MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 17 "It's just gone, it's going to be there in the future."

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Lou Yuan was quite satisfied with Shi Lingxi's response, so he didn't have to continue to tease him, so he raised his hand, and the **** was on the pear vortex where Shi Lingxi's cheek was stained with toothpaste foam, and he gently choked it, and put that Toothpaste moistened.

However, the system did not indicate that Shi Lingxi's mission was successful. Obviously, touching one's fingers and abdomen did not meet the system's "touching the cheek" standard. In Shi Lingxi's low line of sight, he could see the clear countdown, and he had not recruited what.

"Xiaoxi, what do you want me to do?"

Lou Yuan rubbed his cheeks on Shi Lingxi. Not only did he not step back, but he was even more half-stepped. He lowered his eyes and held his hands on the platform behind Shi Lingxi. It looked like he was completely wrapped in a person. Arms up.

Shi Lingxi's heartbeat continued to accelerate, and he raised his gaze at Shang Louyuan, "I, I think ... you touch ... touch my face ..."

After that, Shi Lingxi's face and neck became red and so big. For the first time, he talked with people in this almost coquettish tone, but in front of Lou Yuan, even if he was coquettish, he must not lie.

From the moment he knew Lou Yuan was a spiritual power, he decided the mode of getting along with them at the moment. He tried his best to be honest with Lou Yuan and exchange them with his heart. This is the long-term way. Otherwise, he is just a clown in front of Lou Yuan.

However, Lou Yuan did not immediately follow Shi Lingxi's words. He looked down at the people and seemed to want to see Shi Lingxi's heart.

Since his first meeting, Shi Lingxi has shown an extraordinary interest in him. After living together, there are more "intentional" consciously or unintentionally like the morning.

"Why?" Lou Yuan's voice was low and his gaze was still with Shi Lingxi Jiao. His mental strength could clearly feel the extra active heartbeat in Shi Lingxi's chest, and the wobbly furry one. Big tail.

"I, I ..." Shi Lingxi didn't know how to answer Lou Yuan's question for a while. The existence of the system could not tell, and the task time was less than one minute.

"I'm sorry ..." Shi Lingxi bowed his head and apologized softly. About a few days ago, his excessive behavior had greatly troubled Lou Yuan. Also, this is inexplicable, how could Lou Yuan want to touch a man's face.

But how did he feel so disappointed?

"Countdown to the completion of the mission, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ... mission completed!"

Lou Yuan's hands were gently clasped on Shi Lingxi's cheek. While slowly lifting her face, she was also stroking gently. The palm was facing the pear vortex. His eyelashes fell in the corner of his eyes.

And the distance between them was still so close, Shi Lingxi almost felt that Lou Yuan was about to kiss him, so he heard Lou Yuan asking softly, "Is that so?"

Holding his face in the palm of his hand in this way, such a gentle touch, this way ... was helpless and had to compromise all the requirements of Shi Lingxi.

"... Uh, uh!" Shi Lingxi's apology and disappointment completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of shyness and excitement. He nodded gently in Lou Yuan's palm, and continued to raise his face, let Lou Yuan hold it. Touch it.

This touching face lasted for more than a minute, Lou Yuan took a step back, then turned to the side and put the lid on the pot, which he had not had time to cover. He exhaled gently, the inexplicable tension, eased Slowly disappeared from him.

He walked over to the sink and washed his hands before cutting the meat. He turned around and caught the shy person who wanted to slip away, leaned his head closer, smelled it on Shi Lingxi's face, and then, He leaned over Shi Lingxi's waist and took him to the sink. He soaked his hands in water and washed Shi Lingxi's face again.

After washing Shi Lingxi's face, he asked unclearly, "Is there anything else I want to do?"

"No, no ..." Shi Lingxi looked at Lou Yuan's face, and a strong desire to thwart people began to take root in his heart, and his eyes were filled with shyness and burning, so warm that he always wanted to Calm Lou Yuan felt a little more flustered.

A few steps closer, Shi Lingxi leaned into Lou Yuan's arms and embraced gently, he told him, "It's just temporarily gone, and there will be more in the future."

After that, he took a step back, then turned around, and slipped out of the kitchen without turning his head. He ran to the sofa, paused for a while, then covered his face with a little shyness, and then couldn't help but smile. .

Probably, he likes Lou Yuan very much ... So, he also has to work hard to make Lou Yuan like him so much.

Because of Shi Lingxi's delay, Lou Yuan took breakfast more than ten minutes later than usual. Shi Lingxi picked up her mood and continued their usual mode of dealing with each other. They continued to pinch each other and let go of their appetite.

"Today, I want to take a long day off, go shopping in the city, buy something, and I will report to the military in the afternoon, can I?"

Shi Lingxi asked Lou Yuan, his eyes met, and the shyness in the kitchen had returned to his face. He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"Yes," Lou Yuan nodded his head. In the current base city, there are no abilities who dare to shoot at will. This is an absolute taboo, and Shi Lingxi's continuous special training for the past few days is not unusual. Capable people can deal with it.

After eating, Shi Lingxi sent Lou Yuan to go out. He watered the seeds in the yard's nursery, returned to the room, changed his daily clothes, and put on a cloak before he went out.

Yesterday he had already inquired with Cheng Mu in the Military Medical Department. There is a market place on the west side of the city where everything is sold. Now it is no longer used for pre-apocalyptic notes, but for crystal core points.

Shi Lingxi looked around the various vendors and found the candy he wanted to buy. There was a full can, forty or fifty candies. It could be bought at most twenty or thirty dollars before the end of the world. Now Shi Lingxi It took 3 crystal nucleus points to buy it.

A crystal nucleus point is converted into the past money, which is equivalent to one hundred yuan. This can of candy costs 300 yuan.

Shi Lingxi bought it for a simple reason. He bought sugar and then fed it to himself or whoever fed it, so it wouldn't look too obtrusive. After buying the sweets, he continued to watch and buy things at the small vendors, and understood the prices of Beicheng again.

All food and beverages are 5-10 times more expensive than before the end of the world. At this stage, survivors in the base city are still working hard for survival and subsistence. There is still a long, long way to go before returning to the standard of living before the end of the world.

After shopping around Shi Lingxi, he spent the crystal core points to buy some grain seeds, three daggers, and a new and larger cloak. He has grown nearly 10 centimeters in these seven days, and looks like the original cloak. Some are small enough to wear.

Shi Lingxi has n’t even rushed to the military headquarters to see the quarantine area near the city gate. There are mainly ordinary people gathered shortly after entering the city. It is also the most popular in Beicheng. A chaotic area.

Shi Lingxi did not feel any discomfort with the environment here. He has seen scenes that are more chaotic, dirty, and scary. He pulled his hat, hid most of his face inside, and asked some small vendors. After his boss, he accurately found the tent area.

This is the tent area provided by the military for those newcomers who are not able to own independent houses. It is now summer, and people can sleep anywhere, but in winter, such tents are life-saving residences.

"Come here, help me find a couple of white surnames with a five-year-old child. This sugar is yours."

Shi Lingxi whispered to a wandering beggar on the roadside. Similarly, his palms were up, and the sugar was intact.

The dirty man couldn't see clearly. The boy looked at Shi Lingxi. He carefully took the candy and then showed the way to Shi Lingxi. He first asked a few people. After ten minutes, he gave Shi Lingxi Found someone.

Shi Lingxi nodded to the teenager. He stepped towards this humble little tent. After approaching, he could hear the sound of children playing, and Shi Lingxi's heart settled down a little.

"Yiyi, Quanquan, I'm Brother Linxi!"

Before opening the tent, Shi Lingxi first reported his pseudonym all the way north.

Sure enough, there was a moment of silence in the inside, and the two children stunned together, "Brother Linxi!"

"Doctor Lin!" Wang Wan, who was bringing her child alone at home, looked at Shi Lingxi's eyes with surprise, as well as respect. For the same half year, Shi Lingxi played a great role as a doctor. The baby could live to the base of Beicheng thanks to Shi Lingxi.

"Come in, come in, it's great that you live."

Wang Wan grabbed two five-year-old dragon and phoenix fetuses who were about to pounce on Shi Lingxi, and greeted them with the same enthusiasm, but they just arrived in Beicheng and couldn't find a decent place to stay. The things that the family could entertain Shi Lingxi were many.

After she poured the water, Shi Lingxi kept getting them from her backpack. Both of them were clean children's clothes, hungry compressed biscuits, and dozens of candy. More Shi Lingxi could not give, It really gives trouble to their husband and wife.

Bai Yi and Bai Quan nodded in Wang Wan before reaching out to take it over. They peeled a piece of sugar for Wang Wan and one for Shi Lingxi, and they ate one into their mouths, sweet strawberry flavor. The child is full of taste buds, even though Wang Wan does not consciously reveal the look of nostalgia.

"Sister Wang, I want to ask you something." Visiting them is only one of Shi Lingxi's purposes. Similarly, he still has something to ask Wang Wan and Bai Lusen. Bai Lusen is not there. It is the same to ask Wang Wan.

"Dr. Lin asked, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"When did Xue Jiang and Hou Yang arrive at the base, and how long have they been apart from you?" Shi Lingxi did not put down the incident that he was almost killed before, but just a few days ago, the system and Lou Yuan were relatively more important. some.

Wang Wanwenyan carefully recalled, "We were lucky. We ran into the army not long after we ran away. Those zombies were quickly disposed of. Then a group of people brought us to the base. Xue Jiang and Hou Yang ... were not in the team. . "

"Probably ... we continued on the road for more than two hours before they came back and said that they were chased away by the zombies. Then they found a way to run into them. I remember their appearance was quite embarrassed."

Neither Xue Jiang nor Hou Yang is a psionicist, but it is said that Xue Jiang had a relative of the psionicist in Beicheng. He came to his relative. Similarly, they did not live in the tent area. And they left from here.

"Brother Bai will know who he went to?" Shi Lingxi asked again. Bai Lusen was an amplitude-based power awakened half a year ago. Now he is a D-level power wise. He is in the power circle of Beicheng. Relatively low level.

It is more difficult for him to support the wife and children of ordinary people, but it is much better than ordinary people's families. The North City Base is under construction and live everywhere. At most one month, they can move to decent I ordered it in the apartment.