MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 2014 Yingge Wanli (30)

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According to the season's father, Hong Ge has long left his last words, as long as he is dead, the message will be handed over to the season father.

He seems to be ready to die early in the morning.

"When you are a master, I have some secrets that I am not good to tell you, but you have to believe me, I am coming to pick him up."

"Maybe he is not willing to go back?"

"Oh..." The old man sighed. "I know, but he is the one in my family. I am a white-haired person who sends black hair. I can't let him die. I can't even return home. I am getting older. Just want to find my child, and also ask the family to fulfill."

When you were silent for a moment, "Go and bring the bones of Hong Ge."


Xiaolongwei Bar is not allowed to leave with the bones, so they are safe.

"Thank you, thank you..." The old man had accumulated tears in his eyes, and he did not cry when he endured.

The bones of Hong Ge were taken away by the man of the season, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he sent something to the personal terminal of the time.

"I was sent back with the message of Honger, and I kept it for him. He said that if one day I met a little girl named Shi, I would give these things to her."

The season old man paused. "He didn't read the wrong person. I also gave it to you as an old man. Thank you for bringing him out."

When Hong Ge left it, it seemed to be a force. The father of the season gave her some industries, and they were all earning industries.

At that time, I was not interested in these things. I went back all the time, and the season’s father looked at him with amazement.

When I got up, my look was faint. "There is a report of cause and effect. He first extended his hand to me. This is what I rewarded him. The season father will not go."

The old man was silent for a while and suddenly smiled. "No wonder he will leave those things for you. I can take it back, but he gives it to you. You still keep it. The deceased is big. You just took over. At home, they can also help you to sit down and stay at home. These things are taken back, and it’s a storm, it’s better to give it to you.”

Master Zhu seems to feel that he has said more, and stopped talking. "But you can rest assured that they will never cause trouble to you."

When he was slightly embarrassed, the old man did not wait to talk, turned and left.

At this time, he was always respectful of this unclear thing. She did not contact the power.

According to the original plan, I found the bones of Lu Ziyue and found a planet with a good environment and buried them.

Hou Yi stayed on the planet for several days before leaving the emperor.

She did not contact the forces. Those people contacted her first. When she entered the emperor, they went to the door and said that they followed Ji Hong’s orders. When they received the news of the activation of the documents, they came to see her.

Ji Hong seems to expect that she will not be lonely.

I have to say that although this force left by Hong Ge is not many, it is all good, one top ten.

When they were not allowed to enter the home, they were guarded outside the house, attracting many people to watch.

In the end, there was no way, only to let them in.

These people later merged into the Dragon and Dragon, which is the most deterrent of the Dragon and Dragon Team.


“Homeowner, Xiajia sent people an invitation, saying that it was the engagement dinner of Miss Xia Chu and Master Ji Ye.”

When I was "engaged?", I sat up from the chair. As a result, the housekeeper handed over the invitations. The seven major families worked and kept the habit of making invitations. Although the invitations were not paper, they were also very retro.

"Yes, it has been fixed a few days ago. Miss Xia early came to see you once, but you were not there at that time." The housekeeper replied.

"Why didn't you tell me when I came back?"

The housekeeper suddenly became ashamed. "Homeowner, when you come back, I can't even see you, how can I tell you?"

When you look at the housekeeper, you can open the invitation.

The names of Xia Chu and Ji Ye were put together.

At that time, many people from several big families have never seen it, but the name has been heard.

"I went out for a trip." He took the invitation and left.

The housekeeper suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the momentum on the homeowner became more and more scary.


At that time, I walked through Frosty Street, which was covered with frost trees. When I entered the summer home in a wind, I avoided the summer family, and I found the early summer in the old place.

However, she was surrounded by people at the moment. The two stood very close and were whispering, with a faint smile on the face in the early summer.

It was the first time that I saw Ji Die.

Very cute little girl, but I don’t like her on the first side.

So she stood in the distance, and she waited until she finished talking at the beginning of the summer.

In the early summer, she grew up well in the past few years. She faded away and became calm. However, her character did not seem to change much.

At least in front of her...

"Auntie, you are here!" At the beginning of the summer, he rushed to the body. "I know that you will see the invitation coming over, hey, look at the afternoon tea that I specially prepared for you."

When she opened her, she sat down directly. "Who is she?"

"Well? Ji night." At the beginning of the summer, she thought she was engaged in the engagement.

"She." I repeat it.

At the beginning of the summer, I blinked and looked at the direction where Ji Die had just left. When I was sitting, I was across from the smile. "She is a sideline among my family, called Ji Die, and now I am following me."

"I do not like her."

In the early summer, I drummed the drumsticks. "Why?"

When she pokes, she smiles slyly. "Are you jealous? Don't worry, you are always special in my heart, no one can replace it."

When I frowned, I didn't continue this topic. "You know about Ji Ji, you are engaged to him?"

Xia early laughed, "No way, the family set, they are elders, I can refute."

"do you like him?"

"Like?" At the beginning of the summer, the girl hangs her hair and blocks her eyes. When she stretches out her hand for her, the smile in her eyes is swaying. "We like people, what do you like?"

Born in a big family, there is helplessness of a big family.

"You don't like to refuse." He said: "There is no need to pay for others."

"Auntie, I am not you." At the beginning of the summer, he was on the table, and he took the hand when he was playing. "Don't say this, aunt, after the engagement, I am going to the battlefield. You can go with me." ?"

"Warfield?" When he did not withdraw his hand, looking at the early summer, "Do you agree?"

At the beginning of the summer, he is the heir.

"Well, I have already convinced them, and Xiajia is not only a child, but they don't really care." At the beginning of the summer, he looked up and looked at him with a stern look. "But I want to complete his wish for my brother." ”

At that time, I wanted to say that it was impossible to sing songs all over the world.

But this sentence is a thousand times in the mouth, and finally did not say it.

She tightened her fingers. "Well, I will accompany you."



Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, ah! !

Little cutes are going to vote for the moon! !