MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 11 "Is my room still there?"

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Before Shi Lingxi nodded, Xiong Kun nodding greatly nodded while he was listening. He felt that the boss Lou was not that kind of good person. It turned out that he and Shi Lingxi were still in a relationship with each other. His comrades-in-arms were comparable to his brothers Relationship.

It is estimated that before the death of Father Lou, he also took care of Shi Lingxi according to Lou Yuan. Even if he did not, the person who took Lou Yuan would take care of Shi Lingxi more. When Shi Lingxi was not brought back that year, Lou Yuan was still guilty for a long time. In recent years, they have also paid more attention to Shi Jing.

Shi Lingxi turned his head to look at Lou Yuan, his eyes blinked, "I remember Grandpa Lou, he often asked me and grandpa to go over for dinner. Grandpa Lou cooked chicken and mushroom stew the best ..."

Shi Lingxi's voice was gradually lowered, but it was okay. The two old people were too old to bear the damage of the last days. It was better if they left early. Shi Lingxi thought about the past, and felt that those things were better than nothing. It's far away.

"I can cook, and I will often ask you to come and eat in the future." Lou Yuan is even more open-minded than Shi Lingxi. Both old men are at the end of their lives, but Grandpa Shi can't let go of Shi Lingxi. Under him.

"Okay," Shi Lingxi responded softly. He smiled at Lou Yuan. He was more relaxed than before. Lou Yuan was not only the boss he would follow in the future, but also the grandfather of his neighbor. Grandson and big brother at home.

He had heard a lot of things about Lou Yuan from the mouth of Father Lou before, most of them were rumors, and Father Lou basically did not call Lou Yuan's name, most of them were called "bad boy" and "bear boy".

In this way, Shi Lingxi couldn't connect Lou Yuan, the first power master in Beicheng, with the "bad boy" that Grandpa Lou told him.

When the car stopped, Xiong Kun didn't follow him. Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi walked familiarly to their past home. No doubt, Shi Jing and Hu Yijun also lived back there.

It was very early. If Shi Jing and Hu Yijun came back from the research center yesterday, they should not go out so soon. There was a special car at the gate of the community to take them to the research center. The audition and Hu Yijun couldn't go.

Lou Yuan reached out to ring the doorbell, but Shi Lingxi pulled out a bunch of keys from his backpack. "No need to press, I have the keys."

There was a blue stone pendant on the keychain, and Lou Yuan recognized it at a glance. It was a souvenir he had brought back to Mr. Lou. At that time, it seemed that he could not make a trip abroad. The task was completed in advance. He was a craftsman in a street. Bought there.

Unexpectedly, his grandfather transferred it to Shi Lingxi, and Shi Lingxi has kept it to this day. Probably when he was training in the army, his grandfather was comforting his old age ...

Shi Lingxi looked calm. In fact, the hand that opened the door could not help shaking, he finally returned to his home, and finally saw his only family members.

The locks at home weren't changed, Shi Lingxi opened, and there were some barren lawns and gardens on his eyes. There were stone tables on his lawn where his grandfather often drank tea, and a swing rattan chair, which did not change much.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan were about to continue entering, the door of the house lobby suddenly opened, and three figures appeared one after another.

"Old mirror, please hurry up. Did you bring the sandwich Kosugi was going to eat?" A woman with a bun in her hair hurriedly hurriedly patted him again, and gently patted the young man's hand beside him, a kind of intimacy and tenderness.

"Bring it on, bring it on, and your unpalatable sandwich will be eaten by Kosugi," the middle-aged tall man came out of him, clothed, holding a food box in his hand, and a little smile on his face meaning.

"Dad, the sandwich that mommy cooks is the best. I love it the most. You ca n’t **** it from me." The young man supported the woman and hugged the middle-aged man on the shoulder. His parents were like this. There are no contradictions.

But for Shi Lingxi, which is a few meters away, there is a sunny thunderbolt effect. Lou Yuan tilted his head. Shi Lingxi's complexion quickly turned white within his sight. For a time, he could not think of anything to comfort Shi Lingxi. if.

Tan Yuanshan concealed the truth that Shi Lingxi may still be alive. He also snatched Lou Yuan's three years of care from Hui Lingxi and snatched Shi Lingxi's biological parents. They became the closest relatives. The original family The host seemed out of place.

Shi Lingxi, who was already at his mouth, couldn't say a word of "Mom and Dad". His subconsciously held Lou Yuan's hand and wanted to draw a little strength from him. Lou Yuan lowered his eyes and then held it back.

"Xiao Lou? Are you back on duty? Have you had breakfast?"

Hu Yijun tilted his head, but recognized Lou originally. The two lived close together, and they would talk a few words when they met. She called Lou originally to call Xiao Lou directly, which is almost independent in Beicheng base city. A title.

"Brother Lou ..." Tan Yuanshan also summoned people, but his eyes soon fell on Shi Lingxi on Lou Yuan's side. Extremely obvious shock and frustration appeared in his look. How could he never imagine that Shi Lingxi would With her own strength, she returned from Beicheng, two thousand miles away.

"Professor Hu, Professor Shi, I'll send Xiaoxi back," Lou Yuan didn't greet them, but left the topic directly to Shi Lingxi. He felt a little bit of disregard for Hu Yijun and Shi Jing for Shi Lingxi dissatisfied.

However, he fell short, Shi Lingxi took a step behind and hid behind him. This should be a real and subconscious reaction when he was injured.

"What ... the creek!" Hu Yijun walked in a footstep, some unbelievable. When he glanced at her, she really felt that the teenager beside Lou Yuan was familiar with it. Think again, but it was not her own son, Shi Lingxi.

She didn't recognize it at all because she had gradually accepted the fact that Shi Lingxi had died in the past three years. She had never expected that people would be resurrected, returned to Beicheng, and came back to her.

"Stream, you are not dead, you are not dead ..."

Hu Yijun couldn't believe it. She took a few steps forward and Shi Jing also followed. Tan Yuanshan hesitated a little, still holding Hu Yijun's hand, but his look was unconsciously alert.

Lou Yuan didn't stand, and Shi Lingxi didn't continue to hide. He took a step, his eyes lowered and whispered softly, "Well, I'm not dead, I'm coming home ..." But it seemed like his home. It has been occupied by others, even those loves that should have belonged to him.

Hu Yijun was naturally very happy for her son's resurrection. She hugged Shi Lingxi with excitement, and tears fell down. Shi Lingxi's response was a little bit stingy, but he was the same before, but Hu Yijun didn't think so. .

"Just come back, just come back ..." Shi Jing kept repeating these words. The end of the world has made people feel impermanent, and it has made him and Hu Yijun feel the importance of family and family.

"Cousin, it's so nice of you to come back, father and mother ... no, no, it's aunt and aunt ..."

"What do the silly children shout, Xiaoxi is back, you are still the child of me and Lao Jing, you are all my children ..."

After walking together for three years in the last days, Hu Yijun naturally treated Tan Yuanshan with different feelings. The habit he brought before made him subconsciously appease Tan Yuanshan. Her words should come from the true heart, but also completely wiped out the last point in Shi Lingxi's heart Hope.

"Your mother gave you to us, and it will be the same from now on." Shi Jing also patted Tan Yuanshan's shoulder. In the past three years, he not only regarded Tan Yuanshan as his son, but also regarded him as the heir to the bowl.

Although Tan Yuanshan's talent is not enough, Shi Jing has always taught very carefully. Tan Yuanshan has been promoted to A-level researcher yesterday, and then further to his and Hu Yijun levels.

Lou Yuan's brows were frowning. As an outsider, he was looking to vomit blood for Shi Lingxi, let alone Shi Lingxi himself.

Shi Lingxi had already come out of Hu Yijun's arms, his face was heavy, and he was not as happy in the car as before, but he also did not express his anger and dissatisfaction.

He lowered his head and asked softly, "Is my room still there?"

Before pushing in the door, he also hoped that his room could be kept intact. After all, every little bit of it was his childhood memories, and this house has always been the strongest sustenance in his heart.

But now he hopes it's gone, so he has a reason to let go completely.

"It's ... I'm using it, so I'll move to the living room ..."

"No need," Shi Yuanxi interrupted before Tan Yuanshan's words were finished. The glance he saw made Tan Yuanshan subconsciously snoring. His eyes were clear and sharp, as if Shi Lingxi had learned the biggest secret in his heart Already.

After that, Shi Lingxi tilted her head to look at Lou Yuan, holding his hand tightly again, and he calmed down, "You come to help me."

"Okay," Lou Yuan said softly. He obediently let Shi Lingxi pull into the room, then into the room. After looking at one side, Shi Lingxi came out without touching anything. He found it well. Underground warehouse, where a large box of debris was found.

This was left to him by his grandpa before his death. No other Shi Lingxi, he must take this box with him.

"This, is there anything else?"

Lou Yuan asked gently, his tone and look were unprecedentedly gentle, and he finally realized why his grandfather had told him to take care of Shi Lingxi, which had fathers and mothers, and it was Shi Jing and Hu Yijun who treated Shi Ling. Brook is not a little bit of negligence.

Shi Lingxi shook his head. "No, only it."

When Shi Lingxi said nothing, Lou Yuan lifted up this somewhat heavy metal.

When they came out, Shi Jing and Hu Yijun did not understand what Shi Lingxi intended. There were many rooms in the house, but many were used to store important information. There were two sleeping rooms, but it was not impossible to sort out one more. .

"You two brothers, make up for it, and your mother will pick up one for you tomorrow ..." How did she feel that Shi Lingxi didn't seem to live at home, but their family reunion was less than half an hour away.

However, Shi Lingxi still shook his head. He lowered his head and said nothing. He didn't look at each other with Hu Yijun until he and Lou Yuan walked out of the living room. Then he said, "I am an ability. I have decided Following Lou Yuan, it is more convenient for me to live in the army. "

After that, Shi Lingxi looked up at Lou Yuan, and he hoped that Lou Yuan would fool him over, and then he would find a place by himself. He has abilities and knows medicine, so he won't be left in nowhere in Beicheng.

"It's true. Xiaoxi lives with me. Professor Shi and Professor Hu stay. I take Xiaoxi to settle in."

This is as if they had decided that Shi Lingxi would not come back to live in the morning. Hu Yijun was a little helpless. She always felt that when Shi Lingxi left, she really missed everything.

But let her talk about medical theory, she can say a bunch, but at this time, she can only watch Shi Lingxi follow Lou Yuan and leave.

"This kid, what does this kid mean ..." Hu Yijun grabbed Shi Jing and Tan Yuanshan's hands and could only ask for help. Shi Jing's brain in this regard was not much clearer than her.

At this time Tan Yuanshan volunteered, "Mom, don't worry, I'll ask my cousin and Brother Lou."

After that, he chased out the door, Shi Lingxi was resurrected from death, and also changed from an ordinary person to a power person. This is definitely the biggest variable he has encountered since he was reborn. He must figure out what is going on.