MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 108 Which **** is standing behind this Lu Cheng?

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Chapter 108: This Lu Cheng, which **** is standing behind him?

"there is none left?"

 The voice of the God of Destruction gradually grew colder.

"Yes, yes... after receiving your oracle, I rushed back to the settlement as quickly as possible, but I couldn't find the lava core crystal you mentioned!"

Iwasaki Nagahide knelt in the mess, groaning secretly in his heart.

Had he known this, it would have been better not to cover it up and let Lu Cheng **** the dagger away from him!

Without the dagger, he is only weaker in combat, but without the lava heart crystal, his life may not be saved!

“I saw the golden palm of natural selection coming towards the settlement. I’m afraid it was the Xia man who took away the lava heart crystal!”

Iwasaki Nagahide's scalp was numb and he was trying hard to provide information.

 Listening to Iwasaki Nagahide’s explanation, in the divine realm, the God of Destruction’s face turned gloomy.

Not long ago, he was still laughing at the demon **** for losing the banishment scroll.

 As a result, his lava core crystal is gone now!

Furthermore, the lives of everyone in Settlement No. 77 are under his control. The loss of this lava heart crystal can only be caused by Lu Cheng!

 “Lu Cheng, it’s you again!”

 The God of Destruction gnashed his teeth.

  He had suffered a loss in settlement No. 1024 before, and the demon **** came to find him, so he had memorized this name!

But soon, he suppressed his emotions and became suspicious.

 Everything in the settlement was for him to choose from, so why did Lu Cheng just take the Lava Heart Crystal?

"Could it be that…"

 The God of Destruction groans.

His path of destruction is very secretive, and not many people know about it.

 It is impossible for humans to know, unless other gods intervene!

"Could it be that this Lu Cheng is the envoy or... container selected by other gods?"

 The God of Destruction had speculations in his mind.

Now it seems that this possibility is quite small!

 After all, he authorized this natural selection. Although it was just a test, he was well prepared.

 Iwasaki Nagahide's own fighting ability is not bad, plus he has the upper hand and has double points from the lead-filled dice, it is almost impossible to lose.

It is very doubtful that Lu Cheng can win the natural selection.

 Coupled with the choice in natural selection, this speculation is even more confirmed!

Thinking of this, the God of Destruction became angry.

Although the Eastern Continent is his place of faith, it is not exclusive to him. He also has to compete with other gods.

 Now, this Lu Cheng has chosen the lava heart crystal. It is obvious that other gods are deliberately blocking his way and do not want him to cultivate a container!

 “Who is it...war? Destruction? Or the Son-God?”

 The God of Destruction's mind was spinning, and names flashed through his mind.

Beliefs are incompatible. Although the Eastern Continent is large, its resources are limited, and there are also conflicts of interest among the gods.

At this time, a golden light flew through the sky and turned into light and shadow. It was the Demon God.

 Seeing the demon **** coming, the God of Destruction was moved.

The exile scroll is in Lu Cheng's hands, and the demon **** is definitely more anxious than him, so this can be taken advantage of.

 “What about natural selection?”

 Sure enough, the Demon God asked immediately.

“I lost. I chose a believer with diamond-level talent, prepared the Order of Natural Selection and lead-filled dice, but that believer still lost to Lu Cheng.”

 The God of Destruction spoke truthfully.

 Given enough information, the Demon God will naturally find something wrong. All he needs to do is conceal the matter of the lava heart crystal.


 The Demon God was stunned for a moment, and he immediately realized the problem.

 The God of Destruction’s natural selection was different from the previous one in Settlement No. 85. Not only did they know the target in advance, they also had gods intervene and prepare lead-filled dice.

 If you lose all this, there must be something fishy in it!

“Could it be said that there are other gods behind Lu Cheng?”

 The Demon God thought for a moment and suddenly frowned.

 If this is the case, it will be troublesome!

 The ancient secret realm will be opened in four days. No matter what, he must get the exile scroll back before then!

“The probability is not small. If not, it would be difficult to explain this natural selection.”

"Okay, I got it...if you can get the Banishment Scroll, I can pay ten more divine particles."

 The demon **** looked ugly, said something, turned into a stream of light and left.

Now that the situation has changed, he must act faster.

Watching the Demon God go away, the God of Destruction's expression gradually turned cold.

Although he can be tempted by the hands of the demon god, it is not good news for him if other gods intervene. The faith of No. 1024 was of high quality, and he was not prepared to let it go.

Moreover, his lava core crystal is still there, and he has to get it back eventually!

 “However, we have to wait for the results of the trial to come out...”

 The eyes of the God of Destruction flashed with cold light.


at the same time.

 In the river, Lu Cheng kept diving down.

With the special effects of the soul water cloak, he was quite comfortable in the water, and soon found two glimmers of light.

Near the two glimmers of light, the water flow was drained away. From a distance, it looked like a big bubble falling on the river bed.

 Lu Cheng looked at it and suddenly showed joy.

 These are the totems of those two monster forces!

 Immediately, he swam towards the dim light.

 Not long after, we arrived near the bubble.

There was no more water in the bubbles, and Lu Cheng stepped onto the river bed.

 At the same time, a system prompt rang in his ears.

  【Ding, you have stepped into the totem range of the Thunder Crocodile and the Blood-Eyed Monster Fish! 】

In front of him, two totems were leaning together, shimmering with light, and the patterns on them were much more refined than the previous totems.

 Under the two totems, there is a cave. Energy is constantly pouring out of the cave and submerging into the two totems.


 【Connecting direction: Underwater Palace】

  【While the totem is activated, you are not a member of the monster force and cannot enter. 】


 Seeing the attributes clearly, Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

 The half of the statue of the fish-man boss is probably from here.

However, you must destroy the totem before you can enter.

 So, Lu Cheng looked at the two totems again.


 【Thunder Crocodile Totem】

 【Durability: 20 million/20 million】

 【Special Effect 1: Every five days, the level limit of descending monsters increases by an additional level. 】

 【Special Effect 2: The number of thunder crocodile monsters descending every day increases by 80%. 】

 【Special Effect 3: The maximum level of the monster's power is increased to level 40, and it is increased by 1 level every three days. 】

  【Blood-Eyed Monster Fish Totem】

 【Durability: 20 million/20 million】


 Looking across, Lu Cheng's thoughts changed.

 The effect of these two totems is much stronger than the two he destroyed before.

However, this is only a medium-sized monster force.

There are also large monster forces above, and that is the top of the monster forces.

 Each large monster force and totem function is extremely powerful.

 He had dealt with monster forces a lot in his previous life, and the situation inside was very clear.

In the early stages of the catastrophe, these monster forces did little, but after the cities were built, the threat became apparent, and many cities were destroyed at the hands of monster forces.

But now…

 The combined durability of the two totems is 40 million, which can be used to stack a few passives.

With this in mind, Lu Cheng drew out his staff.




 The fireball exploded, and damage numbers appeared above the Thunder Crocodile Totem.

Lu Cheng turned to another totem and threw out a fireball.




 The two totems shimmered, each regaining its durability.

Lu Cheng threw fireballs to the left and right.

 The durability of the totem continues to decrease, while his talent proficiency increases rapidly.


 (End of this chapter)