MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 107 Danger is coming, Lou Yuan needs him, and their base needs him.

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"Old ancestors! Old ancestors!" Zuo Qiuyang, no, his real name should be Zuo Qiuyang. He was three late with the three behind him. Their ancestors chased a trail of light for a long time. Hurry up to catch up.

"Lou ... Lead Lou, and the Lord! You two are also ..." Zuo Qiuyang looked a little excited. He looked at the two men and a woman behind him and immediately reminded him, "I haven't seen the Lord yet."

"Meet the Lord!" The three of them met in unison, some of them could not hide their curiosity about Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi.

But Shi Lingxi they wanted to meet had found a comfortable place in Lou Yuan's arms, and whistled to sleep.

The light of his brows was still looming, and at the same time, the demon blood that was still writhing on his body was quiet, and as Shi Lingxi's breathing, it flowed very regularly.

Lou Yuan did not respond to their worship. He glanced at Zuo Qiuyang and Zuo Qiuchen again. He turned and walked to the rocky side of the beach. He found a place to sit down, and he said, "Say."

Shi Lingxi slept well in his arms, so there was no need to change places.

To be straightforward, this is the general style of the soldiers and also the style of Lou Yuan. There is no room for the old fox to be vain and snakey in Lou Yuan.

Zuo Qiuchen's eyes fell on Shi Lingxi in Lou Yuan's arms. He stared for a few seconds, raised his hand, and let Zuo Qiuyang and others recede. He walked to a reef not far from Lou Yuan. And also sit down.

"Actually without me, in a few days, you will know for yourself, everyone in the world will know."

Zuo Qiuchen's words ended. Lou Yuan saw his eyes still unchanged. He replied indifferently. "Then you should be glad that there is still room for you to speak."

Zuo Qiuchen sighed again, "The three-year period is about to expire, and after filling in countless lives, it still fails to stop, and the world will change greatly."

Zuo Qiuchen looked at Lou Yuan's calmness in amazement slightly. Lou Yuan did not believe him, but he should have heard similar words.

"Tell me about your" calling spirit "plan," Lou Yuan reminded Zuo Qiuchen, "calling spirit" plan is the root cause of eschatology. To prevent the situation in the end world from continuing to worsen, we may have to start from this source.

"There is nothing to hide from you. In fact, the so-called‘ Soul Calling ’plan is that a spiritual practice has found a link point in a space barrier, and wants to break this point and introduce the spiritual power of the outer world to the present earth.”

Zuo Qiuchen shrugged his shoulders. "As a result, you also saw that the space barrier is not a purely spiritual land, but a world where monsters run rampant. How can ordinary people stand the evil spirit?"

These special substances are even crazy than viruses, and every corner of the earth has fallen for three days.

"In the past three years, the holy land and the family with a little inside information have been at the forefront. Countless people have died. One year ago, the family evacuated. Now it is a complete retreat ... it cannot be stopped."

Zuo Qiuchen didn't want Lou Yuan to ask, he added, "The fusion of the two worlds ... can't stop it."

This can also explain why these holy places and families did nothing at the beginning of the last days, and they have only appeared one after another. They are staying at the forefront, they must be there, and they must make some remedies.

Zuo Qiuchen looked at Shi Lingxi, who had a glowing eyebrow, and his expression became more dignified.

"The stone that the ancestors stunned before was called Jiu Cai Xuan Stone. This gemstone has very harsh conditions. It is said that it can only be formed when there is a severe collision in the space dimension."

And many times only three-color or four-color black stone is formed, and the appearance of nine-color black stone is also an omen before the great change of the world.

"What's the situation over there?" Lou Yuan looked down.

These hidden world families still have the means to resist. They know nothing about them. After three years, they thought that the situation would get better and better. Before meeting these people, Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi also felt the same way.

But now they are told that the end of the world is far from over, and there is a more severe future waiting for them.

"You just saw their fight with the old snake and the red bird ... we can barely be a low-ranking leader over there."

At present, the survivor's strongest characters can only be regarded as influential characters, not to mention ordinary people, even these spiritualists have begun to endanger themselves.

It is natural that the vernacular can't trust Lou Yuan. He was also prepared to come. A crystal ball is similar to a modern technology camera, which records the situation of the front line and some pictures three years ago.

Zuo Qiuchen showed Lou Yuan away and immediately put it away, but he didn't know that Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi's own system was able to record these pictures completely and analyze them properly.

"There are traces of editing. The credibility of the screen material is 80%." This is the system's judgment of Lou Yuan.

"You may not have heard of Qiuyun Island, but you should have heard of Qingqiu Holy Land in the myth story. This is the longest-standing legend in our vein." Woke up.

"About four hundred years ago, we moved our family to Qiuyun Island, and some of the side blood that was separated in the early years stayed in Xia Kingdom." He said, a small red sword in his hand turned and followed. The red gemstone hanging on Shi Lingxi's neck also lit up.

He looked a moment, did not hold back to muttering, "Really a little ancestor ..."

He used blood to calculate Shilingxi's seniority in Zuoqiu, which is quite high. His little ancestor was right.

"I know what you are anxious for, but in fact I have given it to you."

Zuo Qiuchen nodded to Lou Yuan, that is, he had Zuo Qiuyang bring to Shi Lingxi's blood vein magical tools. Their family has some special exercises, which can stimulate as many blood vessels as possible, so they can learn more advanced exercises, which is not at all By teaching, but by blood.

Almost not long after his words fell, the blood vessels flew from the palm of Shi Lingxi, becoming smaller and smaller, and then fell into the glowing eyebrows of Shi Lingxi, and then Lou Yuan's arms were empty, and Shi Lingxi was gone. !!

Lou Yuan stood up swiftly, his body's violent breath swept across, Zuo Qiuyang was shocked directly to the ground, Zuo Qiuchen's face was calm, but his heart was astonished at Lou Yuan's power.

It took him more than two hundred years to achieve what he is today. Lou Yuan only lasted for three years.

"Our Zuoqiu family has a sanctuary, which can only be brought in when they accept the decisive inheritance. The little ancestors let the spirit implements go to the sanctuary, where it is absolutely safe and only has unimaginable benefits to him."

Zuo Qiuchen waved his hand, so that Lou Yuan should not be so mad, even his old man couldn't stand it, "It won't be long, I will wait with you ..."

"It's best," the faint silver glow in Lou Yuan's eyes made him look like a cold and ruthless killer. He shook his fist and locked his eyes on Zuo Qiuchen.

10 minutes, 60 minutes, 2 hours ... After 6 hours, Shi Lingxi still failed to come out of that sanctuary.

Zuo Qiuchen was faintly cold behind, Lou Yuan no longer looked at him, but was training with his eyes closed, but he could still feel that Lou Yuan was locking his air. As long as he has any intention of running away, Lou Yuan will definitely interrupt his leg first.

He spent a long time in the sanctuary that was less than two hours. Now Shi Lingxi hasn't come out for six hours.

The fact is that Shi Lingxi just changed his place to sleep. His fox's body floated in the midst of the sanctuary, nine colorful mysterious light shrouded its whole body, and the rich special spiritual power in the sanctuary such as a beam of light poured into Shilingxi's body.

This kind of movement lasted for eight hours before it stopped. Shi Lingxi's eyebrows disappeared, and a streamer passed, Shi Lingxi returned to the half-monster form, with fox ears, long hair, and four foxtails.

A moment later, the foxtail and fox ears disappeared, black hair and black eyes, his eyes opened with nothingness, the scimitar flew from his eyebrow, and was cut off with a knife, but the light of Shi Lingxi's eyes receded, This belongs to the blood of human beings. It cannot be cut!

Jiu Cai Xuan Guang bloomed again from Shi Lingxi's body, his human blood began to alternately merge with the Holy Spirit fox blood, fox ears and fox tails reappeared, Shi Lingxi's eyes slowly closed, and his whole body was cocooned again.

This change lasted for 12 hours. The scimitar that was forced out of the body finally found a chance to submerge into the giant cocoon, and then waved another moonlight from the giant cocoon. The giant cocoon disappeared in the sanctuary.

Lou Yuan and Zuo Qiuchen waited at the beach from dark sky to dawn, and then waited for dark Lou Yuan and others to turn black. Until now, Zuo Qiuchen also began to worry about whether Shi Lingxi had any accident in the sanctuary.

"Be calm and restless ... it's not okay, you follow me back to Qiuyun Island, and they go in from another entrance to see." But if something happened to Shi Lingxi, they hurried back to Qiuyun Island and then entered the sanctuary. Daylily is cold.

At this moment, Lou Yuan seemed to feel something. He stood up, a broken cocoon appeared in the sky above him, and a watermelon-sized color cocoon fell from it. This color cocoon flew around the crowd. , And then flew back to Lou Yuan's arms.

Lou Yuan hugged, and the whole heart fell back to Shi Lingxi's return. He reached out and touched the lottery cocoon, and the clog turned into a raft. He and Rhubarb both sat up and left the boundary in an instant.

Zuo Qiuchen looked at them, and did not dare to say more, Lou Yuan's breath was too terrible.

Lou Yuan's figure was completely gone, Zuo Qiuyang bowed slightly and looked at Zuo Qiuchen, "Father, are we still going to Jincheng?"

"Of course, didn't you see Lou Yuan took our baby?" If he read correctly, the nine colors on the color cocoons gathered, which shows that Shi Lingxi's qualifications are not only four-tailed, but may be nine-tailed. Sky Fox bloodline.

The nine-tailed fox has a higher bloodline than the holy spirit fox, and their records have never reproduced this kind of blood against the sky.

The appearance of the Tianling constitution, the Tibetan mastiff over the old snake, should be awakened by the blood of Qinglong, and the red bird is so attached to the nine-colored black stone, presumably some phoenix awakened who is not weaker than the blood of Qinglong was born.

And these are actually the harbingers of the real end of the world. The end of the world comes with the golden age of the blood awakening.

Lou Yuan returned to the main city of Jincheng holding the lost and recovered treasure. He still had no communication with Shi Lingxi, but he could feel the situation of Shi Lingxi. It was unprecedentedly stable and unprecedentedly powerful.

Holding the dormant Shi Lingxi in the cocoon, he immediately called together Chen Yun Xiong Kun and his subordinates, Chen Ran who was busy on the construction site, and He Lao who had not left, Meng Guan and others were called over.

He did not choose to hide it, but instead told all the information he and Shi Lingxi had recently received, including the video recorded from Zuo Qiuchen.

"From now on, until the world changes, all hunting teams are strictly forbidden from leaving the city. In addition, several factories will be rushed to work overnight to make physical potions. The city will start a first-level alert mode."

Lou Yuan did not wait for them to continue to digest the information, he began issuing orders.

"Mr. Meng, you tell the information department to spread the news to all the bases that can be contacted and let them take precautions."

"Yes," Elder Meng answered immediately.

They heard the news, their hearts were chaotic, but after Lou Yuan spoke, they began to calm down.

"Chen Ran, now you preside over and continue to step up the construction of the Jincheng Great Array. The new train will start trial operation today and tomorrow, and be ready to retreat at any time."

The Beicheng base has been established for three years, and the basic defense has begun to take shape. Don't worry too much, but Jincheng, the construction time is too short. If you cannot prevent it, you can only return to Beicheng through the underground track.

"Yes!" Chen Ran answered, and he looked as dignified as ever. At this moment, he really understood the true meaning of Lou Yuan's conversation with him. Their situation was far from improving, and the survivors could not afford it.

The meeting ended in two hours, then these people left, and soon both Jincheng and Beicheng became operational.

Zuo Qiuchen and others also arrived in Jincheng. They found six people who had been arranged by Shi Lingxi to dig the soil.

After a brief discussion, they also helped continue to dig the soil together. The layout provided by Lou Yuan was not simple and well operated, and may be more useful than the steel wall of the North City Base. And this is a way for them to show their favor.

After the deployment of Jincheng, Lou Yuan held Shi Lingxi and returned to the Beicheng base. Half an hour later, videos of Lou Yuan's speech appeared on the big screens of all squares in the Beicheng base.

He still did not conceal, telling the whole truth, including the situation they are about to face.

"... This is the truth and the truth, but now is not the time for anger and sadness, we still have to survive, so we are qualified to find them for accounts!"

Lou Yuan's look was calm, his frankness was the best solution to the panic, and he had no reason to hide something for those people.

In the various squares, people were excited from silence to silence. Nearly all people have experienced life and death separation from the end of the world. They also thought that death might be a better liberation, but if they survived, they will continue to live.

Lou Yuan is not wrong. Only if they survive will they be qualified to remember sin, and they will be qualified to condemn, avenge, and protect.

This video of Lou Yuan was repeatedly played on the square, and the crowd gradually dispersed and began to do what they could do. The whole city was dispatched and everyone became a city.

In the next three days, the streets of Beicheng and Jincheng showed a very busy feeling. By the fourth day, everything was calm and everyone should wait for the arrival of the fifth day.

This day three years ago was when the end of the world began to sweep the world.

"It's dawn ..." Chen Yun said. He walked over and opened the window. The first rays of light fell in, and everything was calm.

"Come here," Lou Yuan, holding the cocoon, opened his eyes, his eyes lifted up as if looking through the floor, looking through the sky, and seemingly seeing the monster world sweeping by.

Chen Yun looked at it again, Xiaguang disappeared, and layers of red clouds began to devour the sky, looking like the morning glow, but no, everyone has experienced the same scene three years ago, and no one can read it wrong.

And this time it swallowed faster than three years ago. I'm afraid that the red cloud will swallow the entire sky until noon.

Chen Yun and others are actually holding a lucky idea, maybe those people have exaggerated it, or maybe Lou Yuan accidentally made a mistake. Seeing is believing, now they dare not have any luck.

When the last days come, there are unknown dangers waiting for them.

Shi Lingxi slept for a full six days, and he can continue to sleep, but there is a sense of crisis in the midst of it, so that he wakes up from deep sleep, and danger is coming. Lou Yuan needs him. Their base needs him.

A "click" sound, similar to the sound of a broken eggshell, the colored cocoons turned into star spots and dissipated, Lou Yuan's thigh was carrying a two palm-sized young four-tailed fox, and four tails were also in front of him.

Shi Lingxi closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, then opened slowly.

His eyes clearly reflected Lou Yuan's appearance. He opened his eyes with a touch of red, and his small paw flew forward, directly on Lou Yuan's face, and knocked on Lou Yuan's nose. And lips.

Chen Yun and others' eyes were not consciously attracted by Shi Lingxi. They looked at it for a while, then reluctantly regained their minds, left the office, and waited for the world to change.

"A Yuan ..." Shi Lingxi called gently, and he changed from a four-tailed baby fox to a half-monster, with white hair and red eyes, and fox-eared foxtail.

He sat on Lou Yuan's thigh and continued to precipitate his own breath. The red eyes changed again and became light black. The breath that would confuse sentient beings was dissipated. He continued to linger on Lou Yuan's face and lip.