MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 111

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Chu Xia put the rose cake in Shen Jue's desk, but he always felt that it was too monotonous and meaningless. He touched his chin and thought about it. He really didn't dare to put the lubricant. It was Shen Jue who died at that time.

He didn't have any other good things to give him now. After all, most of the things on his body belonged to the original owner, and Chu Xia was still a little awkward to give it to Shen Jue.

Think about it when he gets back.

There were brisk footsteps in the corridor, and students came to the classroom one after another. Chu Xia didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly left from Class 1 of Senior 3.

After leaving the teaching building of the third year of high school, Chu Xia bumped into Su Ting head-on. Su Ting grabbed him and asked him, "Why are you here?"

Chu Xia glanced at Su Ting strangely, did not speak, and pulled his sleeve out of Su Ting's hand.

Although Su Ting was younger than Chu Xia, he went to school a year earlier than him. He was in the same class as Shen Jue. He first called Wen Qing to make sure that Wen Qing did not meet Chu Xia, and hurried to catch up. When I came to school, I came to Chu Xia's class, but I didn't see him.

Su Ting hurried out again, wanting to find him quickly, but he didn't expect to meet him here in the end.

What is he doing here in their senior year of high school?

This person has always acted eccentrically, and recently it has become even more unpredictable for him. Su Ting is very worried that he will hurt Wen Qing.

Looking at the back of Chu Xia leaving, Su Ting didn't catch up to ask what Chu Xia was doing here. He scratched his hair irritably, remembering that the shape he ate in the kitchen last night was a bit ugly There was also a little burnt rose cake. Although Chu Xia didn't want it, he was still a little guilty.

Forget it, he still instructed Wen Qing to stay away from Chu Xia, but it really didn't work. He accompanied Wen Qing to their sophomore cafeteria today at noon.

Su Ting sighed, he wanted to send Wen Qing home last night, but Wen Qing refused.

He sincerely hoped that Chu Xia would be normal in the future.

Chu Xia came too early today. He was the only one in the classroom. The blackboard contained the homework assigned by the representatives of each subject yesterday afternoon. The trash can was empty. Chu Xia came to his seat. Lying on the table, squinting, wanting to sleep for a while.

It was just not long after that, some classmates came to the classroom one after another. They were also a little surprised to see Chu Xia in the corner of the classroom. The original owner had never come so early, so they quickly shared this important discovery with the group, classmates. They immediately discussed whether something had happened to Wen Qing. It was not until Wen Qing spoke in the group that they felt relieved and continued to the next topic.

There were more and more students in the classroom, and their voices gradually became noisy. Chu Xia seemed to have slept for a while, and seemed to have been conscious all the time. He opened his eyes, sat up straight, and glanced at his phone. In less than half an hour, these students have chatted more than 300 pieces of news, but have they forgotten that he is also in this group.

Chu Xia put away the phone, pulled out a pencil from the desk, and tapped the cap twice on the table. He had learned art for a long time in a certain world in the past, and it was not enough to draw a sketch. It was not difficult, he thought about what he was going to give Shen Jue next time.

He found two pieces of white paper from the desk, and in his mind came to mind the appearance of Shen Jue jumping on the basketball court yesterday afternoon. The sunlight shrouded his body with a layer of light and shadow, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Left a dark mark on his back.

The tip of the pen moved quickly on the white paper, leaving a series of swishing sounds. The sound was quite pleasant, and the outline of Shen Jue on the white paper gradually became clearer, but it was not what Chu Xia saw yesterday on the basketball court. The scene above, but after the basketball game, Shen Jue took the mineral water handed over by Lin Nan, raised his head and took a sip. Crystal drops of water slid down his neck and flowed into his clothes. , special... beautiful and delicious.

But at that time, only Chu Xia would think of using these four words to describe Shen Jue.

Chu Xia stopped writing and stared at the figure on the paper for a while. His eyes didn't seem to be very similar to Shen Jue, and they had to be repaired.

The classmates in the classroom would sometimes turn around to observe Chu Xia secretly. Seeing what he was busy doing with his head down, the classmates were very curious, what was he painting? Are you painting Wen Qing?

I've never heard that Su Mao has this unique skill.

The teaching building of Senior Three is much quieter than that of Senior One and Senior Two. Shen Jue came to the classroom, and as soon as he sat down, he found that his desk was stuffed with a lot of small snacks and gifts. These things were taken out of the desk and placed on the table, ready to be thrown into the trash can later.

In fact, Shen Jue has received far fewer gifts than before. Girls know that their gifts are not always cherished, and they slowly give up, but there are still some girls who think that their persistence will one day be able to Impressed him, so his desk has never been empty.

As soon as Lin Nan entered the classroom and saw the things on Shen Jue's table, he immediately leaned over and said cheekily, "Save some for me, I haven't eaten in the morning."

Shen Jue doesn't care, it doesn't make any difference to him whether these things go into the trash can or into Lin Nan's stomach.

Lin Nan picked it up and down, and finally fixed his eyes on a blue box. He shook it in his hand, heavy, Lin Nan said, "This looks good, let me see what's inside."

Seeing that Shen Jue still didn't speak, Lin Nan stretched out his hand to open the box. The aroma of roses mixed with the sweetness of cream rushed to Lin Nan's nose. He snorted and shouted, "Rose cake? It seems that I still make it by myself. Yes."

Shen Jue suddenly raised his head and looked at the box of pastries in Lin Nan's hand, then stretched out his hand and took the box of rose cakes in front of him. He looked down at the rose cakes in the box, the surface was golden and sprinkled with a few White sesame seeds, with some caramel around the edges and a hint of rose petal pink.

"He's done really well, give me a taste." Lin Nan said, reaching for the box in Shen Jue's hand, but he didn't get the rose cake he was thinking of, but just helplessly Watching Shen Jue close the box and put it back in his desk.

Lin Nan stared at Shen Jue with a puzzled expression.

Shen Jue is not a stingy person, but in front of this box of rose cakes, he somehow doesn't want to share any of them with Lin Nan.

"You can take the rest as you like." Rose Crisp didn't even think about it.

"No, no, when did you become so stingy?" Lin Nan sat down opposite Shen Jue and said to Shen Jue, "You have seven or eight in that box, what's the matter with me?"

Shen Jue simply refused and said, "No."

Lin Nan frowned, now the more Shen Jue doesn't give him, the more he wants it, this is probably the inferiority of human beings, he reached out and poked Shen Jue's arm and asked Shen Jue: "Do you know who this is? for you?"

Shen Jue really doesn't know.

"Maybe it's been poisoned, let me try it for you." Lin Nan stood up, stretched his arms into Shen Jue's desk, and vowed to eat that piece of rose cake, but he didn't bother for a long time. To get a piece.

In the end, he could only pick up two pieces of nougat from Shen Jue's desk and eat them.

Lin Nan and Su Ting were at the same table. When he remembered the bell in class, Lin Nan returned to his seat and Su Ting asked curiously, "What were you doing there just now?"

Lin Nan sighed and said, "I don't know which little girl gave Brother Shen a box of rose cakes. I wanted to try it, but Brother Shen did not agree."

"Rose cake," Su Ting suddenly remembered that he stole a few leftovers from Chu Xia last night. Although it was said to be leftovers, it seemed to be much better than the ones he bought in the cake shop before. Ting smashed his mouth, and seemed to have some aftertaste, "I also ate a piece of rose cake yesterday. It tasted absolutely delicious. I tell you, it is much better than the cake shop outside our school."

Su Ting only blew that piece of rose cake as rare in the sky and hard to find on the ground, as if there would never be a second piece in this world.

Lin Nan listened to Su Ting's description, and his saliva was about to flow down. He swallowed and asked Su Ting, "Where did you buy the rose cake you said?"

Su Ting paused and said, "I made it at home."

"Then you can bring me some next time." Lin Nan said.

Su Ting: "…"

He thought in his heart, should he ask Su Mao to make another copy?

During lunch, Chu Xia still came to the cafeteria. Like yesterday, he sat opposite Shen Jue. As long as he looked up, he could see each other. Of course, the premise was that Lin Nan was not separated between the two of them.

This premise was quickly broken. Lin Nan stepped on the spacewalk to the opposite side of Shen Jue and sat down. Then, when he looked up, he saw Wen Qing who had just entered the door, accompanied by Su Ting. He said to Shen Jue: "Hey, Wen Qing is here."

Shen Jue did not respond, and concentrated on eating the food on the plate.

Lin Nan clicked his tongue, then turned his head and saw Chu Xia sitting on the table behind him at a glance, he said, "Hey, sure enough, this Su Mao is here too."

"Shut up." Shen Jue said.

Lin Nan stared blankly at Shen Jue in front of him, and said to him, "I didn't seem to talk much just now."

Shen Jue hummed and said to Lin Nan, "But I want you to shut up."

Lin Nan: "…"

Okay, from now on, he's a mute.

Chu Xia put down his chopsticks after only taking a few bites. He couldn't eat any more. He just ate an extra piece of rose cake last night, which made his stomach feel uncomfortable until morning.

Watching Shen Jue and Lin Nan leave after eating, Chu Xia also got up and followed them silently. Wen Qing, who was still eating in the cafeteria, saw Chu Xia leave and was stunned. The chopsticks stopped in the air for a long time. did not fall.

She always thought that Chu Xia had followed her to the dining hall. If Su Ting hadn't persuaded her to stay here, she would have turned her head and left.

Now that she has not left, Chu Xia has left first. Wen Qing began to doubt, does this person really like her now?

He must never love himself any more.

When Lin Nan turned around, he saw Chu Xia who was following him again. He asked Shen Jue, "Why did Su Mao go to our senior year again?"

Shen Jue stopped, turned around, and looked behind him to see that Chu Xia froze in place all of a sudden, and when she met Shen Jue's gaze, she seemed a little overwhelmed.

The corners of Shen Jue's lips rose unconsciously, he turned his head again, and continued to walk forward, Lin Nan was still beside him muttering about the various perverted deeds the original owner had done to Wen Qing, including but not limited to collecting Wen Qing's Past things, following Wen Qing, alienating Wen Qing and her good friend's feelings, etc.

Chu Xia was idle and had nothing to do. He disliked the fact that he had too many points, so he used his golden finger to eavesdrop on the conversation between Lin Nan and Shen Jue. Hearing this, he began to seriously consider. In order to maintain the original owner's character, he would have Divide the relationship between Lin Nan and Shen Jue.

He followed Shen Jue outside of their classroom and waited for the bell of the lunch break to ring before stepping out of here. No matter how slow Lin Nan was, he found the problem now. Could it be that this kid Su Mao really liked it? Which girl in their class? All the girls in their class had to be put on alert level 12. In order to make the girls pay attention, Lin Nan also posted an announcement in the class group.

Chu Xia had been painting all day. He didn't hear a word of what the teacher said in class. His classmates only knew that he was painting, but they didn't know who he was painting.

When school was over, Chu Xia's painting was still unfinished, and some details did not meet his requirements, so he had to revise it after he went back, but it didn't take much time, and he could easily make a pudding after painting.

As soon as Chu Xia sent the cooled pudding into the cold room, he received an email from the man he sent to follow Shen Jue. It contained a photo of Shen Jue. Shen Jue and his father went to the party tonight. At a reception, wearing a neat suit, he was more mature than when he was in school, Chu Xia stared at Shen Jue in the photo for a long time, he knew what to draw tomorrow.

The next day, Shen Jue took out a glass pudding from his desk, as well as a rolled up sketch with a red ribbon tied.

Shen Jue casually unfolded the painting, and then he was stunned.

Lin Nan saw his reaction was a bit strange, so he leaned over to see what was on the painting.

"I'm so stupid!" He widened his eyes and sighed in a very lack of language: "It's awesome!"

The surrounding students were also attracted by his voice and looked at the sketch in Shen Jue's hand, and then they sighed the same as Lin Nan.

"It must be an art class who can draw like this."

"Wait for me to help Brother Shen and ask which little beauty from the art class did the painting for you."

"No." Shen Jue refused, he re-rolled the painting and put it back on his desk.

"Let me take another look, take a look again!" Lin Nan coquettishly acted disgustingly, making the surrounding male students get goosebumps with disgust, "Brother Shen, I find that I have been getting more and more sick recently. The more stingy he is, I'll take a look at him without breaking him."

Shen Jue silently refused, he remembered the painting he had just seen, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The sketch looked normal, but Shen Jue somehow felt that it was endowed with a very ethereal **, his throat tightened, he picked up the mineral water on the windowsill, and drank half of it in one gulp.

Two days later, Shen Jue received another painting, this time it was an oil painting. The painting showed him participating in an open-air banquet. The snow-white shirt on his chest was stained with red wine, and his face was slightly drunk. The same as the previous one, Shen Jue still seemed to feel some kind of indescribable color from this painting.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the white marble statue in the background. The face of the statue was not clear, but Shen Jue was inexplicably very cute.

Every other day after that, another painting would appear on Shen Jue's desk, and he never knew who sent him the painting.

As usual, Chu Xia went to Yi Nian cafeteria every day to sit opposite Shen Jue to eat. After eating, he followed behind him and followed him outside their classroom. If he caught up with Shen Jue for physical education class, he would ask for leave and go out to watch them play. , and when he had his own physical education class, he secretly ran to the teaching building of the third year of high school, stood outside Shen Jue's classroom, and peeked at him along the crack of the door. Chu Xia carried out the original owner's character to the end.

But even if he achieved this level, Chu Xia still felt that it was not enough, and he had to fight again.

So then Shen Jue found that the things he put in the desk were getting smaller and smaller day by day, and those girls in the past never dared to take his things when they gave him gifts.

On the first day he lost a pen and the man left him a watch.

The next day he was missing an already used calculator, and the man left him with a tie.

On the third day, all the cigarettes he had left in his desk were gone, and the man left him only a note that said confiscated.

Shen Jue looked at the note and cut it.

But in the end, the note was clipped in the newly bought notebook.

On Friday, when Shen Jue went out to meet with his classmates, Chu Xia could finally have an exciting stalking. However, Shen Jue was much sharper than Wen Qing. He soon realized that he was being followed, and he stopped abruptly and looked back.

Chu Xia immediately hid behind the stop sign and waited until Shen Jue was far away before he appeared and continued to rush to their destination.

He knew which private room Shen Jue was in, but he was neither his classmate nor his friend. He could only hang out in the corridor with a cup of milk tea, and suddenly bumped into Lin Nan who came out of the private room.

Lin Nan's pupils shrank when he saw Chu Xia, and he couldn't care less, like a mouse and cat who saw a cat, and immediately fled back to the private room. Chu Xia watched his series of operations and couldn't understand what he had, so Lin Nan was afraid like this.

But he doesn't have to pay for his shirt himself, which is nice.

As soon as Lin Nan returned to the private room, he approached Shen Jue. He clenched his fists and said nervously to Shen Jue, "Brother Shen, I have something very, very important to tell you."

Shen Jue: "Speak."

Lin Nan asked Shen Jue, "You said that Su Mao is a pervert. Has he disliked Wen Qing recently?"

Shen Jue shook the wine glass in his hand and hummed.

"Brother Shen, did you see it too?"

Shen Jue: "Well."

"Then do we meet him every time we go to dinner? He followed us all the way to the outside of our classroom after we finished eating, but I asked the girls in our class and no one was harassed by him. "

Shen Jue: "Well."

"I just found out that he was following us to the party again!"

Shen Jue: "Well."

"You said..." Lin Nan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He was like a poor child who didn't dare to look at his zero-point paper. He asked in a low voice, "He doesn't like me, right? ?"

Shen Jue: "Hmm... eh?"

"He just deliberately poured milk tea on me just now," Lin Nan collapsed on the sofa with a hopeless expression on his face, "It's over, he must have liked me."