MTL - Son God Marvel-Chapter 2189

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Ordinary people cannot feel the change of this world. Because they are themselves part of being changed. Just as people sitting on a boat can't feel the flow of water, they can only passively follow the boat, but they don't pay attention to whether the boat is flowing downstream or upstream.

The power of Infinite Gems acts on them, and their time and past are beginning to reverse. Just like every other thing in this world. And where they could not perceive it, their memory began to dissipate, their sacrifices began to be made up, and time began to make a big step backwards, flying in the direction of ten years ago.

Ten years ago, the world was not such a wasteland. Ten years ago, the situation in this world was generally in their hands. Most of those disasters have not yet happened, and the aftermath of the alien invasion has just subsided. Hydra can only lurking in the dark. It has no way to make waves like the waves today and make the world tremble. At that time, they had enough power to deal with such a monster.

It was also ten years ago that Maria was in full bloom and had not even dealt with Playboy Tony Stark. She is young and beautiful, and she is rich in color, far from the fragile and sensitive appearance of the future, let alone the madness of the later.

That should be the best time in Mary's life. Perhaps the most regrettable thing for Tony is that he delayed and harmed Maria's life.

If it were not for her, Maria probably already had a happy family. She will have a husband who loves her, hurts her, and spends a lot of time with her, and will have two or even three lovely children, who will be by her side all year round.

This life is happy and happy, stable and peaceful. Unlike following her, she needs to suffer so much pain.

Those pains were not what she should bear, they were all brought to her by herself, and this was a mistake from the beginning.

Witnessing the tragic death of his wife and children, Tony already had an undead knot in his heart. Even if at this moment he has lost almost all his emotions, it seems that he has been completely transformed into a purpose-only tool by the impact of huge energy. However, in his heart, he always remembered some of the most memorable things.

He remembers Mary and Frank. The last thing he regrets for him is the destiny.

For them, the most wrong thing that happened in this life should be to stir up with oneself. This in itself cannot be changed, because the facts are the facts, and if they have already happened, they cannot be changed. However, now that he has the power to change all this, then he needs to make changes to all this.

He didn't want Maria to have a relationship with himself again, so he needed to make changes to her before she knew herself. Using the power of realistic gems, he arranged an excellent fiance for her. As rich and witty as he is, he may occasionally have a bit of a tongue, and he even used to be a **** of a playboy. After knowing her, she will only love her with one heart and give all the ideas to the lucky guy who hangs on her.

He should be similar to himself, but it must be different. He doesn't care about other things. What career and ideals are all worthless things for him. Only the wife and family are all in his life, and his life should be around these operations.

And Frank was actually when he was just born. And being born in his own home and becoming his own son may be the biggest mistake he made.

This is a good, respectful, and smart boy. Like his children of the Stark family, it has always been so outstanding. However, he carried a lot of weight too early that he shouldn't bear, and took too much pain that he shouldn't bear.

If he was not born in such a family, he would probably have another life. He may grow up like an ordinary child and have a fun-filled childhood that is worth remembering for a lifetime. Then he emerged as a teenager, showing extraordinary cleverness and wisdom.

Growing up later, with the wisdom of genius and powerful capital, he enjoys the beauty of the world and the splendor of life. Not at this time, because of the hatred and pain that should not be carried, he set back his young life at this age.

Tony couldn't bear to let Frank bear this kind of thing that he shouldn't bear. However, he didn't want to make him seem to have never been in this world, or even have nothing to do with him and Maria.

He is his most beloved son, the crystallization of his life and Mary's life. He didn't want to change such a fact. So, he arranged such an identity for Frank.

It was that he was a child of Mary, a crystallization of her and a **** named Tony Stark. It doesn't matter who the **** is, whether he is dead or alive. The important thing is that he will have a mother who loves him and a stepfather who is willing to tolerate his existence and treat him as if he were his own.

This may leave some minor flaws in his life, but in any case, this is much better than the tragedies that have occurred. Tony believes that he is not a qualified father, but like every father in the world, he wants to give his children always good. In the past, he could not give him this, but now, he has such a capability, so naturally he will spare no effort.

This is why he can push his time forward even more, to the time when the United States was the most prosperous 20 years and 30 years ago, and could make the whole world subject to it, but he chose to choose ten years ago. Now, the United States has begun to show its decadence, and it's time to go downhill.

This is because his power is limited, and even the great power of infinite gems, it is impossible to say that reversing the time of a whole planet and the reality of hundreds of millions of creatures to such a point. He had to make a trade-off, and this trade-off was that he needed to choose between the fate of Mary and Frank, and the fate of this country.

For him, this is no longer a difficult choice. Because after tangibly savoring the lost taste, and after the deepest understanding of what is the most precious thing in his heart, he has already measured the weight of these two in his heart.

He has done so much for this country, and what return has this country given him?

They coveted their family's property, and even for the benefit of their own son for the benefit! This made his past efforts and those sacrifices for his ideals ridiculous. The most ridiculous thing is that he still can't watch this country dying, and wants to give him another chance.

Yes, give her another chance. This may be the last concession that a man named Tony Stark can make.

After all, he couldn't fight against the country that gave birth to him. Although he said that he hated what they did, he couldn't bear it, and let this country completely die after such artificial disaster.

This was the last time. It was the last time a man named Tony Stark made sacrifices and dedication for his motherland. When the time is pushed back to this country and there is room for salvation, the power to decide their own destiny is returned to them. Since then, no matter what situation the country is heading towards, it is no longer relevant to him. Because from this moment on, the person named Tony Stark is about to cease to exist. This is the inevitable result of playing with time. Even if it is the support of the power of time gems, it is inevitable that he will pay for what he does.

The price is that he must disappear into the long river of time. Whether in the past or in the present, he will be completely annihilated and annihilated by the punishment of reversing time. All traces of his existence, all memories of him, will cease to exist. It was as if he had never appeared before. With the exception of a very few people, everyone would completely forget who Tony Stark was and what he had done.

This is definitely a great irony, after you have paid an unimaginably heavy price, endured great pain and torture, and desperately tried to save something. You suddenly discovered that no one knew all of this, and all the effort you put did not leave a trace of it. Everything is just like your fantasy dream, a ridiculous imagination, you will know, what kind of suffocation and torture in the end.

The most important thing is that you do n’t even have any chance to talk and argue with others. Because under the punishment of time, you no longer exist, just like a drop of water that has evaporated, and every drop of water flowing in this long river has no intersection with you. You can't communicate, everything can only be remembered by yourself. And if you even forget or die, then all this really can only be like, never happened.

This is sad. It is difficult for ordinary people to face such punishment calmly no matter how conscious they are. But Tony was different. He had already prepared for this, even saying that he regarded it as a kind of relief.

Looking back on his life, except for the lethargy when he was young, all the conclusions so far are just a failure.

He aspired to save his country as a hero and a good president. For this reason, he ignored his wife and children, made his wife crazy, and let his son fall into endless hatred and pain because of him. The death of his wife and children has the most direct relationship with his original choice, and from this point of view alone, he is not a qualified husband or a qualified father.

The most ironic thing is that he gave everything for this country, and even proudly thought he had saved the country from danger. However, the final result told him that no one was willing to remember and be grateful for his efforts, and his self-righteous results were nothing more than a platform in the sky, and the reflection in the water was simply a breeze, it was already overthrown And usurp.

Such a life simply fails. Especially when he witnessed his wife and children dying there, but he was helpless, the feeling of frustration made him fall into tremendous remorse and guilt. For himself, for Tony Stark, he is already very disgusted. So if he could make everything happen again and let certain things be chosen again, he would rather have never existed at all.

If you do n’t have yourself, maybe everything will get better. If you have never appeared, maybe everyone can be happy.

This is Tony's most suspicious of himself. And this suspicion made him very frank about such fate and such punishment.

He can smile right. In fact, if you can really see Maria gain happiness and see Frank grow like a normal child, he will really be grateful and regard this as the greatest pity and blessing of fate for his failed life blessing.

Unfortunately, this high probability is no longer visible.

Finally, I glanced at the world that has begun to return to its normal trajectory, like a river running down the river. He glanced at his wife and children who had begun to be born under his arrangement. Tony finally gave a sigh in his heart, and when he looked up again, his heart had completely turned into an ice stubborn stone, and there was no longer any trace of human emotion.

The punishment of fate has arrived as scheduled, and Tony Stark is gone.

Now he is just a body gathered by the energy of infinite gemstones. It is a hollow, only sensible and without any emotional life. He is high above him, like a god. And when he looked at his right hand with doubt, and slowly clenched his fist. Infinite gemstones enveloping the huge power of the world, have quietly converged.

There was no more obstruction in front of Smith. He immediately rushed to Tony and scanned back and forth in this world as if he had never experienced any changes. He could n’t control his emotions at all, and whispered to Tony Roared.

"What did you do? You ruined it all!"

He certainly has reason to be angry. When everything that has been painstakingly planned for thousands of years has been destroyed by others, it is not an exaggeration for him to express any further indignation.

At this moment, he has even had Tony's heart. But he is also keenly aware, but Tony is very different now.

Idea, soul, emotion. It seems that all the labels with Tony Stark have been removed from this shell. He seems to be a brand new life, a **** just born. There is only indifference in my eyes, to myself and everything.

Of course, this is not the focus of Smith. What he cared about was how to get all these things back. He couldn't accept Stark's tampering with his great plan. He had to return the world to the journey he had planned carefully. In this regard, he needs some help. Looking at Stark's body that seemed to be unconscious at the moment, his eyes were fixed, and he had already extended his hand straight to him.

"Hand over infinite gems!"

As if inspired by something, it is more like touching an organ that has already been arranged. The gleam of the soul gem shimmered, and the body belonging to Stark suddenly became operational.

He stared at Smith Zhou, who was flying at the speed of light, and in the superdimensional view of time, he also suddenly issued a call of abhorrence.

"Last time, slaughter this bastard!"

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