MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 4 Organization of the abilities (below)

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Mrs. Ouya looked at him, and for a long while, her face turned out to be a lot softer, and she smiled and said: "Boy, you really surprised me. Maybe you don't know, you are designed by blue."

"Design?" The sky mark nodded and smiled bitterly: "Maybe. I also thought about it. But even if she designed me, the price she paid was too heavy. I know you don't think I can match it." Your daughter, I don't have too much extravagant hope, but I do feel that I am owed. If you like, I can repay it." He is naturally not willing to pay back, but in order to survive, he can only say so. .

In the eyes of Mrs. Ouya, she showed a hint of hesitation, her eyes flashed, and she stared deeply at the sky mark. After half a mile, she seemed to decide what, and took a deep breath, saying: "Repay? Well, I will give you this opportunity. This repayment of the word has saved your life. You said it is good. By working hard, you can reach the place you are convinced. But understanding is equally important. I only give you three years, three years, if you can reach ten. The strength of the level manipulator, I need you to do three things for our Phil family. If you succeed, I can even consider the responsibility you said before. If you can't do it,..." A little blue light quickly expanded, and the blink of an eye spread to the entire palm. A beautiful blue ice flower bloomed. Every petal looked so real, the crystal light shimmered, and the petals continued to emerge from the center. The petals are constantly dying.

"If you can't do it, I will make you look like the outermost petals, no matter where you are."

Looking at the beautiful petals, Tianzhen tried to hide the excitement, and plainly said: "Mrs. Ouya, who had previously said that in the middle of the comet you are the law. It seems that this is true. ”

Mrs. Ou Ya said coldly: "Yes, we are the law. You only know that there are supreme chief executives in the middle of the comet who are responsible for all military and political affairs, but you do not know, I am the real master of the Chinese comet. I will not participate in all military and political matters, but have the right to decide or veto everything."

The day mark nodded. "So, I want to know the concept of the manipulator." He didn't want to die. He also knew how unreasonable Mrs. Ouya said to himself, but what can he do with his current situation? ? In order to survive, for the sake of their old parents, for their own future, only to succumb.

The ice in the hands of Mrs. Ouya disappeared. "It seems that you are a smart person. Now your life is no longer your own. Now that you want to know what the manipulator is, then you must tell me when you found out that you own it. Space is power."

"Space system abilities? I am not very clear about this concept. If you are referring to the use of the spirit to control things, then I do have, precisely, what I just discovered today." Now, the sky marks will be unintentional in the morning. The speed of slowing down the door to start talking, including the suspicion of William’s death, he said without any reservation, since the other party has already regarded his life as her, these are not necessary to hide, and, in fact, Europe Madame Ya may have thought that William’s death is related to herself, and she can speak more and gain more trust.

After listening to the description of the sky mark, Mrs. Ouya’s brow wrinkled. “It turns out that you are the lowest level manipulator of the first realization. It seems that you have not even reached the level one. The sky mark, you remember, I am following Everything you say must not be rumored. This is the top secret of the Galaxy Alliance. I don't think you want your parents to do something."

The face marks changed, "Mrs. Ouya, I don't want to use the words of despicable on the noble you."

Seeing my own threats has already produced the corresponding results. Mrs. Ouya smiled lightly and said, “Is it mean? I don’t have these two words in my dictionary. You should be conscious of what is strength. There are in the Galaxy Alliance. The existence of such an organization, although it does not represent the entire Galaxy Alliance, can almost manipulate everything in the Alliance. This organization is called the Holy Alliance."

"Saint League?" The sky marks a shock, this is the second time he heard this vocabulary.

"Yes, the sacred alliance. Simply put, the sacred alliance is the alliance of all people with abnormal abilities. Abnormal ability, referred to as abilities. Although the abilities are divided into many kinds, the most important ones are only seven kinds, which are light and dark. Space, water, fire, earth, wind. Basically, some special abilities are also transformed from these seven abilities. In ordinary people, it is now the world of technology, but they don’t know that people themselves are One of the biggest treasures, even the most advanced instruments, can't completely decipher the mystery of the human body, and our abilities are the people who developed this mystery. At the time of the transformation, the sacred alliance was established. The structure of the sacred alliance Very simple, only three levels from top to bottom. The highest level is the five judges of the Holy League. They have all the powers of the sacred alliance. The purpose of the establishment of the sacred alliance is to better run the Galaxy Alliance. Defend all justice and expel all evil. Under the judge is the master, and then, the manipulator I told you. For the power, we have a clear hierarchy. The level of the manipulator is from one to the other. Level 16. The manipulators beyond the 36th level will inevitably have three or more than three ability to apply to the ability. At that time, their title will be transformed into the master. The thirty-six to sixty Level 4 is the interval in which the controller is in, and the judge is the 66th or above. So far, there are only five judges, the five elders of the Holy League. They decided the direction of the development of the Holy League."

Looking at the thoughtful mark, Mrs. Ouya continued: "Maybe you are very strange. What is the role of the abilities in this technological society? Why is the Galaxy Union subject to the sacred alliance? This is because you still I don't know the abilities. A ten-level manipulator can easily destroy low-level non-military airships. A tier 20 manipulator can compete with ordinary low-level warships. A master can already fly empty, I It refers to the physical body, and the judge can even be compared with the frigate of the most powerful god-class ship, the strength of the five judges elders can be combined to compete against the entire god-class ship formation."

The day marks stunned and looks at Mrs. Ouya. He really can't believe that this is a fact. Can human power compete with the most powerful god-class ship? What is that concept.

Mrs. Ouya smiled and said: "Now you still don't realize the strong feeling. Every time the power of the power rises, the strength will be significantly improved. If you can reach my current level, I will naturally understand. The mystery of energy. Among the seven abilities, light, darkness, and space are the rarest. The general mentality of those with dark abilities is also in the dark, they will only destroy. Therefore, they cannot be tolerated by the sacred alliance. But because dark abilities can hide very hidden, it's hard to detect unless they actively use their abilities. While spatial abilities are not as mysterious as dark and bright, they are amazing, but it's amazing. I don't know the characteristics, I can only dig by yourself."

The day marks looking at Mrs. Ouya and said: "How powerful is your strength now?"

Mrs. Ouya said indifferently: "I am a 43-level controller who is responsible for coordinating everything in the Chinese comet to a certain extent. I am only responsible to the five elders of the Holy League. You have seen Liao En, a 16th-level manipulator. Like him, he is good at water abilities. Because he is over ten, he already has the ability to distort water. I think you should have already understood it."

"Mrs. Ouya, when I reach the ten-level space ability in three years and help you complete three things, I hope to restore freedom."

Mrs. Ouya nodded and said: "Yes. Of course, you can also choose to join the sacred alliance completely. The official members of the sacred confederate only receive abilities of more than ten. In the presence of ordinary people, try not to reveal your abilities. Otherwise, not only will the sacred guild decide on your actions, but it may also invite the attacks of the dark abilities. In three years, I will not limit you, you can do whatever you want. But three years later Today, I hope to see you with the ability of a ten-level space system standing in front of me. Before leaving here, Liao will give you the necessary instructions for a month. Now you can leave."

Looking at the opening door, Tianzheng suddenly raised his head and said: "Mrs. Ouya, can I see Miss Blue?"