MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 33

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Back to the palace, Liu Mingzhu is burning incense and praying, I did not bother her. In the study of Wangfu, there is a terrain of the sand-based Chishui area. I asked the comet to explain the battle to me.

The city was surrounded by three sides, and the only road in the south was blocked by an avalanche. I wonder if the avalanche was intentionally made by the Liao army. To the west of Chishui is the Qin State. The Qin Dynasty has many tombs and plains, the products are barren, political and corrupt, and the accumulation has been weak for a long time. The level of productivity development is far from the other three countries, and it depends on the country. Such a piece of chicken ribs, the meaning of eating around the three countries, but did not have the motivation to eat, has been so salty and not dragging.

Nowadays, they are attacking the Yandi, they must be doing the boring head turtles and shutting them down. The Zhao party in the south is even more willing to send troops to reinforce the Liao army and will not help them. Leave the country? Too far away, people who have just flew past the city have seen it.

I thought of it here, I couldn't help but laugh: "Whoever wants the gunfire does not attack the city of commerce, our gentleman is a villain. Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you are confused for a while."

The comet could not help but defend the boss: "Chishui has always been a natural guardian, and this year's situation is special.

I waved my hand: "Forget it, if you have less soldiers, you will be surrounded by the city, and if you have more soldiers, you will fight hard. In short, this is not a chance to see the winners and losers."

Liu Mingzhu came to me: "The personnel in the house have been arranged, and the grain is also counted. Except for opening the warehouse to help the people, the remaining support is no problem for half a month. But it is better to save as much as possible today."

I said, "If you are lucky, there will be a turnaround after ten days."

It was only after a few days of fear and fear that Liu Mingzhu had a lot of jealousy. She took my hand and said sincerely: "Xiao Min, fortunately, you are here to be with me." When you do the county magistrate wearing gold and silver to eat spicy and spicy, I did not enjoy it, the foreign enemy attacked the city and plundered the city. When I was hungry, I came across a total of difficulties. I would rather hope that I am not here, but I have a choice? I laughed and patted her hand.

The Liao military really attacked it symbolically, and screamed back. Changchang Wang has always been on the wall, and he does not dare to slack off. In the city, a pot of porridge has been messed up, prices have skyrocketed, and everyone is in danger. I heard that many people tried to escape from the mountain of the avalanche, but they did not have the following.

Iridium said that if it doesn't snow, Xiao Yu will arrive in 15 days. However, the sky is always inferior to people's wishes. On the third day of the siege, there is a heavy snowfall in the sky.

I stood in the yard and looked at the white snow that was swaying, so beautiful and so cold. The ground is white, and there is no trace of life.

It seems that just a month ago, I was still in my yard, and I felt that they were building a snowman together, playing snowballs, and being happy. At that time, the deterioration of the situation and the fierce political contradictions all had nothing to do with us.

Yunxiang was inspected by me and came back to tell me: "The people are still calm, and they firmly believe that the prince will come to save them." But the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the Liao army outside is frozen, and there is no movement.

On the ninth day, when I thought that the situation would persist until Xiao Yu rushed to Zhu, the epidemic broke out in the city. Liu Mingzhu’s Qiuqiu rushed in and saw us: “Min Shi Niang, tell me to find it. The county owner invited you to go!”

"What happened?"

Qiu Shui gasped: "There was a doctor coming to the door and said that the water source in the city was poisoned." I ran out and left. When I arrived outside the hall, I didn’t go in, I heard Liu Mingzhu’s horrified voice: “What? So serious?”

Then a familiar voice said: "Don't be too flustered, you can save it. It just needs a lot of medicine."

I stepped up the steps and pushed the door open. The people inside have turned around.

In front of Liu Mingzhu stood a thin young man, the leather-embedded clothes were not wide and not clean, the hair was unkempt, and the chin was cyan. How come so familiar!

"Cheng brother -"


We both burst into tears and shook hands warmly. The scene was like the Jinggangshan General Assembly.

"Are you alright?" I asked. "Is that abnormal uncle arresting you to torture you?"

"It's okay!" Xiao Cheng was very moved. "He just grabbed me back to treat his mother."

"Then you are cured?"

"No! It is a curse for the old woman to die without death. The human flesh is better than her. I am treating her as a self-damaging yangde. I sneaked out!"

I was surprised: "You are running again!"

Xiao Cheng is proud: "I am running far, I can't catch me!"

He said this, I am very embarrassed: "Unfortunately, I did not save you at the time."

He is busy saying: "The ability is limited, don't blame yourself!"

I said, "I can see you again, but my life is fortunate!"

Xiao Cheng also said: "Yes. It would be better if you didn't meet in Chishui."

I just thought about the business: "You said that the water in the city was poisoned. Is this true?"

Xiao Cheng is also in the right color: "Yes! After I came to Chishui, I was doing things in Renhe Hall. Many people came to the hospital early this morning and had the same symptoms. Abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, fatigue. I suspect that the water is out. The problem, go to check, really, the people in the well were poisoned."

I am busy asking: "What poison? Serious? How to solve?"

"Snake stone grass plus Xi Yan, the weight is very big. Xi Yan hurts the human stomach, snake stone grass is to make people hot."

Liu Mingzhu exclaimed: "This is to weaken the physical strength of the soldiers!"

I immediately said to her: "You will send someone to inform the county king, and ask him to send people to inform the people of the city that they can't use water today. The family of Wangfu picks a few people to go up the mountain, choose a few more places to pick up some snow. Bring it back to me." Then turned to Xiao Cheng, "I will go to see the patient with you."

Snow picking is to find out the source of water poisoning. Chishui is in the Gobi. No river will call Chishui because there is a river that is difficult to flow a hundred years ago. The sandstone is red. After the melting of the mountain snow in the south, the geographical reasons for the solidification were all turned into underground rivers. If the poisoner only poisons the well water in the city, the people can also collect snow and water. On the day of dinner, there were already 2,000 people in the city, and many soldiers were poisoned. The government suddenly called the people to stop using water, and the snow on the mountain seemed to have not been poisoned. The epidemic did not deteriorate. However, there are many patients, but there are few medicinal herbs. Where can I be rescued from the surrounding city? Snake grass is an extremely powerful medicine that causes people to have a high fever. I roughly estimate that there are about thirty-nine degrees on average. The young people are okay, and the elderly and children can't afford it. Although we used snow to cool down, but late into the night, there are still a few children can not help but die.

I have never seen a dead person before, but none of them are my own patients. In the crying of my parents, I felt that my hands were heavy and heavy, and the loss of guilt made me feel bored.

Xiao Cheng came over and patted my shoulder: "Dead people, or look at the living people. This is all the enemy's shackles, not your fault."

I smiled gratefully at him, biting my teeth, and turned to invest in other patients.

I and Xiao Cheng plus the doctors in the city tried their best to take care of the patients. They were so weak that their hands were soft and their feet were weak. They were still sweating for three or nine days. Fortunately, in times of crisis, everyone is united, and many people spontaneously come to help, and they have contributed to the medicine, which has saved many burdens for us.

Until the sun rose the next day, the temperature of most patients fell, and several of our doctors were relieved.

I am planning to take a break, and Chang Wang Wang prefers to die and choose to visit the affected people. I yawned and greeted him all day long: "Basically controlled, Wang Ye, you better send troops to watch the water on the mountain. People have nothing to eat, you can squat for seven days, no water to drink, but you can hang up in three days. Really, come back again. Once, my hero sacrificed to serve the history of the motherland."

Changjun Wang tossed these days, people are thin and thin, and the extra skin is hanging, the whole person looks very embarrassed. He frowned and said: "The soldiers are not enough to defend the city. Let's launch the people!"

I rolled my eyes: "This poisoning is clearly done in the city, and maybe it will be mixed in the masses."

Changjun Wang is not stupid: "That may also be mixed in the army."

I have to take a step back: "There is always a soldier you trust."

Finally, Changchang Wang sent the family members of Wangfuli and some of the soldiers to go up the mountain.

I just found a place in the pharmacy and slept a little, and I slept very unsteadily. The quilt is thin, the bed is cold, and all sides are filled with wind. The snoring of the patient outside and the crying of the family kept coming into my ears, making me feel like I was in hell. Although he closed his eyes, he still stared at Venus, and his body seemed to keep spinning in a void of dark space.

Finally, I was a little sleepy, and Liu Mingzhu also ran here to join in the fun, wake me up.

I have a headache, like someone who keeps a chisel and keeps knocking. When the action is intense, there is a feeling of wanting to vomit.

Liu Mingzhu is concerned: "Min Sen, you are not very good, is it okay?"

I gave myself the pulse, just tired, no other problems.

Yunxiang sent me breakfast, steamed glutinous rice yolk cake, bean curd chestnut scorpion and a bowl of steaming milk. I like to eat glutinous rice.

When you smell the aroma, the stomach begins to squirm and saliva begins to secrete. what. I am so embarrassed that my stomach is screaming.

I reached for the scorpion.

The sound of the swallowing water is also loud, too shameful.

I peeled off my throat and put it to my lips. Oh, it’s another swallow.

I let go and look at a dirty child next to me. Big eyes and small eyes.

I don't know when the children who came running, about five or six years old, are dirty like crawling out of the coal pile. The thin arms are like firewood sticks, and the broken cotton jacket is dirty and can't see the original color. A pair of big eyes, staring at the scorpion in my hand like a hungry jackal.

I looked at his thin cheeks, and the feeling of sympathy came to me, and I handed the dice in my hand.

The child’s eyes suddenly shine. Grabbing the scorpion, then immediately turned and ran.

"Yeah?" I wondered, I saw that the child was as flexible and agile as the mouse, and ran across the crowd, and the two dirty hands were holding the scorpion and swearing.

I and Yunxiang and others are stunned. Liu Mingzhu’s body has never seen this scene. The sympathy and motherhood are rampant. Immediately, he trembles and says, “What a poor child! What about his mother? How did he go so far to eat?”

I sighed: "Do you have anything to feed wild animals or birds? Those animals are particularly vigilant. Once they get food, they will run far and find a place without companions and dangers. This is Their survival instinct."

Liu Mingzhu exclaimed: "But the child is a human!"

"Yeah." I whispered, "Wandering children have learned how to survive in nature since childhood."

Liu Mingzhu said sadly: "I know that there are already many people in the city who have started to break the grain. Although they opened the grain and put the grain, they still can't save it."

I turned my head and saw that someone was carrying the sick person out of the side door, and that was mostly the old man and the child. My eyes hurt. A headache is nothing. I drank milk, picked up the egg yolk cake, and gave a child who was crying hungry in the mother's arms.

"Sister," Yunxiang's face is also very pale. "You can't ignore yourself."

I smiled at her: "I have a headache and can't eat anything."

I stood in the middle of the yard, surrounded by squatting patients, the children's panicked eyes and the helpless sighs of the old people surrounded us, and the cold wind blew the broken snow into my collar. I can't help but make a nap.

The small name called my name and ran in. He was also tired for a day and a night, the whole person was a lot, and his eyes were red and swollen.

"Amin, how is the situation outside the city?"

I shook my head: "My friend went to inquire, and hasn't come back yet. It's estimated to be the same, surrounded, waiting for us to open the door, or starve to death."

Xiao Cheng was holding his hair in an annoyed manner, regardless of Sven’s swearing: "Mom’s Liao dog will have no **** in the future!"

Liu Mingzhu is probably the first time to listen to a man who is swearing, and is surprised by the contempt, don’t look away.

I sighed and said with Xiao Cheng: "Children are born with no assholes, which is called congenital **** closure, genetic or problems in the mother's womb, and can not be directly linked to the moral quality of parents. But good, I hope they will be old in the future. Hemorrhoids, small without anus, women less than twenty on the chest drooping, this is OK?"

Xiao Cheng laughed, and Liu Mingzhu’s face was green.

On the tenth day of the siege, we finally got the news of Xiao Yu. The comet told me that Xiao Yu’s army had a blizzard.

My heart is also cold, and the whole person seems to fall into the ice.

"and then?"

The comet shook his head in a cloud: "The snow-capped bird is very inconvenient, and now the Liao army is stationed outside the city. Every day, archers shoot the birds."

Only then did people realize the greatness of the inventor of cdma.

In the cold winter, the thousands of birds flew, the million trails disappeared, and the Liao people still ran to fight, but did they really take the wrong medicine brain hormones?

I explained to the comet: "Min Sen knows the battle of Dingguan Mountain 20 years ago?"

I nodded: "Is it the battle of a former general of the Liao Dynasty in the Liao Dynasty?"

"Exactly." The comet said, "The big Sima general Luo Shengqing has less wins, and the Dingguan Mountain defeated the Liao Dynasty Emperor Yeluhao, and the large land west of the Dingguan Mountain returned to China Qi. That Yeluo took the arrow and went back. It didn't take long for him to die, and he couldn't come to the Crown. He had countless but few sons in the harem. At that time, the prince Fan Wang wanted to compete for the throne. Later, the Queen joined the second phase to kill the uncle Wang who went to Beijing and supported the 12-year-old. The emperor's third son is enthroned. That is the present Yeluzhuo."

Referring to Yeruozhuo, Yunxiang’s intelligence system was launched: “This Yerui Zhuo’s No. Yuba Raksha, is said to be a boy and a woman, beautiful and unparalleled, and is very admired by the women of Liao.”

I laughed: "Love a man who looks like a woman? Is a woman from Liao country a lace?"

Yunxiang knows the meaning of lace under my influence. She shook her head vigorously: "Yellow Zhuo was enthroned, the assistant minister took power, and the imperial power was overhead. He went from being enthroned to big wedding to clearing the three assistant ministers. Pro-government, eating a lot of suffering, is simply stepping on the blood. This experience makes him temperate and moody, and arbitrarily arbitrarily arrogant and arrogant.

I was moved: "Yuxiang's book you read finally worked."

Xiao Cheng was also very moved: "That's right!"

I was surprised to see him: "Chou brother, what are you crying?"

Xiao Cheng wiped his tears and said, "I was scared by the description."

I sighed: "You are really emotional."

"So..." Liu Mingzhu reluctantly inserted: "So, is he coming to take revenge?"

I nod: "obvious."

Liu Mingzhu’s imagination immediately unfolded: “He will kill the city, he will burn and kill...”

I interrupted her: "It is not the emperor and the old guardian who is leading the soldiers."

"It's Weidu Wang, Min girl." The star smiled and corrected me. "This Weidu Wang is not as brutal as Yeluzhuo, but he is especially beautiful..."

Miss Liu, the most beautiful of our group, immediately screamed.

I patted her shoulder: "Don't be afraid, your family Yan will come to the hero to save the beauty."