MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 1 邂逅

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On July 5, 3100, Huaxia Guojing City, at noon, was like a fire.

Clouds smashed the hair that had been covered with sweat, complaining and glanced at the hot sun. So far, he has been standing under this sinister sun for more than an hour. Looking at the release desk that was getting closer and closer, he gave a comforting sigh and whispered: "Oh, if it wasn’t for my stubborn sister, I wouldn’t come to suffer this sin for eight lifetimes, have a sister. The man is really hurt."

Today is the 30th day of the release of the "God of the Moon" game equipment. The size of the crowd collecting game equipment is naturally far less than that of the first half of the month. However, when the wind comes, the long team is still scared. I almost turned around and ran. Finally, I finally bite my teeth and stand at the end of the team, moving forward step by step in the torment.

After the signing of the "100-year Armistice Convention", international disputes will be resolved by the war in the virtual game world. However, there are countless virtual games in the world. To be fair, the Convention changes every ten years, and the changes are only in the virtual world of the game. This means that within ten years, if there is a dispute that must be resolved by war, it can only be resolved in the designated game world. This will inevitably lead to the virtual games designated by the Convention will inevitably be popular around the world, and even the state will strongly encourage citizens to enter, and spend a lot of money and effort in cultivating the player's neat strength and the most critical top players. Except for a few small countries that are uncontested in the world, this is true in most countries. Over time, those small virtual games gradually withdrew. Later, in addition to the designated virtual games, other virtual games disappeared quietly, because humans only need a "second world."

The newly revised Convention, the virtual game world specified by this, is the "Shen Moon" that will be opened in two days. As a result, the propaganda about "Shen Yue" spread all over the world. The Chinese government has been vigorously promoting this month. At the same time, like every virtual game that has been designated in the past, the game of "Shen Yue" All equipment is distributed free of charge. You only need to carry the DNA sample hair, skin and the like when you collect it. The device will be bound to the DNA at the same time, and you can only use it.

The reason why "Shen Yue" is called "Shen Yue", the official explanation is: "The map of the "Shenzhou" world is a nearly standard crescent moon, the players of the East will come to the east of the remnant moon, the players of the West will It descends on the west of the waning moon. It is named after the "God of the Moon" according to the beautiful shape of its territory."

The scorching sun tests the patience of the wind. He holds a sister's hair in his hand, and his teeth move forward as the team moves forward. Occasionally he turns his head and looks at the long rear team to find out. Psychological comfort. As the eldest son of Huaxia's second-largest consortium, the usual goal of whatever you want to achieve is just to open your mouth. From small to large, this is really the first time he has stayed in the hot sun for so long.


Finally, there were only three people left in front of him. Yunfeng once again sighed with a sigh of relief, and glanced at the sweaty head, but still showed the reception lady with a professional smile. He whispered a little: "Long, good, But compared with my sister, it is simply slag."

After looking at it, I was not interested in watching it again. My head was arbitrarily swayed. Suddenly, his gaze suddenly fixed, his mouth was slightly open, and he could not help but shouted: "A cute girl!"

What he saw was a girl with pure beauty and an angel. He trusts who sees her, will be surprised and conquered by her delicate and almost illusory face, she seems to be fifteen or six years old, is holding a snowy ice cream like her skin sweet eating At the corner of his mouth, there is a smile that makes people feel like they are melting. From time to time, the scorpion is like a crystal. He is convinced that he has never seen such a pure eye in his life.

The picture seen in the line of sight is somewhat unreal, and the gaze of Yunfeng has been stagnant for a while... She is like an elf coming out of a painting. Her purity and beauty should not belong to this world, because the world is filthy. The dirty air will only tarnish her.

Pushing him gently at the rear, the cloud wind woke up from the mist, and then quickly moved forward a small step, leaving only the last two people in front of him. Yunfeng shook his head and looked at the girl again... He only noticed that the girl was actually in a wheelchair.

A beautiful girl, even when she grows up, she may even have a dream. Hey... wheelchair? This girl, is she sick or disabled?

and many more……

That pale, unusual face...

Isloca! !

Cloud wind's eyelids shrank slightly... He determined that the girl was suffering from the most terrible terminal illness - Isloca.

"Oh, it is said that God is fair, or cruel... I gave her the fate of the country, but she has to take her life so early." Yunfeng secretly sighed and took back his pity, some could not bear it. Look at the girl whose life is destined to die early, and then take a look at the person who is pushing the girl forward.

At the moment when I saw the face of the man, the cloud wind was stunned by the thunder.

It was a young man who looked like he was twenty years old. His body was long, his face was sharp and angular, and he was faintly releasing a compelling British spirit. He pushed the wheelchair forward, his footsteps were slow and even, lest his movements stunned to the girl in front of him. Seems to feel the gaze of the wind, his face suddenly turned, suddenly, Yunfeng saw a pair of cold scorpion scorpion, the moment he was watched by his gaze, he even felt his eyes seem to be gently Stinged a bit.

The man's gaze only stayed in his body for a moment, then he took it back and re-falled on the girl in front of him. His eyes were soft and soft... It was watching the most important person in his life. look.

This person... this look...he...he is...

"Brother, ice cream." The girl turned and lifted a small half of the ice cream in her hand and put it on the man's lips. The man smiled slightly and bowed his head slightly, biting a small sip in the part of the girl who left the lip print. The girl smiled purely, took the ice cream back, and then gently bite the place where the man had bitten before.

There was a horror in the heart of Yunfeng, and he almost couldn’t hold back. Although there have been fewer and fewer people with Islaca since the vaccine for Islaca virus, infection has been greatly controlled. However, even if it is a vaccine, it is not 100% safe. The girl obviously got Isloka. Isn’t he afraid of being infected? Isloca is infected by various body fluids including saliva. It is common sense that children know!

"Brother, let's go home soon. It's hot outside. I'm afraid that my brother just gave me the clothes I washed, and I was soaked by sweat."

"Well, okay."

The figure and voice of the two are getting farther and farther away from the clouds. The eyes of the clouds move in the direction they are going. He is not the delicate girl who is too much, but the man.

Are they brothers and sisters?

wrong! What am I thinking!

Yunfeng slammed his head hard and raised his head. The man was already in sight, and then pushed the wheelchair to the corner of the street.


Only the last person left in front of him, his bitterness of more than an hour must be completed. After licking the hot sweat on the hoe, the wind and the anxious corner of the mouth twitched, and finally slammed his teeth and ran out of the team, quickly chasing the direction in which the man disappeared.

"Is this person sick?" The fat man who had been behind him squinted at his back and snorted. After being so guilty, it was not easy to get to him quickly, and he actually ran. There is nothing wrong with it.

When I ran to the corner, I finally saw the man’s back again. Yunfeng took a sigh of relief, but before he thought of his stern vision, he didn’t dare to be too close, but he was hanging far behind, watching carefully. Going forward with his back.

Ten minutes later, the man pushed the girl into an upscale villa area. The wind blew a sigh, and then he smiled again... How can people at that level lose money?

Still did not dare to follow too close, Yunfeng did not enter the community, has been waiting for the two figures disappeared in sight, he rushed to the security room of the community, politely asked: "Grandfather, the brother and sister just now is Living in a few villas? Yes, I want to know the little sister just now, oh..." After that, Yunfeng pretended to be embarrassed and smiled.

The old man looked at him and immediately showed a look of hope. He turned his face and shook his head and said: "They live on the 12th, but I advise you to break the heart of the girl. Hey, that The girl is really pretty, but her life is too bitter. Her father is a doctor who specializes in contact with patients with Isloca, often standing by the river, where there are non-wet shoes. A few years ago, her Dad was finally infected, but he and his family didn't know it. When it was finally discovered, the girl's mother and her own had already been infected... Two years ago, her father and mother went one after another. They left their two brothers and sisters. The two brothers and sisters also moved here after their parents died, perhaps leaving a great legacy before the father left. Hey, in short, if you want to live more than two years, then Don't hit the girl's idea. No one in the villa No. 12 where she lived dared to approach, even those who lived in the nearby villas moved to other places and dared not come back. Once the disease is dyed, it will definitely die. Ah, it’s hard for the girl’s brother. Brother, watching a sister with Isloca still does not leave, but actually has not been infected."

The old man’s continuous sighs and sighs are obviously sorrowful for the fate of the girl.

It turned out to be Isloca... Yunfeng nodded and shouted: "Thank you, Grandpa," and then ran away in the weird eyes of the old man.

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