MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 12

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Bai Yan looked down at the wine bottle in front of him. The young man in the white shirt thought he was going to drink, so he poured him half a glass and carefully brought it to him. The young man's hands kept shaking. This was his first time doing it. This kind of thing, but I heard a lot about Bai Yan's experience.

He not only wanted to be liked by the person in front of him, but he was also afraid that what he did not do well would make him angry.

The phone has been hung up, and Master Bai's face is a bit ugly. The young man handed the wine glass to Bai Yan again, and said flatly, "Master Bai, I toast to you."

Bai Yan stared at the young man in front of him. The young man was a little frightened by him. He looked away slightly, and took the wine glass in the young man's hand behind him.

Seeing Bai Yan taking the wine glass, the manager smiled and drove everyone else out of the private room: "Let's all go out, all go out."

"Master Bai, you need to call me." When the manager was about to go out, he stopped again, turned his head and gave Bai Yan a narrow wink, and said, "Master Bai, there are some good things in the cabinet by the bed."

The manager went out from the private room and closed the door intimately. Only Bai Yan and the young man were left in the huge private room.

Bai Yan put down the wine glass in his hand and asked the young man, "What are you doing?"

The young man answered obediently, "I'm going to college."

Bai Yan asked again, "Why did you come to work in such a place?"

The young man bowed his head a little embarrassedly and whispered, "The family is short of money."

Bai Yan snorted, and the young man secretly looked up at him. He couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He thought, maybe he should take the initiative.

The night is low, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the city is dotted with lights.

At this time, someone in the bar was sitting on the stage, holding a guitar and singing the popular ballads on the Internet recently. The decoration in the bar was also very sentimental.

Chu Xia was sitting at the bar. It was the first time for him to come to this kind of place, and he was not familiar with everything here, so at the beginning, he would **** his ears and wait for his eyes to listen to what others were saying here. , do something, and soon he's mixed up here like a duck to water.

He heard someone around him say that when looking for a partner, you should look for someone with a stable job, with five insurances and one housing fund, and preferably with a house and a car.

Chu Xia secretly wrote down all these words, but he immediately realized that something was wrong. If everyone followed this standard to find someone, who could find themselves.

No money, no job, less than five figures in the bank card.

It's the kind of guy that these guys say can develop a one-night stand, but can't be a boyfriend.

Chu Xia still hoped to find a stable partner. It was really troublesome to go fishing in a **** bar every day.

But his current condition is really not very good. Except for this face, he can barely see the past, but he doesn't just look at his face in his life.

On the one hand, Chu Xia felt that this would not work, and she had to develop a career and plan for the future; on the other hand, the villain might start a newspaper office as soon as his brain twitched.

During his struggle, several men came to talk to him and asked him if he had an appointment?

The system looked at Chu Xia's memo on the phone and made a small note on how to choose a man. It really wanted to remind him that this direction of effort was not right. After thinking about it, he held back. Anyway, even if he said it, Chu Xia wouldn't listen. .

The system comforted itself and said that no one could complete the task anyway, so the right should be to accompany the leader on a public tour.

After two more days, they should be able to return to the system center. I hope their team leader will be normal at that time.

Those colleagues and leaders in the system center kept asking him how the task progress of Team Leader Chu was all day long. To be fair, Team Leader Chu should be the one with the best progress so far. He is the only one who has slept with the villain, and has slept more than once.

But every time they slept, the code on the system would be frightened to lose a lot of code. The system always suspected that if the leader of Chu was still left by Bai Yan on the Xishan side, when he returned to the system center, I am afraid it is possible to sit on the ground and become a Buddha without worrying about it.

The system can't tell the current situation, so it can only send a string of ellipses to those who inquire about the progress as usual. Looking at the six points sent by the macho system, everyone analyzed it, and finally came to the conclusion that Team Leader Chu was there. The following should work less than ideal.

This is not to blame for Team Leader Chu. The progress of the task of saving the world has never been ideal. They wrote letters of consolation and sent them to the system, asking him to transfer them to Chu Xia.

The system read Chu Xia's mind in his mind. Chu Xia was stealing from the man next door. When he heard the system's "Dear Team Leader Chu", the phone almost fell to the ground.

"What the hell? Take it away."

The system looked at the dozen or so unread letters stored in its own space and stubbornly chose to keep them.

Chu Xia focused on writing notes. During this period, five or six men approached him, wanting to make something happy for the two of them tonight, but they were all rejected by him. Looking at the people in front of him, he couldn't help but associate them with white. Yan made a comparison, and after a comparison, he would dislike the other person's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not eyes, which is far worse than Bai Yan.

It may not be easy to find a man like Bai Yan, but his appetite has been fed by Bai Yan, and he is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas. Now let him eat bran and veggies, he despises him.

After Chu Xia finished writing his notes, he turned off the phone, looked around the bar, and wanted to find a prey. Someone patted him on the shoulder. Chu Xia crossed his head. He was a young man in his thirties. He pointed at Chu Xia and asked, "Are you? That, that Bai Yijing..."

Just as Chu Xia was about to answer no, she heard the other party say the rest: "...Bai Yijing's teammate, what is Li?"

He talked for a long time, but he didn't come up with a name, and said dryly, "I like you quite a bit."

Chu Xia looked at the man expressionlessly. If he could say his name now, this sentence should be more believable.

The man laughed dryly and said to Chu Xia, "How about I invite you to the opposite side to make a string?"

When Chu Xia came here, he noticed the barbecue restaurant on the opposite street. Now that someone treats guests, he couldn't ask for it. Chu Xia agreed to the man without hesitation and left the bar with him.

The system is very worried, afraid that the man will do bad things to Chu Xia, that he will hurt Chu Xia, but thinking about the sturdy style of the team leader after he came to this world, if that kind of thing really happened, the team leader Chu should be very happy , the system finally only competently performed a physical examination on the man, and after confirming that the other party did not have any infectious diseases, it sent the results to Chu Xia.

Chu Xia didn't react, and the system couldn't determine whether Team Leader Chu had any thoughts on this man.

In the barbecue shop, the meat skewers were sizzling with green smoke. When they were almost done, they were sprinkled with a thin layer of chili noodles and cumin powder. Chu Xia stared at the meat skewers with excited tears streaming down the corners of his mouth. .

After a full meal, the man sat next to Chu Xia, his face was serious, but his palm landed on Chu Xia's buttocks, he squeezed vaguely, and said to Chu Xia, "Little brother, now I eat barbecue and drink wine. Now, shouldn't it be time to open a room with my brother?"

The man knew that Li Lianxing had offended Master Bai, but when he saw this Li Lianxing today, he was fine, he had no arms or legs, and he was gay, so he took it for granted that Master Bai had not found anyone.

He called Mr. Bai and asked him what to do with him. As a result, Mr. Bai only asked where the person was, and then hung up the phone. He thought that Mr. Bai's people would soon come over and take Li Lianxing away, but he waited. It's been such a long time that no one has come, and it seems that Master Bai doesn't care about this person either.

The man was unhappy. If Master Bai didn't plan to take action, then he would help Bai Yijing out.

Just now, he just wanted to trick Li Lianxing into the suburbs and beat him, but Chu Xia's eyes staring at the meat skewers made him inexplicably a little moved.

He is also gay, otherwise he would not have appeared in that bar. Li Lianxing is not very good, but his body is still good. He should change his method and punish him as well.

With such thoughts in mind, the man led Chu Xia into the hotel together.

But before he had time to take off his pants, there was a knock on the door outside. The man hated himself being interrupted at this time. He opened the door with a vicious voice, and shouted at the door, "Who is it!"

Then he refrained the rest of his swear words. He knew the man in front of him. He had seen him beside Mr. Bai before, and he was one of Mr. Bai's subordinates.

Hearing the movement at the door, Chu Xia stuck his head out, and when he saw the person coming, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but he didn't know where to go, so he could only smile and say hello, "What a coincidence."

What a prank! In the evening, he and his wife were about to start a man-making campaign, and he was sent by Master Bai to look for someone on the phone. Who else did he want to look for? It was this kid.

The man who was going to sleep with Chu Xia was even more shocked. These two people actually knew each other!

Could it be that Li Lianxing sneaked out from under the hands of Master Bai?

Then Li Lianxing is so good, he ran out and didn't want to move quickly. He left here, but he still had the heart to go **** and have Rio Cannonball. No wonder he dared to take a shot at Bai Yijing.

Chu Xia was taken away just like that. He sat in the car, thinking that he was going to be locked back to the Xishan villa. He regretted that he didn't eat more at the barbecue just now, but soon he found that he was not sent to Xishan, but instead. A suburban villa.

Bai Yan was sitting on the sofa in the room, and when he saw him coming, he casually threw a sentence: "Go take a shower."

Chu Xia snorted and went to the bathroom obediently.

Twenty minutes later, he came out of the bathroom. Bai Yan had already moved from the sofa to the bed. He had untied the bathrobe and glanced at Chu Xia.

Chu Xia climbed into the bed, looked at Bai Yan, patted her bulging belly, sighed, and was a little embarrassed, and said after bargaining, "That one's a bit holding up tonight."

Bai Yan's face was expressionless, Chu Xia was frightened by him, and gave up on himself.

Two hours later, Chu Xia lay on the bed like a spread out cake, propped up his head, yawned, looked at the man who was getting dressed and ready to leave by the bed, and suddenly asked, "Master Bai, Why don't we get together in the future?"

Bai Yan lifted his eyelids, glanced at him, and said nothing.

But that look seemed to be mocking what she was thinking about. Chu Xia thought about it, Bai Yan was almost ten years older than him, and it would probably be over in a few years. He didn't agree, that was fine.

He must have been dazzled by Bai Yan just now.

Thank goodness he didn't agree!