MTL - Simulation: Starting From Strange Creatures-Chapter 188 wheel king

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  Chapter 188 Runner...King

   "How to experiment?" The entry was extracted, but Zhao Meng felt a little embarrassed in the actual application.

  He couldn't help but looked up at the fox girl,

   And Yun Xin also happened to want to say something to him, so she looked over.

   It was the two of them looking at each other like this, for some reason, Yun Xin felt a chill behind Zhao Meng's eyes.

   She is well versed in the way of charm, what kind of eyes she has never seen,

   But it was the first time she had seen such a strange and indescribable look in his eyes,

   Uneasy, she shook the big pink tail behind her uncontrollably,

  Even though she has a Nascent Soul cultivation base, facing Zhao Meng who can deal with evil and is immune to her talent, she is not sure about Zhao Meng:

"What's wrong?"


  Zhao Meng shook his head lightly, shifted his gaze, and landed on the petite Natalie and his student Tina,

  He just discovered at this moment that this entry seems to be unable to be tested yet.

  Experiments are divided into experiment subject and experiment object,

  Zhao Meng didn't want to be the subject of the experiment in person. Although he had already experienced [Dynamic Unlocking] in the simulation, it would be difficult for him to accept any strange changes in his body.

   "The subject of the experiment has to find another way. This problem is not difficult to solve."

   "But the subject!"

  Among the people present, both Yunxin from the fox family and Natalie are in human form,

   are close to human beings in structure, and the meaning of this entry cannot be seen in experiments on them.

  At this time, Zhao Meng set his eyes on the huge black egg in ambush:

   "What if this thing?"

   Zhao Meng pondered for a while, and asked Xixi Lake:

   "How is the magic net energy injected into the black beast substitute?"

   "It will take a while."

  Hearing these words, Zhao Meng continued to sit cross-legged, closed his eyes, and came to that phantom space.


  Zhao Meng looked up at the huge phantom with a human head and a snake tail.

   At this time, the degree of solidification of the phantom has dropped a lot. The number of simulations he has accumulated during this period has been consumed twice. Although there are still some left, they cannot be squandered at will.

   "Let's tidy up the entries first!"

   Zhao Meng came to Xuying and carefully read the entries he had obtained, trying to find inspiration from them.

   "What will happen if this [Wrist*] and [Dynamic Unlock] are used together?"

  He glanced at the introduction of the starfish entry, which can add mounts for entry users at the end of the branch.

   And dynamic unlocking is an entry that can enhance the ability of independent exploration.

   "Perhaps, these two terms work wonders together."

   "Can it be used?"

   "Is there any change to the status quo?"

   There are mainly two types of evil on the fairy boat, one is the spirit clan evil that he has to deal with the seal, and the other is the fox clan evil.

  He didn’t know if his entry would work for the evil foxes, and if he could use the seal of the gods like the evil spirits,

   All he can do now is experiment. If the experiment fails, he can only continue to simulate to obtain more exotic entries.

   "The evil that I hope to seduce is the evil of the fox clan!"


   "Completed charging!"

  After waiting for a while, Xixi Lake finally got a response,

  After this period of infiltration, Xixi Lake can be regarded as extending the magic net again and completing the connection with Zhao Meng.

  At the same time, Zhao Meng’s previously prepared black beast substitute can finally be used.

  The double is to suffer for him and experiment for him. In the public, it is not easy for him to take out the double directly.

  So he found an excuse to temporarily stay away from some ambush points and get out of sight of several people.

"This guy!"

  Looking at Zhao Meng who left, Yunxin showed dissatisfaction on his face,

   It wasn't that she was afraid of Zhao Meng's escape, but that the evil king would come anytime under such circumstances.

   "And the look in his eyes just now."

  Yun Xin recalled the way Zhao Meng looked at him just now, and her pink tail wagged again.

   Fortunately, Zhao Meng didn't leave for a long time, and he returned soon.

   However, seeing Zhao Meng who returned again, Yunxin felt that he seemed to be a little different from the previous Zhao Meng.

   "What are you going to do?"

   Seeing that she walked up to the sealed egg, Yun Xin showed doubts.

   "Let go of the seal temporarily, I have discovered a new method to deal with evil, and I want to experiment."

   "Is that so?"

   Although Yun Xin felt strange about Zhao Meng's words, she didn't suspect anything.

   After all, Zhao Meng is the main force to deal with evil. If Zhao Meng can find some new methods, it will only be good for her and not bad.


   "The seal has been opened."

   As soon as Yun Xin finished speaking, there was an explosion from the center of the ambush point.

  The huge black egg burst into pieces, and the black mist rose up, spreading and enveloping Zhao Meng in an instant, and this situation also satisfied his intentions.


   "What is he doing in there?"

  Yun Xin was still vigilant about the riot caused by the evil mother because the seal was lifted.

  But after waiting for a while, she was surprised to find that there was no drastic change in the black mist.

  Only the undulating mist seems to tell what is going on inside.

   "This is too risky!"

  Tina on the side was very worried when she saw Zhao Meng directly entering the black mist.

   It was Natalie who looked at the black mist, with some kind of light in her eyes. She seemed to see some shadows through the black mist, and a look of shock appeared on her face:

   "Dean, did you see something?"

  Facing Tina's question, Natalie restrained her expression, then shook her head gently,

  Although she did see some lights and shadows, how could she tell her students about such an indeterminate and very strange thing? She couldn't say it.

   Just when the girls were wondering what new method Zhao Meng had found to deal with evil,

   Surrounding the cloud eye wall of the tree city, a few clouds of black mist broke through the cloud wall and rushed towards the tree city where Zhao Meng was located.

   Among them, the fastest cloud of black mist was also the largest cloud of black mist, and it came to the top of Shucheng in the blink of an eye.

  This group of black mist is very huge, covering the entire tree city like covering the sky and the sun.

  Compared with the previous black mist, it is not at the same level. The sky seems to have collapsed.

  The fox family hiding under the tree city, seeing the black mist, couldn't help but panic,

   "It's the Wheel-Running King, it actually came in person, what should we do, we're going to die!"

   "Run away!"

   "If you can escape, where can you escape?"

   "Can we just wait to die?"


  The patriarch of the Fox Clan in Shucheng spoke soothingly:

   "If those outsiders can resist the wheel-running king, then we don't need to sacrifice our children!"


   "But those outsiders, can they really deal with this terrifying wheel king?"


  At the top of the tree city, Yun Xin's expression changed drastically as he watched Xinxie approaching:

   "How is it possible, it turned out to be an evil spirit from the transformation stage!"

   "There is such a level of evil on the fairy boat!"

"what to do!"

   At this time, Yun Xin was also a little flustered, she couldn't deal with ordinary evil spirits, let alone this kind of evil spirits.

   "Oh! Remnants, food delivered to your door!"

  The Dragon King in the sky noticed Yun Xin and let out a cold snort.

  When Yun Xin heard this, the hair on his tail couldn't help but explode.

   "The God Seed is..."


   "How dare you."

   "How dare you do such a thing in front of my eyes."

  Evil King originally wanted to continue talking to the remnants of the fox clan, but the next moment, he suddenly noticed something, and the whole black mist violently churned.



  All the creatures in the entire tree city felt the extremely angry breath of the evil king.


  As the five great **** kings, how has he ever suffered such humiliation?

  In his anger, he didn't care how the remnants of the fox clan appeared, the black mist quickly gathered and attacked towards the center of the ambush point.

  There are still a few clouds of black mist coming in the distance, but seeing the sudden anger of the evil king, they stopped in place immediately, and only a smaller cloud of black mist rushed towards Shucheng:

   "Father, please forgive mother..."

  However, the words of the little black mist just uttered,

  A long spear condensed by black mist has pierced the ground.

  The black mist stabbed by the spear fluctuated twice before being absorbed and sealed by the spear.

  As the black mist dissipated, the gun head was revealed, and a corpse was nailed underneath, and the stabbed person was none other than Zhao Meng.

   "Father is him!"

  Seeing Zhao Meng, that little black mist, he forgot the mother who was sealed just now.

  However, the evil king did not make any movements at this time, as if he was sensing the aura of all the living beings around him.

  The little black mist on the side felt the aura of his father, and couldn't help but retreated a certain distance.

  He felt tyrannical emotions in his own father.

   "What offended him, and made him think of destroying all the creatures around him?"

  The little black mist was trembling.

   "Father, God Seed, God Seed is important!"

  However, Xiao Heiwu's words did not shake the idea of ​​​​the King of the Wheel.


   "Zhao Meng is dead!"

  Looking at the nailed corpse on the ground, the three of them were a little lost.

   At this moment, the surrounding scene changed,

   Yun Xin, who was the first to react, immediately reminded:

   "Not good! Run away!"

   However, her reminder was still too late, and the structure like the eye of a typhoon began to disintegrate rapidly, moving towards the direction of Shucheng.

   "It can control this cloud eye, and it will destroy the entire tree city."

   "These evil spirits have completely controlled the fairy boat"

  At this moment, the residents hiding under the tree city are finally in chaos.

   At this moment, the disintegration of the cloud eye suddenly stopped, and the black mist in the sky also stopped fluctuating.

   I saw Zhao Meng appearing on the top of the tree city,

   "There is no need to use the God Seed!"

"Who are you?"

  Although Zhao Meng gave him the feeling that he was only at the Golden Core stage, the inexplicable aura emanating from Zhao Meng made him feel terrified:

  “[Egg-fetal duality]” saw the evil king Zhao Meng and used the entry without any hesitation.

  Under Zhao Meng's observation and testing, he found that the state of this evil king was very strange,

  The evil king passed the paternity test, saving the use of the **** seed.

   More importantly, Xie Wang also showed a characteristic, during the process of shrinking the cloud, a huge fetal state appeared.

   Those evil spirits couldn’t see anything before, and they didn’t quite understand why their entries sealed them into eggs.

  But now that the evil king showed this state, he guessed something:

   "Could it be that the widespread black mist of the fairy boat is actually a whole, and I'm in her body?

   "But why, this evil king is related to me, but other evils don't show such characteristics!"

  Looking at a huge black egg falling towards the ground like a meteorite, Zhao Meng had many doubts in his heart.

   Just when Zhao Meng thought that his egg-womb duality could seal the evil king, with a crisp sound, the black egg exploded.

   "Who the **** are you!"

  Zhao Meng still did not answer, and continued to use the egg-fetal duality, but soon the evil king broke through the seal.


   "Ah~ It hurts!"

  Seeing that the evil king broke through the seal again, Zhao Meng used the entry of starfish,

  Under the attack of Yu Jianshu, amidst a burst of tragic screams,

  The evil king was sealed again.

   "Damn it!"

  For a while, Zhao Meng and Xie Wang were in a stalemate, although he only had the cultivation base of Jindan,

   But after reconnecting to the magic net, with the energy supply of an entire planet, he is not worried about the war of attrition at all.

  Compared to Zhao Meng, who is calm and calm,

  The evil king was finally scared, but Zhao Meng, who was in the Jindan period, made him feel extremely weird, and he wanted to run away.

   And just then,

  Yun Xin, who originally wanted to escape, saw Zhao Meng suddenly appearing and confronting the evil king, and finally realized something:

   "Go and help!"

  With the joining of the three daughters, the evil king was finally sealed.

   "The power on it is too terrifying. This kind of seal is only temporary. We have to find other ways." Natalie wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

   "After all, it is the evil spirit of the transformation stage, Zhao Meng, do you have any other options?"

   "There is no rush for a solution!"

   "Catch the remaining evil first?"

  Zhao Meng took a look outside Shucheng,

  He noticed that there was an evil spirit of the fox clan among the evil spirits following the evil king this time,

  He was thinking about whether dynamic unlocking can be used on the evil of the fox clan,

   Let it become his offspring and seal it. I didn't expect a fox to come to my door so soon.

  At this time, the evil kings in the distance saw that their own evil kings were sealed, and they didn't react for a while.

  But when they noticed Zhao Meng's eyes swept over, they suddenly came back to their senses,

  Scattered and fled in all directions, seeing these evil spirits fleeing so quickly, Zhao Meng's heart moved:

   "Xixi Lake, how is the preparation for the portal?"

   "The range and depth of the magic net is not large, and the places where it can be teleported are limited, but it can still be done if it catches up with these few evil spirits."

   "Okay, open the portal!"

  Following a flash of blue light, Zhao Meng disappeared in place. As for Yun Xin and the others, they are maintaining the seal on the black egg.

  Zhao Meng went quickly and came back quickly, I saw that he held a fox-shaped existence with a flying sword and returned to the place where the evil king was sealed.

   "The Protoss will not let you go!"

   "Damn, it hurts!"

  Under Zhao Meng's threat, the fox finally calmed down.


   "These evil races dare to use such a name." Yun Xin, who sealed the evil, snorted coldly, and then looked at Zhao Meng.

   "The seal of the evil king won't last long, do you have any way to deal with it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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