MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 806 Kamiko (2)

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Although it is just an ordinary sniper, but after all, it is from the violent Ling Chen, the entire Shenyue mainland can not find anything to resist such a blow.

"Oh?" The power of the attack seems to exceed the expectations of the king. Against the sword of Shura, who has a strong destructive power, his footsteps are not moving at all, but only a small finger sticks out in the direction of the blade. .

The sword of Shura and the finger of the king touched in the air...

If the strike falls on the boulder, it is enough to destroy the boulder into fly ash and fall on the mountain, enough to split the mountain directly into two. However, when Shura Wang Jian was on the king's finger, but did not make a slight burst of power, Ling Chen's eyes also widened in an instant, because he clearly felt his unrelenting blow under his anger. Kneeling on a soft cotton to the extreme, all the power was cancelled without a trace.

The Shura Wang Jian, who had no power, stopped in front of Wang’s little finger. Ling Chen's body is stiff, staring at the part of the Shura Wangjian and Wang Xiaozhi touched, and his eyes are shivering. He can't believe it is true... his blow under the anger is actually casually taken by this king. The little finger that stretched out was completely offset.

"Oh!" Wang Leng laughed, then slowly, removed the little finger from the sword of Shura. At the moment when his little finger left, Ling Chen’s hand suddenly became light. This powerful device of sacred sacredness, which was born of Shura, was turned into a dark powder in the pupil of Ling Chen’s sudden contraction. Falling down.

"Oh... your weapon [Suraro Sword] is completely destroyed and cannot be repaired."

"The power of ants, but also the battle of God, ridiculous! Forever... disappear!" The voice of the king reveals deep disdain, and a human wastes so much time, and it is also his ultimate. His palms lifted up and slammed into Ling Chen.

"Don't! Don't hurt him!!"

The screams of Satis Iyi rang, but the king’s movements did not stop at all, and the raised palms pointed to Ling Chen’s chest.


The body is not touched by anything, and there is no light of any power. Ling Chen feels that he suddenly appears to be hit by the giant hammer in his chest, roaring in his ears, in his head, in his heart, and his body is like a piece of debris caused by a hurricane. Ye, flying far away without resistance...

"Oh... you have been fatal, the damage is beyond the limits of the rule, and the effect of the evil spirit mask cannot be triggered."

"叮...[天天星神铠] Exclusive ability [Star Spirit] triggers, your vitality has been forcibly retained to 1 point."

"Ling Chen!!"

Shatis Yi's body flew quickly and rushed toward Ling Chen's direction, but her feet just left the ground, and the king's palm pointed to her: "Forbidden God enchantment!"


A circle of translucent spherical blue barrier instantly appeared around Satis I. Her body, which was about to fly, hit the barrier and was bounced back to the ground. She quickly stood up and pressed her hands on the forbidden enchantment that she could never be separated. She looked desperately at Ling Chen's disappearance in sight, until she could no longer see it.

"It's ridiculous. You are the only **** in the world with a complete deity. You will worry about the safety of a small human being. This is an insult to God's dignity and pride." Wang Bing said coldly.

Shatisi Yiqi held his hands and shouted in anger: "I don't want to do anything! You are a big evil person. If Ling Chen is killed by you, I will ruin myself and will not let your plan succeed." !"

"Well? For a human being in a district, even at the expense of destroying the body of God that has a complete deity? This is a big joke!"

"The ridiculous person is you!!"

A voice full of endless anger suddenly came from the air, and Ling Chen’s figure appeared in the voice of anger. He quickly fell to the side of Shatis Iyi, and the fire-breathing eyes were straight and stabbing. Look at the king.

“Oh?” There was a faint surprise in Wang’s voice: “I’m not dead?”

"How can I be willing to die before I kill you!" Ling Chen said slyly, he looked at Shatis Iyi, looking a little at the blue enchantment around her body... because of this knot The feeling that the world gave him was very similar to the blue enchantment that he entered when he first met Shatis I. It was only a little smaller than that one, and there was no white mist in it. Translucent.

"You want to... kill me? Haha... hahahaha!" This kind of speech is not a big joke to the king: "The original human ignorance and arrogance can reach such a ridiculous level, hahahaha, hahahaha ......"

Ling Chen’s biting his teeth, his hands clinging to death, Shura Wang Jian was easily ruined by him, but he also had a sacred moon, a sacred moon, a sacred god, and a Shura power. There are swearing curses... These are the days of the heavens in the Shenyue continent! This person is extremely terrible. It is much more terrible than all the terrible people he has seen in his life. But he has so many anti-day cards and enough reason to kill him! !

"Those who want to take Sasha away from me... even if you are the real God! I will also kill God!"

Ling Chen’s eyes and momentum at this time, but the king had to look at the side, just a face-to-face fight, he should have understood how big the gap between the strengths of each other, but still so steadfast, the king suddenly appreciates him. When I got up, I didn’t immediately shoot him out, but said faintly: “It’s really good momentum and eyes. In terms of attachment, it’s a bit like me. However, I’ve told you clearly enough, you’re the reason I will be obsessed with her because she interferes with your heart, and you seem to have already believed. Since you have believed, you have just died without a chance, it is not better to take the opportunity to slip away, why should you run back for someone who plays with your feelings? Send it to death."

"Playing with emotions? Farting!" Ling Chen said coldly: "Sasha has lived with us for so long, what kind of girl she is, we all know clearly! I don't care what her origins, no matter what. Is she the so-called 'God of God' in your mouth, we only know that she is the kindest, warmest heart, we can't leave the salsa! She brings us countless happiness, even... even saved the number Clear life! I have always believed that she is an angel sent to me by God... Perhaps, she will interfere with our hearts, but what about it? I hope others like themselves, this is any girl will have nature and Instinct! No matter which girl makes such a thing, it will not be blamed. Moreover, I firmly believe that all people who have been with Sasha will firmly believe that even if she does not have the ability of 'the Son of God', it is just ordinary. The girl, we will still like her like this, no trace will be less!"

"Ling Chen... Ling Chen... Hey... Hey..." Shatisi’s hand covered his lips and his tears blew.

"She is kind? Is she an angel? She saved countless lives? Ha! Haha... hahahahahahahaha!"

The king laughed again, and this time he laughed more than ever before, as if in his eyes, these words were the biggest jokes and satires in the world.

"The ridiculous human being, stupid, comes from ignorance. As the supreme king, I can't even look directly at a human being. It can be stupid to this point. It just makes me laugh at my teeth... hahahaha... um? I am It seems that the time wasted on you has been too long. If so, I will tell you a truth and let you completely die. You know, this kindness, angel, salsa who saved countless lives... how was she born? And grow up?"

When I heard the words of the king, Shatis Isai in the forbidden **** enchantment suddenly suffered a lightning strike. His face was deeply scared: "You... what are you going to say... No! Don't! Don't say... Don't say !!!"

Wang closed his eyes and said faintly: "Then I will tell you, her birth and growth..."

"Don't say! I beg you not to say... don't say!!!"

The shouts of Shadys Yi's screams are like blood, very frightening and hoarse, but they don't stop the king from continuing: "It's about sucking a lot of human souls... Hey! You know how big this big is. The number? Although she is still only young, but her life and strength is, it is the soul of a total of 7.6 billion human beings! These souls must also come from the living people, the difficulty is quite large, of course Behind this, there are 7.6 billion human beings... Oh no, it’s more than 7.6 billion human deaths! That is to say, now she is carrying more than 7.6 billion lives. There will be more, maybe it will reach tens of billions, even tens of billions! If it is not the madman's plan to stop because of his death, the soul of all of your earth people will also be a sacrifice for her life and strength...嘿嘿Hey! In this world, is there anyone who kills more than the goodness of your mouth and the angels who save countless lives? Kindness? She is the most extreme sin in this world, the life she saved, With her body Evil compared to just even a tiny dust are not really! "

Ling Chen: "!!!!!!!"

"No! Impossible! How could there be such a thing! Impossible! You give me a mouthful... Do you think I will believe you!!" Ling Chen’s body trembled and his brain was more chaotic. At this moment, his ear suddenly came to say that Shatis Iyi was very light and light, light and almost inaudible voice...

"Ling Chen... Ling Chen..." Shatis Yi's petite body didn't know when it was already there. The whole body was shivering and trembling tightly, the head was hanging down deeply, and the voice was extremely dim and desperate. "What he true...all true...I am such a...sinful body...sinful soul...I killed countless people...many many...this way I... I don’t deserve to stay with you... I don’t deserve your favor... just... I really... I like you... I can only hide... Deceive you... I want to be with you for a long time. ...a little longer...sorry...sorry...sorry........."

Ling Chen is the whole person there...

Really... these are all true... Sasha is actually... is...

Do not! Even if it is true...

"No! No! Sasha, you listen to me!" Ling Chen leaned down and shook his head: "You are not hiding, not deceiving! As for the so-called sin, it is totally non-existent! Because that It must not be what Sasha wants..."

"I am sorry…………"

The sorrow in the last three words caused the cold wind on the top of the mountain to make a crying sound. The figure of Shatis Yiyi became blurred little by little in the sight of Ling Chen... and then blurred... until I could not see it again. .

In the translucent blue enchantment, it was filled with thick white smoke, so Ling Chen could no longer see the salsa inside. At this time, the state is exactly the same as the blue crystal ball that Ling Chen first met when she met Shasha.

"Oh, oh, it seems that I feel that I have no face to see you, and I have closed myself. The white good-hearted coat is shackled, but all of them are dark sins, or in front of the people they care the most. It seems that even the heart of God seems to be unbearable."

The sound of Wang’s piercing sound was introduced into Ling Chen’s ear with the cold wind. His body was shaking, his chest was violently undulating, his blood vessels were madly swelled, and he wanted to burst, and he was more violent than the thousands of blades. Murder pervades the entire peak of the Son of God...

"I will kill you!!!!"