: "'s really a lot...Tang Yi is now a world-class top class."

It means that let alone comparing with others, Cui Miaomiao is not even qualified to stand on this comparison platform.

Now Xie Xing returned to gloating, while Cui Miaomiao said unhappily, "What does a person of this level have to do with our company?"

Speaking of this, the agent was very proud: "He was the first one discovered by our company!" This tone seemed to be showing off the first big star in the village, and it was indeed the case.

"Are you his fan too?" Jiang Jingzhe asked.

"I don't like him," the manager said bluntly. If it wasn't for his dislike, he wouldn't have blamed Tang Yi for the company's decline. "I really don't know why those people are crazy. , I don’t want to work, my parents don’t care, I just think about chasing stars all day long..."

He hates Tang Yi and he thinks that Tang Yi can bring fame and benefits to the company.

To be honest, it is said that Tang Yi is very cold and usually not aggressive towards his peers, but his fans have fallen into a very sick state, which is completely different from the fans in the entertainment circle who advocate positive energy... Tang Yi hardly Interact with fans, but fans still chase blindly.

Fans will not spend money on buying the same style as Tang Yi, nor will they raise funds for public welfare to gain his reputation, and they will not buy him ranches, stars and other fictitious things, but they will go bankrupt and buy anything that can make him more famous. Tang Yi's comfortable things—including but not limited to every hotel he stayed in, and all the delicious local restaurants.

Originally, someone in the entertainment industry would definitely be reviled if this happened, but he also has a magical power that can make all hostile people turn to worship him.

When nine out of ten people in the circle began to worship him, the tenth of the opponents did not dare to speak out.

This kind of magical charm is more terrifying than simply evil.

Originally, their small broken company would not have anything to do with Tang Yi. At most, they would use 'Tang Yi was under the cultivation of the company to have a chance to fly in the list' as a gimmick to make a little money in the future.

But the company has a big opportunity.

That's why he summoned all these assistants here.

—Of course, even if these assistants have the opportunity to ascend immediately, it does not prevent him from continuing to train them. After all, he is the agent!

"Listen well, now there is a very important opportunity in front of you..." The manager's expression is solemn, "As long as it succeeds, Miaomiao will also become a superstar of that level, and you are the assistants of the superstar. "

At that time, even Cui Miaomiao's fingers will leak a little oil and water, which will be enough for them to eat and drink. It's better than being called around with a meager salary every month like now.

Xie Xing replied with a cold face, "I don't want to..."

Ji Chen covered his mouth and asked, "What chance?"

Xie Xinghui was even more depressed. Even if you become an assistant to a big star, isn't that still an assistant? With this effort, he can re-prepare for his debut again.

Ji Chen was amused by his childish side, and comforted him in a low voice: "After all, it's just the mission world."

That's right. Xie Xinghui had a sense of substitution in the environment of this world once he traveled over, and instead he became genuinely angry. Thinking about it carefully, they can go back as long as they complete the task. In fact, their reputation in this world doesn't matter at all. Thinking of this, Xie Xinghui became quiet.

[Come here, come on, Mr. Ji, the big hand who licks the cat! 】

【Xie Xinghui was appeased within a second hhhhh】

[Every time I look at Mr. Ji, I feel... like a kindergarten teacher (poof)]

"In order to thank his old club, Tang Yi is willing to give us a few places to send assistants to study," the manager pretended to be calm, but his expression was unstoppable excitement, and he said proudly, "If it wasn't for Miao Miao who came here If not, I will go, and now I can only choose from a few of you, you must not disappoint the company's expectations."

"For this, you need to sign a new contract."

The four of them couldn't hide their astonishment. How could such a small broken company have the opportunity to recruit people to world-class stars?

Although the system has not yet appeared in this world, it must be right to follow this line anyway.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingzhe fell into deep thought.

The system behaved very strangely in the last world. Not only did it not come out to taunt them often, but it also violated its own rules...arranging tasks that have nothing to do with love, and even delaying the transmission after the completion of the main love task. plug task.

This world is even more direct diving and stealth... She doesn't care if the system will issue tasks to them, but if they don't issue tasks, how can they go back?

Although everyone has temporarily avoided this key issue, as long as it is not resolved for a day, it will always trouble them.

Leaving this world and returning to their original life is their ultimate goal.

The agent took out a stack of contracts, the requirements written on it were extremely harsh, not only required them to work for nothing without pay, but also required to record all Tang Yi's itinerary and people he met and report to the company. Submit an observation diary with more than 10,000 words, in which the various care requirements for Tang Yi's daily life are also difficult, complicated, and most importantly, contradictory and unimaginable. In the end, they were even asked to stay with Tang Yi if they behaved well, and they would work for nothing for the rest of their lives.

Even black factories don't bring such enslaved people.

Ji Chen commented bitterly: "I don't think this is like recruiting assistants, but recruiting slaves."

Jiang Jingzhe nodded in agreement. This contract completely despises human rights, and no normal person would agree to it.

Xie Xinghui was even more disdainful, and directly threw the contract back in front of the agent.

The manager kept observing their expressions, seeing that the three of them were completely unwavering, and finally showed a smile. Even Xie Xinghui, who hated him the most, got a gentle smile.

Xie Xinghui looked like he had seen a ghost, and moved the stool back.


If it weren't for Xie Xinghui's rare sobriety, he would have fired him long ago!

The manager took a deep breath, then pressed the veins on his forehead, and said kindly with a smile: "I knew you were not the kind of people who would be fooled by Tang have lived up to my expectations."

Three people:?

Cui Miaomiao, who had been watching by the side, let out an "oh" suddenly.

The agent said: "I just want to test it. After all, such a good opportunity, we can't just go and never come back, right? We must choose a few cronies who are loyal to the company. Seeing that you can't stay in Tang Dynasty I lost my mind when I was around Yi, and I was very relieved."

Cui Miaomiao was silent for a moment, and couldn't help complaining: "But they refused because they saw that there was no salary and a lot of work." It was not because of the company at all.

The manager smiled all over his face: "Our company has money." As long as you are loyal to the money, it can be equivalent to being loyal to the company!

He took out another contract with a good salary, and there was no more messy content in it. At most, they needed them to occasionally report the situation briefly according to the company's needs, and they needed to write a small daily report every day.

"The future of the company depends on you!" The manager patted the shoulders of the three of them earnestly.

Cui Miaomiao who became the background board:? Wait, you just said that I am the future and hope of your company, right? Friends, can you be more sincere!

Giving away her assistant to others, and now repeating what she said to others... Damn, I know that these capitalists don't have a good thing!

At this moment, Cui Miaomiao resonated, and the look in Xie Xinghui's eyes was no longer teasing, but subtle affection.

Xie Xinghui glanced at her inexplicably:? ? ? Kind of disgusting.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-08 01:22:02~2022-04-09 22:42:55~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of fog harrier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!